The picture captions game!

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YEAH. me too! :knife:

But dun stress and finish quickly. I still am trying to recover brain cells.

kuromew said:
Money, money, money... I feel your pain... :cry: A small one is fine! (Mine's also a small one :cry: )

Btw, the picture of Keiko I did so far... ... 4615_n.jpg

Did you drew that using s tablet? BTW its really nice. Post the finished product soon. :sparkleguy:

@casarina26: I've finished half already. :ohoho: Cerise's over-doing-it syndrome is contagious :knife:
^ :fwa: thats some jaw-dropping collection you have there

@casarina26: Scary creatures are scary :hide:

/me is :@_@: now :ohoho:
Okay, this is probably going to be very weird, but I'll give it a go. :plot:

*at Meta-world which Yuriko is gagged and tied up (refer Cerise's post)*

Hikaru: *Steps inside the meta-world while sobbing* Y-Yuriko? :cry:

Yuriko: *makes more muffled noises*

Hikaru: *steps closer to Yuriko, starts untying her, swallowing* W-Who did t-this to y-you...? :omg:

Yuriko: *untied* HIKARU DID :glower: . Why are you crying, Hikaru? *starts hugging Hikaru, like the true onee-san she is*

Hikaru: *explains everything that happened just now, cries even more* then HIKARU took over my body... :cry: :cry: :cry: I can't...I must resign out of Kalafina... or else, all of you will be killed by... :orz: :orz: :orz: I-I q-quit...

Yuriko: :omg: :omg: DON'T SAY THAT!!! HIKARU is HIKARU, you are you, both of you are completely different! :touched:

Hikaru: *sobbing :orz: :orz: :orz:, and starts singing Kyrie * KYRIE!! ELEISON!!!! :orz: :orz: :orz:

Yuriko: And we need to go back to our bodies!! :omg: :omg:

Hikaru: I don't want to go back... :cry:

Yuriko: Hikaru, we have to do this, for everyone’s sake! If we don't HIKARU will- *hear's footsteps and dark chuckling*

HIKARU: *walking into Meta-world, stops in the dark shadows* Talking about me?? How nice... :knife: :knife: :knife:

*Switch back to Wakana*

Wakana: Umm...what part of the dungeon did Lamia and Ketea place them...? *walking around randomly* This dungeon sure is complicated... :uh..: :uh..: :uh..: matter. The hungrier I become, the more delicious my meal is...hahaha... :ohoho:

*Switch to Yuki and Utahime's situation*


Yuki, Keiko, Yuriko and Yuuka: *starts to wake up* Kaori, calm down... :uh..: :uh..: :uh..: :uh..:

Kaori: *continues to pace the room*

Yuuka: Ehhh...where's my ExCucumber? :omg: :omg: :omg:

Keiko: They must have taken it away... :ayashii: :uh..:

Yuuka: NNUUOOOOOOO!!!!! :omg: :omg: :cry: :cry: :rain: :rain:

Yuriko: *comforts Yuuka like the onee-san she is*

Kaori: *starts singing a soft melody- The Sword of Promised Victory, while looking out dungeon bars*

*Somewhere where ExCucumber Sword is*

Sword: I need to get back to my owner... :omg: *Light starts to surround it* Eh? :omg:

*Back to dungeon*

Yuuka: *sob, sob :orz: :orz: :orz: * E-eh? *ExCucumber appears beside her* HUH?! MAIBELOVED SWORD!!! :waii:

Kaori: *Ends singing, insert sign here* Luckily I got your sword back, but... *looks at all of them with dead serious eyes* (All of them: :fwa: :fwa: :fwa: :fwa: ) We need to hurry up and find a way to get out of here... :glower: Wapire is inching closer as we speak, the max. time we have is 5 minutes... :bloodlust:

All of them: PANICPANICPANIC :omg: :omg: :omg: :omg: :omg:

Yuuka: I have an idea!! :sparkleguy: *Turns around suddenly and accidentally hit Keiko's shoulder with sword* :omg:

Keiko: OUUUCCCCHHHHH!!!! :cry:

Yuuka: OHMAIGOSH I'M SO SORRY!!!! :omg: :omg: :omg:

Keiko: *grasps shoulder* I'm f-fine... Continue, explain your plan... :ayashii:

Yuuka: Errmmm... I found out... That most of these bricks over here at loose. If I can slide out enough bricks to make out a large enough hole, we can escape. :innocent:

All of them: :ayashii: :ayashii: :ayashii: :ayashii:

Kaori: But then what if we escaped? What do we do? :knife:

Yuki: We split up... :ayashii:

Yuriko: But we don't know the route of this palace...! :omg:

Yuuka: Errmmm....actually I do have a map of this entire palace... *shows out a map* :uh..:

Kaori: And when did you get that? :omg: :knife:

Yuuka: Remember when we and the sharks were pushed into the cage? Err... I stole the map from Brutus's back pocket...ehehe :psst:

Keiko: :glower: Next time, tell us these things immediately, Yuuka!! :knife:

Yuuka: Gomennnnn... :cry: :cry: :cry:

Yuki: *sigh* Okay so...

*Huge explanation that took 2 minutes*

Yuki: So basically we split into 2 teams, Team A is Keiko, Kaori and Yuriko. Team B is me and Yuuka. Like that, each team has combat powers. Team A uses the west wing to escape while Team B uses the east wing. We also have 10 minutes to reach to the gates as the guards will finish supper and be on duty by that time. Now commence Operation: Escape! :ayashii:

* Yuuka starts to carefully destroy bricks thus not making any sounds and escape. After escaping, Plan A is having a hard time because Kaori is holding Keiko bridal-style because of her injuries. While Plan B is moving swiftly. They overcome many obstacles like passing security sharks, distracting them by throwing stones, avoid making noise etc. In the end...*

*Back to Wakana*

Wakana: Okay...where the hell am I... :bloodlust:


YURIKO: *wakes, and see...*

HIKARU: *tilting Hikaru's head dangerously* :plot:

Hiakru: *breath hitching* GET OFF ME!!! :wai:

Yuriko: LET GO OF HER!!! :bloodlust:

YURIKO: *Finally registering what is happening, suddenly appears behind HIKARU/ Lost Utahime, and pinning her hands behind her back* YOU TWO, RETURN TO YOUR BODIES NOW!!! :glower: :glower:

Hikaru and Yuriko: :swt: :swt: * bright light surrounds them*

HIKARU/ Lost Utahime: *trying to struggle free,glare* :bloodlust: :bloodlust: :bloodlust:

* At...*

Yuriko and Hikaru: *Regain consciousness of their bodies*

Hikaru: WHERE ARE WE!?!?!? :omg: :omg: :omg:

*They are in a place that is in complete darkness, with thick white mist and falling snow. The place is called...*

Yuriko: Nowhere. Otherwise known as Destination Unknown.(Haha...seewhatididthere.)

Hikaru: How do we go back?!!?!!? :omg: :omg: :omg:


So how did I do???

For the pictures, continue using Casarina26's (or none at all).

EDIT: I edited the story a bit.. If you prefer the older version, i'm sorry...Gomen...It didn't meet my own expectations. :cry:
Okay, I'm going to challenge you guys a little. They were two reasons why Team A was Yuriko,Keiko and Kaori. Reason 1) Keiko's combat skills. Reason 2) ??? If you can guess it well, I can say your paying attention to the story, loyal follower. :shy:
1) Yuuka said something about a "place and situation", at that "place and situation". Another hint there.
2) It's something that includes Y----- and K----.

EDITED THE THIRD TIME... :cry: But you don't need to read it a third time because it just changed slightly... :ayashii:

THANK YOU ALL!!! :chuu: :chuu: :chuu:
@ Tabete: post it...? :uh..:

the more the merrier! :sohappy:

@ Kuromew
good job! loved the story! :shy:
This isn’t part of the story ok! :knife: I just posted this just for sharing. :XD: You can think of it as something that happened in an AU. :ohoho:

Note: This happened after Casarina26’s post

Opening theme: Cynical World

*In a busy street, filled with the Christmas decorations*(#cue: Tender Moment- Fate Zero)

Hitoshi: Where have you been Sato? :listen:

Sato: Nowhere in particular. :tea:

Hitoshi: :confu: :uh..:

Korenaga: Look at all those happy people bustling around, oblivious to our sorrowful bearings. :leaf:

Jr: What? :omgz: Did Hikaru’s poem-reciting syndrome got you? :ayashii:

Korenaga: Hey! Its not like that! I’m just- :anger:

Sato: Oi! Break it up you two. :uh..: You look like lovebirds having a quarrel.

Jr and Korenaga: NandaTOOUU!! :anger: :glower:

Oohira: Hey hey! shouldn’t we stop this fooling around and just think of an idea on how we can stop The Lost Utahime and bring back Wakana? :swt:

Sato, Korenaga and JR: WE KNOW THAT! :anger: :glower:

Nozaki: Um. I’m a little worried- :uh..:

Sato, Korenaga, and Jr: WE ALL ARE! :glower: :glower: :glower: :glower:

Nozaki: :white: Hey! calm down and listen! :hide: I know you guys are really worried but something isn’t right.

Sato, Korenaga, Oohira, Hitoshi and Jr: :confu: :confu: :confu:

Nozaki: You guys said that HIKARU is the one behind all this, right? :innocent: And she wasn’t manifested back in the appartment?

Hitoshi: Yeah? :confu:

Nozaki: That means that she is in the meta-world, right?

Sato: Yes. Like YURIKO, Yuriko’s other self, she should be in the meta-world whenever Yuriko is manifested and vice-versa- :white: :swt:

Korenaga: Yuriko is in the meta-world! :vortex: :vortex:

Hitoshi: She doesn’t have protection against the Lost Utahime! :white: Sato! :listen: Go there and be her guardian since you’re the only who can enter.

Sato: Roger that! :hero:

*In a desolated alleyway*

Sato: *pulls out a pair of drum sticks then throws them into the air*

*As the sticks collided a portal appears*

Sato: Wish me luck :sparkleguy: *jumps into the portal*

Jr, Korenaga, Oohira and Nozaki: :bye: :bye: :bye:

Sato: *Enters portal* *Repelled* *Thrown into the air and hits wall, face first* :punched: :ouch: Ugh.. :desksweat:

Jr, Korenaga, Oohira and Nozaki:

Sato: Stop laughing! And tell me what happened? :anger:

Jr: No! You tell us! :anger: :glower:

Oohira: Thats a nice bracelet Sato, where did you get that? :love:

Jr, Korenaga, Sato, Hitoshi and Nozaki: :bloodlust: :bloodlust: :bloodlust:

Oohira: :hide:

Nozaki: Wait! that’s- :fwa: a seal bracelet called “Fake Wings”- It stops anyone from traveling through worlds. :omg:

Jr, Korenaga, Oohira and Sato: :omg: :omg: :omg: :omg: :omg:

Korenaga: How in the world did you get that? :anger: Take that off now :bloodlust:

Sato: Um... Well- Uh- :swt: *tries to remove it* It wont come off :omg:

Jr, Korenaga, Oohira and Nozaki: :ghost: :ghsot: :ghost:

Oohira: You were missing for a few minutes awhile ago. :swt:

Sato: :swt: :swt: :swt:

Jr, Korenaga, Oohira, Hitoshi and Nozaki: :bloodlust: :bloodlust: :bloodlust:

*Flash back* (#cue: Mission - Fate Zero)

HIKARU: *following FBM* YURIKO couldn’t have escaped without help. :glower: I know all the powers of all the utahimes but not the FBMs. I must know which of them has the power to enter the meta-world. :knife:

Korenaga:*oblivious that someone had followed them* Seriously! I should have known that something was up. :uh..: My guitar string snapped, that was a bad omen! :blood:

Jr: It didn’t snap! :listen: It was yanked hard.

Korenaga: :swt: :swt: My “betsy”. What have they done to you. :comeback:

Jr: :fwa: You named your guitar “betsy”. Thats so stu-

*Continues with the conversation*

HIKARU: *whispering* Ugh.. what is with this conversation? :voodoo: Are they bunch of dimwits? They should be talking about how to stop me! or- they have given up all hope because I am so strong and clever? :plot:

Hitoshi: I cant believe after all this years, we weren’t able to detect her, the Lost Utahime. :uh..: :uh..:

Nozaki: :uh..: yEAH. But, it's possible that she just manifested recently. :glasses:

Korenaga: If that is true? What caused her to appear? :confu:

Nozaki: Well.. :innocent: We can consider the fact that Hikaru and The Lost Utahime shared the same feelings for Keiko. :glasses: :glasses:

Hitoshi, Sato and Korenaga: WHAAAAAAT? :omg: :omg: :omg:

Nozaki: I see you three are still dont know that fact. :uh..:

Oohira: That girl sure is popular.. :ohoho: :blood:

Nozaki: Anyway, :uh..: the Lost Utahime must have taken the chance that Hikaru is unconsciously summoning another personality due to distress on her relationship with Keiko. :XD:

Oohira: In the end, the one that was born was The Lost Utahime. :glasses:

Korenaga: :@_@: Ugh.. :blood: too much revelation. I think I also need time to absorb everything. :uh..:

Jr: Hmmm.. :ayashii: I bet you want to go to home and be comforted by “betsy” :XD:

Korenaga: SH-SHUT UP! :swt: :anger: :glower:

Hitoshi: *facepalm* Oh well.. :desksweat: I’m glad Yuriko was able to inform us about her.

HIKARU:*hiding behind a christmas tree* here it comes! :stars:

Sato: Yeah. Its a good thing that she was still alive when I found her. :XD:

HIKARU:*whispering* Sato huh- :ayashii: who else could have the same power, I wonder

Sato: Or it would have been disastrous. :knife:

Hitoshi: Yeah, glad atleast one of us has the power to enter the meta-world. :ayashii:

Sato: :plot: :plot:

HIKARU: fufufufufu. :plot: :plot: I got ya. :stars: Now to execute my plan.

*A few minutes later, they are making their way to Hitoshi’s appartment*
*The FBM passed by a fortune teller but heed no interest in her until-*

(#cue: A man in black - Fate Zero)

Fortune teller:*in a creepy voice* Oi you over there! :groucho: *in her mind* :swt: please dont recognize me

Sato: Huh? me? :confu:

Fortune teller: *thinking* Yes! he doesnt. My disguise is perfect :plot: Yes you! Your aura is filled with distress, I see. Would you like me to help you find answers? :ayashii:

Sato: Oh no thanks. :innocent: I dont really need -

Fortune teller: SILENCE! :anger: I-I mean :swt: You should try it :knife:

Sato: :omg: :omg:

Fortune teller: *Proceeds to wave hand above the crystal ball* FI-NA -KA-LA -FI-NA- KA-LA - FI-NA - KA-LA -KA-LA - FI-NA

Sato: This is a waste of- :uh..:

Fortune teller: You had just experienced an out-of-this-world event a few hours ago, am I correct? :groucho:

Sato: eh? :fwa: Ye-yes.. :swt:

Fortune teller: *smirks under her hood* And this involves the love of your live, correct? :glasses: :glasses:

Sato: :omg: How did you know that? :confu:

Fortune teller: The crystal ball shows me everything, :glasses: the past, the present, the future and the answers you seek. :knife:

Sato: Yes? :swt:

Fortune teller: You wish to save her, yes? :glasses: :glasses:

Sato: Uhuh! :plz: :plz:

Fortune teller: And to make her see you as her Knight in Shining armour? :knife:

Sato: :confu: Not rea-


Sato: Eh? :omg: *thinking* Whats up with her?

Fortune teller: :glasses: The crystal ball tells me that she is kind, hard-working, loving, funny, considerate, beautiful, adorable, childish, clumsy at times, has a beautiful voice, very polite -

Sato: Ok! I get it- :uh..:

Fortune teller: And best of all- :glasses: a bright person- :stars: But now she lost her light, am I right? *smirks*

Sato: :cry: :cry: :cry:

Fortune teller: Now I will tell you what you need to do to save Wakana. :glower: :glower:

*End of flashback*

Hitoshi: And then you wore that bracelet because she said it will make Wakana fall in love with you, discard her desire to be ice queen and you guys lived happily ever after? :bloodlust: :bloodlust:

Sato: :swt: :rain:

Hitoshi, Korenaga, Oohira and Nozaki: :bloodlust: :bloodlust: :bloodlust: :bloodlust:

Korenaga: You fool! :anger: You didn’t even noticed she said Wakana’s name even if you haven’t told her.

Sato: :omg: :omg: :omg: You're right! :rain: :rain: :rain:

Hitoshi: Somebody is sabotaging us. :glower: But who? :confu:

~Kodomo no goro wa shinjiteta ne
Nukumori no kureru yasashisa wo
Doko de kimi to hagureta no kana
Zutto kokoro wo tozashite~

Jr: hmmm :ayashii: what’s that? :confu:

Hitoshi: Uh- um- my cellphone

That was lame!

Uhm.. Its Kajiura-san. I wonder what she wants? :confu:

*phone conversation*

Hitoshi: Hello?

Phone: Mushi mushi? Konno-san?

eeto.. Kajiura-san? *thinking* What happened to her voice, it suddenly became young and high pitched :swt:

Phone: Its me Yuuka. My phone is dead so I had- *snatched* NO more friendly conversation Yuuka! Were in pinch here! :anger: Hello? This is YURIKO.

~doko made mo tsuzuiteru
hoshizora miagete utau~

Hitoshi: YURIKO! :omg: What’s going on? Why are you calling using Kajiura-san’s phone? Where are you? And what’s with the singing? :omgz:

Phone:(YURIKO) TAIHEN! :vortex: We got caught! Including Yuki!

~kagiri-aru bokutachi no
eien wo yumemiru merodii~

Konno: NUUOOOOO! :vortex: :votex: By who?

Phone:(YURIKO) Kaori is using her Power of Voice to fix the reception so she has to keep singing. :love: Wakana’s new henchmen are too powerful. :swt: You guys need to come and save us NOW. Were currently locked in a dungeon in the deepest part of the castle.

~mune ni afureru itoshisa no mizu wa
mirai no hate de
dareka ni todoku darou
shinjite iru yo~

Hitoshi: :swt: Were coming right away! Stay low for awhile until-

*Screams can be heard from the other end :omg:*

Hitoshi: Hello? :swt: HELLO? YURIKO? YU-

Phone: *incomprehensible conversation**scream* I DONT WANNA DIE! I DONT WANNA DIE! I DONT - *beep beep beep*

*In the dungeons*

Kaori: *wakes up* :uh..: Ugh.. My back :ouch: Where am I? :confu: :omg: Wake up guys!! *begins to shake them hard*

YURIKO: Ugh.. What? Where? :confu: Were in a Dungeon? :vortex:

*everyone wakes up*
Yuuka: :fwa: MY EXCUCUMBER! They took it? :omg: :omg:

Kaori: OH NO! :omg: Our last chance of escape :vortex:

Keiko: *wakes up*remembers everything*agony* WWHHHYYYY?? Why has it come to this? Two of the most significant people in my life has been taken away. *anguish* How can I be MACHO HAREM BOSS without my harem. What have I done to deserve this?


Keiko: UUWWWWWAAAAAAAUUUUUUUUU *bawling* :wai: :wai: :comeback: :orz:

Kaori: *whispering to the others* Lets just leave her be for now. She’ll snap out of it- eventually.

Yuki: :leaf: :leaf: :leaf

Kaori: :fwa: Kajiura-sensei? Are you alright?

Yuki: Need.. to.. process... every- *faints*

Kaori: Kajiura-sensei! :omg:

Yuki: :blood: :blood:

YURIKO: *begins searching Yuki’s pocket* AHA! There it is! :waii:

Kaori: WHAT ARE YOU DOING? :glower:

YURIKO: I got her cellphone :innocent:

Kaori: Ahh! :waii: I get it! We call for back-up. Then I’ll use my voice to improve the reception again.

YURIKO: Right! :goodjob: *places cellphone on Yuuka’s hands* You call. :listen: I’ll take watch in case those two BAKASHARKS passes by. :glower: (doesn’t know the face of her opponents yet because Lamia and Ketea were covering their faces with hoods)

Yuuka: Alright! I’ll call the police :innocent:

Kaori: *whacks* CALL ANYONE OF THE FBM YUUKA :anger: *Thinking* Sometime I really wonder if Yuuka is an airhead

Yuuka: :hide: Haii! *presses 1* Calling Konno Hitoshi.

*kaori proceeds to sing*(#cue: Calling- FJ KAORI)

Hitoshi(phone): Hello?

Yuuka: Mushi mushi? Konno-san?

Hitoshi(phone): eeto.. Kajiura-san?

Yuuka: Its me Yuuka. My phone is dead so I had- *snatched*

YURIKO: NO more friendly conversation Yuuka! Were in pinch here! :anger: Hello? This is YURIKO.

Hitoshi(phone): YURIKO! What’s going on? Why are you calling using Kajiura-san’s phone? Where are you? And what’s with the singing?

YURIKO: *thinking* he asks too many questions :desksweat: TAIHEN! :vortex: We got caught! Including Yuki! :comeback:

Konno(phone): NUUOOOOO! :vortex: :votex: By who? :anger:

YURIKO: Kaori is using her Power of Voice to fix the reception so she has to keep singing. *thinking* she has such beautiful voice. That’s my Kaori for you :love: Wakana’s new henchmen are too powerful. *thinking* are they even real? They move like those creatures from my mythology class :swt: You guys need to come and save us NOW. Were currently locked in a dungeon in the deepest part of the castle.

Wakana: uhm.. *snatches phone away* Calling for backup I see. *crunches phone with bare hands*

(#cue: In a nightmare - Fate zero)

YURIKO, Yuuka and Kaori: :white: :white: :white:

Yuki and Keiko: :faint: :leaf: :leaf:

Wakana: *sarcastic smile*Oh joy! *icily* I hope they’ll get here soon. I would like to have them for breakfast :knife:

YURIKO, Yuuka and Kaori: :white: :white: :white:

Yuki and Keiko: :faint: :leaf: :leaf:

Wakana: Lamia! Ketea! :glower:

Lamia and Ketea: *suddenly appears*haii! *still not showing their faces*

YURIKO, Yuuka and Kaori: :white: :white: :white: :hide: :hide:

YURIKO: BAKASHARKS! :anger: Show your faces so I can burn it in my head and curse you. :glower:

Wakana: :knife: Thats fine by me. :plot: Remove your hoods.
*Removes hood*

YURIKO: :fwa: :love: They’re so pretty :love:

Wakana: Lamia!

*Lamia goes near YURIKO*

YURIKO: :fwa: :white:

Kaori and Yuuka: YURIKO!! :vortex:

Lamia: No need to fear, my pretty. :ohoho: :knife: *looks directly into YURIKO's eyes*

YURIKO: :@_@: :@_@: What- I feel dizzy- :uh..: :blood: :ohoho: :love: Yes, I will not fear my master. :ohoho:

Kaori and Yuuka: YURIKO!! What’s happened to you? :vortex:

Wakana: Lamia actually has the power to make anyone who is within a 10 meter radius to fall deeply in love with her. She is what you humans call “succubus”. :ohoho:

Kaori and Yuuka: :vortex: :vortex: :vortex: :hide: *moves away*

Wakana: And Ketea here has the power to control water elements. She is a Sea Goddess. :knife:

Kaori and Yuuka: :vortex: :vortex: :vortex: What happened to your shark army?

Wakana: I dont need those weaklings anymore. :glower: They are just hindrance to my plans. :knife:

Kaori: What plans? :confu: Didn’t you go here just to get away from Keiko and be with your beloved sharks? If that’s not it, what is your true intention? :desksweat:

Wakana: :knife: What else? But to conquer the World :glower:

Kaori and Yuuka: :vortex: :vortex: :vortex: This isn't you Wakana! Snap out of it :comeback:

Wakana: :glower: Ofcourse it is! And I will stop at nothing to achieve that. I will squash you flies who gets in my way :glower: So lets start with YURIKO. Lamia! Make her tell me about everything :knife:

Kaori and Yuuka: :vortex: :vortex: :vortex: NUOOOO! YURIKO!

Lamia: :innocent: *touches YURIKO’S cheeks* You heard her. Tell us everything. :knife:

YURIKO: :@_@: :love: Yes my sweet. *proceeds to tell everything; about the ice crystal, Waa-tan’s condition, their powers, true identities etc.*

Kaori and Yuuka: :desksweat: :desksweat:

Wakana: Goddess of music? Ice crystal? Hah! Who would believe in such a thing? Though seeing as you girls DO have powers, I think I’ll consider the “Goddes of music” thing but not the ice crystal. :knife: So Kaori has the Power of Voice huh?

Kaori: *cowers away* :hide: (Sorry Kaori fans)

Wakana: So you are responsible for that call, huh? Why don’t you come with me and join me for breakfast. *licks lips*


Wakana: *Grabs Kaori’s hand and drags her out* :knife:

Keiko: *snaps out of it* WAIT! STOP! Dont take her Wakana! :comeback:

Wakana: *stops*And why should I listen to you? :glower:

*Lamia and Ketea snarls at Keiko*

Keiko: :hide: eeto.. Because I’m your Husbando! :touched:

Wakana: :bloodlust:

Keiko: I’ll be the one to give you your needs. -and- and.. MY BLOOD TASTES LIKE GYOZA! :omg:

Wakana: :omgz: eh... :glower: Your Blood does smell like gyoza *mouthwatering*

Keiko: :love: You can bite me here, quench your thirst. And then, I’ll save you from this place.


Wakana: *inches closer* *and closer* *and closer until they are only inches apart* *touches Keiko’s neck* *whispers to her ear* nice try Keiko. :knife: But - your sacrifice won’t save the people you care for. *smirks* And I dont need saving. :glower:

Keiko: :white: *clompletely flabbergasted* :spotlight: :spotlight:

Lamia: Wakana-sama, we too are hungry. Maybe you can spare one for us. :bow:

Wakana: You have done a great job! So I shall reward you with this. You can take whichever you like. :plot:

Yuuka, Kaori, Keiko: :white: :white: :white:

YURIKO, Yuki: :leaf: leaf:

*Wakana drags Kaori out the dungeons with Kaori screaming for dear life*

Keiko: Wakana! Wakana! :comeback: *desperate shouting* Even if it isn’t what the current you wishes for, I’ll save you! Definitely! :touched:

Lamia, Ketea: Which should we take?

Keiko, Yuuka: :fwa: :fwa: :omg: :omg:

Yuki: *snaps out of it* No! Not them! Dont take them! Take me instead! :touched:

Keiko, Yuuka: :omg: :omg: NUUOOOO. Kajiura-san!

Lamia, Ketea: :knife: knife: We Admire your courage. Alright, we shall do as you say.

Ketea: Come along now. :knife:

Keiko: Kajiura-san! Kajiura-san! No! please dont do this! :comeback: :comeback:

YURIKO: *still in a daze* :@_@: :leaf: :leaf:

Yuki: If what you girls say is true, then.. Everything that has happened is my fault. You girls do not need to suffer anymore because I’m here now. :cry: :cry:

Keiko, Yuuka: No! Please No! :comeback: :comeback:

*Lamia, Ketea and Yuki walked out the dungeon*

Keiko, Yuuka: NUUUUUUUOOOOOOOOO!!! :vortex: :vortex:

*In the meta-world* (#cue: Lacie - Pandora Hearts )




Waa-tan: Where am I? :confu: Oh well. Instead of worrying about that, lets just roam around :sohappy: :sohappy:

*Bump* *Fall face first*

Waa-tan: Ouchy.. That hurts. What- :fwa: Hikaru! Yuriko?

Hikaru, Yuriko: *muffled sound*

Waa-tan: Huh? What did you say? I cant hear you with that scarf on your mouths. *removes scarf*

Hikaru, Yuriko: UNTIE US! :anger: :anger:

Waa-tan: O-Ok. :hide:


Hikaru, Yuriko: :sohappy: :sohappy:

Waa-tan: What are you girls doing here? :confu:

Yuriko: Wait. :confu: She speaks?? :omg: :omg:

Hikaru: :XD: Youre so lame Yuri-nee, you just found out about it. :XD:

Yuriko: Stop Laughing! :angry: Anyway, How in the world did you get here Waa-tan. This place is for people who has another personality only. And how about your body? :confu:

Waa-tan: I dunno :confu: But my body is still unconscious I believe. :desksweat:

Yuriko: Its not like you have a second per- :fwa: You do have! A soul split into two develops their own personality is the same as “split-personality” but with two bodies. :glasses: :glasses:

Hikaru: :omg:

Waa-tan: :ohoho: :innocent:

Yuriko: This situation is absurd. But atleast were free. Now what to do about that HIKARU and how to find her? :knife:

Waa-tan: :confu: Hikaru? But Hikaru is here?

Yuriko: :desksweat: oops, you aren’t informed yet, are you? Let me explain. :sparkleguy:


Waa-tan: Oh I see. So that’s what happened. :innocent:

Yuriko: You dont look worried at all. :omg: Aren’t you stressed that your real body has turned into a vampire? :uh..:

Waa-tan: :ohoho: I am but I can handle it. :innocent: :innocent: Or should I say, Hikaru and I will handle it.

Hikaru, Yuriko: Eh? :omg: :omg: How?

Waa-tan: *directed at Hikaru* You and I are the only one that can stop all of this. After all, the ones that our friends are fighting right now is our otherselves. We must reclaim what is rightfully ours and vanish those foreign entities. :hero:

Hikaru: But.. :hide: I’m no match for HIKARU! She’s too strong.

Waa-tan: Hikaru, we have to do this, for everyone’s sake. You are strong too, you have the powerful “MAGIA DEATH GLARE”. Believe in yourself :sparkleguy: We can beat them.

Hikaru: Yes! :touched:

*In Wakana’s room in Eterna Blue* (#cue: Curse - Fate zero)


Wakana: :uh..: :uh..: :uh..:


Wakana: :notlistening::notlistening::notlistening:


Wakana: :bloodlust: :bloodlust: STOOOP!! Stop that incessant screaming! :anger: Remember you’re a mezzo-soprano so you have a high powerful voice that can hurt listener's ears if you want. :blood:


*Forces Kaori to shut up and then pushes her against the wall*

Kaori: *muffled sound because of Wakana’s hand*

Wakana: I’m really hungry right now and screaming is causing me headaches! :bloodlust: :bloodlust: If you want this fast and without pain, you better be obedient. :glower: :glower:

Kaori: :touched: :touched: *still muffled sound* *closes eyes* :hide:

Wakana: :knife: Good girl! *moves closer to her neck* This will be swift. *opens mouth*

*come here*

Wakana: *stops* huh? :confu:

*come here*

Wakana: Where is that coming from? :swt:

*come here*

Wakana: *Looks around the room but sees no one* :confu:

*come here*

*come here*

Wakana: *looks around the room* Where? Were is it coming from? Where? :swt:

*come here*

*come here*

*come here*

*come here*

Wakana: :@_@: :@_@: :@_@: :@_@:

*Wakana suddenly collapses on the ground*

~~~~~Dramatic Blackout~~~~~

Ending Theme: Hitorigoto

Wakana: *opens eyes* Where am I? :@_@:

(#cue: I will - Fate zero)

Waa-tan: You’re here in the meta-world, my other-self. :innocent:

Wakana: :fwa: I see you’ve survived :ohoho: But you wont be so lucky next time. :knife:

Waa-tan: Come back. :cry:

Wakana: what? :fwa: :uh..: you want me to go back to the real-

Waa-tan: Come back to me. Lets become one again. :comeback:

Wakana: And leave all the power I have acquired behind? :knife: You must be out of your mind! :anger: I will not be one with a weakling like you! You just want to take over my body since you are a clone! :bloodlust: :bloodlust:

Waa-tan: A clone? :confu:

Wakana: Not informed huh? :ohoho: But I dont really care! A clone like you do not deserve my time. You should just disappear! DISAPPEAR! :glower:

Waa-tan: You are mistaken my dear otherself. :knife: I am not a clone. You are!

Wakana: :fwa:

Yuriko, Hikaru: :omg: :omg:

~~~~~~Dramatic Blackout~~~~~

A sudden revelation has occured! Wakana is not the real Wakana but a clone! What would happen now? How would they take it? How about the other utahimes? Will they be alright in the dungeons? And Yuki! What happened to Yuki? Tune in again for more craziness.

Let me clear this up. Wakana is really the clone but what happened with the guitar string thing? Its up to the next poster to explain things. fufufufufu.

posting length level: Cerise :XD:


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Tabete! :nosebleed:

Nice one!

Now I must gread up again on the guitar string... lost track of it already...

Or if anyone else wants to try? :ayashii:
Hey...can I delete my post and replace it with yours....? :cry: Your's actually make sense... :cry:

EDIT: Okay...I'm gonna edit my post to make it better(and actually make sense)...So sorry if you needed to read it a second time... :desksweat:
Sorry if my post is soo looooong. :sparkleguy: Length of post Level: Cerise :ohoho: The over-doing-it-syndrome is really powerful. :XD: /me infects everyone

Should I edit my story to fit kuromew's post? :confu:
^ well, an epic story requires epic posts! :ohoho: if you guys could somehow make them fit, could you try? I don't wanna see either of them given up :TdT: picture is the one being used for the next?

Sugoi, this really got blown into something huge :XD: who'd have thought eh?
Alright I'll try. :ohoho: I'm glad kuromew edited her post because somehow I can now imagine how to adjust my story to fit in :sparkleguy:

And I'll be posting the unused pictures together with the new ones and old previews :plot:

Now guys :knife: No one should post or think of a continuation until I'm finished adjusting mine, ok? :XD:
Yay!!! :dote: i'm gonna update my drawing of Keiko's's almost finished!!! BUT...I'm having a hard time choosing a color palette and background for her... :cry: :cry: :cry:

Today's (24/12) my birthday!!! But I'll continue to finish that drawing, wish me luck!!! :sparkleguy:
Hidden :sparkleguy: The continuation of the story is in Cerise's post

Happy reading :XD:

Oh and this isnt part of the story again. But feel free to read it just for fun :ohoho:

*In the dungeons*

Wakana: Okay...where the am I... :confu: Oh wait! I have a map! Ketea gave it to me while saying I might get lost. *thinking* its not like I have a horrible sense of direction. :bloodlust: And I dont spend too much time getting lost either. :wai: ... :leaf: Wait! I smell blood *senses rises up* :bloodlust: And it oddly smells similar to gyoza :knife: My very first meal.. will be very appetizing :knife:

*Where Keiko and Kaori is*

Keiko: Kaori! Put me down! Its not like I’m unable to walk. Its just a shoulder injury. :XD:

Kaori: Oh right! :ohoho: That was silly of me.

Keiko: :omgz: Wait! Where’s YURIKO??

Kaori: :omg: What?! She was following us just a while ago.

Keiko: We must have left her behind! :ghost: We must go back!

Kaori: But its too dangerous! :ghost: There are many guards where we came from :vortex:

Keiko: But :comeback:

Kaori: We cant go back! :spotlight: You are injured and I’m not cut out for fighting. :leaf: We must continue out this castle. :hero: Before WakaVampire discovers the dungeons are missing a few prisoners :ghost:

Keiko: But how about YURIKO? :comeback:

Kaori: She’s strong. She can defend herself. Hopefully :spotlight:

Keiko:NO! I will not leave without YURIKO :glower:

Kaori: Ok fine! :uh..: How about this? Lets call for back up so that we will have a bigger chance of rescuing her. Hows that?

Keiko: Yes! That’s great :w00t:

Kaori: Time for my power to shine :stars:

*kaori proceeds to sing while Keiko dials Konno Hitoshi’s number*(#cue: Calling- FJ KAORI)

Hitoshi(phone): Hello?

Keiko: Mushi mushi? Konno-san?

Hitoshi(phone): Keiko, What’s wrong? And do I hear someone singing? :confu:

Keiko: Singing? :confu: Oh! thats Kaori. She’s using her Power of Voice to fix the reception. :XD: Oh! Wait. :swt: TAIHEN! :vortex: We got caught by Wakana’s henchmen! Including Kajiura-san! :touched:

Konno(phone): WHAT? :fwa: NUUOOOOO! :vortex: :votex:

Keiko: Wakana’s new subordinates are too powerful so we weren’t able to protect her. :TdT: *thinking* are they even real? They move like those creatures from my mythology class :swt: But luckily we were able to escape the dungeons before anything else happens. :hide:

Konno(phone): That’s wonderful! :TdT: Keep hiding for now. We’ll come and save you girls. :hero:

Keiko: Konno! :orz: :comeback: UUUUUWAAAAAA.. :orz: we lost YURIKO. Please guys, save her. I cant do anything right now because I’m injured. :touched: :...:

Konno(phone): :fwa: Calm down Keiko. We’ll get there as soon as pos-

Wakana: uhm.. *snatches phone away* Calling for backup I see.

(#cue: In a nightmare - Fate zero)

Keiko and Kaori: :white: :white: :white: WAAAAAAAAAAAH!

Wakana: *sarcastic smile*Oh joy! *icily* I hope they’ll get here soon. I would like to have them for breakfast :knife: *crushes phone with bare hands*

Keiko and Kaori: :white: :white: :white:

Keiko: WAKANA! :hearts: You’re as beautiful as ever :nosebleed::love: Did you loose weight? :ayashii:

Kaori: *whacks*Kei-ko :uh..: *to wakana* How did you find us? :hide:

Wakana: The sweet scent of blood brought me here :knife: Hmm.. There’s only two of you. Where are the rest?

Keiko and Kaori: :knife: :knife: Not telling.

Wakana: :glower: Lamia! Ketea!

Lamia and Ketea: *suddenly appears*Yes! Wakana-dono! *still not showing their faces*

Kaori: :white: :hide:

Keiko: You guys again! :bloodlust: BAKASHARKS! I will not be defeated again by you :anger: Show your faces so I can burn it in my head and curse you. :glower:

Wakana: :knife: Thats fine by me. :plot: Remove your hoods.

*Removes hood*

Keiko: :fwa: :love: They’re so pretty :love:

Wakana: Lamia!

*Lamia goes near Keiko*

Keiko: :fwa: :white:

Kaori Keiko!! :omg: :vortex:

Lamia: Your blood smells really yummy :stars: *whispers* Too bad you’re Wakana-dono’s prey No need to fear, my pretty. :ohoho: :knife: *looks directly into Keiko's eyes* You’ll just need to follow my orders. :plot:

Keiko: :@_@: :@_@: What- I feel dizzy- :uh..: :blood: :ohoho: :love: Yes, I will follow you my master. :ohoho:

Kaori: Keiko!! What’s happened to you? :vortex:

Wakana: Lamia actually has the power to make anyone who is within a 10 meter radius to fall deeply in love with her. She is what you humans call “succubus”. :ohoho:

Kaori: :vortex: :hide: *moves away*

Wakana: And Ketea here has the power to control water elements. She is a Sea Goddess. :knife:

Kaori: :vortex: :vortex: :vortex: What happened to your shark army?

Wakana: I dont need those weaklings anymore. :glower: They are just hindrances to my plans. :knife:

Kaori: What plans? :confu: Didn’t you go here just to get away from Keiko and be with your beloved sharks? If that’s not it, what is your true intention? :desksweat:

Wakana: :knife: What else? But to conquer the World :glower:

Kaori: :vortex: This isn't you Wakana! Snap out of it :comeback:

Wakana: :glower: Ofcourse it is! And I will stop at nothing to achieve that. I will squash you flies who gets in my way :glower: So lets start with you two. Lamia! Make her tell me about everything :knife:

Kaori: :vortex: :omg: NUOOOO! KEIKO!

Lamia: :innocent: *touches Keiko’s cheeks* You heard her. Tell us everything. :knife:

Keiko: :@_@: Y-yes. *proceeds to tell everything; about the ice crystal, Waa-tan’s condition, their powers, true identities etc.*

Kaori: :desksweat: :desksweat:

Wakana: Goddess of music? Ice crystal? Hah! Who would believe in such a thing? Though seeing as you girls DO have powers, I think I’ll consider the “Goddes of music” thing but not the ice crystal. :knife: So Kaori has the Power of Voice huh?

Kaori: *backs away* :hide: (Sorry Kaori fans)

Wakana: So you are responsible for that call? Why don’t you come with me and join me for breakfast. :plot: *licks lips*


Wakana: *Grabs Kaori’s hand* :knife:

Keiko: *snaps out of it* WAIT! STOP! Dont take her Wakana! :comeback:

Wakana: And why should I listen to you? :glower:

*Lamia and Ketea snarls at Keiko*

Keiko: :hide: eeto.. Because I’m your Husbando! :touched:

Wakana: :bloodlust:

Keiko: I’ll be the one to give you your needs. -and- and.. MY BLOOD TASTES LIKE GYOZA! :omg:

Wakana: :omgz: eh... :glower: Your Blood does smell like gyoza *mouthwatering*

Keiko: :love: You can bite me here, quench your thirst. And then, I’ll save you from this place.


Wakana: *inches closer* *and closer* *and closer until they are so close to each other* *touches Keiko’s neck* *whispers to her ear* nice try Keiko. :knife: But - your sacrifice won’t save the people you care for. *smirks* And I dont need saving. :glower:

Keiko: :white: *clompletely flabbergasted* :spotlight: :spotlight:

Lamia: Wakana-sama, we too are hungry. Maybe you can give her to us. :bow:

Wakana: :fwa: Not these two. :knife: Though you can take whichever you like from the other group. :plot: TRACK THEM DOWN :glower:

Lamia and Ketea: Yes! Wakana-dono! *disappears*

*where Yuuka and Yuki is*

Yuuka: Its just the two of us Kajiura-san, Oh! I mean Yuki. :shy:

Yuki: :white: :swt:

Yuuka: Its been a long time hasn’t it? When was it again :confu:

Yuki: Recording session of Circus. :uh..: But I dont think we should be reminiscing right now, Yuuka. :fwa: HEY! haven’t we passed this hallway a while ago? :omg:

Yuuka: I dont think so Yuki. We’ve been following the map properly. You might not know it but I’m an expert in reading maps. :hero:

Yuki: :...: Let me see that.

Yuuka: *gives map* here.

Yuki: Are these marks the hallways we have passed?

Yuuka: Yup! :innocent: And the circle is our destination.

Yuki: :confu: hmmm. :fwa: Yuuka! The circled place is the kitchen :omg: Aren’t we suppose to meet at the gates?

Yuuka: Yes we are. But I thought you might be hungry so I planned for a detour in the kitchen to get some snacks. :innocent:

Yuki: :anger: Yuu-

Lamia, Ketea: *appears in front* Going somewhere :knife:

Yuki and Yuuka: :white: :white:

Yuuka: Why you! :anger: You dare ruin my moment with Yuki - I mean Kajiura-san :bloodlust: *produces Excucumber ready to fight*

Lamia: Hold it! :plot: I wouldn’t do that if I were you.

Yuuka: What do you mean? :confu:

Ketea: Its as simple as “We have your friends, dare to do anything stupid, we’ll kill them” kind of thing :innocent:

Yuuka, Yuki: :white: :white: :vortex:

Lamia: Now be good little humans and follow our orders. :ohoho:

*in nowhere (where Yuriko and Hikaru is)*

Hikaru: Where are we? :omg:

Yuriko: I dont know :omg:

Rie: *appears behind Hikaru and Yuriko*You’re in “Nowhere” Hikaru-chan and Yuriko-san.

Hikaru and Yuriko: :omg: :omg: Rie Akagi

Rie: Konnichiwa minna :innocent:

Yuriko: But how? :omg:

Rie: Listen, I dont have much time, Yuki is in danger. here *hands over a weapon*

Yuriko: Whats this?

Rie: Thats the “Silver Moon’s Bow and Arrow”. It is a weapon that has defeated so many vampires and Succubus. It is the most powerful weapon I can find with so little time. :bow: I ‘m sorry, even though I am one of the Instrumentalist that is protecting Yuki, I can only do this much.

Yuriko: No! Dont apologize, this is enough. :touched:

Rie: No, this isn’t. I should be doing all I can to keep the Goddess Incarnation safe. But because my power, “The Power of Teleportation and Time Travel”, is too unpredictable I’m afraid I might cause more trouble than help. :rain: Bringing you here, Yuriko, is a miracle already. My power is too powerful for a mortal like me to control. :cry:

Yuriko: Only me? :confu: How about Hikaru?

Rie: Hikaru or should I say HIKARU was also after the “Silver Moon’s Bow and Arrow” to defeat Wakana, so she followed me here.(Hikaru: :omg: ) I was able to learn about her plans because of someone, but I cannot disclose his/her name. :XD: I plan for her to be caught here and now but I wasn’t expecting that she would retreat to the meta-world when you came. :desksweat: Ooops. Times up. Time for me to return you two in Eternal Blue. :listen: Please save Yuki Yuriko, you too, Hikaru :bow:

Hikaru and Yuriko: :hero: :hero:

*They disappeared from “Nowhere” and appeared inside the palace*

Hikaru and Yuriko: :tea: :fwa: KAJIURA-SAN!!! :omg:

*In Wakana’s room in Eterna Blue* (#cue: Curse - Fate zero)


Wakana: :uh..: :uh..: :uh..:


Wakana: :notlistening: :notlistening: :notlistening:


Wakana: :bloodlust: :bloodlust: STOOOP!! Stop that incessant screaming! :anger: Remember you’re a mezzo-soprano so you have a high powerful voice that can hurt listener's ears if you want. :blood:


*Forces Kaori to shut up and then pushes her against the wall*

Keiko: *muffled sound* Hmmm HMMM MMMM!! :wai: *tied to a chair with a scarf on her mouth*

Wakana: Wait your turn Keiko. :plot: I’ll get to you as soon as I finish this one. :plot:

Kaori: *muffled sound because of Wakana’s hand* :wai:

Wakana: I’m really hungry right now and your screaming has given me headaches! :bloodlust: :bloodlust: If you want this fast and without pain, you better be obedient. :glower: :glower:

Keiko: *muffled sound* Hmmm HMMM MMMM!! :wai:

Kaori: :touched: :touched: *tears* *closes eyes*

Wakana: :knife: Good girl! *moves closer to her neck* This will be swift. *opens mouth*

~~~~~Dramatic Blackout~~~~~

(From previous)
*sobbing sound* She's gone too far this time, Keiko -
-This is not over yet! Not by a long time!
-Yuki-sama, Yuki-sama, no, please, no!
- Not them, don't take them!
-Hikaru, we have to do this, for everyone’s sake!
*desperate shouting* Even if it isn't what the current you wishes for -
- I'll save you -
- Definitely -

Next Photo/s: ... 902_03.jpg ... 902_05.jpg ... nfs65g.jpg ... ionyuk.png

Pick anything you like :XD:

Sorry I took so long :uh..: :desksweat: This post is confusing, good luck in interpreting it. :ohoho:

Happy Birthday kuromew :XD: And good luck with your drawing
That was great Mio-san!! :nosebleed: Okay now, I would edit my post later afterifinishchurch to fit Mio-san's post. :blood:

Merry Christmas everyone!! :sparkleguy: :sohappy:
^Eh? :confu: did I misinterpret anything?

But you dont need to edit your post just to adjust to mine :desksweat:
It might get confusing for the readers :uh..:
Err... Mine said they SUCCESSFUL escape the palace, your's different... :dote: