Yuki Kajiura Birthday Project 2012

^ Cos "under the same roof" would sound like it's pushing things too far a bit. :XD:

Anyways, I like the food idea too. But that means we're just sort of going back to where we started with the collage. :groucho:
An other idea would be food. Yuki seems to love food, since she posted many pics in her blogposts and stills does in her twitter. [although US people will probably have steaks or burgers in :XD:]
Good idea ^^

Special_K said:
^ Cos "under the same roof" would sound like it's pushing things too far a bit. :XD:

Anyways, I like the food idea too. But that means we're just sort of going back to where we started with the collage. :groucho:

ne ne... "Where the Sky is high" :psst:
how about posting food pics?or anything related to food... especially snacks... or maybe tea :XD:
I like the food idea!
It does a good job in both representing our diversity and showing her things she likes :XD:
Re: Kajiura Yuki B-day 2012 Project

I like the food pic idea as well. But I was thinking of maybe making our favorite dish, or finding a pic of it if we can't cook (like me) and then taking a pic of it. And of course having what it is in the pic.
^ Well you dont have to take pic of something you have personally made, you can just take a picture of a traditional or characteristical food when your parents or older brother/sister other relative/ friend make one, before they dig in :)
^ i mean in last project, we have most of participant taking picture with their yuki related collection. that is what i mean by make something kajiura related.

I was asking if for the food idea was meant that we only taking pictures of food only, or something like taking pics of the food along with Yuki related stuffs along with the food in the picture for example.

^ Well you dont have to take pic of something you have personally made, you can just take a picture of a traditional or characteristical food when your parents or older brother/sister other relative/ friend make one, before they dig in :)
OOOKK!!! *_________*

ZoaKaizer said:
or something like taking pics of the food along with Yuki related stuffs along with the food in the picture for example.

That would be good idea, but what about those that dont have collection yet? (fortunately I have a small one) if they take picture of only food would imply that they get the songs the other way around.
Re: Kajiura Yuki B-day 2012 Project

^In that case maybe they could put their headphones or something music related with the food? I know it's a strange combination. lol
Does she like to make food or just eat it? We could compile a list of recipes from our countries if she likes to make it herself :sparkleguy:
Hmmm...........I think we can just list the food/personal things collage idea down as an idea first....and try not to develop too much upon it just yet. :plot:

(To make it fair to the other "ideas"...) :psst:

Please remember that quality control is very important (no offence to anyone, but I personally think that was why our earlier efforts in the book got the special mention award). A collective collage effort is a very VERY nice notion, but maintaining high standards can be a bit too demanding on the coordinator leading/working on the project.
Maybe to make it kaji-related, we could caption each image with a lyric

e.g. a bowl of hot spicy noodles could have written under it "JOY IS LIKE PAIN" :XD:

I also really like the cookbook idea, though that will be a lot of work!
Re: Kajiura Yuki B-day 2012 Project

^Ooo I like the lyric idea as well. And the cookbook probably wouldn't be that hard, since we could all help each other out with the recipes.

Maybe we could take a pic of ourselves listening with our headphones or on computer and have a caption of what Yuki song we are listening to. :dote: