The picture captions game!

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This is getting exciting :ohoho:
Ta-pyoon said:

Inside the castle

Keiko: WOW! its unexpectedly warm and cozy in here. I doesn't look like it from the outside.
Hikaru: I'm feeling dizzy :@_@:
Keiko: Eh? Whats wrong? :omg:
Hikaru: I dont know, I suddenly feel really sleepy and.. :@_@: HEY! :waii: Couch!! :sohappy: :sohappy:
Keiko: Eh?! :fwa: I didn't see that when we entered! :uh..:

*Hikaru got cozy in the couch while Keiko worriedly followed*
(Please refer to the picture)(Playing "Hareyuku Hibi"-The works of soundtrack)

Hikaru: *tiredly*My eyes can no longer stay open Keicchan :@_@:

Keiko: *sweetly*You must be really tired after battling your other self Hicchan. Dont worry, I'll be sure to protect you while you rest :sparkleguy: But I feel sleepy too *looks outside the window* waah.. :shy: The weather outside is unexpectedly nice with the sun hanging above. I guess even this Eternal Blue world can have summer seasons :XD:

... Eh? This world is eternally blue. There shouldn't be any sun here

Keiko: :fwa: :omg: HIKARU DONT SLEEP!! *begins to pull Hikaru out of the couch*

*Suddenly Keiko felt the freezing wind of the opened window( Keiko: It wasn't opened before! :omg: ) and the cozy/warm room became a freezing, dark and gloomy place( Keiko: Whaaaa! :omg: ) Outside is the Blueness that they observed when they entered the world.*

Keiko: It was all an illusion! The cozy room, the warm tempereature and the bright sun :omg: :ghost: Its all an illusion so that we will let our guard down and I bet there is a spell that will make us sleepy.

Somewhere in the castle

Wakana: Ah. I got found out. *smirks* But its too late...

Back to where Hikaru and Keiko is

Keiko: And sleeping in a freezing place will ... :ghost: :vortex: :hide:

*Keiko pulled Hikaru out of the couch but even laying on the ground the latter is still sleeping. The spell has already gotten her. She is doomed to sleep forever. But Keiko will not allow it, especially after promising that she will not let anything happen to her.*

*Keiko held Hikaru close then pulled out from her pocket a little bottle with a yellow liquid inside and proceeds to make Hikaru drink it and using any means possible to make her swallow* (note: fufufufufufu :knife: any means huh)(Playing "Hear our prayer"-Yuki Kajiura)

Keiko: Hicchan! Open your eyes Hicchan! *tears* Please dont leave me, Hicchan.. I cant take it if youre not by my side anymore. *more tears trailing down her face*

*It must have been fate but a single tear drop fell on Hikaru's face. Slowly, Hikaru opened her eyes, stared at the crying face of her saviour. *
Hikaru: What happened? :confu:

*Then keiko told the whole story to Hikaru and the latters reaction was :uh..: :fwa: :bloodlust: :glower: :swt: :plz: *

Hikaru: Thank you Keiko! You saved my life! :plz:

Keiko: Dont mention it. :sparkleguy: :plot: Its all in a days work.

Hikaru: But I' curious :confu: what was in that bottle you gave me that made me wake up?

Keiko: Oh that? Its a nullifying potion. I thought it might come in handy together with the love potion. :psst:

Hikaru: :omg: :swt: :uh..:

Meanwhile in another part of the castle (Playing "Symposium Magarum" Madoka Magica OST)

Wakana: :bloodlust: How could she have known! My trap is perfect. :glower: How could Keiko have realized that there was something behind the warm atmosphere. :stupidtable: :bloodlust: NO! I will not fall here! There is still more chances up ahead. fufufufufu :plot: I will not let Keiko get to me! *evil laugh getting louder*

Ending theme: To the beginning-Kalafina


:cry: the drama... :XD:

BTW To the beginning instrumental is :nosebleed: :sohappy: :shy: :dote: beautiful
Damn, this is getting INTENSE :hero: :XD:

if this was a real movie with those pictures, I think the speed and number of costume changes would somehow break a world record :XD:

#cue: OP - red moon, Kalafina :glower: :hero: :kungfu: :whip: :bloodlust:

*throne room*

#cue: Terror adhaerans - PMMM

Wakana: Now then...I think everyone must know that mummy is very disappointed with all of you… :knife: :glower:

Legion of Snow Sharks: :white: :omg: Our sincerest apologies, Queen Wakana-sama! We didn't mean to get distracted by the seals! Really! We couldn’t help it! :touched: :cry: Please forgive ussss :plz: :plz:

Wakana: :glower: Don' :...: Oh fine! :touched: Come give me a hug! :chuu: I just can't resist the kawaiiness of these sharkies :TdT: :love:

Legion of Snow Sharks: :shy: But Wakana-sama, how will you defeat the infiltrators now? :ayashii:

Wakana: Never fear, my pretties :plot: I have a diabolical master plan to thwart them once and for all! :ohoho: Brutus, my most trusted shark lieutenant, go forth and gather my secret weapon :stars: :plot:

*Meanwhile, Keiko and Hikaru continued their journey deeper and deeper towards the heart of the dark, cold Palace of the Eternal Blue

#cue: creepy KnK sound effects

Hikaru: Keiko, it's so dark in here I'm scared! :omg: :hide: *clings to Keiko*

Keiko: Don't worry Hikaru, I'm here to protect you. :hero: I won't let any harm befall you :sparkleguy:

Hikaru:'re so kakkoiiiii :plz: :shy: *snuggling with Keiko*

Keiko: *thinking* :TdT: Hikaru is so cute and gentle...she never pulls away from me when I hug her, or look at me so coldly when I try to hold her hand... :cry: Why can't Wacchan be like Hikaru? Does she...really hate me that much? :TdT: :comeback: you really think Waka -

Hikaru: *interrupting* Keiko, do you smell that? :confu:

Keiko: smells like...gyoza...?! :ayashii: :omgz: :confu:

#cue: Pugna Cum Maga - PMMM

*suddenly a blue light appears with a floating Kalafina Salad Bowl™ filled with gyoza.*

Keiko and Hikaru: :white: :white:

*blue light swings hypnotically* :hypno:

Keiko: :omgz: Hikaru! Quickly close your eyes! It'll hypnotise you! :...:

Hikaru: :@_@: :@_@: *starts walking slowly towards floating gyoza bowl*

Keiko: :omg: HIKALUUUUU :ghost: :comeback:

Hikaru: :@_@: :stars:

Keiko: NO HIKARU! THEY ARE POISONED! :omg: :omg:

*Gyozas float towards Hikaru's open mouth, but Keiko suddenly jumps in front and swallows the gyoza in her place, whilst pushing Hikaru away quickly*

Hikaru: :@_@: :punched: *regains senses* :confu: Wha-what happened? :white: :swt: :touched: KEIKOOOO?

Keiko: :uh..: :uh..: I don't feel so good... :barf: :@_@: :...:

Hikaru: Keiko?! Are you okay? What happened?! :omgz:

*army legion of Snow Sharks appears*

Lieutenant Brutus: MWAHAHAHA you have fallen for our Queen Wakana's ingenious trap! :stars: When your Macho-Senpai Keiko took that gyoza for you, she was poisoned with the lethal Shark Fin Venom harvested from the fin of the last surviving Megalodon beast that resides deep within this palace! :ohoho: She has no chance of surviving! In 24 hours she will die! And we will defeat you as you are now defenceless without her! :plot:

Hikaru: :omg: :omg: :omg: saved me yet again? :fwa: And now you’ve become like this? :orz: :cry: It's all my fault! :touched: :TdT:

Keiko: :comeback: Hi-Hika-lu...don't worry...I can still protect you - ack *hacking cough( Even… like this...I must protect you at all costs! :glower: I promised you, didn't I?! :touched: :@_@: :blood:

Hikaru: :white: Keikoooooo :cry: :comeback: Don't move around too much! The poison will spread faster if you do that! Yo've been protecting me all along :TdT:, it MY turn to protect YOU. :hero:

Snow Sharks: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA you will never defeat us! We have you completely surrounded! :ohoho: :ohoho: :ohoho: :ohoho:

Hikaru: They're right...I need help to defeat them... :omg: *retreats into self* :@_@: :vortex:

#cue: Gradus prohibitus - PMMM

Hikaru: Hello? :leaf: :spotlight:


Hikaru: It is I, your other self! I require your assistance! :plz:


Hikaru: Please other self! I'm begging you - help me save Keiko...if she dies...I might as well kill myself too! And you would die with me! :orz:


Hikaru: Arigatou, evil personality-san! Thank you so much :touched:


Hikaru: :confu:


Hikaru: What is it? I'll give you anything :touched:


Hikaru: Eh... :confu: Did I...have a traumatic childhood incident in which you came into existence to bear the burden of my pain? :ayashii:


Hikaru: :omg:


Hikaru: :omg: Which is...?


Hikaru: :white: :white:


Hikaru: :omg: D-destroy Kalafina? But I love Kalafina!


Hikaru: Yes, but I don't want to sacrifice one for the other! :omg: :cry:


Hikaru: :ghost: I...choose… :glasses: BOTH. :hero:

#cue: Will - Pandora Hearts

HIKARU: NANIIIIII?!!!! :glower:

Hikaru: You see, alter-ego-san, there is no need for me to choose either. I simply learn to master the art of sleeping with my eyes open! And I shall be able to save both Kalafina and my sleep! :ohoho: :ohoho:


Hikaru: Ikuzooo, HIKARU! Let's save Keikooooooo!! :hero: :vortex:

*HIKARU takes over the consciousness of Hikaru's body. In real time, only a fraction of a moment has passed. The Snow Sharks have Hikaru and Keiko surrounded, and are preparing to attack, when -

Lieutenant Brutus: Prepare to perish in this icy world! You are trapped! You will be defeated! :ohoho:

HIKARU: WHO'S gonna be defeated? :knife: :knife: :glower:

#cue: paradigm - KnK

Sharks: :white: :white: :swt: :swt: :swt: Wh-What's with this sudden dark aura of power?! :hide:

Keiko: :blood: H-Hikaru? :swt:'s HIKARU! :omgz:

HIKARU: You puny foolish little fish dare to stand in the way of this HIKARU? :bloodlust: HAH.

Sharks: :fwa: :swt: S-scaryyy :ghost:

Lieutenant Brutus: Rally up, my comrades! :listen: Steel your nerves! We are proud warriors of the Snow Shark Clan under Queen Wakana's command! We cannot falter against our enemies! :kungfu: :kungfu:

Sharks: HAI BOSSU! FOR WAKANA! LONG LIVE THE ICE QUEEN! :kungfu: :kungfu: :kungfu:

tabete.mio said:

HIKARU: DIE FOOLISH FISH! *maniacal laughter* :whip: :whip:

Keiko: HIKALUUUUUU *knees weakened* :comeback: Wakana...I know you can hear me...why did you do this? I know you're not truly evil deep down, so please! You can stop this now! End it here! *painful begging pose* :touched:

*epic battle scene ensues where HIKARU single-handedly defeats the entire shark legion, flinging them out the window into the Distance of the Eternal Blue*

Keiko: H-HIKARU...why have you returned? Why did you save me?! :blood:

HIKARU: *lifting the pale and immobile Keiko into her arms bridal style* That is none of your concern. But you should remember that if you were to die...well, there would be a very lonely foolish baka left in the world... :glasses:

Keiko: :touched: H-Hiichannnn... :TdT: *passes out from over-exertion* :imdead:

*meanwhile, back in the throne room*

#cue: Symposium magarum - PMMM

Wakana: :fwa: :fwa: M-MAI SHARK BABIEZZZZZZ :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :comeback: :comeback: :orz: :orz: YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS, HIKARU! :anger: - eh, huh? :confu: *something catches her eye in the crystal ball* :white: is that...HIKARU carrying Keiko bridal style? NANI?:anger: HOW DARE SHE TOUCH HER SO FAMILIARLY LIKE THAT! :stupidtable:DOES SHE HAVE NO SENSE OF DECENCY?! I’M GOING TO - wait...why am I getting so worked up about this? Hahaha how strange. :innocent: :uh..: H-Hiichan and Keiko certainly are getting much closer after going through so much... :ayashii: ... :uh..: B-but it's not like I care about that! :ohoho: :...: *What's with this aching feeling in my chest? :rain: ARGH. No. I can't show weakness now! :listen: I must move on, get my Sharklings back and defeat HIKARU! Keiko is incapacitated! I still have my backup army of Elite Ninja Sharks! No one can escape their Flying Gyoza Shuriken Attack! And the mighty Megalodon Beast is at my command! I have the upper hand! I will never let them melt the Ice Queen within me! NEVERRRRR! :ohoho: :ohoho: :ohoho: :ohoho: :ohoho:

#cue: to be continued - F/Z

Will Keiko be able to survive the night? Will HIKARU and Hikaru be able to save Keiko from imminent death, and Wakana from herself? And what is this this seed of doubt beginning to sprout within the Ice Queen's frozen heart?

Tune in next week to find out!

#cue ED: Magia, Kalafina

~After-EDen Sequence:

*Back in the Real World: Spacecraft/Flying Dog Headquarters*

Yuki: :stupidtable: WHERE IN THE NAME OF GODSIBB HAVE THOSE THREE GIRLS GOT TO?! :bloodlust: I swear, if Sony has tried to hog them for the day when we're trying to rehearse for YK live vol. X, I'm going to - *dialling Sony headquarters* WHERE ARE KALAFINA?! :anger: They are six hours late to rehearsal! :voodoo: You seem to forget that half of FictionJunction is also Kalafina! And Hikaru is needed for Yuuka's chorus work! ..........NANIIII?!!!!!!!!!!! :fwa: They disappeared after yesterday's performance and haven't been seen since?! But our concert is tomorrow night! KUSONNYYYYYYYY :anger: :anger: :anger: :stupidtable:

Yuuka + Band Members: :hide: K-Kajiura-san, please calm down, I'm sure they'll get here soon… *trying to fan her and feed her tea*

Kaori: :confu: Ehh...Yuriko, you know the cover of our Distance/eternal blue single?

Yuriko: Yeah... :confu:

Kaori:*pointing at picture* you ever remember there ice those two treetops? :uh..:

Yuriko: :white: :omgz:

Kaori:, sharks...flying out into the snow... :uh..:

Yuriko: :omg:

Kaori: And…*studying with magnifying glass* these two figures...that look suspiciously like Keiko and Hikaru walking in the palace...along with...someone that looks a lot like Wakana sitting in another big room in the palace? :uh..: ........................ :fwa: :fwa: *suddenly realised something* OMG I just remembered! The other day I walked in on Hikaru...she was acting strangely evil and was searching up "Spells to banish people to the Netherworld" except I noticed she accidentally copied down the "Spells to trap people in pictures" instead! #cue: forebodings - F/Z M-MASSAKA - they're actually - ?! :vortex: :vortex:

Yuki: :glower: What are you two whispering about over there? :knife:

Yuriko: :white: :swt: *speaking loudly* Th-the designer-sans are really something, right Kaori! You can pick out something new and different each time you look at the picture! FJ is really lucky to have such artistic and interesting album covers! :ohoho: Right? :swt: :swt: :swt:

Yuki: :bloodlust:

Yuuka + Band: :confu:

Kaori: :ghost: :ghost: :ghost:

-Dramatic Drumbeat-




Next person can use either one or both, if possible :ayashii: :plot:
Cerise-sama surely has BIG imagination~ :shy:
but it is hard to think about the next story :blood:


Hikaru takes over her body from HIKARU and evacuates Keiko to Magia's palace. (well, just think that Magia palace is in Eternal Blue world :ayashii: )

Hikaru: Since here is Magia palace, i hope a magic will be happened to Keiko... please be okay, Keiko! :comeback: :comeback:
but, mmm... i feel sleepy again...
HIKARU: [in Hikaru's mind] ... you say you'll be care both to Kalafina and your sleep time, right? NOW, SLEEP! :glower:
Hikaru: :omg: ha-hai!! ... oh well, i'll just use my ultimate art, opened-eye sleeping! :sparkleguy: :sparkleguy: now, let's sleep and hope Keiko will be okay once i wake up...


meanwhile, Wakana, in Magia palace too...
Wakana: [getting so jelly because of Hikaru-carrying-Keiko-in-bridal-style] ...Legion Snow Sharks A, search Keiko and Hikaru in the hall and dining room! Legion Snow Sharks B, search in every rooms! Legion Snow Sharks C, search in garden! Don't even dare to come to me unless if one of you find them!! Go search, NOW! :anger: :anger: :anger: :glower: :glower: :glower:
Snow Sharks: :white: :white: :omg: :omg: ha-haiii, Wakana-sama!! :cry: :cry:
Wakana: [and well, she's alone now] ... :uh..: oh my, and i even be that cruel to my sharkies :uh..: :uh..: :blood: :blood: [look at the sky] but really, i want to see Hikaru and Keiko again, for ... :white: for WHAT? no no no, i am not missing them. i hate them! i don't want them to go further to my eternal blue world! :glower: :glower: ... don't even change your personality again, okaaay wakana? :knife:

[suddenly, both of Wakana's and Hikaru's and Keiko's phones ring in the same time]
Yuki Kajiura: [speaking from the phone] Wakana-chaaan, Keiko-chaan, Pika-chaaan, where are you?!?!?! COME. HERE. FOR. REHEARSAL. NOW! :anger: :anger: :glower: :glower: :glower: :bloodlust:

What will be happened for the next? will Keiko be okay after Wakana's poisonous gyoza? Will she and Hikaru be able to come out from the Eternal Blue world and save their mama's Live Vol. X? ... And will Wakana be able to show her true love toward Keiko? (huh?)


[and sorry if my story is far too short and too less-imagination than story above me :desksweat: :rain: :spotlight: :leaf: ]
And then...

*Hikaru and Keiko were caught!! :omg: And were brought to Queen Wakana.* *Still in Magia Mansion*

Shark Leader: We have caught the intruders Queen Wakana :glower:

Wakana: Good Job! :glower: ... :innocent: ... :touched: Oh! my beloved Shark Babiez did a wonderful job. I knew you could do it *pats their head*

Sharks: :dote: :dote: :dote: :dote: :plz: :plz: :plz: :plz: :plz: (x10)

Keiko: Me wants to be patted too. :comeback:


Shark Leader: BE QUIET! :glower:

Wakana: *staring at the two intruders that were being carried like sacks of rice* Release them.

Shark Leader: Eh? But...

Wakana: :innocent: Dont worry. I can handle them. :shy: Oh.. my wittle Sharky Babiez are worrying about mummy. Such good boys. :chuu: *tickles Shark Leader under his chin* Who's a good boy? Who's a good boy?

Shark Leader: Me! :waii: *Puts down Hikaru and Keiko*

Keiko: :waii: Wakana! :plz: You've finally returned back to being my beloved sweet, talkative, gentle, funny, tragic-voiced and dango round-faced Waifu? :sohappy: Give your husbando a big glomping hug :psst:

Wakana: *Throws a little bottle that oddly looks like the one Keiko gave Hikaru a few post before to Keiko's face while looking away* Baka! :cry: Dont misunderstand! You need your strength to be able to perform in the live :glower: Its not like I'm doing this to save you or anything. :bloodlust:

Keiko: :swt: O-ok.. :spotlight: *Drinks potion* Wow! I feel my strength back :ohoho:

Wakana:*walked to a set of doors and begins to open it* This is the portal to the real world. We can get back in time for rehearsals. We will finish the Yuki Kajiura Live Vol. X.. And then I'll return here while you two will not follow me... KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaa! :omg: :ghost: :vortex: :hide: .. HEY!! What do you think you're doing? Stop hugging me Keiko! Where are you putting your hands..? :white: DAMEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeee!! *pushes Keiko away*

Keiko: Datte! I missed my beloved waifu :cry: :sohappy: :chuu:

Hikaru/HIKARU: :leaf: :leaf:

Wakana: DONT COME NEAR ME OR-or I'LL FEED YOU TO MY SHARKS :anger: :glower: :glower: *intense unamused glare*

Hikaru and Keiko: Haiii.. :hide: :hide:


Keiko: *Thinking* Wakana's wall of resistance seems to be down now, I'll strike when theres a chance :stars: *Inches closer*

Wakana: *feels dangerous aura inching closer* *moves backward until she hits the wall* A-anyway, were going. Now my shark babiez :love: Be good little sharkies and go back straight to the castle. :listen: Dont go following strange snow seals flying around, ok? :bye:

Sharks: Haii :shy: :dote: :shy: :dote: :shy: :dote: Itarashai Okaa-sama

*Portal opening and closing*

Now that they have returned back to the real world, what would happen next? Would they finally reconsile or would their relationship turn for the worst. Would Yuki Kajiura Live Vol. X be successful? Tune in again for more exciting actions, tear-jerker drama and out of this world magic spells with...

Wakana: Wakana desu
Keiko: Keiko desu
Hikaru: Hikaru desu. Ijou..
Wakana, Keiko and Hikaru: Kalafina deshita :idol: :idol: :idol:

Ending theme: Eternal Blue - Fiction Junction


This pic is soo cute :love:'s been a week since anybody post anything here... :leaf:

I'll try to continue the story...

Wakana, Keiko and Hikaru: * lands onto stage in real world* I FEEL SO TIRED..... :wai: :wai: :wai:

Yuki: * speaking on phone while walking up stage stairs* Now what are we going to do?!?!?!!? :omg: :omg: Kalafina are not- *gasp* THEY ARE HERE!!! :fwa: :fwa:

Yuuka, Kaori, Yuriko, and the whole band: WHAT?!!?!?!!? :fwa: :fwa: :fwa: :fwa: :fwa: *running onto stage, insert gasp* OH MY GOSH.

Yuki: WHERE HAVE YOU THREE BEEN?!?!? :anger:

Hikaru, Keiko: Ermmm, we uhhh- :innocent: :innocent: :wai: :wai:

Wakana: We were- :glasses: *Hikaru and Keiko covers her mouth* huifeabuiobeucbeay....

*clock strikes 6:45pm*

Yuki: We have 15 minutes left!!! :omg: :omg: Everyone places!!! :glower: :glower: You three!! Hurry up and change your clothes. NOW. :bloodlust:

Everyone: H-HAI!! :omg: :uh..: :cry: :fwa: :wai: :imdead: :rain: :leaf: :spotlight: :touched: :orz: :comeback:

* Kalafina runs into back stage to change outfits*

Keiko: Good thing we heard our whole playlist of songs in the Eternal Blue... :ayashii:

Hikaru: Yeah... not to mention we heard it over and over again... :uh..:

Wakana: Yea... :uh..: *looks at clock* OMG, HURRY UP YOU TWO!!! :anger: :anger:

Keiko, Hikaru: H-Hai! :swt: :swt:

HIKARU: better sleep when you have any time you get, I'm tired!! :bloodlust:

Hikaru: Okay, okay, sheesh... :uh..:

*Performance starts*

*insert audiences expressions... :nosebleed: :sohappy: :waii: :dote: :ayashii: :psst: :cheer: :plz: :glasses: :V: :waii: *

*Performance ends*

Yuki and entire members: Arigato Gozaimasu!! :sparkleguy: :sparkleguy: :sparkleguy: :sparkleguy: :sparkleguy: :sparkleguy: :sparkleguy:

* Everyone goes back stage*

Yuki: Thank you everyone for your hard work!! :chuu: :chuu: :chuu:
Everyone can go now, except you three...*point at Kalafina* :knife: :knife: :knife:

Everyone: *leaves* I hope they are alright... :psst: :psst:

Kaori: Psst, Yuriko...since we know what they are up to, why don't we tell Yuki-sensei?? :confu:

Hmmm....I don't think those three will be okay about it... :uh..: Let's just pretend it never happened...

Yuki: I have a punishment for you three for not attending rehearsal!! :knife:

Kalafina: H-Hai... :touched: :comeback: :orz:

Yuki: You are to clean the entire auditorium!! *grabs things* And don't even think of sneaking off until you're done!! :bloodlust: :bloodlust: :bloodlust: *leaves*

Kalafina: WHAT??!?!?!!?? :omg: :omg: :omg: *looks around the whole auditorium* :leaf: :leaf: :leaf:

Wakana: Okay, let's split up! :glasses: Hi-chan, you take care of the entire left wing, Keiko, you take care of the entire right wing, and I'll take care of the stage and the back stage. :whip: :whip: Now get to work. :glower:

* they split up*

Keiko: Hey, Hi-chan, remember that potion we got from the castle? That increases strength and speed?? :plot:

Hikaru: Oh yeah... :ayashii: *hands Keiko a blue-coloured bottle with liquid* Let's show Wakana... :knife:

Hikaru and Keiko: *drinks potions and starts working* :plot: :plot: :plot: :plot:

*One Hour Later*

Hikaru and Keiko: Wakana!!! We're finished!!! :sohappy: :sohappy:
Wakana??? :confu: :confu:

* They walk into back stage room*

Keiko: Where is she...?? :confu:

Hikaru: *Walks near their album photos on the wall and...* Keiko.... :omg:

Keiko: Yeah? :confu: *walks near Hikaru and notice..*

Keiko and Hikaru: She's in Eternal Blue AGAIN?!?!!!??!?! :glower: :blood:

So, yeah... haha sorry if it sucks... :uh..:

Actually I had finished writing this post before kuromew's but I just never got round to posting it :XD: So sorry if the story just got weird and inconsistent :bow: :XD:

[A/N Disclaimer: Yes, I know Mezame would probably not be used as one of the last few songs in an actual YK live concert, and the Kajiurago used in this will probably not correspond to the official lyrics of Mezame (or the ones on the main site) :ohoho: So I ask humbly for you please bear with me. Arigatouuuu~~~ :bow: ]

#cue OP: Parallel Hearts - FictionJunction

- symbolising how Wakana and Keiko's hearts" are as if they are forever in parallel , always close beside one another yet never able to meet" :TdT: :touched:

kuromew said:

Keiko: *smirk* Hmmmahaha… *pulls out another potions cup and opens lid, stirring the contents whilst chuckling* luckily, I managed to snip off a strand of Wakana's hair and place it in this binding potion which can pull her back to this world! :plot: :plot: :ohoho: :ohoho:

Hikaru: Oh, that's good! :tea: *light flashes as portal opens* But wait - since when did you manage to snip off a strand of Wakana's hair without her noticing?! :swt:

Keiko: That's for me to know, and you to find out :psst:

Hikaru: :swt: :swt: :swt: :swt:

Wakana: :vortex: :vortex: :vortex: :vortex: NUOOOOOOOOOOO~~~~~~~~~~~ *appears in middle of room* How did I get back here?!! :omg: :omg: YOU! :anger: KEIKO! AND HIKARU! :bloodlust:

Keiko: Wacchan, you'd better not try anything strange… :knife: I have already magically bound you to this world using a strand of your own hair! You can't run away again! :listen:

Wakana: :bloodlust: Is that so, Keiko? Is that soooo.......... :plot: :plot: :plot: :plot:

Keiko and Hikaru: Wh-what's with that? :swt:

~The next day, at YK live vol. X Day 2~

~nearing the end of the concert, the girls stand on stage as Yuki wraps up another MC session~

Wakana: :psst: It's almost time...the ultimate escape plan which I managed to formulate via telepathic link with my darling shark pretties will soon be instigated... :plot: :plot: Soon... :dote:

Keiko: :white: Wacchan just got that devilish look upon her face! She's must be plotting somehow to escape! I must stop her from returning to that world and succumbing completely to her Ice Queen persona! :TdT: :hero:

Hikaru: *backstage* :leaf: ……..Keiko… :spotlight: :rain:

Keiko: Neeee, Yuriko, what say you and I switch positions for this live, eh? Spice things up a little... :ayashii:

Yuriko: Somehow, I think things have been spiced up enough already for the last few days... :uh..:

Keiko: Please, Yuri-nee, please just switch with me already! :orz: This is a life or death matter! :touched: :plz: And besides, don't you get tired of standing next to Wakana all the time? :plz:

Yuriko: :confu: Not reall - *gets shoved hastily next to Kaori* :omgz: What on earth is going on with everyone lately?!! :uh..: :wai:

Yuki: *announcing to audience* And now, please enjoy - Mezame! :w00t: :stars:

Keiko: :white: Crap, that has plenty of kajiurago for Wakana to disguise a magic spell!

*Mezame opening SFX come rolling on*

Wakana: Kaaaamineeeetayiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~~~

Keiko: :omg: *suddenly grabs Wakana's arm in Keiko Iron Macho Grip ™

Wakana: :white: *continuing to sing as if nothing happened* K-Kamineeeeeta-yiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~ *whispering out of corner of her mouth* Keiko, I’m trying to sing here! :bloodlust: And why are you out of formation??! That's Yuri-nee's spot!

Keiko: Wacchan - don't do - what I think - you're planning on doing! :touched:

*Meanwhile, watching from backstage…*

Hikaru: always cling so tightly to the ever-faithful limpets and barnacles clinging to the rocks... :leaf: And hold me and cast me off whenever you please as easily as a duck shakes water off its feathers... :cry: :cry:

Yuuka: Is Hiichan reciting poetry again? :confu: :uh..:

~back on stage~

Wakana: *hissing* :glower: And just exactly what is it do you think I'm - *singing* Yeeeaauuuyiiiiiiiiiii-aaaaaaaaaaaaaa~~~~~

*drumbeat and guitar come in*

Wakana: Keiko, let go of me! *shaking arm violently to detach Keiko* :glower:

Keiko: Nuoooooooo :wai:

Yuki: *thinking* :glower: :glower: :glower: JUST WHAT ON EARTH ARE THOSE TWO UP TO NOW WE ARE IN THE MIDDLE OF A PERFORMANCE :vortex: :vortex: :vortex: :vortex:

Kaori and Yuriko: :swt: :swt: :swt: :swt:

Wakana: Keiko! :anger:

Keiko: Wakana! :touched:

Wakana: I'm warning you, don't push me! :anger:

Keiko: I'm warning you, don't leave me! :touched:

*drums and guitar break out*

*simultaneously, Wakana miraculously twists free of the Keiko Iron Macho grip ™ and makes a break for it across the stage. Keiko immediately leaps into pursuit with her Keiko Lightning Speed Reflexes ™

Yuriko and Kaori: :swt: :swt: :swt: :swt: Kamineeetayiii iisoltiiyaaaaaaa...Ileeeeetayiiii iiisoltiyaaaaaaa…

Wakana and Keiko: *still singing even whilst in chase* Ileeeetayiiiiii maaaaltamiiiyaaaa doolllceeeeee…

Band: :white: :white: :@_@: :@_@: :@_@: :@_@: :@_@:

Yuki: :voodoo: :voodoo: :voodoo: :voodoo:

Audience: :waii: :waii: :waii: :waii: :waii: :waii:

*song continues "aaaaahhhaaaaaaaaaaa...ahhaaaaaaaaaa...ahhhaaaaaaa-iyyyyeeeeehhheehaaaahhaaaa...iiisoltayimiyaaaa dolllceeeee eemaaayaaa astooolaaaa...*

*Wakana runs offstage, past a :leaf: Hikaru and :fwa: Yuuka, returning full circle back onstage via the other side with Keiko in hot pursuit just in time for the Himeboshi/Ensei reprise after Korenaga's guitar solo. For once Wakana turns to confront Keiko directly and they face off dramatically in the middle of the stage*

Wakana: *conversing with Keiko via the Kajiuarago lyrics[A/N: translation provided in the ~/~ and italics]*
KAAAAAmariiiiiiiii ~Desist Keiko!~ :listen:
aaatestayiimenta soltayi mi adiiiistooooo~It is futile to attempt to restrain me! You know how it is.~ :TdT:
KAAAmaarii aaaaatestayitolteee........ ~I've always been a free spirit, haven't I?~ :cry:

Keiko: ....sammmmbara miiiii.... ~It doesn't have to be this way! We can work something out, Wachannnnnnnnn~ :comeback: :comeback:

Wakana: ....Midiiistiiiii-iiyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ~I simply cannot - nay, WILL NOT be tied down!~ :cry: :cry:

*As Hitoshi Konno enters with his violin solo, Wakana once again attempts to flee the stage*

Wakana: :cry: :cry: :cry:

Keiko: :omg: :comeback: :comeback: :comeback:

*they resume their game of tag once more*

Audience: *cheering enthusiastically* HEH! HEH! HEH! HEH! *fistpump*

Audience Member A: This live is so cool, they even made Keiko and Wakana act out this dramatic chase scene to go with the music!

Audience Member B: I know right! They're acting is so good, I could have sworn Wakana really was trying to run away from Keiko! :ohoho: :ohoho: :ohoho:

Audience Member C: :uh..: :uh..: :uh..:

Kaori & Yuriko: :fwa: :fwa: Again with the chasing?! :imdead:

Hikaru & Yuuka: *hikaru mooching* :spotlight: *yuuka pat pat* :confu:

Yuki: :voodoo: :voodoo: :voodoo: *taking out her frustration on the keyboard, which begins to smoke alarmingly*

*song entering Wakana's very last solo refrain*

Keiko: :omg: Have - Have I prevented her from reopening the portal to the Eternal Blue?! The song's almost ended, there's no way she can still cast the spell, right? :waii:

Wakana: Kaaaamineeeeeetayiiii iiisoltiiyyaaaaa *blue light reappearing behind her*

Keiko: :fwa: :ghost: MAJIII?!!!! :blood: :blood: Wakana...just how desperate are you to get away from me...? :leaf: :cry: :comeback:

HIKARU: *taking over Hikaru who couldn't bear watching Keiko and Wakana any further, and jumping on stage* Keiko! Try to use this! *wrenches guitar string off Korechan's guitar with bare hands*

Korechan: :fwa: :swt: :swt: DUDE WHAT THE - ?!!!

*Keiko lassoes Wakana and attempts to tie her using Keiko Unbreakable Restraining S-Knot ™ *

Wakana: Ileeeeeeeetayiiii iisolttiiyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa... ~Shark army! Deploy the decoy~

*Mezame drawing to its explosive close*

Everyone: :white: :white: :white: :white: :white: :white: :white: :white: :white:

blue light flashes, momentarily blinding everyone*

*after the smoke and light has cleared*

Audience: :leaf: ......................WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! :waii: :waii: :waii: :waii: :waii: :cheer: SUGOIIIIIIIIII :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: *going wild*

Yuki: :knife: :knife: :knife:

Yuriko, Kaori, Yuuka & Band: :@_@: :@_@: :@_@: :@_@: :@_@: :@_@: :@_@: :@_@:

Korechan: M-My guitar string?!!!! :comeback: :comeback: :comeback: :comeback:

HIKARU: Well, Keiko, did it work? :confu:

Keiko: Wacchan…? :uh..:

Wakana: *cough cough* *emerges* Kei....ko....? :confu:

Yuki: And now...for our second last song from Yuuka-chan, supported by Yuriko Kaida and Hikaru-chan... :knife: :knife: :knife: *death-glaring at Keiko and Wakana*

Kaori: We...should really be going now... :ohoho: *bundling Keiko and Wakana off stage*


Keiko: Wacchan? You're still here right? I'm not dreaming? It's not just my imagination, right? :touched: Are you okay? Did you get hurt anywhere? Lemme check... *grabs Wakana* OMG YOU ARE REAL! :touched: :TdT:

Wakana: :confu: :shy: *cooing* Keikooooo~~~ *cheekrubs*

Kaori: :white:

Keiko: :white: :omg: AFSNKDJFNWEFALKCNSKRJG :nosebleed: :hearts: :touched: :shy: :dote: :love:

Kaori: K-Keiko...something doesn't seem right...with Wakana... :swt:

Keiko: What do you mean? :confu:

Kaori:'s just that...isn't she supposed to be...uncomfortable with being handled like that...? :ayashii:

Keiko: Come to think of it...m-massaka - does this mean you finally accept me fully as your husbando, Wacchan?!!! :touched: :touched: :touched: :touched:

Wakana: Kei-ko? :confu:

Keiko and Kaori: .............................. :leaf:

Wakana: Keiko~! :XD: :love: *glomps Keiko* :chuu:

Keiko: :omg: :hearts: :dote: OMGSH GYA SHE SO CUTE AN' FLUFFEH, KAORI, I CAN'T TAKE IT :touched:

Kaori: *pulling Wakana away quickly* Keiko, something doesn't feel right! :listen: That blue portal definitely opened! :ayashii: And Wakana chanted something right before it...maybe...maybe this isn't actually the real Wakana! :omg:

Keiko: :comeback: my kawaii little Wakana :shy: - oh, don't be silly, Kao-chan! :XD: Who else could she be? Of course she's the real Wacchan, just look at her! :XD:

Kaori: :uh..: *pulls out Wakana's favourite poster of Megalodon shark with its 500 rows of teeth*

Wakana: :white: :white: :white: :ghost: :ghost: :ghost: EEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKKKKK :hide: :hide: :hide: :hide: :hide: *scuttle to corner and cowers in terror*

Keiko: :white: - OHMIGOD SHE IS NOT THE REAL WACCHAN! :omg: :omg:

Kaori: It's as I suspected...the real Wakana must have successfully returned to the Eternal Blue World! :glasses:

Keiko: Well then - who is she?! She looks exactly like Wakana, moves like Wakana, sounds like Wakana - even smells like Wakana! :blood: *to "Wakana"* Who are you?!! :ayashii:

"Wakana": :confu: ...Keiko? :ohoho: *glomps Keiko* :sohappy:

Keiko and Kaori: :blood: :blood:

Kaori: :uh..: Ne, Keiko...have you noticed...the only word she's actually spoken for this entire time has been…

Keiko: Yes, I know. 'Keiko'. :uh..: But strangely enough, I don't find it displeasing at all! :touched:

Kaori: *whacks* :uh..: Keiko, just look at her! *points at "Wakana", who is currently wandering around the room looking lost* She's obviously dysfunctional! I mean, look! :omg:

*"Wakana" is giggling and crawling under chairs like a little child. Hits head on table leg. Proceeds to cry.*

Keiko: *protective instinct fired up* Oh, come here you...little...adorable…kawaii...squishy...thing, you...*cuddling "Wakana" :omgz: Kaori! I'm getting attached to her! :swt:

Kaori: She must be a clone! That accounts for your instant natural attraction! :omg: I think… :uh..:

Keiko: :white: ...this means... :ghost: Wakana is a genius! She created the clone to take her place in the binding spell I made using her hair, so that she could substitute it for herself whilst she escaped back into the Eternal Blue! :omgz: :omgz: :omgz: As expected of my Wacchan~~ :love:

Kaori: K-Keiko, I think you're losing some perspective here... :uh..:

Yuki: *announcing from the stage* And now - let's invite all the utahimes back to the stage for our final song - Angel Gate! :w00t:

Kaori: We gotta go! :omg:

Keiko: Come on, Waa-tan! Let's go! *trying to lead "Wakana" by the hand like a small child, yet again*

Kaori: "W-Waa-tan"?! Wait, you're not actually taking her out there, are you?!! :omg: BAKA - it's not safe! We've seen that she already no longer like sharks! There's no telling what other side-effects there are! :listen: Keiko...? Keiiiikoooo? :leaf: Are you even liste - OMG COME BACK HERE! Whaddya think you're doing?!! :anger: Too late... :leaf: *has no choice but to follow*


Hikaru: *brightens up as Keiko joins her on stage* Did it work? :waii: Is Wakana still - oh! Wacchan! You're still here! :touched:

Waa-tan: Keiko. :confu: :hi:

Hikaru: :ohoho: - ?

*Waa-tan glomps Keiko*

Hikaru: :white: Wh-what happened backstage exactly?!! Suddenly they're being so lovey-dovery? R-right in front of me?!!! Is this Wakana's challenge?!! A declaration of war?!! :omg: :omg: *looks to Keiko, who merely winks* :vortex: WHAT IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN?!!

*song starts*

Everyone: :dote: :dote:

Waa-tan: :confu: :innocent: :innocent:

Yuriko: :confu: *nudges* Wacchan, you missed your cue!

Waa-tan: Keiko...? :confu: *attempts to glomp Keiko but she's too far*

Yuriko: No - you! :desksweat: You're meant to be singing! :XD:

Waa-tan: :leaf:

Yuriko: Sing, Wakana!!

Waa-tan: :confu: *opens mouth - *

~~~~~~~~~dramatic blackout~~~~~~~~~


Everyone: :ghost: :ghost: :ghost: :ghost: :ghost: :ghost: :ghost: :@_@: :@_@: :@_@: :@_@:

Kaori: I TOLD YOU THERE WOULD BE CONSEQUENCES, KEIKO :listen: Luckily Yuriko managed to push her off stage before anything happened. :desksweat:

Keiko: *struggling to walk due to getting bogged down by Waa-tan clinging to her* Somehow, you are an even bigger troublemaker than Wacchan was - is. :omg: *thinking* Am I forgetting about the real Wakana so easily?!! :swt: :swt:

Waa-tan: Keiko? :confu: *attempts to glomp Keiko but gets pulled back by Kaori*

Keiko: *sighs* Yes, a big troublemaker. :listen:

Waa-tan: :plz:

Keiko: :listen: .......... :...:

Waa-tan: :plz: :plz:

Keiko: *cracks* OH FINE *glomps* D-dat face :desksweat: :touched:

Yuki: SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. :knife: :knife: *appeared out of nowhere*

Girls: :white: :white: :white: :white:

Yuki: ANYONE DEIGN TO TELL ME WHAT THE HELL HAS BEEN GOING ON WITH YOU LOT?!! :glower: :glower: :glower: :glower: :glower:

Girls: :swt: :swt: :swt: :hide: :hide: :hide:


Girls: :omg: :omg: :omg: :omg: Please forgive us, Kajiura-sama! :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow:

Waa-tan: :confu:

Hikaru: K-Kajiura-sensei, we can explain everythi- :swt:

Yuki: What happened to your voice, Wakana?!! Didn't I always tell you to take care of your throat just before singing?! :anger: Well, you were all right in Mezame, considering how you were running around like a madwoman, but what happened in Angel's Gate?!! You broke windows!!! What happened to that divine, angelic, goddess-like voice of yours?!! Are you ill?!! :omg:

Waa-tan: :confu: Kei-

Keiko: *quickly interrupting* A-actually, just then backstage, a - in her refrigerator! :ohoho: Yes, that's right! She got stuck in a refrigerator!

Kaori: :omg: :blood:

Yuki: :bloodlust:

Keiko: yup! That's it! Wakana was, know, really hot from running around so much during Mezame...ha...ha... :sparkleguy:

Kaori: :ghost: :imdead:

Yuki: Well, Wakana? Haven't I always been telling you that cold things are bad for your throat? Such as Ice Latte? And fridges? What have you got to say for yourself? :listen:

"Wakana": :confu: Kei-ko…? :sohappy: *glomps Keiko*

Keiko: *thinking* She's glomping me so much I've never felt so happy in my entire life... :touched: :TdT:

Yuki: ...what...? :bloodlust:

Keiko: Th-the fridge experience made Wacchan's a bit funny in the head as well as the throat but - eh, we'll just take her home first so she can...recuperate! :ohoho: :ohoho:

Yuki: Very well, then, girls. Take Wakana home and nurse her back to health okay? I'll forgive you just this once since you a fridge... :uh..: Oooh, actually maybe I could compose a song about this...? :waii: *completely distracted as she enters composing mode*

~Together, the girls made their way to Wakana's apartment, where the Yuriko and Yuuka are fully informed of the events that have transpired thus far~

Yuriko: Okay, so basically, this...girl... :uh..:

Keiko: Her name is Waa-tan! :listen: Call her by her name!

Yuriko: some sort of a twin...or clone...of the real Wakana, who returned to the rule over as Ice Queen of the Eternal Blue Kingdom? :uh..:

Hikaru, Kaori, Keiko: Hai! :innocent:

Yuuka: And...this Waa-tan…"Wakana" the complete opposite of Wakana? In that she's scared witless of sharks, her singing voice has turned into a chainsaw-harpy-like sound instead of her goddess-like voice, rather than being talkative, she can only speak one word, which is…"Keiko", and on top of that, she is no longer uncomfortable with physical contact but has become incredibly clingy and physically affectionate? :confu:

Hikaru, Kaori, Keiko: Hai! :innocent:

Yuriko: One more question, Keiko -

Keiko: Yes? :innocent:

Yuriko: Why do you have a set of keys to Wakana's apartment? :uh..:

Keiko: Eh... :psst: Well, long story short, she misplaced them one day, and I thought I might as well just, you know...have a duplicate my safekeeping...just, you know. In case. :innocent:

Hikaru: You had the keys to Wakana's apartment all along?! :omg: *spot of jealousy grows* :rain:

Keiko: Well, it's not like she minds, anyway...I mean, look at her! :ohoho:

"Wakana": Keikoooo~~ :sohappy: *glomps Keiko*

Keiko: Waa-tan~~ :shy:

Kaori: Keiko... :uh..: That isn't Wakana! Pull yourself together! She's just a clone! The real Wakana is still sealed away in the Eternal Blue!

Hikaru: *experiencing profound internal anguish* She calls her Waa-tan? But I'm Hii-tan! I'm the original -tan! There can only be one -tan right?! And that's me, right?! Why does she also qualify as a -tan?! She's not that kawaii, really...WHAT AM I THINKING?!! :omg:

Yuriko: Guys...I think Keiko has been taken in completely by the clone...just look at how she's completely enamoured by "Wakana"

Keiko: Waa-tan! Her name is Waa-tan! :anger: And I'm not 'completely enamoured' by her!

Kaori: Keiko, you're being drawn into an illusion. :uh..:

Keiko: It's not an illusion! Waa-tan is Waa-tan! You guys are the ones who've been nothing but mean to her ever since she appeared! :cry: :bloodlust:

Yuuka: But, Keiko, don't you want to rescue to the real Wakana?! :omg: I mean, isn't that why we're all meeting here now? To discuss a plan to save Wakana from the Eternal Blue world and restore things to normal?

#cue: tragedy and fate (Fate/Zero)

Keiko: Wakana...doesn't want to be rescued. So no. I don't want to rescue the real Wakana. I'm happy with this one instead. :uh..:

Hikaru, Yuuka, Kaori, Yuriko: :white: :white: :white: :white: :white: :white: K-KEIKO?!!

(*in meta-world* HIKARU: :white: :white: :white: )

Keiko: *tearily* Wakana was always uncomfortable and trying to escape from me, even though I tried so hard to become close to her… :cry: Waa-tan...understands me. She also likes the feeling of being close to another person. I don't need Wakana long as I have Waa-tan with me. And really guys, this is fine! Wakana can be independent like she wants to, and I can feel loved, like I want's a win-win, happy-happy ending! :innocent:

Hikaru, Yuuka, Kaori, Yuriko: :white: :white: :white: :white: :white: :white:

(*in meta-world* HIKARU: :white: :white: :white: )

Keiko: So sorry, guys. If you're going to try to continually chase Wakana...I won't be joining you...anymore... :leaf: It's...for the best. :uh..: *walking away* Come on, Waa-tan, you wanna go for some ice cream? :innocent:

Waa-tan: :waii: Keikooooo~~~ *glomps Keiko* :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:

Hikaru, Yuuka, Kaori, Yuriko: :white: :white: :white: :white: :white: :white:

(*in meta-world* HIKARU: :white: :white: :white: )

*the door slams shut. Hikaru/HIKARU, Kaori, Yuriko and Yuuka are left standing there frozen in shock.*

#cue ED: Kagayaku Sora no Shijimia ni wa - Kalafina

#cue: to be continued -(Fate/Zero)

How will Hikaru/HIKARU, Yuuka, Kaori and Yuriko save Wakana from the Eternal Blue without Keiko?
Indeed, will they be 'saving' Wakana, or does she really wish to remain as Ice Queen in the Eternal Blue Kingdom?
Is Keiko's heart truly at peace, abandoning the true Wakana for the clone, Waa-tan?
And...what about Waa-tan herself? What is her story? Is she really as innocent as she seems? What secrets does she hold?

Tune in next week to find out!





You can use one, two or all three, and in any order you wish :plot:

I apologise for the strange direction this seems to have taken XD
Ermaigerd. That was amazing!! :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:
Sorry, I posted before you...ehehehe

Next person use her pictures, thank you!
:knife: :knife:
LOL! :XD: I'll try to continue it on the weekend. I've been kinda busy lately :uh..: Or someone else can continue it :knife:
That was amazing really, but its so long, how much time did it took you to think and write it ? :ayashii: (I didndt managed to finish it yet)
^ well actually thinking of ideas takes longer than writing it down, which only takes maybe an hour or two, including editing out mistakes and typos :XD: I'm sorry it's so long, I tend to get carried away easily...with everything... (just ask my poor English teacher lol):desksweat: :XD: I'll try to make my future posts shorter :ohoho:
^ :omg: No Please DONT! :omg: :omg: :omg: I like your long post! I like reading your stories! (This feels like a confession :XD: ) PLEASE post whatever you like, and how long you want it. :shy: Get carried away anytime you want :knife: I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one that enjoys your stories.

BTW I'm trying to finish the continuation right now but it will still take a few more hours :XD: :blood:
Opening Theme: Angel Gate

*In Wakana's appartment*

Hikaru, Yuuka, Kaori, Yuriko: :leaf: :leaf: :leaf: :leaf: :leaf: :leaf:

(*in meta-world* HIKARU: :leaf: :leaf: )

*10 Minutes later*

Kaori: Does Wakana really want to stay in that cove- Eternal blue kingdom as Ice Queen ? :omg: :blood:

Yuriko: That's something Wakana should answer herself :uh..: :uh..: Lets not jump into conclusions. :desksweat:

Kaori: You're right. :glasses: We better get going to that cover- I mean kingdom. And ask Wakana what she really wants and what really is going on. YOSH! ja minna! Lets get going. Hikaru do- Hikaru?? :omgz: Where is Hikaru?? :omg: :omg:

Yuriko, Kaori and Yuuka: :omg: :omg: :omg: :omg: :omg:

*In a nearby mall*

Keiko and Waa-tan: :sohappy: :sohappy: *carrying ice cream bought from a convinience store*

Waa-tan: *having problems eating her ice cream* :uh..: Kei-ko...

Keiko: *notices melted icecream on Waa-tan cheek * Chance! :stars: You've got icecream on you're face, Let me remove it. :dote: :shy: :chuu:

Waa-tan: :shy: Keiko.. :sohappy:

Keiko: Chocomint is good but Waa-tan is better! :shy:

Hikaru: *hiding behind a plant* :omg: :omg: *thinking* Keiko only does that to me and no one else. :wai: and- WHY AM I FOLLOWING THEM? :omg:

*Keiko spoon feeds Waa-tan*

Hikaru: *now hiding behind someone* :omg: :omg: *thinking* Only me!! Keiko should only do that to me! *jealousy intensifying*

Keiko: :touched: :touched: This is pure bliss. Wakana would never have let me do these things to her :dote: :dote: Lets go shopping over there, Waa-tan!

*inside a clothes store*

Keiko: Waa-tan, this will look good on you :shy: try it. Or would you like me to help you put it on? :psst: :psst: *expecting a jab**there was none*

Waa-tan: :confu: :innocent:

Keiko: Is that a YES? :omg: :stars: :stars: :stars: *then suddenly, guilt came crashing in* I shouldn't/can't take advantage of this innocent girl. :cry: :cry:

Hikaru: *hiding behind a clothes rack with the store manager behind her looking suspiciously* :spotlight: :spotlight: *thinking* Keiko, you want to see her with the clothes you've picked and then say "You look so good in those clothes Waa-tan" :comeback: :rain: it should be Hii-tan! HII-TAN!

Keiko: This looks exactly like the skirt Wakana wore in YK live vol 4- :blood: *thinking* Why am I thinking about that :omg: Lets just go in an arcade :ohoho: And forget about Wakana :knife:

*1 hour later*

Keiko: :leaf: :leaf: :leaf: :leaf: :leaf: This- is- :blood:

*Flashback: in the arcade*

Someone singing in karaoke:

Bokura wa
Mirai o kaeru chikara o
Yume ni miteta~ (Parallel Hearts lyrics)

Keiko: :swt: :swt:

*Flashback: in a restaurant.*

Waitress: What can I get you? Our specialty is GYOZA.

Keiko: :uh..: :uh..:

*Flashback: in a toy store*

Random Girl: Hey look! That SHARK toy is so adorable

Keiko: :desksweat: :desksweat:

*Flashback: While window shopping*

Guy: *talking to the phone* Hey man! Have you finished that FLOOR PLAN I asked you to make? - Yeah! I'll treat you to an expensive restaurant later on. - What? GYOZA again? - How about trying some SHARK's fin? I've heard they're good -

Keiko: :blood: :blood: :blood:

*End of flashback*

Keiko: *Thinking* What's wrong with me? :uh..: Everywhere I go, I'm reminded of Wakana. Sharks- Gyoza- Floor plan- :blood: I should stop thinking of Wakana. Especially since Waa-tan is here with me :shy: She is so adorable. She always smiles at me like how Wakana used to d- :omg: I mean she's so clingy to me :shy: like that incident with the bug- :swt: :omg: I mean, Waa-tan is so clumsy almost hitting the glass door like how Waka- :blood: :blood: This is hopeless :stupidtable: :stupidtable: The more I look at Waa-tan, the more I miss Wakana. Wakana what are you doing now? :spotlight:

*Inside Eternal Blue Kingdom*

Wakana: :uh..: :uh..: :wai: :wai: These stupid guitar strings won't come off :stupidtable: :stupidtable:

Brutus: :swt: Queen Wakana, We'll go look for - uh - the most powerful sword in the kingdom to free you from that- uh- string. :uh..:

Wakana: :glower: :glower: Then GO! :anger:

Brutus: Y-Yes! *thinking* She seems to be a little grumpy. I wonder why? *departs from the throne room leaving Wakana sitting in her chair still tied*

Wakana: Why am I being grumpy and mean all of a sudden? is this a side effect on that spell I did before leaving the real world? :uh..: But it couldn't be helped since the Binding Spell that Keiko casted on me wouldn't accept a soulless doll created from my own flesh as my replacement. So I had to discard a part of my soul to be inserted in that doll. :glasses: Well, its not like I needed that tiny little part. :knife: NO! I dont need it! After all :cry: :cry: :orz: :touched: :wai: It is the cause of my confusion, longing and sufferings for such a long time :cry: :cry: I dont need fear, I dont need clumsiness, and especially DONT need my feelings for Keiko! :glower: :glower: I AM THE ULTIMATE ICE QUEEN :glower:

*Back to the real world, Keiko is still battling herself, denying her feelings*

random girl passing by: *talking to the phone* eh? WAKAtteru

Keiko: Wakan-.. ugh :uh..:

random guy passing by: *talking to his friend* WAKAranai..

Keiko: :blood: :blood:

A random kid passing by: Mom! Our teacher talked about SHARKS today. And everyone is scared.

Keiko: Shar-.. :rain: :rain: :rain:

A random old lady passing by: *talking with her companion* Oh? You like my GYOZA?

Keiko: WHY WON'T IT STOP!! :bloodlust: :bloodlust: Wakana... :orz: :orz: :orz:

*Unbeknownst to Keiko Waa-tan got lost inside the mall and is wondering around*

Waa-tan: :confu: :spotlight: :leaf: Kei..? :plz: ko.. :spotlight:

*Bumps to a :leaf: Hikaru*

Waa-tan: :plz: :plz:

Hikaru: :leaf: :leaf: It's over. I lost. Keiko will always look only at Waa-tan :spotlight: *Anguish anguish*

Waa-tan: *pulls hikaru but failed to get her attention* :uh..: :uh..:

*The suddenly a group of scary looking guys notices them*

Guy 1: Hello cute little kittens :stars: wanna hang out with us? :psst:

Guy 2: Oh! she's cute! though I think I've seen them before? :confu: Idols, perhaps?

Waa-tan: :omg: :hide: :hide:

Guy 1: *holds Waa-tan's arm* Come on :stars: :psst:

Waa-tan: *shaking arm violently* :wai: :wai: :wai:

Guy 1: Be a good little girl and - huh?

HIKARU:*couldn't take the situation any longer took over Hikaru's body* *twists guy1's hand away* :glower: :glower: *deadly magia glare* LEAVE HER BE :glower:

Guy 1: I-I'm :swt: not afraid of you! *legs shaking*

Guy 2: :swt: :swt:

HIKARU: :glower: :glower: :glower: Lets fix that, shall we? :glower:

~~~~~~~~~dramatic blackout~~~~~~~~~

Waa-tan: :plz: :plz: :plz: :plz:

HIKARU: Are you alright? :sparkleguy:

Waa-tan: *enthusiastically nods*

HIKARU: Seriously! You girls are so much trouble. :bloodlust: Lets get the other trouble maker and fix things.

*Where Keiko is*

Keiko: :leaf: :leaf: :leaf:

Waa-tan: Kei-ko :sohappy: :sohappy: :plz:

Keiko: *snaps out of it* WAA-TAN!! :omg: :omg:


Keiko: Waa-tan! Dont scare me like that! :omg: I was so worried! *holds Waa-tan in Iron- macho grip* Please dont leave me :touched: I wont let you go :comeback:

Waa-tan: :shy: :dote:

Keiko: HIkaru? :knife: What happened? Why were you with Waa-tan?

HIKARU: BAKA! You let Waa-tan wondering around! She almost got in trouble if it wasn't for me :glower:

Keiko: Oh. :innocent: Then thanks Hii-tan :sohappy: :sohappy:


Hikaru: *Felt extreme happiness for being called Hii-tan by Keiko again took control of her body (HIKARU: :leaf: )* :shy: :shy: Oh Keiko.. :shy: So Keiko? What are we going to do now?

*Back to Wakana's Appartment*

Kaori: They're not coming back.. :leaf: :leaf: :leaf: Lets just go by ourselves and fix this. Or Kajiura-sensei will have our heads :omg: :hide:

Yuriko: But how are we going to get to Eternal blue kingdom? :uh..:

Yuuka: Ano.. If thats the problem, I can help :confu: Luckily I brought the CD cover :plot: *proceeds to chant in her scary seiyuu voice*

artimora stodifia
marta mia carpita
artiora stodamia
cortiola castia

Yuriko and Kaori: :white: :white: :hide: :hide:

*portal opens*

Yuuka: Ikemashou ka? :innocent:

Yuriko and Kaori: :white: :white: :white: :white: :white: :white: :white: Magical Girls! Were surrounded by magical girls! :hide: :hide:

Ending theme: Synchronicity

Oh no! Waa-tan is a clone, but not just a clone. A clone which holds a part of the real Wakana's soul(the weaker part)! What's gonna happen now? Will everything be set straight again with our utahimes? Will Wakana be able return back to her real self? What is Wakana really after by running away from Keiko? And now Kaori, Yuriko and Yuuka join the stage.

Tune in again for the crazy roller coaster love story of Wakana, Keiko and Hikaru. :XD:




Pick any picture you like :psst: :psst:

Gomenasai :bow: My story is very confusing :uh..: However you guys interpret it is ok. Now, the next poster good luck. I'll be waiting impatiently. :knife:
^ tabi THAT WAS BEYOND AWESOMEEEE :stars: :stars: :stars: :XD: :XD: :XD: :XD:

Well, since there seems to be no continuation as yet... :plot:

#cue OP: sprinter - Kalafina

*Keiko, Hikaru and Waa-tan arrive back at Wakana's apartment*

Hikaru: Where did everyone go? :confu:

Keiko: They probably just all went home :ohoho: Now, let's grab something to eat... *opens fridge* :fwa: *gets buried under pile of gyoza*

Hikaru: :omg: I-is that all Wakana has in the house?!!

*they search around the pantry, on shelves, in cupboards, closets, wardrobes, under bed...they find nothing but stashes and stashes of gyoza*

Hikaru and Keiko: :uh..: :uh..: We'll just have to eat this gyoza for dinner, then…

Waa-tan: :confu: :innocent:

Keiko: Awww, you're so clueless, guess I'll just have to feed you bit by bit, then! :ohoho: :stars: Open wide, Waa-tan! :shy:

Hikaru: :omgz: *intercepts spoon and steals gyoza* :headbite:

Waa-tan: *biting air* :confu: :confu:

Keiko: H-Hikaru...that was meant for Waa-tan… :uh..:

Hikaru:: O-oh, really - ? Ha. Ha. I thought you said Hii-tan :innocent: *inside, thinking* :bloodlust: :anger:

Keiko: Say 'aaahhhh' Waa-tan :dote:

*As spoon approaches Waa-tan's mouth, Hikaru once again can't stand it and intercepts the mouthful of gyoza*

Waa-tan: *accidentally bites tongue* :nophoto: :nophoto: K-K-Kei-Kei-ko........*cries* :touched: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :nophoto:

Keiko: :white: :omg: *heart breaking* H-HIKARUUU YOU MADE HER CRY OMGSDFKJWNEKJFBSKDFJ :omg: :ghost: :vortex: Come here quickly, Waa-tan please don't cry, it's very painful for me seeing you crying *pat pat* :touched: *huggles* :dote:

Waa-tan: :dote:

Hikaru: :white: :vortex: :blood: *sulks in corner* :spotlight: *thinking* I want the old Wacchan back... :comeback:

*Keiko finally manages to get a gyoza into Waa-tan's mouth*

Waa-tan: :confu: :sohappy: *chomps* :white: :barf: :barf: :barf:

Keiko and Hikaru: :white: :white: :white: Sh-SHE JUST SPAT OUT A GYOZA?!! :blood: really...not Wakana at all... :desksweat:

*In the Palace of the Eternal Blue*

#cue: forebodings (Fate/Zero)

Wakana: :uh..: :uh..: :uh..: For some reason...I'm not feeling so good right now... :nophoto: Did I catch a cold or something? :confu: But I'm the Ice Queen...I rule over Coldness... :@_@: :@_@: :nophoto: :nophoto:

Shark Legion: :omg: :omg: Wakana-sama!! ARE YOU OKAY?!!!!! :touched: :touched: :touched: :touched:

Wakana: *cough cough* :blood: Yes, yes I'm poor little babies, I've been very mean to you lately, haven't I? :touched: I don't know why but - :white: :white: Wh-what was that shining blaze of light coming from outside just now?! Did the portal open?! *looks into crystal ball* :anger: WE HAVE INTRUDERS! :anger: :anger: I thought I told you to seal the portal so that no one could ever enter! Are you incapable of carrying out even that simple command?!!! :glower: :glower: :stupidtable: :stupidtable: :voodoo: :voodoo:

Shark Legion: :white: :white: WE'RE SO SORRY PLEASE FORGIVE US WAKANA-SAMA!! :hide: :hide: :hide: :hide: :hide:

Wakana: BRUTUS! :anger: DEAL WITH IT!

Brutus: :omgz: :omgz: :omgz: H-Hai! :swt: :omg: :hide: *flees with rest of Shark Legion, thinking* What is happening to our beloved Queen Wakana-sama?! She never used to lose her temper like this, even if we messed up! It's if her heart really is becoming made of ice! :swt: As if the kind and compassionate side of her has gone completely missing! :TdT:

*Outside the Palace of the Eternal Blue*

*Kaori, Yuriko and Yuuka land in the snow*

Kaori: :nophoto:

Yuuka: :nophoto: I-It's f-f-f-f-f-freezing h-h-h-here! H-h-how does W-Wakana even s-s-s-s-survive?!!

Yuriko: :tea: Huh?

Yuuka and Kaori: :omgz: relaxed...sugoi… :swt:

Yuriko: Anyways, which way should we go? :ayashii: This is must be Wakana's palace... :confu: Not a bad joint... :stars:

Kaori: Well, logically, the Queen of the Castle always sits the throne at the very heart of the palace, right? So if we just follow the main corridor the whole way in, we should end up there at some :leaf:

*Yuuka and Yuriko already heedlessly entering castle*

Kaori: :anger: HEY! Wait up! Don't just go wandering in, BAKA! :uh..:

*Back in Throne Room*

Wakana: argughhuh...I really :barf: :@_@: *head spinning* What's wrong with me? :@_@: MUST NOT SHOW WEAKNESS! :anger: I already discarded the weaker side of myself! :listen: ....... :@_@: :...: errghhghhh...I must have caught a cold form the damn draughts in this place...this is why I like sharks and their immune systems... :shy: In fact, just thinking about how strong and awesome they are makes me feel better already :shy:

*Back in Palace*

Yuuka: *looking at floating green Kalafina Salad Bowl ™* Hey, I wonder what this thing does :confu:

Kaori: :omg: BAKA DON'T TOUCH I -

Yuuka: *touch* :confu: :white: :white: :white: :white:

*Shark Army Legion comes storming in*

Yuriko: :white: :white: :white: :white: :white:

Kaori: :blood: :blood: :blood: :blood: :blood:

Lieutenant Brutus: HAHAHAHAHA! You fell for our ingenious trap, touching the Cursed Salad Bowl and thus alerting us to your location! :ohoho: :ohoho: :ohoho: :ohoho: :ohoho:

Kaori: I TOLD YOU NOT TO TOUCH IT! :anger: :anger: :anger:

Yuuka: I'm sorry! :touched:

Brutus: Too late for that now, fools! Prepare to die by our blade! For Queen Wakana-sama! Ikuzoooooooo, mai comrades!!! :hero: :hero: :hero: :kungfu: :kungfu: :kungfu: :kungfu:

Kaori: :omg: Yuuka! Yuriko! Watch out!! *valiantly leaps in front of them, gets hit on head by shark-fin-karate-chop* :@_@: :@_@: :@_@: :blood: :blood: :imdead: :imdead:

Yuuka: :omg: :omg: K-KAO-KUNNNNN!!! :vortex: :vortex: :touched: :touched:

Yuriko: :omg: :glower: :glower: MAI BELOVED KAORI?!!! HOW DARE YOU TOUCH HER. You'll pay for that, fishies... :bloodlust: :bloodlust:

Shark Legion: :ohoho: :ohoho: :ohoho: :ohoho:

*Sudden dark aura emanating from Yuriko*

Shark Legion: Wh-what's with this sudden like...that girl...from last time... :omgz: :swt: :swt:

*Yuriko switches to her secret dark alter ego, YURIKO*

YURIKO: HELLO EVERYONE. IT'S BEEN A WHILE SINCE I'VE BEEN OUT TO PLAY... :knife: :bloodlust: :bloodlust: :bloodlust:

Shark Legion: :white: :white:

Kaori: :white: :white: *lying on ground* Wh-what the heck, Yuri-nee?! Since when..?!!

Yuuka: :glasses: Ohoho. Well then, since you've revealed your true colours, Yuriko...perhaps it's time for me to reveal mine... :whip:

Kaori: *spluttering* Y-Yuuka's - true - colours - ?!! What true colours?! What's with all of this suddenly?!! :ghost:

#cue: the Sword of Promised Victory ~ Fate/Zero ver.~ (Fate/Zero)

Saber Yuuka: Yes. :glasses: Behold... *pulls something unseen from her coat* I unleash my INVISIBLE WIND!! :kungfu: :kungfu:

*blast of air knocks everyone back to reveal Yuuka holding a shining sword*

Shark Legion: :fwa: :fwa: M-MASSAKA?!! C-Could that be? The legendary sword which can cut through anything, which was once wielded by the King of Knights - King Arthur himself - the fabled EXCUCUMBER?!!!

Saber Yuuka: :ohoho: :ohoho: :ohoho: The secret to my ultimate speed-of-light cucumber chopping! EKKKKSSSSS-KUUUU-KUMBEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRR *swings sword around* :kungfu:

Shark Legion: :ghost: :ghost: :ghost: :ghost: :blood: :blood: :blood: :blood: :imdead: :imdead: :imdead:

Kaori: :white: :white: :omg: :omg: :omg: :omg: :swt: :swt: :swt: :swt: :swt:

YURIKO: What do you think you're doing, Yuuka, stealing all my fun? I want to bash some sharks too! :ohoho: ACTIVATE: MYSTIC VOICE OF DEATH PERCEPTION! :glower: :glower:

Saber Yuuka: Let's take them down together! :hero: :hero:

#cue: paradigm (Kara no Kyoukai)

*epic battle scene between Shark Legion and YURIKO/Saber Yuuka*

Kaori: :leaf: :leaf: :leaf: Not...human...they're...all...not…human :omg: :blood: :rain: *experiencing crumbling of illusion of her reality What's next? Maybe Kajiura-sensei is actually an ancient Goddess of Music reincarnated who can create and destroy worlds with her songs of - :white: *realises they are in the world of Eternal Blue, which was an FJ song originally composed by Yuki Kajiu-* :nophoto: :nophoto: WHY DO I END UP BEING THE ONLY HUMAN?!!! :blood: :blood: :blood:

*meanwhile, epic battle rages on*

*Back in throne room, where sounds of the fighting, with the occasional blood-curdling scream, float in*

Wakana: :nophoto: :nophoto: :nophoto: :desksweat: :desksweat: :desksweat: :uh..: :uh..: :uh..: :uh..: :...: :...: :...: :rain: :rain: :rain: :bloodlust: :bloodlust: :bloodlust: :bloodlust: *finally loses it* BRUTUS!!!!!! :anger: *over Telepathic Intercom ™ *

Brutus: *parrying Saber Yuuka's blows* Wh-what is it, Wakana-sama?! :swt: I'm kind of...busy...right now... :kungfu:


Brutus: B-But Wakana-sama! You told us to get rid of the intruders! :swt: :uh..:


Brutus: :uh..: But I thought you wanted us to -

Wakana: JUST. DO. IT. :bloodlust:

Brutus: As - as you wish, Wakana-sama :uh..: *thinking* Queen Wakana has really changed recently! I wonder what's wrong?!! :touched: ALRIGHT EVERYONE! CEASE FIRE! TRUCE! TRUUUUUCE! :listen:

Saber Yuuka :ohoho: Had enough, have you? :sparkleguy:

Brutus: You came to find Queen Wakana-sama, right? Well, we'll just take you to her now. :innocent:

YURIKO, Saber Yuuka and Kaori: :uh..: It was that easy? *being escorted to throne room by Shark Legion*

*Back in Throne Room, Wakana fuming silently as her sharks and guests enter*

YURIKO, Saber Yuuka and Kaori: :omgz: :omgz: :omgz: :omgz: W-Wakana? *shocked by Wakana's change in appearance, for she is much thinner than before, several shades paler, with dark circles under her eyes and a faint shadow across her face. Her usual cheerful expression replaced by a dark, brooding look that seems almost unrecognisable upon that normally sweet round face*

tabete.mio said:

Wakana: *gazing moodily out window at her Eternal Blue kingdom of blizzards and snow* So... :knife: You have arrived at last...

Kaori: Wakana? Are you feeling okay? You don't look very...well... :swt:

Wakana: What do you mean? :knife: I feel fine! I feel better than ever befo - gyack-ack :blood: *cough cough cough cough cough - wipes blood from mouth* :bloodlust: :bloodlust:

Everyone: :omg: :omg: :omg: :omg:

Kaori: Wakana! Please come back to the real world with us! :touched: You don't belong here in this cold, dark world! You're too happy! And bright! It'll destroy you! :TdT:

Wakana: :blood: *recovering slightly* SILENCE FOOL! :anger: Pah! *bitterly* What do you know? :glower:

Kaori: I know that Keiko has almost given up hope on your return! Please come back! She's...uhm...devastated without you! :TdT: :touched: :plz:

Wakana: *yet even more bitterly* HAHAHAHAHA. If she's so desperate, then why isn't she here with you three? :knife:

Kaori: That - er...uh… *looks to YURIKO and Saber Yuuka, who start whistling casually, suddenly very interested in the ceiling* :uh..: :uh..:

Wakana: HAH. I thought so. She is completely taken in by my weak and pitiful other self. :glower: So, even she accepts that we must inevitably part ways. :knife: What more needs to be said, then? It is futile to come after me in this world. It's time you realised that, Kaori. :glower:

Kaori: :omgz: W-Waachan! *shocked* What's happened to you? You've - changed! You'd never speak like this to your friends before! :touched: :cry:

Wakana: Friends?! WHAT FRIENDS?! I HAVE NO FRIENDS! An Ice Queen has no need for such foolish things! :glower: :glower: :glower: :glower:

Kaori: :omgz: :omgz: :omgz: :omgz: :omgz: I-IS THIS REALLY WAKANA?! :ghost: :ghost: :ghost:

*In the room, even the Sharks shift and fidget uncomfortably after this statement*

YURIKO: :ayashii: :ayashii: Psst, Kaori...I used my MYSTIC VOICE OF DEATH PERCEPTION (which resonates at too high a frequency for living sensors to detect) to see into the depths of Wakana's soul…

Kaori: ...and?! :omg:

YURIKO: :cry: I saw...a huge chunk of it was missing! Like it had been gouged out forcefully! That large piece was replaced by a block of ice, and that ice was slowly devouring and covering what remained of Wakana's soul, making it turn cold and black! :omg: :TdT: :cry: :orz:

Kaori and Yuuka: :fwa: :fwa: M-MAJI?! Then...that this rate...?

YURIKO: :glasses: Yes. The Ice will consume Wakana's heart and soul entirely...and she will become...the ULTIMATE. ICE. QUEEN. :ghost:

Sharks: What's the ULTIMATE. ICE. QUEEN?!! :omg: :omg: :omg:

YURIKO: :glasses: She will become so cold and hard-hearted that one day, she won't even be able to find it in her heart to love sharks anymore. Or gyoza. :TdT: Or anything. And eventually, she'll become so emotionless and cold that she could even destroy the world without a second thought, and not feel or care a single bit about it. :touched: :cry:

Everyone: :vortex: :vortex: :vortex: :vortex: :vortex: :vortex:

Wakana: Nonsense! :listen: It wasn't even that big a piece of my soul that I gave away! It was just the tiny weak spot I had for Keiko. :ohoho:

YURIKO: ..........Well. :glasses: *smirking* Turns out it wasn't such a tiny part of your heart after all. :psst:

Wakana: Wh-what?! :omgz: NONSENSE! :swt: Don't fool around with me! :anger:

Saber Yuuka: Awwww :shy: I always knew you cared more about Keiko than you let on, Wacchan :plot:

Wakana: SHADDUP! :anger: *blushing furiously* :bloodlust:

YURIKO: The MYSTIC VOICE OF DEATH PERCEPTION never lies, Wakana. :tea: It always reveals the truth. And the truth is - your feelings for Keiko make up a crucial part of who you are - and without that...well, you just cannot feel whole or complete. :psst: :plot:

Wakana: Bollocks! :bloodlust:

Kaori: But Yuriko, why on earth would Wakana want to split her soul in the first place? :ayashii: Or even escape from the real world and attempt to hole herself up here? The Wakana we always knew was never like that! In fact, she only started acting strange after the first time HIKARU banished her to the Eternal Blue! Before that, she was perfectly normal. Of course, she still resisted Keiko's advances, but she never tried to run away so desperately... :confu:

YURIKO: yes, Kaori... :glasses: upon deeper inspection with my MYSTIC VOICE OF DEATH PERCEPTION, I can see...the original shard of the STONE COLD Ice Crustal which embedded itself within the core of Wakana's heart! :listen: There! That is the root of it all! It corrupted her and influenced her to become the Ultimate Ice Queen!

Wakana: Codswallop!! :glower: :glower:

Sharks: What can we do to change her back, then?! :plz: :plz: :plz:

Wakana: :omgz: OI! JUST WHO'S SIDE ARE YOU ON, BAKASHARKS?!! :anger: :anger:

Sharks: :hide: :hide: :hide: :hide: S-Sorry Wakana-sama! *retreat to dark corner* :spotlight: :spotlight: :spotlight: :spotlight:

YURIKO: The answer lies...with Saber Yuuka! :glasses: :goodjob:

Saber Yuuka: With me? :confu:

Yuriko: Of course! :ohoho: Don't you recall? The Blessed Blade of your Holy Sword, Excucumber -

Saber Yuuka: - can cut through anything! That's right! It could even cut out the Stone Cold Ice Crystal embedded within Wakana's heart! :ohoho: :ohoho: Genius!

Wakana: That sword...can cut through souls?! :ayashii: :stars: :stars: :plot:

Saber Yuuka: Yes... :confu:

Wakana: Okay... :innocent: Cut me free from these guitar strings - :wai:

*everyone only just realising she's still tied by Keiko's Unbreakable S-knot ™

Wakana: - and then you can free me from this Stone Cold Ice Crystal thing and we can all go back to happy and normal. :innocent:

Kaori: :omgz: :swt: Yuuka, wait - she -

Saber Yuuka: :confu: Okay! :sohappy: *cuts string*

Wakana: MWAHAHAHA!!! :whip: :whip: :whip: *grabs Excucumber off Yuuka, pushing her, Kaori and Yuriko into a cage*

tabete.mio said:
^(this pic showing Yuuka's "doesn't-even-have-time-to-be-surprised" look after Wakana snatches Excucumber from her)

YURIKO, Saber Yuuka and Kaori: :omg: :omg: :omg: :omg:

Kaori: YUUKA! :anger:

Yuuka: I'm sorry! I'm not used to the straightforward Wacchan suddenly being such a devilish and cunning fiend! :spotlight:

YURIKO: would never have betrayed your friends like this before...that Stone Cold Ice Crystal really has changed you! Please! Fight it! Turn back! :touched: :touched:

Wakana: Ha. As I said before, an Ice Queen does not require friends. I'm fine being alone the way I am! :ohoho: *to her Shark Legion* Feed them to the Megalodon Beast! :plot: :plot: :plot: :ohoho: :ohoho: :ohoho:

*collective gasp across room - even the Sharks look horrified*

Lieutenant Brutus: B-But Wakana! :omgz: The Megalodon the most...ferocious creature known to the universe! You would not subject your friends to such a cruel and agonising death, would you?! :swt:


Shark Legion: :fwa: :fwa: :fwa: :fwa: :fwa: :fwa: :fwa: *cowering* Sh-She threatened to turn Brutus into SHARK FIN SOUP!!! :ghost: :ghost: :ghost: :ghost: :ghost: :vortex: :vortex: :vortex: :vortex:

Wakana: :bloodlust: I see. So. It's come to this, has it? *to Kaori/YURIKO/Saber Yuuka* It seems you have even managed to turn my once-loyal Shark Army against me...well... :knife: This means I'll just have to... *Suddenly turns and kicks Sharks into cage along with Kaori/YURIKO/Saber Yuuka* ...IMPRISON THEM ALONG WITH YOU!! MWHAAHAHAHA :anger: :anger: :plot: :plot: :ohoho: :ohoho: :ohoho: *evil laughter*

Shark Legion: :white: :white: :white: :omg: :omg: :omg: :omg: B-But Wakana-sama!! DOUSHITEEEE??!!!! WE RABUED YOOOUUUUUUUU!!!! :orz: :orz: :orz: :orz: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

Wakana: Ha! I don't need you fickle, tender-hearted useless sharks! :ohoho:

Kaori: I can't believe these words are coming out of her mouth! :omg:

Brutus: But without us - how will you succeed in your plan for world domination?! :uh..:

Kaori: WAIT - HOLD ON A SEC...WORLD DOMINATION?!!! :fwa: :fwa: Why didn't we hear about this -

Wakana: FOOLS! Do you not remember? I still have a secret squad of Elite Ninja Sharks who exclusively and unwaveringly obey my every command, unlike you. And I have the power of the Mighty Megalodon Beast under my control!! I will win no matter what! :ohoho: :ohoho: :ohoho: Mwahahahaha -ack *cough cough cough cough* :blood: :blood: *collapses to knees whilst wiping away dramatic blood trickle from corner of mouth*

Brutus: W-Wakana-sama! You are obviously still weak and in ill health! Please let us out so we can fetch the Grey Nurse Shark ohoho see what I did there to heal you! :omg:

Wakana: Weak?! Weak?!! Did you just call me WEAK?! :anger: :anger:

Captives: :swt: :swt: Big...mistake...

Wakana: I've had it with you people! :anger: :anger: Ninja Squad! Assemble!!

#cue: assassin (Fate/Zero)

*second legion of mysteriously-clad-in-black sharks leap down from the shadows of the ceiling rafters*

Shark Legion: :omgz: :omgz: It is our rival faction! :glower: *growling*

Mako, Leader of Elite Shark Ninjas: :plot: *bowing* Wakana-sama, we come to answer your summons. :bow: :bow:

Wakana: Mako-dono...I know I can always trust you to get the job done :plot: Go through the magic portal to the real world, hunt down that weak mushy other half of me...and KILL IT! :glower: :glower:

Captives: :white: :white: :white:

Wakana: I hereby bestow this Holy Blade, Excucumber, upon you. Use it well and wisely. :listen:

Mako: :bow: :bow: Hai. As you command, Wakana-sama, Soon-To-Be-Ultimate-Ice-Queen-Ruler-Of-The-World.

Kaori: Again with the world domination?!! WHAT IS THIS REALLY?!!! Wakana, you're not really going to kill Waa-tan, are you?!! :touched: You couldn't kill anyone! You're so gentle! And kind! And - *trails off*

Wakana: :glower: That part of me is dead now. I will do anything to achieve my goal! :whip: Mako, make sure you kill that Waa-tan imbecile! And eliminate anyone who gets in your way, understand? ANYONE. :glower: :glower: Now go! :anger:

*Elite Ninja Shark Squad disappear into portal*

Yuuka: Oh my god, she's actually seriously trying to kill Waa-tan! :omg:

YURIKO: Wakana...if you do this... :glasses: you do realise that Keiko and Hiichan will defend Waa-tan with their lives, don't you? :uh..:

Wakana: Of course! :ohoho: And why should I care? :knife:

Captives: :white: :white: :white: :white: :white: :vortex: :vortex: :vortex: :vortex:

Wakana: FWAHAHAHAAHHAHAHAHA - kyack *cough cough cough splutter splutter splutter* :blood: :blood: :bloodlust: :bloodlust: :bloodlust:

~back in the real world~

*since they could find nothing but gyoza, Ice Latte (which Waa-tan spat out in a heartbeat even when Keiko tried feeding her mouth-to-mouth and a few turnips which really disgusted Keiko, Hikaru was left home to take care of Waa-tan whilst Keiko went out to buy some pure meat and ice cream "real food", as she called it*

Hikaru: *poke poke* :plot: :plot:

Waa-tan: :@_@: :@_@: :@_@:

Hikaru: *poke poke poke poke* :XD: :XD: :XD: :XD:

Waa-tan: :@_@: :@_@: :@_@: :@_@: :@_@:

Keiko: *opening door like a husband returning from work :XD: * I'm hoooomee! :sohappy: :sohappy: Hii-tan? Waa-tan? :omgz: WAA-TAN!! :omg:

*for Waa-tan has fallen over unsteadily onto her face*

Waa-tan: :nophoto: :nophoto: *stomach rumbles*

Keiko: :ghost: The poor girl has...fainted from hunger! Hikaru! I thought I told you to take care of her! Why didn't you feed her those turnips we found?! :omg:

Hikaru: Oh, those? :confu: She refused to eat them from me :innocent: I just ate them myself... :leaf: Seems like she'll only eat when Keiko feeds her :...: :spotlight: :rain: Those two are so lovey-dovey now it feels like I'm completely unwanted and invisible sometimes… :touched: :cry:

Waa-tan: :confu: Keiko~? :dote: *shuffling weakly over to cuddle Keiko's leg*

Keiko: :omg: :omg: SWEET MOTHER OF GODSIBB :touched: - I - I - MY HEART CAN'T TAKE THIS! SHE'S LIKE A HELPLESS LITTLE KITTEN I JUST WANT TO SQUEEZE HER TO DEATH :touched: :touched: :touched: *clutching at Waa-tan*

Hikaru: :spotlight: :spotlight: Okay. You know, I'll just sit over here. It's not like I'm feeling, you know...unloved...or left out...or anything... :rain:

Keiko: *thinking* And yet...somehow... :leaf: *looks down at Waa-tan's adoring gaze* This kawaii expression...still somewhat isn't quite the same as Wakana's sweet yet at times mischievous round face... :TdT: she doesn't have Wakana's exciting feistiness...or that thrilling sly look when she's about to reveal something embarrassing about me to the radio show ho - :omg: WHY AM I THINKING ABOUT THIS AGAIN?! Didn't I decide to give up on the old Wakana? But why - :blood: :blood:

*Suddenly, a burst of light fills the room, followed by deadly flashes of metal*

Keiko: *leaping into action with Keiko Lightning Speed Reflexes ™ DUCK! :white: :kungfu: *pulls down Hikaru and Waa-tan What is this?! An ambush? But who - ?

HIKARU: *just took over Hikaru's body* I do believe that this is... *inspecting weapon suspiciously* A Gyoza Shuriken?! :omgz: :omgz: Ninja Sharks! :omg:

Keiko: Don't they work for Wakana? But why would she - I thought we had reached an agreement! :confu: :confu: :omg:

HIKARU: Think later, fight now! You and me should be okay, but we have to get Waa-tan outta here! :kungfu: Here! I found these *tosses Wakana's home-karaoke microphones to Keiko* We can use them as weapons! :whip:

#cue: Dogfight (Fate/Zero)

Keiko: :hero: *swinging mic around by cord* :kungfu: :kungfu: :whip: :whip: They're actually much heavier than they look :ayashii: These must be the mics that Wakana uses to build up arm strength for holding a microphone during concerts! :ohoho:

Ninja Sharks: :kungfu: :ghost: :vortex: *gets thrown out window by HIKARU :hero: :hero: *

Mako: Hiiiyyyaaaaaaa! :kungfu: :kungfu: *fighting Keiko, who is having a hard time due to the power of Excucumber*

Keiko: *after Wakana's coffee table being used as a shield is sliced to pieces like a cucumber* :swt: :swt: What the heck kind of a sword is that?!! :omg:

Mako: Prepare to die, villain! :kungfu: *about to stab at momentarily disarmed Keiko*

Waa-tan: :omg: :omg: Keikoooooo :comeback: *leaps in front of Keiko protectively, getting slashed across chest by Excucumber* :@_@: *collapses unconscious and bleeding* :blood: :imdead:

#cue: fatality #2 (Hokuto no Ken) plays whilst Waa-tan falls in slo-mo for dramatic effect

Keiko: OH MAI GOD NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO :white: :white: :white: :white: :fwa: :fwa: :fwa: :fwa: :fwa: :omg: :omg: :omg: :omg: :vortex: :vortex: :vortex: :vortex: :orz: :orz: :orz: :orz: :comeback: :comeback: :comeback: :glower: :glower: :glower: :anger: :anger: :anger: YOU'LL PAY DEARLY FOR THAT, YOU BAKASHARKSTARD! :kungfu: :kungfu: :kungfu: :kungfu: *suddenly powered up to MACHO HAREM BOSS RAGE MODE*

HIKARU: Ke-Keiko! :omgz:

Keiko: :stupidtable: :stupidtable: :stupidtable: :stupidtable: :voodoo: :voodoo: :voodoo: :voodoo: *throws microphone weapon at Mako, hits stovetop in kitchen in process, which bursts into flames that quickly spread around the apartment, the room descending into a red and orange smoky haze*

tabete.mio said:

*momentary epic battle shot*

HIKARU: Keiko! I got your back! :hero: :hero: :hero:

Keiko: LET'S TAKE THIS BAKASHARK DOWNNNNNNNN! :glower: :glower: :glower: :glower:

Mako: :omgz: :omgz: Nuuooooo! I am injured! And fire! I am a creature of the water! Must flee! Well, I have already slashed the target with should be enough! :ohoho: *flees* :sohappy:

HIKARU: Quick, Keiko! Grab Waa-tan! We have to get out of here before the place burns down! :omgz:

*Waa-tan's lifeless body in tow, they escape out the window*

~meanwhile back at the Eternal Blue Palace~

Wakana: Now... :knife: what shall I do with all of you? :plot:

Captives: :swt: :swt: :swt:

Kaori: YURIKO! Why are you sleeping at a time like this?! We need your abilities! :omg:

Yuuka: :uh..: It seems like YURIKO has retreated back to the meta-world...Yuriko was already strained too much :cry: And without Excucumber, I cannot do anything either... :spotlight:

Sharks: *trying to chew through bars* :headbite: :headbite: :headbite: No use... :leaf: these were made to be sharkbite-proof :uh..:

Wakana: Ohhhh, I know what to do with all of you can all become feed for my magnificent Beast! :ohoho: :ohoho: RELEASE THE MEGALODON! :anger:

Kaori: Noooo I don't want to dieeeee!! :omg: :omg: :omg: I'm still young! I still haven't lived my life yet! I want to fall in love! And get married! :touched: :touched:

Yuriko: *waking up* Is that so, Kaori? :waii: Well, actually...this might be a bit sudden...but I've always loved you! :shy: I've always been jealous of Wakana and Keiko's dramatic romance...let's embark on a love story that's as excitingly adventurous and intense as theirs! :goodjob: :plot:

Kaori: :white: :white: :swt: :swt: :swt:

Yuuka + Sharks: :fwa: :fwa: :fwa: :fwa: :fwa: S-sudden confession?!!

*Yuriko's maiden heart manifested! :ghost: *

Yuriko: :shy: :shy: :love: :love: :confu: *awkward silence continues* :leaf: :spotlight: Okay, sorry, forget I said that... :rain:

~Suddenly, at around the same time Waa-tan got stabbed in the real world, Wakana collapses onto the ground :ghost: :ghost: :touched: ~

Wakana: *gasping and coughing blood* :blood: :blood: Arrrghhhh... *falls dramatically to the floor unconscious* :imdead: :imdead: :imdead:

#cue: fatality #2 (Hokuto no Ken)

All: :white: :white: :white: :white: :omg: :omg: :omg: :omg:

Sharks: Wakana-samaaaaaaa :touched: :touched: :comeback: :comeback:

Yuuka: Yuriko!! What happened?! :omgz:

Yuriko: I don't know! I can't use my MYSTIC VOICE OF DEATH PERCEPTION without YURIKO! She's retreated to the meta-world to rest! I can't contact her right now :orz:

Kaori: Mako must have killed Waa-tan in the real world! :omg: And - and - does that mean Keiko and Hikaru were killed too? :fwa: :fwa: OhmygodohmygodohmygodWHATDOWEDOWHATDOWEDO?!!!!! :vortex: :vortex: :vortex: :vortex: :touched: :touched: :touched: :orz: :orz: :orz:

~Suddenly, a deep rumbling sound is heard from the earth~

Sharks: :swt: :swt: Oh...noesssss... That's the Megalodon Beast awaking! :omg: Once it gets here it will run completely amok and devour us all! But Wakana-sama is unconscious and she's the only one who can control it! We're all going to die if we don't think of a plan to escape!! :orz:

Kaori and Yuuka: *curled up in corners of cage in pre-imminent-death-situation-calm* Let's just...wait for our deaths :tea: Confess your regrets...walk towards the light... :tea: :uh..: :nophoto: :nophoto:

Sharks: :omg: :omg: :spotlight: :TdT:

Yuriko: *calling into her mind* YURIKO where are you?! You are the only one who can save us now! :touched:

~back in real world, at Hikaru's apartment, where Waa-tan lies lifeless in a pool of blood on the couch~

#cue: fatality (Hokuto no Ken)

Keiko: :orz: :orz: :orz: :orz: :touched: :touched: :touched: :touched: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

Hikaru: *returned to her body* Keiko... :touched:

Keiko: *gasping and choking with grief* N-No! Don't speak! I can't take it! :orz: :orz: :orz: Waa-tannnnnnnn :comeback: :comeback: :comeback: :comeback:

Hikaru: :touched: :touched: Keikoooo *hugging and crying*

Keiko: *headbanging against wall* It's all because I was too weak! I couldn't protect her! What's the use of being a super macho harem boss if I can't even protect my girls?! Why is it always like this?!! I must return to the mountains to train! :...: :...: :...: :...: :orz: :orz: :orz: :orz:

Hikaru: Keiko, please don't beat yourself up over this! It wasn't your fault! :touched: *looks at Waa-tan's unconscious form and bursts into more tears* :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

Keiko: *throws self at Waa-tan's lifeless body in despair* :comeback: :comeback: :comeback: :comeback: Waa-tan! You died to save me! You were so pure and innocent - why did you have the be the one to die?! It should have been me! MEEEEE!! :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

Hikaru: :omg: Keiko, don't say that! *checking Waa-tan's pulse* :omgz: :touched: Look, she's still alive! :TdT: Only barely, but she's alive, Keiko!

Keiko: :omg: :omg: :omg: :touched: :touched: :touched: :touched: YOKATTAAAAAAAAAA :cry: :cry: :cry: *still crying and clinging to Waa-tan*

Hikaru: Keiko, we must return to the Eternal Blue World and confront Wakana! Or else Waa-tan will die! :hero:

Keiko: *sniffing* Okay...should we go get Kaori, Yuriko and Yuuka? :TdT: Do you know where they are?

Hikaru: :confu: I'll try calling them on their mobiles... :uh..:

~back in Eternal Blue World~

Brutus: Hey, do you hear that? :confu:

Kaori: *bleakly* The hellish rumbling of our impending doom? :spotlight: Yes, I hear it. :nophoto:

Shark: No! Not that! There's another faint sound...coming from... *stares at Yuuka's pocket* :stars:

Yuuka: :confu: *reaches into pocket* :waii: Ohh, someone's calling me!

Yuriko: It's Hikaru?! :hearts: :TdT: :sohappy: We're saved!

Yuuka: Man, the connection is really bad here...moshi moshi? hello? HELLOOOO? :uh..: :uh..:

~back in real world~

Hikaru: Ehh, what?! I can't hear you, Yuuka, you're breaking up! You're eating in a blue Mega-what? :confu: *speculates to Keiko* Mega-Supermarket, maybe? :ayashii:

Keiko: Why are they shopping at a time like this?! :blood: *trying to attend to Waa-tan's first aid*

~back in Eternal Blue~

Yuuka: I said, we're in the Eternal Blue world, about get eaten by a MEGALODON! :anger: :uh..: I can't hear what she's saying properly...The blizzard outside is interfering with the signal... :orz:

Kaori: :sparkleguy: Well...actually, I finally thought of the superpower that I have. :ohoho: *suddenly not depressed at all* That is - I just so happen to have the power…

Yuuka: ...of teleportation? :waii:

Yuriko: ...of melting shark-proof cage bars and slaying Megalodon beasts? :ayashii:

Kaori: ...of increasing phone reception! :ohoho:

Everyone else: Eh...? :uh..:

Kaori: ...with the power of my voice and song! :goodjob: Observe. :sparkleguy:

#cue Insert Song: Calling (Kaori Oda) :ohoho: seewhatididthere

Everyone: :dote: :dote: :dote: :dote:

Yuuka: :waii: Sugoi! Is it working? Is it - ?

Hikaru: *voice crackling on the other end* He..? ...lo? ...are...there, Yuuka? Kaori? YURIKO?! ARE YOU THERE...?!! :omg: :omg:

~dramatic DRUM BEAT


#cue ED: vanity - FictionJunction ver.

*during which there is a montage playing of Wakana/Waa-tan's lifeless bodies*

~After EDed sequence~

~in meta-world~

#cue: Sis Puella Magica! (PMMM)

YURIKO: *wandering around* :confu: Hello? Is there someone there?

HIKARU: :glower:

YURIKO: :omg: :uh..: Oh, it's just you. Long time no see, eh, HIKARU. How are you and your Other doing? :innocent:

HIKARU: *sarcastically* Well, we're both still alive, aren't we? :uh..: Although she and her friends are so bothersome.

YURIKO: *pats on shoulder sympathetically* Ah, so you got caught up in this whole Ice Queen incident as well? :desksweat: :XD:

HIKARU: Yeeees... :ayashii: *having some unfathomable thought that makes even YURIKO feel slightly uncomfortable* I have :plot:

YURIKO: :swt: Eh...y-yes... *thinking* something doesn't feel quite right…her aura is...too ominous, even for an alter ego… So,'re a...pretty newly developed Alter Ego, deshou? :innocent:

HIKARU: You could say that... :ayashii:

YURIKO: :swt: Well...erm...actually. :innocent: *changing tack* I noticed something strange about certain recent...incidents...that have occurred. :uh..:

HIKARU: :ayashii:

YURIKO: Well, I didn't even tell my own Other Yuriko about this, since I wanted to be sure of it myself before jumping to any hasty conclusions, :uh..: but...why was it that when I investigated Wakana's soul with the MYSTIC VOICE OF DEATH PERCEPTION, I discovered that the Stone Cold Ice Crystal had in fact only been planted in her heart during that very first time she was warped forcibly into the Eternal Blue Realm? And that in fact, the spell weaving it into her soul had...well...your magical signature? :knife:

HIKARU: *really, really friggin' SCARY FACE* OHOHO. I WONDER WHY...SEEMS LIKE YOU FOUND ME OUT. :knife: :knife: :ohoho: :ohoho: *darkness swirling around her*

YURIKO: :omgz: :omgz: :omgz: M-Massaka - you - ?!!!! It was YOU all along who - from the beginning - ?!

HIKARU: YES! IT WAS ME! IHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! :plot: :plot: :ohoho: :ohoho: I planted that Stone Cold Ice Crystal within Wakana's then-untainted soul when I transported her to the Eternal Blue world for the first time! :glower: It reacted to the extreme low temperatures of that place and took root in her heart, corrupting her with unmeltable coldness! :plot: :plot: :plot: :ohoho: :ohoho: :ohoho: *crazed laughter* :whip: :whip:

YURIKO: B-but why?! :omg: :omg: We Alters exist to fulfil the wishes of our Others that they can't achieve, right? But Hikaru would never want that to happen to Wakana!

HIKARU: HAH! My puny Other self doesn't even know what it is she truly desires deep down in her heart...all that nonsense I told her about lack of sleep - well, yes it was part of it - but other than that, all of it was just really nonsense! Hikaru's true wish, deep down, which she doesn't even know herself - is to eliminate Wakana and have Keiko all to herself! :ohoho: :ohoho: :ohoho: So that's what I'm doing! I concocted this elaborate plan just to get rid of Wakana once and for all, thus fulfilling Hikaru's secret wish of being Keiko's ONE AND ONLY FOR ALL ETERNITYYYY!! :glower: :glower: :glower:

YURIKO: You're crazy! That's not Hikaru's wish! You're just a crazy alter ego that's gone out of control!! :omg: :omg: And she so completely trusted you, even promised to catch up on more sleep - how could you betray her like this?!! I have to stop you and warn my Other self and the utahimes before it's too late! :comeback:

HIKARU: IT ALREADY IS. :glower: :glower: Did you really think I would reveal my masterful plan to you and still let you leave here alive? :knife: :knife:

YURIKO: :swt: :swt: Oh yeah? I'll fight you, if that's what it takes. :glower: :hero: :hero: You may be young, strong and completely insane, but I have the power of experience on my side! :kungfu:

HIKARU: It's already too late for that! :ohoho: :ohoho: I set up this trap a long while ago! :plot: :plot:

YURIKO: *suddenly crumples to her knees* Wh-what is this... :@_@: I feel all drowsy…

HIKARU: I'll put you into eternal slumber with my special ability - IN MY LONG FORGOTTEN CLOISTERED SLEEP! :ohoho: :ohoho: :ohoho: With this, your brain signals slow down and your heart rate decreases, just as if you were actually falling asleep...but it doesn't stop just there...with my power, I can make your brain activity and heart rate continue to decrease so much that eventually it will all STOP! And you will enter a LONG FORGOTTEN CLOISTERED SLEEP and DIE! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA :ohoho: :ohoho: :ohoho: *more insane crazed laughter*

YURIKO: Nuooooo...must...warn...minna... :comeback:

HIKARU: It's no use fighting it, YURIKO! Hikaru and Keiko trust me completely now since I 'helped' them so much! And no one else suspects even an inkling! I WIN! :ohoho: :ohoho: :ohoho: :ohoho: Enjoy your long forgotten cloistered sleep, YURIKO. :knife: :knife:

YURIKO: :@_@: :imdead: *eyelids close and darkness falls*

*sounds of HIKARU'S maniacal evil laughter fading into the Distance*


Jikai: #cue: to be continued (Fate/Zero)

What will happen now that the two halves of Wakana/Waa-tan seem to be both lifeless and on the verge of death?
Did the power of Kaori's 'Calling' work?
Will Hikaru and Keiko be able to finally make contact with Yuuka, Kaori and Yuriko in the Eternal Blue world?
Will they be able to escape in time from the ravenous hunger of the approaching Megalodon Beast?
And what of YURIKO? Now that HIKARU'S true intentions have been discovered, will she be able to somehow get a warning to her Other Self Yuriko in time, or will she be doomed to slowly fall into deathly sleep?

Tune in next time to find out! :ghost:

Gosh, somehow things took a somewhat darker turn here, I feel... :uh..: :ayashii: Gomen...should we try to keep it light? Maybe there shouldn't be too much death... :XD: :desksweat:

Anyways... :plot: Next person's pictures...



It's all round angst :TdT:
This story is getting dark :ohoho: :ohoho:


*In the throne room* #cue: Pugna Cum Maga-PMMM)

Mako: Wakana-sama! We have- :omgz: huh?! - WAKANA-SAMA!! :omg: *proceeds to her side* Wakana-sama! Are you alright? Wakan- Whats that noise?... THE MEGALODON HAS AWAKEN?? :swt: :swt:

Brutus: You! :glower: Get Queen Wakana outa here! Its Dangerous, the Megalodon is coming.

Kaori: Brutus, youre so loyal to your master that you dont even care about your impending doom under the most ferocious creature known to the universe. :desksweat: :uh..: :orz:

Mako: Oni- Lieutenant Brutus? I understand. Here! *Throws Excucumber near the cage then flees carrying Wakana on her shoulders* I wish you luck, Aniki. *Tears* :touched:

*Shark Ninjas follows Mako*

Kaori: Were saved!! :touched: Now to get the Excucumber... Ara- Ara ara?... I CANT REACH IT! :swt: :omg: :omg: :cry: :spotlight:

Yuriko: What? :omg: Hurry up and do something!

*rumbling intensifying*

Yuriko, Kaori and Shark army: :omg: :omg: :omg: :omg: :swt: :swt: :swt: :swt: :swt:

Yuuka: Fufufufu, no worries. :innocent: I got it..*in a serious tone*

~I who fears death and despair, and whom still cling to a desire: "to be exalted." call thee, the pinnacle of all holy swords, forged by the planet as the crystallization of mankind’s wish; the strongest and most majestic holy sword, EXCUCUMBER!~

*At that moment, bright light covered Excucumber which disappeared from where it landed and immediately appeared in Yuuka’s hand*

Kaori: WOW! Sugoi! :waii: But.. why didn’t you do that before?? :stupidbox: You could have saved us the trouble of despair and anguish! :stupidtable:

Yuuka: Gomen ne. :innocent: :innocent: Summoning this holy sword has a condition to be met before being answered. It requires its master to fall completely to the despair of inevitable death. tee-hee~ :idol: :idol:

Kaori: :uh..: :uh..: Anyway, have you contacted Hikaru and told her our circumstance?

Yuuka: No. She hang up. :desksweat:

Kaori: WHAT?? :omg: :stupidtable: Just when we needed them the most... :uh..: :blood:

Yuuka: Dont worry, I’ve sent an email so that it’ll be easier to communicate. :innocent:

Kaori: ugh.. What if she didn’t read it? :desksweat: :desksweat:

Yuuka: Oh. She read it already and they’re on their way here now. :sparkleguy:

Kaori: How can you be so sure? :uh..:

Yuuka: Oh that, I’ve watched it in the crystal ball that was accidentally thrown in together with the sharks. :innocent:

Kaori: Yuuka.. :desksweat: Please tell us these things immediately. :uh..: :uh..:

Yuuka: Gomen ne. I didn’t want to ruin, Brutus and Mako’s moment. :shy: :shy:

Kaori: *feeling extremely tired* :uh..: :uh..: Yuriko, you haven’t spoken for a while now. Whats wrong? :confu:

Yuriko: *from the corner of the cage* I keep trying to contact YURIKO but there is no answer. :blood: :blood: It’s really odd, usually she answers even if she’s really tired. Something must be up, let me chec-

*Yuriko was interrupted with a loud BANG and crushing sound*

Kaori, Yuuka and Shark Legion: :white: :white: :white: :white: :omg: :omg: :omg: :swt: :swt: :swt: :ghost: :ghost: :ghost: :ghost: :ghost: :vortex: :vortex: :vortex: :vortex: :vortex: :hide:

*Half of the castle has been devoured by the vicious 60 feet long Megalodon*

*a few minutes minutes earlier: in Hikaru’s appartment *

Hikaru: *on the phone* Hello?? Hellooo? Yuuka? Yuukaaa?.. :confu: Thats some bad reception there. All I can hear is Blue, Mega and eat. :blood: Hmmm.. Yuuka- *interupted by loud banging on the door* Ugh.. :uh..: :uh..: who could it be at this hour of the night? *hanged up*

*Opens door*

Konno: HIKARU! WHAT THE H- I mean. :omg: :omg: WHAT HAPPENED? Are you ok? Kajiura-san asked me to check up on you girls, especially Wakana. :hide: B-B-But what greeted me is a BURNED-OUT, COMPLETELY-DESTROYED APPARTMENT! :omg: The police are all over the place investigating the scene as we speak. A-and- Wakana? :swt: Where’s Wakana? :touched: OH! I should contact Kajiura-san about- :punched: *is interrupted and dragged inside the appartment*

HIKARU: Lets talk here where its safe Konno-san. :knife: :knife:

Konno: o-oh ok :hide: *Notices Keiko and Waa-tan on the couch* There you girls are! :plz: Yokatta! :sohappy: I’m glad you girls are alive and safe :ayashii: :psst: and being lovey dovey on the couch- *trails off* BLOOD!! :omg: :omg:

Hikaru: Konno-san, calm down! :desksweat: :desksweat: There's no time to explain things - we need to save Waa-tan! :cry: :cry:

Konno: Waa-tan? :confu: Oh I’m sorry, I’m really worried you know. But luckily, I found you girls alive. :touched: :touched: :plz: :plz:

Keiko: *anguish* :comeback: Waa-tan. I’ll save you I promise *continues to apply first aid to Waa-tan’s wound but the blood keeps gushing out* :touched: :swt: :rain:

Konno: *Notices Wakana’s face in agonizing pain* :swt: :omg: :cry: :blood: Ugh! what trouble did you girls get yourselves into this time? :uh..: :uh..: Explain everything to me later, ok? I’ll save her. :sparkleguy:

Keiko: REALLY? :waii: :waii:

Hikaru: But how? :uh..: No matter what we do, the wound that the glowing sword of that ninja snow shark won’t stop bleeding. :orz:

Konno: Glowing sword? Ninja snow shark? Definitely sounds like trouble. :uh..: No worries. I’ve brought just the thing to save her. :sparkleguy: TADA! :whip: :whip:

Keiko and Hikaru: :waii: :waii: :swt: :swt: :desksweat: :desksweat: Thats your violin.

Konno: Correct! :hero: It just so happens that I have the power to cure any illness or wound with my violin. :groucho:

Keiko and Hikaru: Waaa.... :leaf: :leaf:

Konno: Tch.. Believe me! :anger: :anger: I really do! *proceeds to play a melody*

(Playing: Winter goes by - Sekai Satoyama Kikou)

*The room is filled with a calm and gentle melody*

Keiko: Ahh.. :dote: What a beautiful melody. So pure and soft. I feel that, not only my soul being healed but also my body. :wash:

Konno: *continuously playing the violin*Do you know the Legend of the Goddess of music? It is said that She has the power to create and destroy the world with her music. Knowing this, the Gods sealed off her powers and turned her mortal. But even without her powers her passion for songs and poetry still remained so she continued to create beautiful melodies. In the mortal world she married a man-

Keiko and Hikaru: The man was you?? :omgz: :omgz: :omg: :omg:

Konno: Let me finish! :bloodlust: So- They got married and eventually had a child. This child inherited a small portion of her mother’s power that was supposed to be sealed off. When that child reached puberty, he discovered his power to cure people by playing his mother’s melodies using the lyre . Thereafter, he used this powers to help those who are ill. However, the Gods once again intervened, thinking that Musae(Goddess of Music) got her powers back, they vanished Musae’s soul. The knowledge of what the Gods had done to his mother caused the young boy to hate and loath . Eventually, he discovered a new power he possess, and this is to inflict pain with music. The child, filled with negative emotions, promised that he will do everything he can just to be reunited with his mother. :hero: :hero:

Hikaru and Keiko: Ooh.. Sad.. *sniff* :touched: :orz: :orz: :comeback: :rain:

Waa-tan: *slowly opening her eyes* Kei-ko..

(#cue: Toki no Sabaku)

Keiko: Waa-tan!! :omgz: :omg:

Hikaru and Konno: Thank the Goddess of Music!! :swt: :omg: :omg:

Hikaru: The bleeding stopped! :waii:

Waa-tan: *tiredly* K-Kei-ko, I’m glad... you’re safe. *still lying on the couch*

Keiko and Hikaru: She speaks! :omgz: :omgz: :omg: :omg:

Konno: :confu: :uh..:

Keiko: Waa-tan, you spoke! :plz: But how? *now holding both her hands*

Waa-tan: *tired* You know what Keiko.*staring into Keiko’s eyes with half-opened ones* I’ve always been.. happy staying by your side. I might not show it, but, the me as Waa-tan and as Wakana.. am always happy and pleased with how much love you’re giving me. How you always smile and reach your hand to me. How you support me when I feel down. really are a kind person. *faintly smiles*

The truth is.. I always feel nervous and conscious when you touch me.. Whenever you’re around and close to me, my heart beats so fast that I thought its gonna explode. But I always welcome your warmth and your desire to become close to us. You always protect me and Hicchan. Even that bug incident. haha.. :XD: Even now, in this situation, you try your best to keep me alive. :plz: You can’t even make yourself forget who I was before. You never gave up on me even when I’ve hurt you so much.. I’m really grateful. :touched: Please never think that I would want you out of my life.


I’ve always... had... feelings for you..

Keiko: OHMYGODDESSOFMUSIC :fwa: :omg: :omgz: I think I’m ready to die. :orz: :touched: :imdead:

Hikaru: Oh my *sniff* :touched: It appears Konno-san’s melody had cured even the defects of Waa-tan's creation. *sniff* Never mind how talkative she is now that she had regained her speech.*sniff* :XD:

Waa-tan: The me right now is not the real me. Keiko... Something happened when I was first transported in Eternal Blue world. When I got there, a desire that I never had before was born. I dont really know what caused it but I desired to be a cold-hearted person. Back then, I felt that I really want to be selfish that I had to stay in that world and keep my distance from you. Because, the conflicting emotions of happiness of being by your side and desire to be wicked cause me torment and suffering. Keiko.. I want.. to... return.. to how we were before. Please.. Kei- *unconscious*

Keiko: Waa-tan! WAA-TAN!! :swt: :comeback:

Konno: You’re over reacting. :desksweat: She just passed out due to exhaustion from talking too much.

Keiko: *sniff* Your words Waa-tan- No! - Wakana, have reached me. :touched: :comeback: I’ll return everything to how it was before... I’ll save you. :hero: :hero:

Hikaru: OHH NOOES! :fwa: :swt: :omg: :omg: :blood:

(#cue: M40-Kara no Kyoukai)

Keiko: What’s wrong Hikaru? :confu:

Hikaru: read this: *shows to Keiko and Konno*

Yuuka said:
To: Hikaru
From: Yuuka

Konnichiwa Hikaru-san, genki? We; me, Kaori, and Yuriko are doing fine for the time being but in a moments time, we will be devoured by the frightful Megalodon, curtesy of Waka-chan,(its so kind of her). Oh! BTW we’re here right now inside the castle in Eternal Blue, locked in a cage with little chance of escape, isn’t that exciting?

Kaori asked me to tell you guys that “any help will be highly appreciated”.

huggies and kisses

Hikaru:YUUKA-CHAN!! :vortex: S-Sarcastic Yuuka is sarcastic. :hide:

Keiko: :omg: Gotta save those three. :hero:

Konno: :uh..: Ugh.. ok fine, I’m going with you. :hero:

Keiko: No! You stay here. :groucho: :groucho:

Konno: :fwa: BUT, why? :glower: Don’t you girls need help or something? :blood:

Keiko: We do but right now you have a bigger duty to attend than to slay dangerous, fearful Megalodon monsters. :glasses:

Konno: Namely? :bloodlust:

Keiko: Keeping her *points at Waa-tan* alive. :innocent:

Konno: Eh? :uh..: Ugh.. alright! I’ll stay here and watch over her. Is that good enough? :desksweat:

Keiko: Yes! Arigatou Konno-san. :bow: We can always count on you.

Konno:*thinking*What is this creepy mature and polite personality of Keiko. :swt: Leave it to me. :sparkleguy:

*Hikaru open’s portal to Eternal Blue Kingdom*

Konno: Sweet Mother of - :white: :white:


Hikaru: Keiko! Lets go save Yuuka-chan and the others. *directed at Waa-tan* Gambare Waa-tan! Get well soon so that everything will return back to how it was before.. :touched: So that, Keiko won't be sad again. I dont want to see her cry again. :orz: :orz:

Keiko: My dearest Waa-tan/Wakana. Rest well and leave everything to me(your husbando). You've suffered enough already :touched: I’ll make sure to return everything back to normal. Wait here for me my darling. :comeback: :comeback: *kisses Waa-tan's forehead*

Hikaru: *thinking* again with the intimacy :cry: :cry:



HIKARU: *comes out**thinking* time for my appearance :plot:

Konno: farewell you two.. :cheer: :cheer:

HIKARU and Keiko: *Nods* :hero: :whip:

*When Keiko and Hikaru left*

Konno: Something isn’t right.. :glower: I need to consult that person. *dials number on phone* Hello? - Oh glad you’re still awake. I need you to check something for me-

*Somewhere in the Eternal Blue Kingdom* (#cue: Dreams fade before Dawn III-Fate/Zero OST2)

Mako: GREY-SAN! :omg: What do you mean she cannot be cured?

Grey Shark Nurse: :desksweat: Like I said, she cannot be cured.

Mako: But she’s the queen.. :omg: And you’re the best doctor in Eternal Blue Kingdom! There must be something you could do? :anger:

Grey Shark Nurse: I’m just a nurse.. However there is something, but... :spotlight:

Mako: HONTO NI? :waii: Alright! She can be saved! :cheer:

Grey Shark Nurse: Listen carefully Mako, Queen Wakana’s body is deteriorating due to the climate of this world. She is a warm blooded human who lived her whole life under the sun. Now that she is here, the vitality that she gets from sunlight is no more. And her body temperature is slowly falling to dangerous levels. From the start, a human cannot live in this blizzard filled place. I’m quite surprised that she survived this long with will power alone. However, I can save the Queen with two options: Option1, I can restructure her body into a coldblooded being who lives by taking blood from warm-blooded creatures such as humans; Option2, return the Queen to the human world. :blood:

Mako: Eh? But.. :swt:

Grey Shark Nurse: See. :desksweat: Even I cant do anything like this. I need to ask the Queen her decision before I do anything. But right now she’s- :fwa:

Wakana: *opens her eyes* ugh... :@_@:

Mako: Queen Wakana! Are you alright? :touched:

Wakana: Mako? H-Have you eliminated the target? :glower: :uh..: :@_@:

Mako: Hai! I have plunged Excucumber into her chest My Queen. :hero:

Wakana: Very good! You’ve done a wonderful job. *cough cought* :barf:

Mako: Queen Wakana.. :omg: :omg:

Wakana: Where am I? :@_@:

Mako: In Grey Shark Nurse’s clinic. He’s treating you My Queen.

Wakana: But why am I still feeling sick? :@_@: :uh..:

Grey Shark Nurse: *proceeds to explain her condition* -So as you can see, we need to return you to you-

Wakana: Option 1 :glower:

Grey Shark Nurse: :fwa: What? But Queen Wakana! :omg:

Wakana: Just do it! I need to rule over this world so returning to the human world is unacceptable. So I decide Option1. :glower: :glower:

Grey Shark Nurse: But if we continue with this operation, you will no longer be human. The process is irreversible. :omg: Once you are no longer a human, you will never be able to live in the human world again. :fwa: :omg:

Wakana: I dont care. Just do it. :bloodlust: :glower: :glower:

Grey Shark Nurse: B-But.. :omg: ok.. :uh..:

*In meta-world* (#cue: In a nighmare- Fate/zero OST 2)





Person: Ah. Why would someone be sleeping here? who is this? Yuriko??

ENDING THEME: Toki no Sabaku

Oh no! Wakana will be turned into a vampire type of being :omg: Will keiko be able to stop the process on time. How about Yuuka, Kaori and Yuriko, What is happening to them? Are they still alive? And who is this mysterious person in the meta-world? Tune in again for more exciting battles, tear-jerker drama, out of this world spells and insane-crazy identities being revealed.



:ohoho: :XD: :plot: Gomen ne, I unconsciouly turned Mako into a girl. It was too late when I realised that "Mako" is the name of a specie of sharks. :XD: Oh! and I copied a few lines from:

Good luck to the next poster :V: :V:
Konno: *continuously playing the violin*Do you know the Legend of the Goddess of music? It is said that She has the power to create and destroy the world with her music. Knowing this, the Gods sealed off her powers and turned her mortal. But even without her powers her passion for songs and poetry still remained so she continued to create beautiful melodies. In the mortal world she married a man- *interupted*
I kind of expected YK to be their daughter and that melody was healing becase she composed it :ohoho:
^ Fufufufufu I'll consider that :plot: :ohoho: :ohoho: :XD: :imdead:

Kugayama said:
^ Yuuka must be doing shorthand email typing "genki?" rather than "genki-desuka" (-:

Dont worry, Hikaru and Yuuka are close enough to be not so formal with each other :XD:

Yuuka's email :XD: :XD: :XD: :XD: :XD: :XD: :XD:

tabete.mio said:
Konno: *continuously playing the violin*Do you know the Legend of the Goddess of music? It is said that She has the power to create and destroy the world with her music. Knowing this, the Gods sealed off her powers and turned her mortal. But even without her powers her passion for songs and poetry still remained so she continued to create beautiful melodies. In the mortal world she married a man-

Keiko and Hikaru: The man was you?? :omgz: :omgz: :omg: :omg:

LOL I thought that too! :XD: and I thought the Goddess was Yuki :omg: Yuki x Hitoshi?!!!!! :white: :XD: