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Hi, il0vesunfl0wers :XD:

Hey I can dance, too !! See the part before Zodiacal Sign in Live vol.4 :shy:
And I can ask Keiko to teach me whatever needed :XD:



Dear, Hikaru

You look much more mature in Red Moon album photoshoots. I really love it. :nosebleed:
But I love 天然Hikaru even more :dote:
Which Image do you like ?? The Tennen Hikaru or The Mature Hikaru ??

D a.k.a. Yuki88
Dear yuki88,

eettooo...i so happy that u saying me mature :shy: i think i like both :XD: yuki88 i will improve myself to become more mature :XD:


Dear Wakana,

Wakana-sama !!! do u have any comments to say about "Red moon"?

Dear Wikki,

Of course! Our dresses are so lovely, aren't they? Especially the red ones. They make it easier to lure sharks. :innocent:

So happy in red,


Dear Yuuka,

How are you enjoying your solo singing career so far? Do you miss working with Yuki-sama?

il0vesunfl0wers :chuu:
Off-topic note: oh yeah, I finally got idea :sparkleguy:


Dear il0vesunfl0wers,

I really miss working with Kajiura-san :uh..: but I enjoy my solo career so far. I even make it into Anisama live (Animelo Summer Live) 2010 !! :sohappy: I really hope everyone can be with me on the live :dote:

With love,


Dear Yuriko Kaida-san,

I wonder if people still call you using Aniki instead of Anego... :confu:

D a.k.a. Yuki88 :confu:
Dear Yuki88,

Actually, they call me Extra Cute these days. :sparkleguy:

Yuriko Kaida


Dear Yuki-sama,

Will there be more FictionPunction songs in the future?

Dear il0vesunfl0wers,

Whut? FictionPunktion? O.O

Maybe It will be my new project with All the FJ Girls so be patient :plot:

loving, Yuki-Megami-sama


Dear Yuki-sama!,

Why there are no Tsubasa Tokyo BGM on ur new album? :cry:

in despair, Nozomu Itoshiki Tsubasa Itoshiki

I give no candy for impatient kids... :listen: If you wouldn't wait then I might not even release it anymore... :sohappy: That's all, have a nice day! :innocent:

Blackmailing, Fion Kajiura :sohappy:

Dear Wakana,

Have you ever been tied up with a rope(or a blanket :psst: ) by some of your co-workers for being very naughty, talkative, loud, a joker, and a troublemaker..? :confu:

~Asking with lots of confusion, Moonie-chan04 :sohappy:
Dear Moon-chan!,

OMG!?!! Why did you guys took a long time mailing me again!!! :cry:
don't remind me of tied down by my co-workers :hide:

YURIKO(dark) did... *runs away*

[mail intercepted]

Hi Moonie-chan :knife:

wanna be Tied too? :knife:




will you have a part on FJ these days? :spotlight:

concerned, tsubasa
Dear Tsubasa,

Maybe! :sohappy: If Kajiura-san would release a new album of me and put me together with Hikaru and Kaida-san again, then I'd probably be part of it! :stars: I love putting those two in background... :psst:

Being chased by Yuriko and Hikaru, Yuuka :hide:

Dear Kajiura-san,

When some of us, your fans, make up stories about you and your vocalists, we tend to put up a funny scene wherein one teases or scares the other, and the one being teased or scared "runs away" dramatically towards the sunset in some part... So if I may ask, Do you and your vocalists do a fake "Dramatic Run away" when being teased in real life..? :confu:

Confused yet again, Moonie-chan :tea:
Dear Moonie,

Well... actually... err.... Wakana and Keiko do that the most of time. :XD:
And... oh ?? You make a fanfic story about us ?? I should tell them to read it next time. :shy:

With love,
Yuki Kajiura


Dear Hicchan (Hikaru),

I want to ask... why are you getting more beautiful as well as cuter these days ?? :shy: :nosebleed:

Your (wannabe) sister,
D a.k.a. Yuki88
Dear (wannabe but still welcomed) sister,

I think it has something to do with singing beautiful songs. :love:

With love, Hikaru


Dear Yuki Kajiura-san,

Why did you use the name Limits both for a .hack//SIGN track and a Pandora Hearts track? Is it a coincidence, or could these songs be related in some way? :ayashii:

Ever curious, N.H.
Dear N.H.,

its a Himitsu :knife:

*runs away*


Dear Yuki,

If you invited to sing on Animax Live can you sing? :plot: :knife:

fried tsubasa
Dear Tsubasa,

Are you saying I can't sing..? :knife:

Of course I'll sing! :listen: I'm gonna sing to them both melody and chorus of Mezame at the same time, and also play the piano for harmony while at it! :ohoho:


Dear Yuriko Kaida-san,

Tsubasa never forgets to include a "Dark" Yuriko in few posts he makes. :psst: How do you react concerning this matter..? And... do you really have a "dark side"..? :swt: Because long ago, I think Wikki introduced a Dark Yuriko, I really don't remember... :confu: so if you have any idea, please feel free to tell... :innocent:

Always confused, Moonie-chan :tea:
Dear Moonie,

Dark side ?? :confu: What dark side ?? :confu:
I don't have dark side. :cry:

Crying at the corner :rain:
Yuriko Kaida


Dear Kaori,

How's your thesis ?? Is it going well ??
Do your best in graduating !!
We'll always wait for you :love:

D a.k.a. Yuki88
Dear D,


:touched: I LOVE YOU!!!! :touched:

Umm... ehem... excuse me... I was just overjoyed by the fact that one of you people finally mailed me again... :touched:

The thesis is doing great! I'll do my best in finishing my studies and I shall sing for you all again soon! :plz: Thank you all for your support and as always, I love you all! :sohappy:


Dear Yuriko Kaida-san,

Have you found a special someone yet..? :psst:

Intrigued, Moonie-chan :sohappy:
Dear Moon-chan,

Of course I do!?!
its Konkin-kun :shy:

Of course I am starting to stalking him :plot:

deep in love in mystery, KAIDA-Tan
Dear Konno-san,

I know this is illegal but, how do you feel that Yuriko has been stalking you for a while now..

curious, Tsubasa
Dear Tsubasa,

I'm going to delete this message before my dear Konno sees it... :psst:
Apparently, I was able to hack into his e-mail, so... You better be careful about what you're sending him, or else... :knife:

Threatening, Kaida-tan :plot:


Dear Keiko,

Who's currently your favorite Waifu..? :psst:

Curious, Moonie-chan :sohappy:
Dear Moonie-chan,

Hmm, this is hard question. :ayashii:
*thinking* Hikaru. :shy:
Well, Wakana teaches me how to cook, too, so... :shy:



Dear Wakana,

Why do you love eating gyoza so much that you ended up eating 40 Xiao Long Bao during Kalafina's china tour ?? :XD:

D a.k.a. Yuki88
Dear hungry Yuki88,

one word: YUMMY :dote:

in brief, Wakana

Dear Yuriko-san,

You have probably had most experience with Kajiurago. Might you have by any chance revealed the secrets of its grammar and semantics? And could you share them with us? :plz:

even more curious, N.H.