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Dear Zoa,

We would like to cover some Heavy Metal songs from the wild west but - unfortunately Yuki-sama won't let us.

Sharks, cakes and butterflies,



Dear Kalafina,

Are you girls able to swim?
Haven't ever seen you swimming/in water yet.
OK, it's obvious that Wakana can swim but what about Keiko and Hikaru?

Just curious.

best regards,

Dear Nyannika

Yes, ofc we can swim :hero:

best regards,

wakana Kalafina


Dear Yuki

what do u think of composing for tokusatsu songs ? :innocent:

Dear Zoa,

I wouldn't mind trying :ayashii: , but composing for anime has taken up all my time :desksweat:


Dear Wakana,

Have you ever considered going scuba-diving with sharks? If so, would you drag the rest of Kala and/or FJ along with you? :ayashii:

Swimming with sharks,

P.S. in case you do intend to go scuba-diving with sharks, might I add that Australia has many many different sharks along its coastline as well as being a great place for diving :innocent: :psst:

(my master plan to entice Wakana + Kalafina + FJ to come to Australia)

/is shot :imdead: :ohoho:
Dear Cerise,

NOW, YES! WHERE ARE YOU!!!!!!!????
:omg: AAAAAAH I have so much to do this summer..... BUT I WANNA RIDE THE GREAT WHITE! Oh my, I'm so excited can we all sleep at your house?
Please prepare yourself and buy many, many cakes and cookies and muffins and all those stuff because we eat a lot of that stuff. Keiko and Hikaru will come too, maybe I can ask Kaori-chan....

My sharks :nosebleed: I'm on my way....


P.S. I officially permit you to call me Wacchan, now that you offer me such a great sharky experience.


Dear Yuki,

Please tell me how many of your girls will come to the dinosaur museum, just that I know how many cakes I have to make. Do they prefer to stay at our house or in a Hotel?


Dear Nyannika,

ALL of us will be there! Including the entire crew. As a rule of thumb, we plan for about 45 of us! (That would be A LOT of cake!)

If you can get all of us into your place, it would be perfect (and we're more than honoured to do so!). But we'll also be happy to put up in a hotel anywhere, really!

Looking forward to the trip,
Wakana Y.K.


Dearest Wakana,

Do you have any lovely food recipes to share? :XD:

Dear Kyuubey,

I've got a very nice recipe.

500g Kyuubey filet,
1 red bell pepper (cut into small slices)
1 chili pepper (minced)
2 carrots (cut into small slices)
10 tablespoons of sesame
1 Garlic clove (minced)
5 tablespoons soy sauce
6 tablespoons roasted sesame oil
400g long grain rice

Boil the rice like you always do. Wash it as soon as it's ready.
Roast the sesame into a big pan with a bit of oil.

Poach the Kyuubey filet in salted water.

Heat the remaining oil into another pan and put the sliced carrots and bell pepper, the Garlic, the Chili pepper and the soy sauce inside, roast it about 5 minutes.

Hope you like it.




Dear Keiko

You once said you can't eat spicy food and therefor have Wakana to try it before you take the first bite. Now I saw you with a huge pack of Wasabi in your hand. How come? Do you like spicy food now all of a sudden?

Mata ne,

Nyannika :3
Dear Nyanni,

Huh, what do you mean Wasabi? Isn't this green tea ice cre- ARRRRGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH :white: :white: :white: :white: :white: :fwa: :fwa: :fwa: :fwa: :fwa: :fwa: :blood: :blood: :blood: :blood: :blood: :swt: :swt: :swt: :swt: :swt: :imdead: :imdead: :imdead: :imdead: :imdead: :imdead:

NEED. WATER. :blood: :blood: :blood:

Currently dunking head in a bucket of water,

P.S. Wakana: Oops, looks like I read the label wrong when I gave it to her :ohoho: :ohoho:


Dear Hikaru,

You like reading, right? What are some of your favourite books? :ayashii:

Dear Cerise,
Hikaru reads many books!!
But to choose a favourite...
It is too difficult!
Hikaru likes Harry Potter
Because she wants a time turner
Like Hermione
Then Hikaru could sleep as long as she liked

Wanting to sleep,
The Hikaru

- - - - - - - - - -

Dear Hikaru,
I like butterflies too!! :sohappy: and sleeping What's your favourite butterfly?

p.s. Was Wakana mad at you for taking her Keiko by the waist?
Dear aki,

Hikaru really loves peacock butterflies.
Today is Sunday.
This is the day Hikaru likes the most.
Today Hikaru will stay in her PJ's.
because it's so wonderful ~~~


P.S. We are very professional about that so Wakana doesn't mind. we always love to grab each other


Dear Wakana,

Have you seen the shark-bed? You can climb into the shark's mouth and look out so you feel like you've just been eaten by a Megalodon. Would Keiko or your husband agree to buy a bed like this?
Would you take it on tour with you?


Dear Nyan,

a bed with shark mouth is cool :ohoho:
maybe it can make my own personal bedroom into more shark themed :ohoho:
but ofc i cant take it in a tour, it would be difficult to carry a big bed in tour :XD:



Dear Yuki,

I like how u put emotions in ur song. :dote:

Can u make a heroic song in the future :hero:

i really would love to hear a such a song from u :TdT:

ZoaKaizer :hero:
Dear Zoa,

I hope to write an epic song in the future that is so epic I have to put EVERYONE (and by EVERYONE, I mean EVERYONE - Kala + FJ + Yuuka + Fion + Eri + Hanae + Kasahara +Tokyo Konsei + all the english singer people + the as yet non-existent FictionJunction Koichi etc. etc.) in it...but you never know, I may release something else epic in the coming year. :ohoho: Keep your ears peeled! :XD:

Being epic,

Dear Yuriko,

We haven't heard from you in aaaages! How are you going? What have you been doing? I've missed you and hope to see you performing with FJ again! :touched:

Haven't forgotten you! :TdT:
Hi Cerise!

I am very fine! Thank you! In fact, I have been busy working with Kajiura-san and the crew for our upcoming performance in the summer!

Come and see us in LA if you can! It'll be tonnes of fun! :idol:

Lots of hugs and kisses,



My Dearest Hikaru,

The weather here has been wonky lately! I hope you're well!

I was wondering if you can write a poem about the summer for me.... I love reading your poems so much! :shy:

Dear K,

The Hikaru tries.

The summer light,
the festivals's crowd,
the fireflies's light,
the warm breeze,
it's all very enchanting.

in the middle of a field
midsummer night,
two persons,
interlacing fingers,
whispering wishes
to the hidden moon.

surrounded by the fireflies,
dancing in the moonlight,
stay together forever
inside the
midsummer dreams.

Hope you love it.
is very tiring.
The Hikaru
needs her beauty sleep,

The Hikaru.


Dear Keiko,

I really love your deep voice. Do you know there's this singer named Adele that's also a contralto? Can you sing her songs, record it, and release it? I'm sure that your version will beat Adele's by mile.

Dear ritardando,

Nevermind I'll find, someone like chuuuuu! I wish nothing but the best foo chuuuuuuuu ~~~
We could have had it aaaaaaaaaaal, rolling in the deeeeeeeeeeeep~~~
And I set fire to the rain~~~
Yes, yeeeees It's nice. Gonna go practice,
Huh, now I need some ice cream.

Keiko <3


Dear Wakana,

The help of a professional archaeologist is needed. My friend needs to describe the Vogelherd Horse in Japanese, for the Japanese tourists but fails badly. If you could afford some time please take a look at it, that would be so epic.
Thank you so much,


Nyannika :3
Dear Nyannika,

Ohhh :waii: I'm on my wa -

Yuki: WAKANA. Just where do you think you're going? Are you trying to sneak out of rehearsal again? :glower: :knife:

Wakana: :white: N-no, of course not, Kajiura-sensei-sama! :omg: :hide:

*Wakana is frogmarched away by Keiko and Kaori*

Hikaru: I apologise, but since Wakana-san's last attempt to run away to see the shark museum, she's under maximum security lockdown :uh..: :XD:

*In distance, Wakana is :wai: trying to resist the combined efforts of Keiko, Kaori, Yuuka, Yuriko + the Band Members' trying to pin her down*

Yuki: *In the background* Someone get a straitjacket :anger: :uh..:

Currently amidst chaos,

Hikaru, in lieu of the currently incapacitated Wakana :ohoho:

Dear Keiko,

I've always wondered, why did you have to share a room with Hikaru for a few days back in Hong Kong? Were there not enough rooms booked or was it your personal choice? And did Wakana get jealous afterwards? Or...was it all part of your plan to make her jealous? :ayashii:

Dear Cerise,

When we still were students and made weekend trips, we used to rent lockboxes at the station to stay over nights, so we are perfectly used to very tiny rooms.
At first it was hard for Wakana to stay in a single room, but since she would talk all night and keep me (and herself) awake, it's for the best of us all.
Hikaru sleeps like a dead. I have never seen someone who can fall asleep so fast! Yuki-sama decided it's the best decission to put Hikaru and me in one room, so I won't chatter with Wakana all night and we both can't get up in the morning. Of course Wacchan was very jealous but it couldn't be helped.

Mata ne,

Keiko ~~~


Dear Hikaru,

I'm suffering from insomnia. Can you give me some advise?

Thank you very much,

Nyannika :3
Dear Nyannika,

couldn't sleep,
must be
very torturing.

The Hikaru couldn't take them.
the Hikaru sleeps.

The Hikaru
think about
the meaning of life,
why the earth
revolves round the sun,
why the butterflies
have to die so soon,
why all the beauties
in this world,
never lasts long.

deep from the Hikaru's heart
suggesting Nyannika
to start thinking
about the cruel future,
about the sun and moon,
about butterfly and flower,
about the river of life.
is very tiring.
too much,
leads to exhaustion.
exhaustion leads to sleep.

Hope you
can rest again,
lay in your bed,
and maybe,
you'll get some sleep.

the Hikaru
thinks too much for
Nyannika's question,

sleepy from thinking,
the Hikaru


Dear Konno-san,

I totally adore your cool-ness. But there's a time I adore your sudden action, like your jumping in love come down live (the Red Moon one). Why don't you do it more often? It's really refreshing.

with adore,
^ OMG too cute haha :XD:

The Hikaru couldn't take them.
the Hikaru sleeps.

Oh, Hikaluuu :XD: :XD: :XD:

The Hikaru
think about
the meaning of life,
why the earth
revolves round the sun,
why the butterflies
have to die so soon,
why all the beauties
in this world,
never lasts long.

Awwww this part was too sweet~~ :shy: :shy: :shy: :shy:

deep from the Hikaru's heart
suggesting Nyannika
to start thinking
about the cruel future,
about the sun and moon,
about butterfly and flower,
about the river of life.
is very tiring.
too much,
leads to exhaustion.
exhaustion leads to sleep.
OMG :ohoho: :ohoho: :ohoho:

/is a :fan: of The Dando's poetry :XD: :XD:

Dear The Dando,

Yes, although I usually maintain a calm aura, that time I started jumping around on stage, my cool factor increased by 100x. The audience started screaming "HITOSHIIIII KAKOIIIII SUUGGOOOIII" and some fangirls fainted and had to be escorted to hospital. Unfortunately the manager told me I would have to go back to my calm-coolness otherwise I may be in danger of causing more fangirl hospitalisations. And I cannot upstage the girls with my jump-dancing. So I'm happy now to remain quietly cool in the background. :tea:

P.S. The Dando, your poetry? I'm a big fan :sparkleguy:

Reading The Dando's writings,
Hitoshi Konno

Dear Hikaru,

Be honest - do you love Wakana or Keiko more? And what's your relationship with Kaori like? :ayashii:

Eh. I don't have any idea on how the Hikaru will reply to this one. Anyone will do, perhaps? Or should the dando searches for inspiration to make a poem-letter-reply to this one?