The picture captions game!

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:@_@: about this one - I kept both Tabi's and mew's but with just a bit in the middle and some tiny edits - I think it manages to still keep the "escaping successfully from palace" inconsistency by making them get caught again :XD: :

kuromew said:
Okay, this is probably going to be very weird, but I'll give it a go. :plot:

*at Meta-world which Yuriko is gagged and tied up (refer Cerise's post)*

Hikaru: *Steps inside the meta-world while sobbing* Y-Yuriko? :cry:

Yuriko: *makes more muffled noises*

Hikaru: *steps closer to Yuriko, starts untying her, swallowing* W-Who did t-this to y-you...?


Yuriko: *untied* HIKARU DID :glower: . Why are you crying, Hikaru? *starts hugging Hikaru, like

the true onee-san she is*

Hikaru: *explains everything that happened just now, cries even more* then HIKARU took over

my body... :cry: :cry: :cry: I can't...I must resign out of Kalafina... or else, all of you will be

killed by... :orz: :orz: :orz: I-I q-quit...

Yuriko: :omg: :omg: DON'T SAY THAT!!! HIKARU is HIKARU, you are you, both of you are

completely different! :touched:

Hikaru: *sobbing :orz: :orz: :orz: , and starts singing Kyrie * KYRIE!! ELEISON!!!! :orz: :orz: :orz:

Yuriko: And we need to go back to our bodies!! :omg: :omg:

Hikaru: I don't want to go back... :cry:

Yuriko: Hikaru, we have to do this, for everyone’s sake! If we don't HIKARU will- *hear's footsteps

and dark chuckling*

HIKARU: *walking into Meta-world, stops in the dark shadows* Talking about me?? How nice...

:knife: :knife: :knife:

*Switch back to Wakana*

Wakana: Umm...what part of the dungeon did Lamia and Ketea place them...? *walking around

randomly* This dungeon sure is complicated... :uh..: :uh..: :uh..: matter. The hungrier I

become, the more delicious my meal is...hahaha... :ohoho:

*Switch to Yuki and Utahime's situation*



Yuki, Keiko, YURIKO and Yuuka: *starts to wake up* Kaori, calm down... :uh..: :uh..: :uh..: :uh..:

Kaori: *continues to pace the room*

Yuuka: Ehhh...where's my ExCucumber? :omg: :omg: :omg:

Keiko: They must have taken it away... :ayashii: :uh..:

Yuuka: NNUUOOOOOOO!!!!! :omg: :omg: :cry: :cry: :rain: :rain:

YURIKO: *comforts Yuuka like the onee-san she is*

Kaori: *starts singing a soft melody- The Sword of Promised Victory, while looking out dungeon


*Somewhere where ExCucumber Sword is*

Sword: I need to get back to my owner... :omg: *Light starts to surround it* Eh? :omg:

*Back to dungeon*

Yuuka: *sob, sob :orz: :orz: :orz: * E-eh? *ExCucumber appears beside her* HUH?! MAIBELOVED

SWORD!!! :waii:

Kaori: *Ends singing, insert sign here* Luckily I got your sword back, but... *looks at all of them

with dead serious eyes* (All of them: :fwa: :fwa: :fwa: :fwa: ) We need to hurry up and find a

way to get out of here... :glower: Wapire is inching closer as we speak, the max. time we have is

5 minutes... :bloodlust:

All of them: PANICPANICPANIC :omg: :omg: :omg: :omg: :omg:

Yuuka: I have an idea!! :sparkleguy: *Turns around suddenly and accidentally hit Keiko's

shoulder with sword* :omg:

Keiko: OUUUCCCCHHHHH!!!! :cry:

Yuuka: OHMAIGOSH I'M SO SORRY!!!! :omg: :omg: :omg:

Keiko: *grasps shoulder* I'm f-fine... Continue,

explain your plan... :ayashii:

Yuuka: Errmmm... I found out... That most of these bricks over here at loose. If I can slide out

enough bricks to make out a large enough hole, we can escape. :innocent:

All of them: :ayashii: :ayashii: :ayashii: :ayashii:

Kaori: But then what if we escaped? What do we do? :knife:

Yuki: We split up... :ayashii:

Yuriko: But we don't know the route of this palace...! :omg:

Yuuka: Errmmm....actually I do have a map of this entire palace... *shows out a map* :uh..:

Kaori: And when did you get that? :omg: :knife:

Yuuka: Remember when we and the sharks were pushed into the cage? Err... I stole the map from

Brutus's back pocket...ehehe :psst:

Keiko: :glower: Next time, tell us these things immediately, Yuuka!! :knife:

Yuuka: Gomennnnn... :cry: :cry: :cry:

Yuki: *sigh* Okay so...

*Huge explanation that took 2 minutes*

Yuki: So basically we split into 2 teams, Team A is Keiko, Kaori and YURIKO. Team B is me and

Yuuka. Like that, each team has combat powers. Team A uses the west wing to escape while Team

B uses the east wing. We also have 10 minutes to reach to the gates as the guards will finish

supper and be on duty by that time. Now commence Operation: Escape! :ayashii:

* Yuuka starts to carefully destroy bricks thus not making any sounds and escape. After

escaping, Plan A is having a hard time because Kaori is holding Keiko bridal-style because of

her injuries. While Plan B is moving swiftly. They overcome many obstacles like passing

security sharks, distracting them by throwing stones, avoid making noise etc. In the end...*

*Back to Wakana*

Wakana: Okay...where the hell am I... :bloodlust:


Yuriko: *wakes, and see...*

HIKARU: *tilting Hikaru's head dangerously* :plot:

Hikaru: *breath hitching* GET OFF ME!!! :wai:

Yuriko: LET GO OF HER!!! :bloodlust:

Hikaru and Yuriko: :swt: :swt: * bright light surrounds them* What's this?! A mysterious portal


HIKARU/ Lost Utahime: *trying to struggle free,glare* :bloodlust: :bloodlust: :bloodlust: Ah

well, better get back to the real world... :plot:

* At...*

Yuriko and Hikaru: *Regain consciousness of their bodies*

Hikaru: WHERE ARE WE!?!?!? :omg: :omg: :omg:

*They are in a place that is in complete darkness, with thick white mist and falling snow. The

place is called...*

Yuriko: Nowhere. Otherwise known as Destination Unknown.(Haha...seewhatididthere.)

Hikaru: How do we go back?!!?!!? :omg: :omg: :omg:


*in eternal blue world*

*Team A*

Keiko: *pale and gasping from Yuuka-inflicted shoulder injury*[/i] :touched: I-It's no use

guys! I'm slowing you must... *cough cough*:blood: Go on without me!!


Kaori::omg: NO! We will never abandon you, Keiko! :glower::uh..:

are...heavier...than you look... :desksweat:

Keiko::ohoho: It's all teh muscle I've built up over the years! :sparkleguy:

YURIKO: *scouting ahead* Keep moving! Kaori, keep Keiko close! You can't let her get

too cold :listen: Just our rotten luck that the map got blown away by the hellish blizzard winds

of this place and we're lost now... :uh..::cry:

*Team B*

Yuki: Yuuka, are you sure we're heading in the right direction? :uh..:

Yuuka: ... :confu: Um yeah, sure! :innocent:

Yuki: Wait a minute, lemme see that - SKDFJNSDKFJHBIE YOU WERE READING THE MAP

UPSIDE DOWN! :anger:

Yuuka::hide: K-Kajiura-sensei, please - :waii: eh? Hey look, it's Team A! Looks like they're

wandering around lost too! :ohoho:

Yuki: WE'RE DOOMED. :orz:

*in dark corner of Palace*

Mako::spotlight: I can't believe it...we were usurped by those two...things...they're

not even sharks! :anger:

Grey Nurse Shark: Why did Wakana-sama forsake us? :orz: Why did I change her into that

vampire thing?! I should have just killed myself instead and avoided all this misery! :cry:

Brutus: not fear, I just thought of a plan for us to win back Wakana-

sama's love! :plot::ohoho:

Mako and Grey Nurse::confu::stars:

Brutus: *pointing out window at Yuki, Yuuka, Keiko, Kaori, YURIKO standing in snow*

Look! It's the prisoners! They managed to escape... :plot: If we caught them and brought them

back...we could prove our worthiness to Wakana-sama and regain our rightful places as her

beloved minions! :ohoho::ohoho:

Mako and Grey Nurse::uh..::uh..: ...feel kinda bad about it...but...OKAY! :waii::waii:

*back outside*

YURIKO: I say, we go this way! :listen:*pointing one direction*

Yuuka: No, it's obviously that way! :glower:*pointing in opposite direction*

Kaori: SHUT UP you guys! :bloodlust: It's definitely THAT WAY! :anger:*points in

different direction altogether*

Keiko::uh..::uh..::uh..: My darling Wacchan, how are we going to save you like this?! :TdT:

Yuki::omgz: Ermm....girls... :swt::swt:

*Brutus, Mako and Grey Nurse Shark appear*

Keiko::omgz: It's Wakana's FORMER favourite lieutenants!

Yuuka::confu: Oh yes! :ohoho: Those adoring shark followers of hers which she just

heartlessly DUMPED.

YURIKO: Oh that's right, she got two new lieutenants to replace them since she thought

they were useless :ohoho:

Brutus::bloodlust: SHUT UP! Stop rubbing it in our faces! :anger::cry:

Mako: We're here to catch you and take you back to the palace, thus proving our

worthiness to Wakana-sama! :knife::TdT:

YURIKO: Oh yeah? Just try take us on! :glower:

Yuuka: Yeah! Keiko might be injured, but YURIKO and I can still fight you!

Grey Nurse Shark::glasses: I'm sorry, but it seems you won't be able to do even that...

:plot:*flings out shuriken which hits the girls*

Keiko::swt: Th-the Nurse shark can fight too?! :ghost:

Yuki: :@_@: ...feeling...weird...drowsy...

Grey Nurse: You have all been injected with a powerful sedative coated on my shuriken!



*they all faint and collapse*

Brutus: Excellent work, Grey! :plot:

*suddenly, Ketea and Lamia appear*[/i[

Ketea::plot: Why, thank you for apprehending the fugitives for us...

Lamia:, just go to sleep why we steal your glory, eh? :knife:*knocks the three

sharks out*

Brutus, Mako and Grey::omg::punched::@_@::blood::imdead:

*back in the Palace Dungeons*

*girls stirring*

Keiko: Where are we? :@_@::uh..:

Yuki::white: ...wait - this is - ?

Yuuka: ...WE'RE RIGHT BACK IN THE DUNGEONS WHERE WE STARTED?! :vortex::vortex::orz:


*they faint again*

tabete.mio said:
Opening theme: Cynical World

*In a busy street, filled with the Christmas decorations*(#cue: Tender Moment- Fate Zero)

Hitoshi: Where have you been Sato? :listen:

Sato: Nowhere in particular. :tea:


Korenaga: Look at all those happy people bustling around, oblivious to our sorrowful

bearings. :leaf:

Jr: What? :omgz: Did Hikaru’s poem-reciting syndrome got you? :ayashii:

Korenaga: Hey! Its not like that! I’m just- :anger:

Sato: Oi! Break it up you two. :uh..: You look like lovebirds having a quarrel.

Jr and Korenaga: NandaTOOUU!! :anger::glower:

Oohira: Hey hey! shouldn’t we stop this fooling around and just think of an idea on how

we can stop The Lost Utahime and bring back Wakana? :swt:

Sato, Korenaga and JR: WE KNOW THAT! :anger::glower:

Nozaki: Um. I’m a little worried- :uh..:

Sato, Korenaga, and Jr: WE ALL ARE! :glower::glower::glower::glower:

Nozaki: :white: Hey! calm down and listen! :hide: I know you guys are really worried but

something isn’t right.

Sato, Korenaga, Oohira, Hitoshi and Jr::confu::confu::confu:

Nozaki: You guys said that HIKARU is the one behind all this, right? :innocent: And she

wasn’t manifested back in the appartment?

Hitoshi: Yeah? :confu:

Nozaki: That means that she is in the meta-world, right?

Sato: Yes. Like YURIKO, Yuriko’s other self, she should be in the meta-world whenever

Yuriko is manifested and vice-versa- :white::swt:

Korenaga: Yuriko is in the meta-world! :vortex: :vortex:

Hitoshi: She doesn’t have protection against the Lost Utahime! :white: Sato! :listen: Go

there and be her guardian since you’re the only who can enter.

Sato: Roger that! :hero:

*In a desolated alleyway*

Sato: *pulls out a pair of drum sticks then throws them into the air*

*As the sticks collided a portal appears*

Sato: Wish me luck :sparkleguy:*jumps into the portal*

Jr, Korenaga, Oohira and Nozaki: :bye::bye::bye:

Sato: *Enters portal* *Repelled* *Thrown into the air and hits wall, face first*

:punched::ouch: Ugh.. :desksweat:

Jr, Korenaga, Oohira and Nozaki: :nophoto: :nophoto::nophoto: :nophoto:

Sato: Stop laughing! And tell me what happened? :anger:

Jr: No! You tell us! :anger::glower:

Oohira: Thats a nice bracelet Sato, where did you get that? :love:

Jr, Korenaga, Sato, Hitoshi and Nozaki::bloodlust::bloodlust::bloodlust:


Nozaki: Wait! that’s- :fwa: a seal bracelet called “Fake Wings”- It stops anyone from

traveling through worlds. :omg:

Jr, Korenaga, Oohira and Sato::omg::omg::omg::omg::omg:

Korenaga: How in the world did you get that? :anger: Take that off now :bloodlust:

Sato: Um... Well- Uh- :swt:*tries to remove it* It wont come off :omg:

Jr, Korenaga, Oohira and Nozaki::ghost: :ghsot: :ghost:

Oohira: You were missing for a few minutes awhile ago. :swt:


Jr, Korenaga, Oohira, Hitoshi and Nozaki: :bloodlust::bloodlust::bloodlust:

*Flash back* (#cue: Mission - Fate Zero)

HIKARU: *following FBM* YURIKO couldn’t have escaped without help. :glower: I

know all the powers of all the utahimes but not the FBMs. I must know which of them has the

power to enter the meta-world. :knife:

Korenaga:*oblivious that someone had followed them* Seriously! I should have

known that something was up. :uh..: My guitar string snapped, that was a bad omen! :blood:

Jr: It didn’t snap! :listen: It was yanked hard.

Korenaga: :swt: :swt: My “betsy”. What have they done to you. :comeback:

Jr: :fwa: You named your guitar “betsy”. Thats so stu-

*Continues with the conversation*

HIKARU: *whispering* Ugh.. what is with this conversation? :voodoo: Are they

bunch of dimwits? They should be talking about how to stop me! or- they have given up all hope

because I am so strong and clever? :plot:

Hitoshi: I cant believe after all this years, we weren’t able to detect her, the Lost Utahime.

:uh..: :uh..:

Nozaki: :uh..: yEAH. But, it's possible that she just manifested recently. :glasses:

Korenaga: If that is true? What caused her to appear? :confu:

Nozaki: Well.. :innocent: We can consider the fact that Hikaru and The Lost Utahime

shared the same feelings for Keiko. :glasses: :glasses:

Hitoshi, Sato and Korenaga: WHAAAAAAT? :omg: :omg: :omg:

Nozaki: I see you three are still dont know that fact. :uh..:

Oohira: That girl sure is popular.. :ohoho: :blood:

Nozaki: Anyway, :uh..: the Lost Utahime must have taken the chance that Hikaru is

unconsciously summoning another personality due to distress on her relationship with Keiko.


Oohira: In the end, the one that was born was The Lost Utahime. :glasses:

Korenaga::@_@: Ugh.. :blood: too much revelation. I think I also need time to absorb

everything. :uh..:

Jr: Hmmm.. :ayashii: I bet you want to go to home and be comforted by “betsy” :XD:

Korenaga: SH-SHUT UP! :swt: :anger: :glower:

Hitoshi: *facepalm* Oh well.. :desksweat: I’m glad Yuriko was able to inform us about


HIKARU:*hiding behind a christmas tree* here it comes! :stars:

Sato: Yeah. Its a good thing that she was still alive when I found her. :XD:

HIKARU:*whispering* Sato huh- :ayashii: who else could have the same power, I


Sato: Or it would have been disastrous. :knife:

Hitoshi: Yeah, glad atleast one of us has the power to enter the meta-world. :ayashii:

Sato: :plot: :plot:

HIKARU: fufufufufu. :plot: :plot: I got ya. :stars: Now to execute my plan.

*A few minutes later, they are making their way to Hitoshi’s appartment*
*The FBM passed by a fortune teller but heed no interest in her until-*

(#cue: A man in black - Fate Zero)

Fortune teller:*in a creepy voice* Oi you over there! :groucho: *in her mind* :swt:

please dont recognize me

Sato: Huh? me? :confu:

Fortune teller: *thinking* Yes! he doesnt. My disguise is perfect :plot: Yes you! Your

aura is filled with distress, I see. Would you like me to help you find answers? :ayashii:

Sato: Oh no thanks. :innocent: I dont really need -

Fortune teller: SILENCE! :anger: I-I mean :swt: You should try it :knife:

Sato: :omg: :omg:

Fortune teller: *Proceeds to wave hand above the crystal ball* FI-NA -KA-LA -FI-NA-


Sato: This is a waste of- :uh..:

Fortune teller: You had just experienced an out-of-this-world event a few hours ago, am I

correct? :groucho:

Sato: eh? :fwa: Ye-yes.. :swt:

Fortune teller: *smirks under her hood* And this involves the love of your live,

correct? :glasses: :glasses:

Sato: :omg: How did you know that? :confu:

Fortune teller: The crystal ball shows me everything, :glasses: the past, the present, the

future and the answers you seek. :knife:

Sato: Yes? :swt:

Fortune teller: You wish to save her, yes? :glasses: :glasses:

Sato: Uhuh! :plz: :plz:

Fortune teller: And to make her see you as her Knight in Shining armour? :knife:

Sato::confu: Not rea-



Sato: Eh? :omg:*thinking* Whats up with her?

Fortune teller: :glasses: The crystal ball tells me that she is kind, hard-working, loving,

funny, considerate, beautiful, adorable, childish, clumsy at times, has a beautiful voice, very

polite -

Sato: Ok! I get it- :uh..:

Fortune teller: And best of all- :glasses: a bright person- :stars: But now she lost her

light, am I right? *smirks*

Sato: :cry: :cry: :cry:

Fortune teller: Now I will tell you what you need to do to save Wakana. :glower: :glower:

*End of flashback*

Hitoshi: And then you wore that bracelet because she said it will make Wakana fall in

love with you, discard her desire to be ice queen and you guys lived happily ever after?

:bloodlust: :bloodlust:

Sato: :swt: :rain:

Hitoshi, Korenaga, Oohira and Nozaki: :bloodlust: :bloodlust: :bloodlust: :bloodlust:

Korenaga: You fool! :anger: You didn’t even noticed she said Wakana’s name even if you haven’t

told her.

Sato: :omg: :omg: :omg: You're right! :rain: :rain: :rain:

Hitoshi: Somebody is sabotaging us. :glower: But who? :confu:

~Kodomo no goro wa shinjiteta ne
Nukumori no kureru yasashisa wo
Doko de kimi to hagureta no kana
Zutto kokoro wo tozashite~

Jr: hmmm :ayashii: what’s that? :confu:

Hitoshi: Uh- um- my cellphone http://www.cute-

That was lame!


Uhm.. Its Kajiura-san. I wonder what she wants? :confu:

*phone conversation*

Hitoshi: Hello?

Phone: Mushi mushi? Konno-san?


Kajiura-san? *thinking* What happened to her voice, it suddenly became young and high


Phone: Its me Yuuka. My phone is dead so I had- *snatched* NO more friendly

conversation Yuuka! Were in pinch here! :anger: Hello? This is YURIKO.

~doko made mo tsuzuiteru
hoshizora miagete utau~

Hitoshi: YURIKO! :omg: What’s going on? Why are you calling using Kajiura-san’s phone?

Where are you? And what’s with the singing? :omgz:

Phone:(YURIKO) TAIHEN! :vortex: We got caught! Including Yuki!

~kagiri-aru bokutachi no
eien wo yumemiru merodii~

Konno: NUUOOOOO! :vortex: :votex: By who?

Phone:(YURIKO) Kaori is using her Power of Voice to fix the reception so she has to keep

singing. :love: Wakana’s new henchmen are too powerful. :swt: You guys need to come and save

us NOW. Were currently locked in a dungeon in the deepest part of the castle.

~mune ni afureru itoshisa no mizu wa
mirai no hate de
dareka ni todoku darou
shinjite iru yo~

Hitoshi: :swt: Were coming right away! Stay low for awhile until-

*Screams can be heard from the other end :omg:*

Hitoshi: Hello? :swt: HELLO? YURIKO? YU-

Phone: *incomprehensible conversation**scream* I DONT WANNA DIE! I DONT WANNA

DIE! I DONT - *beep beep beep*

*In the dungeons*

Kaori: *wakes up* :uh..: Ugh.. My back :ouch: Where am I? :confu::omg: Wake up guys!!

*begins to shake them hard*

YURIKO: Ugh.. What? Where? :confu: Were in a Dungeon? :vortex:

*everyone wakes up*
Yuuka: :fwa: MY EXCUCUMBER! They took it? :omg::omg:

Kaori: OH NO! :omg: Our last chance of escape :vortex:

Keiko: *wakes up*remembers everything*agony* WWHHHYYYY?? Why has it come

to this? Two of the most significant people in my life has been taken away. *anguish* How can I

be MACHO HAREM BOSS without my harem. What have I done to deserve this?


Keiko: UUWWWWWAAAAAAAUUUUUUUUU *bawling* :wai: :wai: :comeback: :orz:

Kaori: *whispering to the others* Lets just leave her be for now. She’ll snap out of it-


Yuki::leaf::leaf: :leaf

Kaori::fwa: Kajiura-sensei? Are you alright?

Yuki: Need.. to.. process... every- *faints*

Kaori: Kajiura-sensei! :omg:

Yuki: :blood: :blood:

YURIKO: *begins searching Yuki’s pocket* AHA! There it is! :waii:

Kaori: WHAT ARE YOU DOING? :glower:

YURIKO: I got her cellphone :innocent:

Kaori: Ahh! :waii: I get it! We call for back-up. Then I’ll use my voice to improve the

reception again.

YURIKO: Right! :goodjob:*places cellphone on Yuuka’s hands* You call. :listen: I’ll

take watch in case those two BAKASHARKS passes by. :glower: (doesn’t know the face of her

opponents yet because Lamia and Ketea were covering their faces with hoods)

Yuuka: Alright! I’ll call the police :innocent:

Kaori: *whacks* CALL ANYONE OF THE FBM YUUKA :anger: *Thinking* Sometime I

really wonder if Yuuka is an airhead

Yuuka::hide: Haii! *presses 1* Calling Konno Hitoshi.

*kaori proceeds to sing*(#cue: Calling- FJ KAORI)

Hitoshi(phone): Hello?

Yuuka: Mushi mushi? Konno-san?

Hitoshi(phone): eeto.. Kajiura-san?

Yuuka: Its me Yuuka. My phone is dead so I had- *snatched*

YURIKO: NO more friendly conversation Yuuka! Were in pinch here! :anger: Hello? This is


Hitoshi(phone): YURIKO! What’s going on? Why are you calling using Kajiura-san’s

phone? Where are you? And what’s with the singing?

YURIKO: *thinking* he asks too many questions:desksweat: TAIHEN! :vortex: We got

caught! Including Yuki! :comeback:

Konno(phone): NUUOOOOO! :vortex: :votex: By who? :anger:

YURIKO: Kaori is using her Power of Voice to fix the reception so she has to keep singing.

*thinking* she has such beautiful voice. That’s my Kaori for you :love: Wakana’s new

henchmen are too powerful. *thinking* are they even real? They move like those creatures

from my mythology class :swt: You guys need to come and save us NOW. Were currently

locked in a dungeon in the deepest part of the castle.

Wakana: uhm.. *snatches phone away* Calling for backup I see. *crunches phone

with bare hands*

(#cue: In a nightmare - Fate zero)

YURIKO, Yuuka and Kaori::white::white::white:

Yuki and Keiko: :faint::leaf::leaf:

Wakana: *sarcastic smile*Oh joy! *icily* I hope they’ll get here soon. I would

like to have them for breakfast :knife:

YURIKO, Yuuka and Kaori::white::white::white:

Yuki and Keiko: :faint::leaf::leaf:

Wakana: Lamia! Ketea! :glower:

Lamia and Ketea: *suddenly appears*haii! *still not showing their faces*

YURIKO, Yuuka and Kaori::white::white::white::hide::hide:

YURIKO: BAKASHARKS! :anger: Show your faces so I can burn it in my head and curse you.


Wakana::knife: Thats fine by me. :plot: Remove your hoods.
*Removes hood*

YURIKO::fwa::love: They’re so pretty :love:

Wakana: Lamia!

*Lamia goes near YURIKO*

YURIKO: :fwa::white:

Kaori and Yuuka: YURIKO!! :vortex:

Lamia: No need to fear, my pretty. :ohoho::knife: *looks directly into YURIKO's eyes*

YURIKO: :@_@::@_@: What- I feel dizzy- :uh..: :blood: :ohoho: :love: Yes, I will not fear my

master. :ohoho:

Kaori and Yuuka: YURIKO!! What’s happened to you? :vortex:

Wakana: Lamia actually has the power to make anyone who is within a 10 meter radius

to fall deeply in love with her. She is what you humans call “succubus”. :ohoho:

Kaori and Yuuka::vortex::vortex::vortex::hide: *moves away*

Wakana: And Ketea here has the power to control water elements. She is a Sea Goddess.


Kaori and Yuuka::vortex::vortex::vortex: What happened to your shark army?

Wakana: I dont need those weaklings anymore. :glower: They are just hindrance to my

plans. :knife:

Kaori: What plans? :confu: Didn’t you go here just to get away from Keiko and be with

your beloved sharks? If that’s not it, what is your true intention? :desksweat:

Wakana: :knife: What else? But to conquer the World :glower:

Kaori and Yuuka::vortex::vortex::vortex: This isn't you Wakana! Snap out of it


Wakana: :glower: Ofcourse it is! And I will stop at nothing to achieve that. I will squash

you flies who gets in my way :glower: So lets start with YURIKO. Lamia! Make her tell me about

everything :knife:

Kaori and Yuuka::vortex::vortex::vortex: NUOOOO! YURIKO!

Lamia::innocent:*touches YURIKO’S cheeks* You heard her. Tell us everything.


YURIKO::@_@::love: Yes my sweet. *proceeds to tell everything; about the ice crystal,

Waa-tan’s condition, their powers, true identities etc.*

Kaori and Yuuka::desksweat: :desksweat:

Wakana: Goddess of music? Ice crystal? Hah! Who would believe in such a thing?

Though seeing as you girls DO have powers, I think I’ll consider the “Goddes of music” thing but

not the ice crystal. :knife: So Kaori has the Power of Voice huh?

Kaori: *cowers away* :hide: (Sorry Kaori fans)

Wakana: So you are responsible for that call, huh? Why don’t you come with me and join

me for breakfast. *licks lips*


WANNA DIE! I DONT WANNA DIE! KEIKO! :comeback: :comeback:

Wakana: *Grabs Kaori’s hand and drags her out*:knife:

Keiko: *snaps out of it* WAIT! STOP! Dont take her Wakana! :comeback:

Wakana: *stops*And why should I listen to you? :glower:

*Lamia and Ketea snarls at Keiko*

Keiko: :hide: eeto.. Because I’m your Husbando! :touched:


Keiko: I’ll be the one to give you your needs. -and- and.. MY BLOOD TASTES LIKE GYOZA!


Wakana::omgz: eh... :glower: Your Blood does smell like gyoza *mouthwatering*

Keiko::love: You can bite me here, quench your thirst. And then, I’ll save you from this



Wakana: *inches closer* *and closer* *and closer until they are only inches apart*

*touches Keiko’s neck* *whispers to her ear* nice try Keiko. :knife: But - your sacrifice won’t

save the people you care for. *smirks* And I dont need saving. :glower:

Keiko::white:*clompletely flabbergasted* :spotlight: :spotlight:

Lamia: Wakana-sama, we too are hungry. Maybe you can spare one for us. :bow:

Wakana: You have done a great job! So I shall reward you with this. You can take

whichever you like. :plot:

Yuuka, Kaori, Keiko::white::white::white:

YURIKO, Yuki::leaf: leaf:

*Wakana drags Kaori out the dungeons with Kaori screaming for dear life*

Keiko: Wakana! Wakana! :comeback:*desperate shouting* Even if it isn’t what the

current you wishes for, I’ll save you! Definitely! :touched:

Lamia, Ketea: Which should we take?

Keiko, Yuuka::fwa::fwa::omg::omg:

Yuki: *snaps out of it* No! Not them! Dont take them! Take me instead! :touched:

Keiko, Yuuka::omg::omg: NUUOOOO. Kajiura-san!

Lamia, Ketea::knife: knife: We Admire your courage. Alright, we shall do as you say.

Ketea: Come along now. :knife:

Keiko: Kajiura-san! Kajiura-san! No! please dont do this! :comeback: :comeback:

YURIKO: *still in a daze*:@_@::leaf: :leaf:

Yuki: If what you girls say is true, then.. Everything that has happened is my fault. You

girls do not need to suffer anymore because I’m here now. :cry: :cry:

Keiko, Yuuka: No! Please No! :comeback: :comeback:

*Lamia, Ketea and Yuki walked out the dungeon*

Keiko, Yuuka: NUUUUUUUOOOOOOOOO!!! :vortex::vortex:

*In the world of nowhere/destination unknown* (#cue: Lacie - Pandora Hearts )




Waa-tan: Where am I? :confu: Oh well. Instead of worrying about that, lets just roam

around :sohappy::sohappy:

*Bump* *Fall face first*

Waa-tan: Ouchy.. That hurts. What- :fwa: Hikaru! Yuriko?

Hikaru, Yuriko: *muffled sound*

Waa-tan: Huh? What did you say? I cant hear you with that scarf on your mouths. *removes


Hikaru, Yuriko: UNTIE US! :anger: :anger:

Waa-tan: O-Ok. :hide:


Hikaru, Yuriko::sohappy::sohappy:

Waa-tan: What are you girls doing here? :confu:

Yuriko: Wait. :confu: She speaks?? :omg: :omg:

Hikaru: :XD: Youre so lame Yuri-nee, you just found out about it. :XD:

Yuriko: Stop Laughing! :angry: Anyway, How in the world did you get here Waa-tan. And

how about your body? :confu:

Waa-tan: I dunno :confu: But my body is still unconscious I believe. :desksweat:

Yuriko: Its not like you have a second per- :fwa: You do have! A soul split into two

develops their own personality is the same as “split-personality” but with two bodies. :glasses:


Hikaru: :omg:


Yuriko: This situation is absurd. But atleast were free. Now what to do about that HIKARU

and how to find her? :knife:

Waa-tan::confu: Hikaru? But Hikaru is here?

Yuriko::desksweat: oops, you aren’t informed yet, are you? Let me explain. :sparkleguy:


Waa-tan: Oh I see. So that’s what happened. :innocent:

Yuriko: You dont look worried at all. :omg: Aren’t you stressed that your real body has

turned into a vampire? :uh..:

Waa-tan: :ohoho: I am but I can handle it. :innocent: :innocent: Or should I say, Hikaru

and I will handle it.

Hikaru, Yuriko: Eh? :omg::omg: How?

Waa-tan: *directed at Hikaru* You and I are the only one that can stop all of this.

After all, the ones that our friends are fighting right now is our otherselves. We must reclaim

what is rightfully ours and vanish those foreign entities. :hero:

Hikaru: But.. :hide: I’m no match for HIKARU! She’s too strong.

Waa-tan: Hikaru, we have to do this, for everyone’s sake. You are strong too, you have the

powerful “MAGIA DEATH GLARE”. Believe in yourself :sparkleguy: We can beat them.

Hikaru: Yes! :touched:

*In Wakana’s room in Eterna Blue* (#cue: Curse - Fate zero)


Wakana: :uh..: :uh..: :uh..:




Wakana: :bloodlust: :bloodlust: STOOOP!! Stop that incessant screaming! :anger: Remember

you’re a mezzo-soprano so you have a high powerful voice that can hurt listener's ears if you

want. :blood:


*Forces Kaori to shut up and then pushes her against the wall*

Kaori: *muffled sound because of Wakana’s hand*

Wakana: I’m really hungry right now and screaming is causing me headaches!

:bloodlust: :bloodlust: If you want this fast and without pain, you better be obedient. :glower:


Kaori: :touched: :touched:*still muffled sound* *closes eyes*:hide:

Wakana: :knife: Good girl! *moves closer to her neck* This will be swift. *opens


*come here*

Wakana: *stops* huh? :confu:

*come here*

Wakana: Where is that coming from? :swt:

*come here*

Wakana: *Looks around the room but sees no one*:confu:

*come here*

*come here*

Wakana: *looks around the room* Where? Were is it coming from? Where? :swt:

*come here*

*come here*

*come here*

*come here*


*Wakana suddenly collapses on the ground*

~~~~~Dramatic Blackout~~~~~

Ending Theme: Hitorigoto

Wakana: *opens eyes* Where am I? :@_@:

(#cue: I will - Fate zero)

Waa-tan: You’re here in the meta-world, my other-self. :innocent:

Wakana::fwa: I see you’ve survived :ohoho: But you wont be so lucky next time. :knife:

Waa-tan: Come back. :cry:

Wakana: what? :fwa: :uh..: you want me to go back to the real-

Waa-tan: Come back to me. Lets become one again. :comeback:

Wakana: And leave all the power I have acquired behind? :knife: You must be out of your

mind! :anger: I will not be one with a weakling like you! You just want to take over my body

since you are a clone! :bloodlust: :bloodlust:

Waa-tan: A clone? :confu:

Wakana: Not informed huh? :ohoho: But I dont really care! A clone like you do not

deserve my time. You should just disappear! DISAPPEAR! :glower:

Waa-tan: You are mistaken my dear otherself. :knife: I am not a clone. You are



Yuriko, Hikaru::omg::omg:

~~~~~~Dramatic Blackout~~~~~

A sudden revelation has occured! Wakana is not the real Wakana but a clone! What would

happen now? How would they take it? How about the other utahimes? Will they be alright in the

dungeons? And Yuki! What happened to Yuki? Tune in again for more craziness.

Let me clear this up. Wakana is really the clone but what happened with the guitar string thing?

Its up to the next poster to explain things. fufufufuu.

Basically, A REcap:

- Whilst the FBM went out on a walk to give the utahime + Yuki a bit of breathing space, Wakana

ordered Lamia and Ketea to kidnap Yuki +utahimes to the eternal blue world
- they instigated a plan to escape and split into two teams, A and B
- meanwhile, Hikaru fled to the meta world to escape her shame whilst HIKARU took over her

body. There, she ran into Yuriko. The two of them somehow mysteriously got transported to the

world of nowhere/destination unknown
- back in eternal blue world, Brutus, Mako and Grey Nurse caught Yuki + utahimes but were

knocked out and Ketea and Lamia instead re-imprisoned them in the dungeons
- back in the real world, the FBM encounter HIKARU and get a rescue phone call from Yuki +

- in the nowhere/destination unknown world, Hikaru and Yuriko meet Waa-tan
- Waa-tan and Wakana then somehow meet up...

So, finally at the end of this sequence, it stands:

Real world: FBM + HIKARU
Meta-world: er... no one right now...
Eternal Blue world: Kaori, Keiko, Yuki, Yuuka, YURIKO, Ketea, Lamia, Brutus, Mako, Grey Nurse + other creatures of EB world
nowhere/destination unknown world: Hikaru, Yuriko, Wakana

...does this work for everyone? :confu: (Note, keep in mind that YURIKO and Yuriko are separate entities... :knife: )

I'll try fix the minor formatting glitches later... :desksweat:

I think I just broke the longest post record, eh? :ohoho:
Last edited by a moderator:
Sugoi Cerise!

Succinct summary on the story and where everyone is.

But I need to process again everyone who's in the EB World Onion @_@:

EB World:

- Brutus, Mako, Grey Nurse: somewhere in the castle knocked out.

- Wakana, Waa-tan, Hikaru, Yuriko + Kaori- together.

- Yuki's with Lamia and Ketea :omg: :omg: :omg: Someone do something!

- Despairing Yuuka and Keiko + a very confused YURIKO- dungeons.

Am I correct? And I think you did, Cerise, IMHO
@Cerise: I think that could work :ayashii: And could you edit something from my post? Its the one where Waa-tan found HIkaru and Yuriko. Waa-tan said they were tied up and has scarf on their mouths but in kuromew's post, they weren't. :innocent:

I have some questions. And I request that the next poster answer it or add it in their continuation:

-What and where exactly in "nowhere"? Is it a part of meta-world or is it in the real world?
- Does YURIKO and HIKARU have their own bodies?
- How did Waa-tan get to nowhere?
-Who/what caused Hikaru and Yuriko to be transported to "nowhere"?
-Does Lamia and Ketea have ulterior motive?
-What happened to Mako, Brutus and Grey?
-What will happen to Kajiura-san??
-Where is Waa-tan's real body? and what is happening to it?
-Will Keiko be able to fight even with that injury?
-Will the FBM get to the girls on time?
-Poor Sato cannot travel worlds anymore. What can he do now?
-How did Waa-tan became the real Wakana and "Wakana" became the clone? What really happened during the splitting of soul?(Dont forget the guitar string thing. fufufu)
-Where is Excucumber?


So many questions to be answered. We need our combined effort to solve them all. :ohoho:

casarina26 said:
Sugoi Cerise!

Succinct summary on the story and where everyone is.

But I need to process again everyone who's in the EB World Onion @_@:

EB World:

- Brutus, Mako, Grey Nurse: somewhere in the castle knocked out.

- Wakana, Waa-tan, Hikaru, Yuriko + Kaori- together.

- Yuki's with Lamia and Ketea :omg: :omg: :omg: Someone do something!

- Despairing Yuuka and Keiko + a very confused YURIKO- dungeons.

Am I correct? And I think you did, Cerise, IMHO

Kaori is actually in the eternal blue palace still (Wakana was about to eat her), not with Hikaru and Yuriko :XD:

@tabi: I'll try edit the whole thing later :desksweat: :XD:

i think I may have an explanation for the guitar string thing but I'll need to think it through more :XD:
:omg: That's too much even for you Cerise :omg: If you need help, I'm here :XD: I can help think of ideas.

tabete.mio said:
:omg: That's too much even for you Cerise :omg: If you need help, I'm here :XD: I can help think of ideas.

I agree with Tabi. A lot of processing needs to be done.

I can help with ideas too! :XD:

waaaaa soooo much stories developed!!
i'm sorry i can't help much, since i can't be online here that often :blood: :blood: hontooouuu ni gomeeen :bow:

but i hope i can help with this ._.
(sorry i don't make stories, but i hope i can make this clearer. i didn't make stories this far, but these all are what i can think from your stories~
oh wait, and may be i can give you all some ideas for next poster? hm hm hm...)

tabete.mio said:
I have some questions. And I request that the next poster answer it or add it in their continuation:

-What and where exactly in "nowhere"? Is it a part of meta-world or is it in the real world?
is it something like meta-world, but different from meta-world? so it is a different world from real world, Eternal Blue world, and meta-world, but just the same as meta-world, you don't have to have your physical body, just your mind like YURIKO and HIKARU.

tabete.mio said:
- Does YURIKO and HIKARU have their own bodies?
i guess ... no? they are just like spirits...

tabete.mio said:
- How did Waa-tan get to nowhere?
nobody directly or indirectly explain this, but my imagination tells me that Waa-tan came closer into unconciousness and suddenly her physical body and her spirit get separated, then her spirit wandering and came to nowhere...

tabete.mio said:
-Who/what caused Hikaru and Yuriko to be transported to "nowhere"?
i wonder this too :uh..: but i guess that's because Hikaru and Yuriko are unwanted to be in meta-world (since earlier meta-world's dwellers are someone like YURIKO and HIKARU), so HIKARU moved Hikaru and Yuriko to nowhere? hmm just a theory~

tabete.mio said:
-Does Lamia and Ketea have ulterior motive?
that's what the next story-maker should create :plot:
but if you ask to my imagination... it should be no. well, Lamia and Ketea are Wacchan's own creation, deshou? they should be all under Wacchan's rule... or may be they have? it makes more confusing plot but also more challenging :XD:

tabete.mio said:
-What happened to Mako, Brutus and Grey?
again, that's what the next story-maker should create :XD:
but agaiin if you ask to my wild-and-free imagination, there are 2 options for the sharkies. First, to arrest Yuki and/or other utahime and FBM and get Wakana's faith toward them once again (but that's up to Wakana to give them faith again or not). Second, to be united with Yuki and/or other Utahima and FBM as they also want to get their beloved Wakana back (not Wakavampire~)

tabete.mio said:
-What will happen to Kajiura-san??
..... (fill the blank with the correct answer)

tabete.mio said:
-Where is Waa-tan's real body? and what is happening to it?
Yes, Mio-san said that these questions should be answered by next poster, including this question :XD:
if you ask to me, Waa-tan's body is still in Hikaru's apartement, protected by Hitoshi's power (while Waa-tan's soul is wandering in nowhere/destination unknown. But all FBM and even HIKARU are in Hikaru's apartement too, if i am not wrong? Waa-tan body is in danger~

tabete.mio said:
-Will Keiko be able to fight even with that injury?
-Will the FBM get to the girls on time?
-Poor Sato cannot travel worlds anymore. What can he do now?
-How did Waa-tan became the real Wakana and "Wakana" became the clone? What really happened during the splitting of soul?(Dont forget the guitar string thing. fufufu)
-Where is Excucumber?
and ... those questions. i can't really answer them so i'll leave them all...

i am really sorry i can't give much help to this great story, but i really love the story :chuu: :chuu: :chuu: Ganbatte, Cerise-san, Tabete-san (it's funner to call you Tabete-san than Mio-san, actually XD), Kuromew-san, Casarina-san, and others~!! :cheer: :cheer:
... and about what i wrote here, well... they are just suggestion (and maybe enlightment?) so if you have your own story, just let your imagination fly freely like phoenix and it doesn't have to be connected with what i wrote here :sparkleguy:
Re: Re:

littlefelicita said:
tabete.mio said:
I have some questions. And I request that the next poster answer it or add it in their continuation:

-What and where exactly in "nowhere"? Is it a part of meta-world or is it in the real world?
is it something like meta-world, but different from meta-world? so it is a different world from real world, Eternal Blue world, and meta-world, but just the same as meta-world, you don't have to have your physical body, just your mind like YURIKO and HIKARU.
Same idea :tea:

littlefelicita said:
tabete.mio said:
- Does YURIKO and HIKARU have their own bodies?
i guess ... no? they are just like spirits...
Yes, thats what I thought too. :desksweat:

littlefelicita said:
tabete.mio said:
- How did Waa-tan get to nowhere?
nobody directly or indirectly explain this, but my imagination tells me that Waa-tan came closer into unconciousness and suddenly her physical body and her spirit get separated, then her spirit wandering and came to nowhere...

Actually I did explain it here:
Yuriko: Stop Laughing! :angry: Anyway, How in the world did you get here Waa-tan. And

how about your body?

Waa-tan: I dunno But my body is still unconscious I believe.

Yuriko: Its not like you have a second per- You do have! A soul split into two

develops their own personality is the same as “split-personality” but with two bodies.

Hikaru: :omg:

Well to explain it: Only those who have a second personality can go to metaworld(with an exception of Sato, but he's currently stuck in the real world). Technically Waa-tan has a second personality because of Wakana so she can go to meta-world. But now, instead of meta-world, its nowhere. Which leads us back to what/where exactly is nowhere?

littlefelicita said:
tabete.mio said:
-Who/what caused Hikaru and Yuriko to be transported to "nowhere"?
i wonder this too :uh..: but i guess that's because Hikaru and Yuriko are unwanted to be in meta-world (since earlier meta-world's dwellers are someone like YURIKO and HIKARU), so HIKARU moved Hikaru and Yuriko to nowhere? hmm just a theory~
My idea is they were transported by "someone" who has the power of teleportation(ideally a person who is part of The Insrtumentalist). Though that "someone" haven't been introduced yet. :confu: (see my edited post before cerise)

littlefelicita said:
tabete.mio said:
-Does Lamia and Ketea have ulterior motive?
that's what the next story-maker should create :plot:
but if you ask to my imagination... it should be no. well, Lamia and Ketea are Wacchan's own creation, deshou? they should be all under Wacchan's rule... or may be they have? it makes more confusing plot but also more challenging :XD:
One incident in the story made me think they have. :XD:

littlefelicita said:
tabete.mio said:
-What happened to Mako, Brutus and Grey?
again, that's what the next story-maker should create :XD:
but agaiin if you ask to my wild-and-free imagination, there are 2 options for the sharkies. First, to arrest Yuki and/or other utahime and FBM and get Wakana's faith toward them once again (but that's up to Wakana to give them faith again or not). Second, to be united with Yuki and/or other Utahima and FBM as they also want to get their beloved Wakana back (not Wakavampire~)
I'll leave that to the next poster :tea:

littlefelicita said:
tabete.mio said:
-What will happen to Kajiura-san??
..... (fill the blank with the correct answer)
I'll leave that to the next poster :tea:

littlefelicita said:
tabete.mio said:
-Where is Waa-tan's real body? and what is happening to it?
Yes, Mio-san said that these questions should be answered by next poster, including this question :XD:
if you ask to me, Waa-tan's body is still in Hikaru's apartement, protected by Hitoshi's power (while Waa-tan's soul is wandering in nowhere/destination unknown. But all FBM and even HIKARU are in Hikaru's apartement too, if i am not wrong? Waa-tan body is in danger~
Waa-tan's body is missing for quite some time now. :XD: She may be in Hikaru's appartment without anyone watching over her(We still dont know yet). The FBM are still in the streets(since they left to give the girls some time to accept what happened) and haven't returned yet.

littlefelicita said:
tabete.mio said:
-Will Keiko be able to fight even with that injury?
-Will the FBM get to the girls on time?
-Poor Sato cannot travel worlds anymore. What can he do now?
-How did Waa-tan became the real Wakana and "Wakana" became the clone? What really happened during the splitting of soul?(Dont forget the guitar string thing. fufufu)
-Where is Excucumber?
and ... those questions. i can't really answer them so i'll leave them all...

i am really sorry i can't give much help to this great story, but i really love the story :chuu: :chuu: :chuu: Ganbatte, Cerise-san, Tabete-san (it's funner to call you Tabete-san than Mio-san, actually XD), Kuromew-san, Casarina-san, and others~!! :cheer: :cheer:
... and about what i wrote here, well... they are just suggestion (and maybe enlightment?) so if you have your own story, just let your imagination fly freely like phoenix and it doesn't have to be connected with what i wrote here :sparkleguy:

I have an idea on the Waa-tan/Wakana Clone thing since I was the one that brought it to that direction. BUT I would love to read how the next poster would explain it. :knife:

This story has gone so far and so complicated. Maybe we should start solving problems now. What do you guys think? :ayashii:
Re: Re:

tabete.mio said:
littlefelicita said:
tabete.mio said:
- How did Waa-tan get to nowhere?
nobody directly or indirectly explain this, but my imagination tells me that Waa-tan came closer into unconciousness and suddenly her physical body and her spirit get separated, then her spirit wandering and came to nowhere...

Actually I did explain it here:
Yuriko: Stop Laughing! :angry: Anyway, How in the world did you get here Waa-tan. And

how about your body?

Waa-tan: I dunno But my body is still unconscious I believe.

Yuriko: Its not like you have a second per- You do have! A soul split into two

develops their own personality is the same as “split-personality” but with two bodies.

Hikaru: :omg:

Well to explain it: Only those who have a second personality can go to metaworld(with an exception of Sato, but he's currently stuck in the real world). Technically Waa-tan has a second personality because of Wakana so she can go to meta-world. But now, instead of meta-world, its nowhere. Which leads us back to what/where exactly is nowhere?
hooo.... souka... gomen i didn't get it earlier :desksweat:

tabete.mio said:
littlefelicita said:
tabete.mio said:
-Who/what caused Hikaru and Yuriko to be transported to "nowhere"?
i wonder this too :uh..: but i guess that's because Hikaru and Yuriko are unwanted to be in meta-world (since earlier meta-world's dwellers are someone like YURIKO and HIKARU), so HIKARU moved Hikaru and Yuriko to nowhere? hmm just a theory~
My idea is they were transported by "someone" who has the power of teleportation(ideally a person who is part of The Insrtumentalist). Though that "someone" haven't been introduced yet. :confu: (see my edited post before cerise)
hoooo.... that makes sense!! :dote:

tabete.mio said:
littlefelicita said:
tabete.mio said:
-Where is Waa-tan's real body? and what is happening to it?
Yes, Mio-san said that these questions should be answered by next poster, including this question :XD:
if you ask to me, Waa-tan's body is still in Hikaru's apartement, protected by Hitoshi's power (while Waa-tan's soul is wandering in nowhere/destination unknown. But all FBM and even HIKARU are in Hikaru's apartement too, if i am not wrong? Waa-tan body is in danger~
Waa-tan's body is missing for quite some time now. :XD: She may be in Hikaru's appartment without anyone watching over her(We still dont know yet). The FBM are still in the streets(since they left to give the girls some time to accept what happened) and haven't returned yet.
...... eh? :confu: i forgot about FBM going out from Hikaru's apartement.... gomen again :desksweat:

tabete.mio said:
This story has gone so far and so complicated. Maybe we should start solving problems now. What do you guys think? :ayashii:
i guess so... :desksweat: but have no idea since it is too complicated :cry: (even i don't really get how the story goes on!)
All right everyone, I am currently entering the battlefield getting ready to write up the continuation to this! Got my caffeine and sugar boost ready :stars: I'd be interested to hear you crazy people's Guitar String Theories, so please share! :plot:
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

GO GO Cerise! GO GO Cerise! GO GO GO

My idea on the guitar string incident:

-Wakana got lassoed by Keiko
-Using her amazing power called "Wall of Resistance" (which can beat/nullify any attack; or you could say, its the ultimate defense mechanism)Wakana was able to break free before Keiko's unbreakable s-knot was completed
-the clone was dispached, so there are two bodies in the border of the real world and Eternal blue
-oblivious to what happened, Keiko continued to finish her unbreakable s-knot which unexpectedly wind itself on the clone, leading to what happened in the story.

note: Keiko's unbreakable s-knot takes time to be completed, but once it is completed, it will never be destroyed by ordinary means.

Hows that for crazy? :knife:
Guess who's post was so long she had to split it? :ohoho: :blood: :plot:

#cue OP: red moon – Kalafina

*in eternal blue world*

#cue: forebodings (Fate/Zero)

*Ketea dragging Yuki along*

Ketea: Come along, now, silly human, don’t make me have to kill you and haul your dead body... :knife:

Yuki: :ghost: :swt: *too traumatised to speak*

Lamia: *whining* Heeeeyyy let me manhandle her a bit too! :wai: Aren’t we supposed to be shaaaaring? *pouts and sulks* :spotlight:

Ketea: Who said anything about sharing? :knife: This one’s mine, go get your own food! :listen:

Lamia: EH? :omgz: OMG I hate you, Kettie! :anger: Always giving me the short end of the shtick! :glower:

Ketea: Hey, it’s only fair that I get this prisoner, since last time you got that magical sword Excucumber! :listen:

Lamia: But – but – :glower: :confu: :leaf: *fails to think of comeback* WHATEVER! :anger: :bloodlust: I still hate you! :stupidtable:

*Ketea and Lamia start catfighting*

Yuki: :*while they are distracted* swt: I’ll just, er...LEAVE NOW :omg:*runs for the hills*

Lamia: Fine, you b****!! But guess who isn’t getting a birthday present from me this year! :stupidtable: :cry: *marches away fuming*

Ketea: What-EVER. Why do I have to get stuck with such an immature imouto? :bloodlust: Anyways... :knife: *turning around* I’d better present this special captive to our true master, who is actually - :white: - EH?! :fwa: ALFSKDFJNWE WHERE’D SHE GO?! :anger: :voodoo:

*back in the Palace Dungeons*

* ~ssss-i-i-i-l-e-nce.............~ *

Keiko: :spotlight: :spotlight: :spotlight: :spotlight:

Yuuka: :leaf: :leaf: :leaf: :leaf:

YURIKO: :uh..: :uh..: :uh..: :uh..:

Keiko: :rain: :rain: :rain: :rain:

Yuuka: :confu: :confu: :confu: :confu:

YURIKO: :...: :...: :...: :...:

Keiko: :TdT: :TdT: :TdT: :TdT:

Yuuka: :innocent: :innocent: :innocent: :innocent:

YURIKO: :bloodlust: :bloodlust: :bloodlust: :bloodlust:

Keiko: :cry: :cry:

YURIKO: Oh, for the Goddess’ sake, will you STOP MOPING AROUND?! :anger: :bloodlust:

Keiko: I can’t help it YURIKO! We’re in such a desperate situation there’s nothing left to do except wallow in our own misery! :touched: :spotlight:

Yuuka: :uh..: Keiko’s right, YURIKO...I don’t know where Excucumber is, and we’re not in a life-threateningly enough situation for me to summon it – Keiko’s injured, your MYSTIC VOICE OF DEATH PERCEPTION doesn’t really have any practical use in this scenario, Kaori’s probably getting eaten by Waa-pire this very minute, Kajiura-sensei –

YURIKO: Oh shut up Yuuka, you’re not helping! :anger: :glower: ......................... :...: *also starts despairing*

*suddenly, a third presence enters the dungeons*

#cue: Pugna Cum Maga (PMMM)

Lamia: :knife: Soooooooo...

Girls: :omgz: :omgz: :omgz:

Lamia: *giggling evilly* Since my selfish, egotistical, good-for-nothing, ugly, repulsing, flat-chested, never-going-to-get-married-anyway bum of an older sister has stolen my prize...I’ve come to chose one of your for my next snack... :plot:

Girls: :swt: :swt: :swt: *thinking* S-such venomous hatred of her sister!

Lamia: Now...which one shall I have? :knife: Hmmm – you there! The one who called herself Waa-pire’s husbando! :listen:

Keiko: :omg: Me?

Lamia: You look nice and tasty. A little bruised and beat up, but I’m sure that won’t ruin the flavour... :knife:


Lamia: Oooh, a feisty one – me likes... :plot: *licking lips*

YURIKO and Yuuka: :waii: :waii: Oh, her fighting spirit returned! Yes! Ganbatte, Keiko! :cheer: :cheer:


YURIKO and Yuuka: – errrrr... :uh..: :uh..: K-Keiko, you’re kind of getting worked up over the wrong thing here, you know... :desksweat: :desksweat:

Lamia: Whatever! :ohoho: All of that is irrelevant...once I tame your fiery soul with my power! Love me, Keiko! Live only for me! I command you! :hypno: :ohoho: *using her ability to make people fall in love with her*

YURIKO and Yuuka: :omg: :omg: NO KEIKO! Cover your eyes! :vortex: :vortex:

Keiko: :confu:

YURIKO and Yuuka: :ghost: :ghost: You looked into her hypnotic gaze! We’re doomed! :vortex: :vortex:

Lamia: :hypno: :hypno: :hypno: :hypno:

*after a few mintues*

Lamia: :hypno: :hypno: :hypno: :hypno:

YURIKO and Yuuka: *still in :vortex: :vortex: state*

Keiko: :uh..: :uh..: Uhhhm...what are you doing?

Lamia: :swt: NANI?! Why are you still not throwing yourself at my feet ready to carry out my every command with your undying love?

Keiko: Pfffffff – oh, puh-lease. :plot: You think you can conquer my heart with that kind of weak, stupid attack? :ohoho:

YURIKO and Yuuka: :omgz: :omgz: As expected of the Macho Harem Boss!

Keiko: My heart belongs forever – completey – utterly – entirely – solely – to Wakana. :love: :shy: :dote: Oh, and Hikaru. :ohoho:

YURIKO, Yuuka and Lamia: :omg:

Keiko: :shy: :shy: :love: No other person can make me feel so warm and fuzzy inside as Hikaru, especially when she’s eating – she’s so kawaii, the way her mouth munches like a squirrel, and you can practically see the words om-nom-nom floating in the air around her – *starts gushing*

YURIKO, Yuuka and Lamia: :ghost: .............. :uh..:

Keiko: *still gushing* :love: :dote: :dote: – and mai lovely waifu! Wakana’s adowable dango round face is SOOOO KA-WA-IIIII, but you know apart from those sweet expressions that make you want to just squeeze her to death, she also often throws you this thrilling sly look of devious mischief whenever she’s about to reveal something embarrassing about you – it’s just so exciting, it makes my heart pound! Oh, and you have no idea how KKYYUUUTTEE she looks when she’s blushing, it’s like –

YURIKO, Yuuka and Lamia: .................. :leaf: :spotlight: :rain: :bloodlust: :glower: *losing patience*

Lamia: OKAY OKAY I GET IT, THEY’RE AMAZING, now just SHUT IT! :anger: :anger: :bloodlust:

Keiko, YURIKO and Yuuka: :swt: :swt: :swt:

*suddenly, Excucumber falls out of Lamia’s coat where she had been keeping it, clattering onto the ground*

Keiko, YURIKO and Yuuka: :omgz: :omgz: :omgz: :stars: :stars: :stars:

Lamia: I don’t believe this, first my stupid sister refuses to share with me, then my freaking succubus powers don’t work on my intended victim – is the whole world just against me today?!! :anger: *impulsively kicks Excucumber in rage* :swt: ARGH SHIMATTA! I didn’t mean to do that!

*Excucumber slides next to cage*

#cue: the Sword of Promised Victory ~Fate/Zero ver.~ (Fate/Zero)

Yuuka: :stars: SCORE! *snatches Excucumber* :w00t:

Lamia: :swt: :swt:

Yuuka: *slices cage to cucumber pieces* :whip: We’re free~! :sohappy: And now... :knife: *points sword at Lamia’s throat* Why don’t you take us to where your sister has taken Kajiura-sensei? :bloodlust:

Lamia: :swt: :swt: *actually a coward* R-right away! Don’t make any hasty movements! Okay? L-look, I’m taking you there! Let’s go! I – I dun wanna diiieee :touched: :cry:

*in Waa-pire’s room in the eternal blue palace*

Kaori: :leaf: :leaf: :leaf: :leaf:

Waa-pire’s unconscious body: :imdead: :imdead: :imdead: :imdead:

Kaori: Wakana? *poke poke* Heeelllooooo? *gently slapping Waa-pire’s face* :uh..: Weren’t you, er...going to drink my blood just a moment ago...? :leaf: :spotlight:

Brutus, Mako and Grey Nurse Shark: *come charging into the room and throw themselves on their knees at the door* Wakana-sama! :bow: :bow: :bow: Please take us back and accept us as your loyal followers again! Actually, it was us who caught the prisoners this time, not Ketea and Lamia! They lied to you, you should definitely not trust them, they’re shifty characters! We promise we’ll try harder and be more bloodthirsty so we can carry out your terrible will without being hindered by our consciences! :touched: :touched: :touched:

Kaori: :leaf:

Grey Nurse Shark: :white: ‘tis one of the prisoners!

Brutus: :omg: Wakana-sama?! Is that you, lying as if in death over there by the wall?! :ghost: :vortex:

Mako: :omgz: You killed our Queen?! Let us avenge her! Prepare to die, murderer! :anger:

Kaori: M-Murderer?! :fwa: I didn’t do anything, she was about to drink my blood before she just collapsed suddenly! :touched: *breaks down from the stress* FIRST WAKANA TRIES TO EAT ME, THEN I’M WRONGFULLY ACCUSED OF BEING A MURDERER – WHY IS EVERYONE BEING SO MEAN TODAYYYY?!!! :touched: :touched: :touched: I DIDN’T EVEN DO ANYTHNG WRONG! I’M ONE OF THE GOOD GUYS! I DONATE TO CHARITY! I HELP OLD LADIES CROSS THE ROAD! I EVEN SORT OUT MY RECYCLING EVERY WEEK! WAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH :orz: :orz: :orz:

Mako: Erm... :uh..:


Brutus: *clears throat* Um, well, this is awkward... :leaf:


Grey Nurse Shark: Now, now, there, there – *pat pat* Brutus and Mako didn’t mean to accuse you like that – DID THEY?! :glower: :glower: *turns and glares at Mako and Brutus*

Brutus and Mako: :swt: :swt: Um, no, no, of course not, we were just joking! Ha. Ha - :hide: :hide:

Kaori: *sniffs* Okay. :TdT: Sorry, guys. :uh..: I’m usually calmer, but – I’ve been through a lot, you know with all this stuff that’s been happening. :spotlight:

Brutus, Mako and Grey Nurse: Yeah, we totally hear you :uh..: :uh..: :uh..:

*all of them sit there :spotlight: for a while*

#cue: At Peace (Fate/Zero)

Kaori: :tea: Y’know, guys, you’re not half-bad for a bunch of sharks. :ayashii:

Brutus: Hey! We are dignified creatures! :hero:

Kaori: Your sense of honour is...well, surprisingly admirable. :goodjob:

Mako: E-eh, really? :shy:

Kaori: And I haven’t seen a better doctor than you, Grey Nurse, human or shark. :ohoho:

Grey Nurse: Awww, no you flatter me... :shy:

Kaori: Wouldn’t it be great if we know, team up? :ayashii: :waii:

Brutus, Mako and Grey Nurse: :omgz: :omgz: :omgz: B-But we serve Wakana-sama, and only Wakana-sama!

Kaori: But that *points at Waa-pire’s body* isn’t the real Wakana right now. It’s a Waa-pire thing. :uh..:

Brutus: Weeeeell, if you put it that way... :ayashii:

Mako: loyal subjects of Wakana, and not Waa-pire, shouldn’t we technically be trying to help restore her to normal...? :ayashii:

Grey Nurse Shark: ...and it wouldn’t hurt to have some allies on our side... :ayashii:

Brutus: :plot: Okay, Kaori, you got a deal. :goodjob: From now on, I swear as a representative of the Sharks of the Kingdom of The Eternal Blue to pledge our allegiance to the cause of helping restore Queen Wakana back to her true former self. :bow: :bow: :bow:

Kaori: :bow: Great! Welcome aboard,, grab Waa-pire’s body and let’s try find the others! :sohappy:

*meanwhile, back in the real world*

*FBM, on the street*

Hitoshi: SATO, YOU BAKA - ! :voodoo: :voodoo: *whacking Kyo-sama with violin stick*

Kyo-sama: I’M SORRYYYYYY :hide: :hide:

Rest of FBM: :XD:


Sato: I SAID I’M SORRY! :touched: :hide: :hide:

Rest of FBM: *ROFLMAO-ing* :XD:


Sato:, we could always roadtrip in Kore’s Dualis? :innocent: :punched: :ouch:

Rest of FBM: *crying with laughter* :TdT:


Sato: *mumbling* :spotlight: Sh-She told me once that I had a nice body, that’s all... :shy: :punched: :ouch: :nophoto: :nophoto:

Rest of FBM: *wolf-whistling* :psst:

Hitoshi: STOP IT. :glower:

FBM: :hide:

Hitoshi: :bloodlust: *sighing and pinching his nose*, it’s alright. I just thought of someone who might be able to help, but her power’s a bit unstable and I haven’t seen her in a while...let’s split up from here to find her – Jr., Oohira and Nozaki, you go to the recording studio where we work, Kore and SATO BAKA-ICHI :glower: can come with me.

FBM: Hai! :goodjob: :sohappy:

HIKARU: *disguised as a mall Santa nearby* Hohhh, someone else who can help them...? :ayashii: I must find out who she is! :plot: :ohoho: *evil laughter*

Kid sitting on Santa HIKARU’s lap: :swt: :swt: :swt:

*with Hitoshi, Sato and Korechan*

Korechan: Hey, Hitoshi where are we going? :confu:

Hitoshi: First, we need to move Waa-tan’s body to a safer location – HIKARU could turn up at any minute, and since she moves in Hikaru’s body, she probably has the keys to access Hikaru’s apartment. Therefore, I’m going to move Waa-tan’s body to Keiko’s apartment. I brought you, Kore, because I need you to use those wonder-guitar strings of yours to pick the lock. :hero:

Kore: Oh, I see. :innocent: My amazing guitar strings which have well over a billion different uses due to their special properties :plot: :goodjob:

Hitoshi: I hope Jr. and the others can find *her* at the recording studio...if not, well...I have no idea where she could be... :uh..:

*walking along street*

Oohira: Hey, Jr., the one that Hitoshi has been talking’s *her*, right? :ayashii:

Nozaki: Yeah, the mysterious Instrumentalist who is not a regular FBM member and whose face remains known only to a few... :ayashii:

Jr.: Right, guys, it’s none other than – :sparkleguy: :white: *interrupted by sudden burst of light*

#cue: the battle is to the strong (Fate/Zero)


Jr.: :omgz: HIKARU! :glower: You fooled Kyo-sama into putting on that cursed bracelet!

HIKARU: YES! What a silly old fool he was! So easy to trick! And now that the mighty Instrumentalists have been separated, it’s time for me to divide and conquer! :whip: :kungfu: :ohoho:

Oohira: BRING IT OOOOON! :kungfu: :gimmeh: Activate Special Ability: MANIPULATOR OF REALITY! With this, I can warp and bend matter to my will! :whip:

*nearby wall distorts and warps around HIKARU, about to absorb her into the stone while she struggles*

Jr.: Activate: BOOMING BASS! *bass materialises in Jr.’s hands, which he strums, sending out soundwaves* :hero: :whip: The sounds produced by my bass are so deep that they make the air vibrate at a frequency that interferes with your brain signals, paralysing you and making you unable to move! :ohoho:

HIKARU: *trapped in wall, unable to move* :glower: :glower:

Nozaki: :glasses: Hmhmhm...I am the other Drummer apart from Kyo-sama...but whilst his powers are for healing and interdimensional travel...mine are for attack and destruction! :ohoho: Activate Special Ability: DEATH RATTLE! :ohoho: *starts hardcore drumming which rips up rocks from the ground and bricks from the wall building etc. etc.*

HIKARU: Fufufu :glasses: *smirking* It doesn’t matter...I know that you can’t actually hurt me...after all, this is Hikaru’s body, isn’t it? You wouldn’t dare harm her...and your attacks are all based on the physical, thus they cannot truly do me any harm! HAHAHAHA! It’s useless! All useless! Now, let me show you what TRUE POWER IS! :glower: Activate Special Ability: IN MY LONG FORGOTTEN CLOISTERED SLEEP. :glower: :glower:

Jr.: :ghost: n-NO! Dammit! Fight it, boys, fight it! If we can just...hang on...for a bit...longer... *eyelids getting heavy* :@_@: :@_@: *collapses* :imdead:

Oohira: :omg: Nuoooo – Jr. – :@_@: :@_@: :imdead:

Nozaki: :swt: Can’t...hold...on...much... :@_@: :imdead: *collapses as well*

HIKARU: :ohoho: :ohoho: :ohoho: *released from wall, which returns to normal without Oohira’s power* I win! I always win! *gloating* :sohappy: The time for my revenge is nearing... :plot: Now, time to take these unfortunate Instrumentalists as my hostages...and I should hurry back to Hikaru’s apartment to destroy Waa-tan, or should I say, Wakana’s (they never even realised! :ohoho: ) true body, once and for all... :plot: ahhh, so much to do, busy busy~ :sohappy:

*at Keiko’s apartment*

*Sato laying Waa-tan’s body down in Keiko’s bed*

Kyo-sama: :love: Ahh, sleep well until I wake you, my hime-sam - :punched: :ouch:

Hitoshi: Stop dreaming, Sato! :anger: She belongs to my student Keiko, and you better bloody well remember that! :bloodlust:

Kyo-sama: :spotlight: :rain:

Korechan: :confu: Hmm? What’s this extra room along here - :white: :fwa: :swt: :swt: :swt:

*enters a small room that has the walls filled from floor to ceiling with various photos of Wakana and Hikaru, obviously taken without their knowledge when they weren’t looking*

*Quickly slams door shut again*

Korechan: :swt: I-I’m sorry I asked... :...:

Hitoshi: Wait! :omgz: I just got a text from Jr.’s phone...

“Jr.” said:
YO YO YO WAZZUP my brooooooz. This is TEH JR. here, totally GANGNAM-STYLING it out at the Hii-kun’s joint – we found the chick you wanted, you should like, make your RADICAL way over here AYE-SAP. Ya feel me, bro?

Hitoshi: :nophoto: I wonder what got into him... :uh..: – anyways, let’s go guys! :hero:

*earlier, back at Hikaru’s apartment*

HIKARU: dragging Oohira, Jr. and Nozaki’s slumbering forms through door* :uh..: Pah, they’re so heavy I almost felt tempted to make them wake up and walk themselves – eh?! :white: COUCH! EMPTY?! WHERE DID WAKANA’S BODY GO?!! :fwa: DAMMIT I SWEAR IT WAS STILL HERE A WHILE AGO! :voodoo: WHO MOVED IT?!! AND WHERE?! :anger: Gosh darn it *grumble grumble* :bloodlust: *digging around Jr.’s pocket* :waii: Oh, found his phone. :plot: Now, how would a hillbilly, backwards hippie like Jr. communicate with the other Neanderthal-like men of the Instrumentalists? :ayashii:


#cue: Ghost Blood (Pandora Hearts)

*Hitoshi, Sato and Korechan arrive at Hikaru’s apartment. It’s all dark and they can only just make out the silhouettes of Jr., Nozaki, Oohira and another person sitting on the couch*

Korechan: :confu: Oh, so you found her. But....what are you guys doing sitting in the dark? :uh..:

*suddenly, the door slams shut behind them, locking them in*

Hitoshi, Sato and Kore: :white: :white: :white: What - ?!

*lights switch on*

HIKARU: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA :ohoho: :ohoho: :ohoho:

Hitoshi, Sato and Kore: :omg: :omg: :omg: YOOOUUUUUU!

HIKARU: YES, MEEEEEEE! :ohoho: And this time, I have the advantage of surprise, so I can strike first and fast! :plot: Activate: IN MY LONG FORGOTTEN CLOISTERED SLEEEEEP! :whip:

Hitoshi, Sato and Kore: :omgz: :omgz: :omgz: :@_@: :@_@: :@_@:

*suddenly, there is the bright flash of light of a portal opening from somewhere*

HIKARU: :white: :white: N-NANIIIII?!

Hitoshi, Sato and Kore: :@_@: :@_@: :@_@: :white: :white: :white: *disappear into the portal* :vortex: :vortex: :vortex:

*light fades – Hitoshi, Kyo-sama and Kore have disappeared*

HIKARU: :white: G-gone?? Y-You can’t be serious! :anger: WHO DID IT? WHO DARES STEAL MY VICTIMS FROM ME?! :stupidtable: :bloodlust: *kicks wall*

*back in eternal blue world*

Lamia: *being held at swordpoint* H-here, oh great and powerful ones, my no-good sister’s just along here! :swt: :swt: :touched:

Yuuka: :knife: Well? Enter the room first...there’s no way we’re going in front of you...

Lamia: :touched: J-just don’t hurt me, okay? I have really beautiful skin on my neck, and I scar really easily, just so you know –


Lamia: :ghost: :hide: *whimpers*

Ketea: *searching around for Yuki, looks up and sees them* :omgz: :swt:

Keiko: A-HA! :sparkleguy: Where have you taken our Kajiura-sensei, you fiend? :listen:

Lamia: O-Onee-sama, save me! :touched:

Yuuka: :knife: *points sword harder*

Lamia: :ghost: :blood:

Ketea: :omg: You’re holding my sister hostage? :plot: But that won’t work...because I don’t care about her at all! You can kill her if you like, it won’t affect me! :ohoho:

Keiko, Yuuka and YURIKO: :omgz: :omgz: :omgz: Hidoooii! :swt: :swt: :swt:

Lamia: :ghost: :imdead: :TdT:

Ketea: If you’ve come to find your beloved teacher, well, you’ve come to the wrong place! :ohoho: You won’t find her here!

Keiko: :glower: WHY NOT? WHERE IS SHE?

Ketea: Eeetto.... *thinking* damn, even I don’t know where she is! :desksweat: :bloodlust: But I can’t let them know that! Oh, I know... :plot: Ahh, well, it’s because I – already ate her! :listen: :ohoho:

Keiko, Yuuka, YURIKO and Lamia: :white: :white: :white: NANNNNDDAAAAAAA?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :fwa: :fwa: :fwa: :vortex: :vortex: :vortex:

Ketea: Yep! :ohoho: Urm...bones and all! Not a trace left! :hero:

Yuuka: LIIIIIESSSS! :omg: I refuse to believe you! :listen: *jabbing Excucumber at Ketea* :kungfu: If you ate Kajiura-sensei, then why were you searching around for something just then as we came in?

*Lamia uses the distraction as an opportunity to escape from the girls to her sister’s side*

Ketea: :swt: That – er – I was just...finding...a toothpick! Yes, that’s right! To pick my teeth clean...of your beloved Kajiura-sensei’s bones! :glower: :plot: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Keiko: *howling* U-USOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO :vortex: :vortex: Kajiura-sensei wouldn’t die so easily! :anger: :anger:

Ketea: I ATE HER! SHE’S DEAD! :anger: *inside thinking* Oh geez, they better believe me... L-Lamia, you saw right? You saw me eat her with your own eyes, right? :waii:

Lamia: :confu: Er, no, I di - :punched: Oh, I mean yes! :waii: Yes I did! *nodding vigorously*

Keiko, Yuuka and YURIKO: :white: :white: :white: K-KAJIURA-SENSEIIIIIIIIIIII YOU CAN’T BE DEADDDDDD :orz: :orz: :orz: :touched: :touched: :touched: :cry: :cry: :cry: :comeback: :comeback: :comeback:

*Ketea uses this opportunity to shoot a stream of high pressure water at the girls, who are thrown back against the hard wall and drop down to the floor, winded and disorientated*

Keiko, YURIKO and Yuuka: :@_@: :@_@: :@_@:

Ketea: Hah! Prepare to die along with your beloved Kajiura-san, fools!

*suddenly, the door bursts open*

#cue: let the stars fall down (Fate/Zero)

Kaori: *charging in* STOP RIGHT THERE! :listen:

Mako and Grey Nurse: :kungfu: :whip: We have defected! We’re on the girls’ side now!

Ketea: *hissing* TRAITORS! :glower: :glower:

*they spend a few seconds facing off and glaring at one another. The tension in the room is almost tangible*

Brutus: *running in late and panting tiredly whilst carrying Waa-piure’s body on his back* :nophoto: :comeback: H-hey, wait up...why do I have to carry Waa-pire...just ‘cos I’m the guy around here... :uh..: ...huh? :leaf: Did I interrupt something...?

Lamia: *sees Waa-pire* :omg: Ketea, the vessel! They have it!

Kaori: :confu: What did she call it? The “vessel”? :ayashii:

Ketea: :omgz: GIVE IT HERE! *jumping at them whilst summoning massive tidal wave that goes roaring towards them

Everyone: :swt: :swt: :swt:

Yuuka: OHMAIGOD I don’t know how to swim! :wai:

Kaori: Neither do I! :wai:

Keiko: :swt: M-my shoulder is still injured!

YURIKO: :TdT: This is it. The end. We’re all going to - :white:

Everyone: :white: :white: :white: :white: :white: :white:

*a bright flash of light fills the room, momentarily blinding Ketea and Lamia*

*the light subsides*

*the tidal waves crashes against the wall – but Kaori, Keiko, Yuuka, YURIKO and the sharks are mysteriously absent. They have somehow disappeared*

Lamia: :omg: Th-They’re gone?!

Ketea: That doesn’t matter right now, let’s worry about that later. :listen: Look, the vessel is unharmed... *wipes brow with relief* Phew, thank god, if it had disappeared along with them, we would have been in big trouble with our master... :uh..:

Lamia: Right! We should contact her straight away! :waii:
*flash of light*


Hitoshi, Sato and Korechan: :white: :white: :white: Where the –

*another flash of light*


Keiko, Kaori, Yuuka, YURIKO and Sharks: :white: :white: :white: :white: :white: – What the –

Hikaru, Yuriko, Wakana and Waa-tan: You guys - ?! :white: :white: :white: :white:

Everyone: ................EHHHHHHHHHHHHH?! :fwa: :fwa: :fwa: :fwa:

*few minutes later, after initial shock has subsided*

*everyone is sitting in an orderly circle*

#cue: Alone (Pandora Hearts)

Keiko: Okay, so, um...the meeting has started! :uh..: I’m guessing the Hikaru sitting next to me is Hikaru, not, would you just start us off, please? :confu:

Hikaru: :innocent: Well, actually, this place that we’re all in is called nowhere, aka ‘destination unknown’. Yuriko and me and were here before, then Waa-tan suddenly joined us. She’s somehow left her body in the real world and entered this world –

Waa-tan: I was mysteriously transported by someone :innocent:

Hikaru: – right, she was mysteriously transported by someone into this world... :uh..:

Kaori: W-Wait, if that’s Waa-tan *points* then who’s that? *points* :swt:

Wakana: :rain:

Yuriko: Oh, that’s Wakana. I mean, the one which got corrupted by the Stone Cold Ice Crystal and got turned into a vampire. :innocent:

*there is a shout and slight commotion*

Keiko: *screams* mai waifuuuuuu~! :sohappy: I’ll save you now with my love! *attempts to launch self at Wakana* :punched: :ouch: OW, Kaori, that was my injured shoulder! :uh..:

Waa-tan: Ne, neeee, Kei-kun, remember me? *cheek-rubbing with Keiko* I’m the one that rabus you the mooost~ :shy:

Hikaru: *seething with jealousy* AAAAAnyway, to get back to the point... :glower:

Yuuka: *interrupting* Erm, if that’s Wakana, and that’s Waa-tan...why is Wakana the one looking comatose at the moment? :confu:

Wakana: :spotlight: *muttering unintelligibly*

Hikaru: Oh, that’s because Waa-tan just revealed a dramatic and potentially world-changing revelation which crumbled the foundations of Wakana’s reality. :innocent: That was a moment before you guys turned up when we were still in a moment of shock.

Yuuka: What was the revelation? :confu:

Waa-tan: Oh yes, that’s right. :glasses: In actual fact, My Other Self...

Wakana: *groaning* Oh no, please not again... :desksweat:

Waa-tan: ...unlike what you accused moments earlier, I am not the clone – YOU ARE! :glower:

Everyone: :white: :white: :white: :white: :white: :white:

Wakana: *rolling eyes* Oh great, HERE we go again... :...: :...:

*after a few moments’ recovery from this second major shock*

Kaori: Wait! That doesn’t make sense! I thought that time, at the concert, the real Wakana got transported to the eternal blue world whilst leaving behind the Waa-tan clone! :omg:

Hitoshi: Hmmm...I think I have an explanation for all this... :ayashii: :glasses: Do you all remember what happened just before the portal opened that day? Keiko attempted to restrain Wakana using her Unbreakable S-knot ™, but before she could finish it to completion, the portal had opened and Wakana chanted some kajiurago. However, I don’t think the kajiurago she chanted was to open the portal, like we all thought. Wakana, mind telling what it actually was? :knife:

Wakana: *sulking* It was my special ability, WALL OF RESISTANCE. :spotlight:

Everyone: :white: :white: :white: :white: Which means...

Hitoshi: :ohoho: Yes, the WALL OF RESISTANCE was able to nullify Keiko’s incomplete Unbreakable S-knot ™, so Wakana was freed. However, at the exact moment, the Sharks on the other side had thrown the clone into the portal as well. So, the Unbreakable S-knot ™, unable to latch itself onto Wakana, attached to the nearest most similar object – the clone! :groucho:
Wakana’s soul at that moment had been in the middle of splitting, so when the Unbreakable S-knot ™ attached to the clone, it disrupted the process, thus causing Waa-tan’s speech deficiencies. :glasses:
However, Wakana didn’t realise when she activated her WALL OF RESISTANCE to deflect the S-knot, that her WALL OF RESISTANCE also accidentally prevented the switch of the real body and clone between worlds, so the clone ended up being knocked back into the eternal blue world, whilst the real body remained in the real world! That’s why the Wakana you saw in the eternal blue world, with the guitar string around her in the Keiko’s S-knot, was actually the clone, while Waa-tan was inhabiting the real body all along! :ohoho:

Everyone: :vortex: :vortex: :vortex:

*after getting over third major revelation*

Hikaru: So, er...that’s basically what happened before you guys turned up. :innocent: Okay, next?

Keiko: We, that is; Kaori, Yuuka, YURIKO – hold on... :confu: Which one of you is which? :desksweat: *staring at the two identical Yurikos*

Yuuka: :ayashii: I think YURIKO’s the one that always looks angry.

YURIKO: HEY! :anger:

Yuriko: Come to think of it, Other Self...this is the first time we’ve met face to face... :ayashii:

Hitoshi: Yes...I’ve been thinking about it for some time now and it’s very strange. The two of you – Yuriko and YURIKO, as well as those two – Wakana and Waa-tan – shouldn’t be able to exist in the same dimension at the same time. Under normal circumstances the time/space equilibrium would be severely disrupted, but for some reason in this world, it’s perfectly fine...not only that, it would appear in this world operates on both the physical and meta-physical level, meaning that solid bodies and split personalities that aren’t in a body can both somehow manifest at the same time here. :ayashii:

*everyone ponders this for a few moments*

Keiko: :leaf: Well, anyway, back to the story; me, Kaori, YURIKO, Yuuka and Kajiura-sensei got caught and imprisoned in the dungeons by Lamia and Ketea... *launch into massive explanation of what happened in the eternal blue* – and so basically, Mako, Brutus and Grey Nurse Shark-san are all on our side now...

Brutus, Mako and Grey Nurse: Yoroshikuuu~ :V: :V: :V:

Keiko: ...Kajiura-sensei may or may not already be dead in the eternal blue world... :orz: :orz: :TdT:

Everyone: :omg: :touched: :touched: *some moments of despair reserved for Yuki*

Keiko: ...and finally, Hitoshi, could you please heal my shoulder and update us on what happened to you in the real world? :innocent:

Hitoshi: *whipping out his violin and proceeding to speak whilst playing* Right, well, we were walking down the main street when your phone call came in, but Sato... *launches into explanation of what happened* currently, Jr., Nozaki and Oohira are prisoners of the Lost Utahime!

Everyone: :omg: We must save them!

Keiko: *fully healed and exuding a dangerous aura* :knife: What were you saying about making Wakana fall for you and living happily every after, Kyo-samaaaaa? :glower:

Sato: :innocent: :swt: :swt: *quickly changing the subject* A-anyway, Yuuka, could you cut me free from this bracelet with your Excucumber? :swt:

*is freed from the bracelet*

Kaori: Hold on, if Sato – the only one who can do interdimensional travel – had his powers sealed by that bracelet, then how on earth did we all get here? :confu: :omg:

Hitoshi: That’s just it! We were all mysteriously transported by someone to this world... :ayashii:

Kyo-sama: :confu: Hmmm...the only person I can think of who can do that, is...*her*.

Yuriko: *Her*?

Korechan: Oh yes, that one. The Instrumentalist who is not technically a regular member of the FBM, whose face is known only to a few... :ohoho:

Utahimes + Sharks: :confu: :confu: :confu:

Hitoshi: That’s right, the only person it could have been is none other than –

*a figure suddenly steps into the circle*

Rie Akagi: Rie Akagi – at your service~! :idol: :tea:

Everyone: :omgz: :omgz: Akagi-san! :hi: The flautist! :dote:

Keiko: Perhaps you could tell us more about this world, Akagi-san? :confu:

Hitoshi: Yes, it seems to have a strange power...and you say you were the one who transported us here, but your main abilities don’t lie in the power of interdimensional transportation. Hence why usually it isn’t stable like Sato’s, unless you have help from a divine being. :ayashii:

Rie Akagi: :plot: Yes, I had help from the creator of this world in transporting you here. Actually, she was the one who called me over from the real world to help.

Hitoshi: :white: :ghost: B-but the only kind of person who has the sort of power to stabilise your transportation power...and create this nowhere world that can hold both physical and meta-physical bodies...would have to be nothing short of....

Rie Akagi: ....a goddess? :sparkleguy: Yes. :ohoho:

*suddenly, yet another glowing figure appears in the circle*

#cue: Sis Puella Magica! (PMMM)

Everyone: :white: :white: :white: I-It’s –

Hitoshi: MOTHER?!! :ghost: :vortex: :vortex:

Everyone: :fwa: :fwa: :fwa: :fwa:

Glowing Figure: Hitoshi. :tea:

Hitoshi: Mother! It is you! :omg: :comeback: :TdT: :touched:

Everyone: :omg: :omg: :omg: :omg: WHAT’S GOING ON HERE?!!

Rie Akagi: Allow me to introduce – Hitoshi’s mother, the First Incarnation of the Ancient Goddess of Music! :sparkleguy: :ohoho:

First Incarnation: :idol: Hey minna~ :V: I’m the one who helped Rie-san bring you all here, with my divine power~ :sparkleguy:

Everyone: :vortex: :vortex: :vortex: :vortex:

*when everyone has calmed down from fourth major shocking revelation*

Hitoshi: B-but mother! Your soul was banished by the Gods! How did you end up here? :touched:

First Incarnation: Yes, it’s true that the Gods doomed my soul, which is just a fragment of the original Goddess’ soul, to wander through all eternity. However, I knew the Lost Utahime was bound to hunt me down sooner or later, so with the little power I had left, I managed to create this world, nowhere aka destination unknown, in order to lie in wait and help save the Second Incarnation. :TdT:

You see, my own power is limited. When the original Goddess was split, I obtained more of her soul but less of her powers. The Second Incarnation, or the one you all call Kajiura-sensei, obtained less of her soul, but more of her powers. This is why I have all the Goddess’ memories, but can only do limited things with my powers. Kajiura-sensei is different – she has much of the power of the original Goddess – you saw how the eternal blue world was created from her song. But Yuki doesn’t have any of the Goddess’ memories, so she only knows how to use those powers subconsciously. :listen:

Now that the Lost Utahime has finally resurfaced, it is time for the First and Second Incarnations; that is, Yuki and I, to finally re-unite to become the Ancient Goddess of Music so that we can use our fully power to right the wrong that was done so many years ago. But we need your help, faithful followers. Yuki isn’t dead! :listen:

Everyone: :touched: That’s a relief!

First Incarnation: She is merely still trapped in the eternal blue world with those two homicidal creatures! :listen:

Everyone: Sh-Shimattaaa :omg: :omg:

First Incarnation: You must go save her and bring her here so we can reunite! :listen:

Everyone: HAI! :bow: :bow: :bow:

First Incarnation: ...speaking of souls reuniting, isn’t it about time you two got a wriggle on? :confu: *looking at Wakana and Waa-tan*

*everyone turns to look at those two*

*in eternal blue world*

Lamia: How do you work this thing? :confu:

Ketea: Oh, give it here, you imbecile! :bloodlust: We have to contact–

*back in the real world, Hikaru’s apartment*

HIKARU: :glower: :glower: :glower: What am I supposed to do with all these useless unconscious bodies?! :anger: *kicks sleeping forms of Jr., Nozaki and Oohira*

*Telepathic Intercom ™ buzzes*

HIKARU: Huh? Oh, it must those two...hello? :uh..:

Ketea: *on other end* – our true master, who is...HIKARU-sama! :bow:

HIKARU: Ah yes! You two, the double agents that I placed under Waa-pire’s pretend command... :plot:

Ketea: Yes, master, the Waa-pire has somehow left her indestructible vampire body...your vessel for your rebirth is ready for you now. :plot:

HIKARU: FWAHAHAHAHAHAHA FINALLY! After years of moment has arrived! :ohoho: :ohoho: :ohoho: I’ll be right over now. Oh. And I’m some prisoners you two need to chuck into the dungeons. :plot:

Ketea: Yes, ma’am! :bow:

*back in nowhere/destination unknown*

Wakana: :white: Wh-WHA-?! NO! There’s no way in heck I’m combining back with that cry-baby! :glower:

Waa-tan: B-But Other Self! :plz: Aren’t you tired of being mean and grumpy all the time? Don’t you want to feel Kei-kun’s love again? :shy:

Wakana: *blushing* PIGS WILL FLY THE DAY I WANT SOMETHING LIKE THAT! :anger: :bloodlust: Enough with this foolishness! We are still enemies, remember?! I will retreat for now, since you have currently have the advantage of numbers, but next time we meet – I will destroy you all! :anger: GOT IT?! :glower:

First Incarnation: :glasses: If you’re going to try returning to your vampiric body, I think you’ll find that a bit difficult... :plot:

Wakana: :swt: N-Nani?

First Incarnation: Why don’t you just go ahead and try to return? I dare you. Go on. Make my day. :groucho:

Wakana: :swt: Fine! Just watch me! :anger:

*portal opens and she tries to jump through*

Wakana: :sohappy: :punched: :@_@: :ouch: :omgz: It didn’t work?!


Wakana: NANNNNIIIIIIIIII :vortex: :vortex: :vortex: Somebody took my body?!!! WHO WAS IT?! :anger: I’ll tear their heads off! :voodoo: :stupidtable:

Waa-tan: Well, Other Self, it seems you don’t have a choice any more. The only other body currently available is mine. :innocent: Our true, original body. :plot:


Wakana: *muttering under breath, looking shocked* Lamia and Ketea...they...they must have betrayed me... :ghost: :cry: :orz:

Waa-tan: *pat pat* Oh, poor Other Self... :spotlight:

Wakana: I’ll kill them! :glower: :glower: ................ :...: Oh fine, I’ll meld with you...but only to take revenge for this betrayal! :anger:

Keiko: HOLD IT! :glower: Waa-tan is only going to let you re-join with her on one condition. That Yuuka removes the Stone Cold Ice Crystal from your soul using Excucumber. :listen:

Yuuka: Don’t worry, it won’t hurt a bit :knife:

Wakana: :uh..: Pah. You still all believe this Ice Crystal nonsense? :ohoho: Whatever, it’s fine by me. Idiots. *grumble grumble* :spotlight:

First Incarnation: All right then, Sato Kyoichi, if you don’t mind, could you transport them all back to where Waa-tan’s body is in the real world? Akagi-san will stay here with me. Listen, my followers. When you get back to the real world, you must first get Wakana back to normal, save the other three members of FBM currently imprisoned by the Lost Utahime, and then find Yuki, protect her and bring her to me. Understand? :innocent:

Everyone: :@_@: :@_@: :@_@: Y-yes...?

Yuuka: Okay...just a heads up, guys...I don’t know what side-effects this might be honest... :uh..: I’ve never actually know...a soul before :desksweat: so...

Keiko: S-side effects? :omgz: :swt

Yuuka: er, paralysis, permanent brain damage, severe memory loss –

Kaori: Oh, Yuuka, just hurry up and do it! :anger:

Yuuka: :omg: Okay, okay! :kungfu: *swings sword down*

*bright flash of light as Sato transports them back to real world*

Keiko: :confu: *looking around* Hey, we’re at my place! :ohoho: Why are we - :fwa: OH GOD is that Wakana lying like a beautiful sleeping princess in my bed? :nosebleed:

Kaori: *whacks* :uh..: Well, did it work? Was the Stone Cold Ice Crystal removed from her soul? :innocent:

Sato: *leaning over unconscious Wakana* Hmm, well she’s breathing, so she’s probably not dead. :ohoho: But it would seem that she’s asleep...oh, this is like in that fairytale, where the prince has to wake up the princess with a kiss of true love, right? :waii: :love: Wait, Wakana, I shall just wake you up now, with my – :chuu: :punched:

Keiko: *kicks him to the moon* WHADDYOU THINK YOU’RE DOING, SATO KYOICHI?! :nophoto: :nophoto: :nophoto: :nophoto: :nophoto:

Sato: Hey, I was just trying to wake her up! :listen:

Keiko: In case you hadn’t noticed, that is obviously my job - :bloodlust:

*they start arguing*

Yuuka: Oh no! What sorcery shall we use to awaken her?! :omg:

Kaori: Erm, guys... :uh..: :desksweat: *shaking Wakana and speaking loudly* WAKANA. WAKE UP.

Wakana: Hmmm? *eyes flutter open* :confu:

Everyone: :omgz: She awakens! Did it work? Is she finally back to normal, after so long?! :omg: :TdT:

Wakana: *looking around, first person she lays eyes on is Sato Kyoichi* :confu: :omg: :waii: :stars: :shy: must be the Prince Charming that saved me...? :shy:

Everyone: :white: :white: :white: :white:

Sato Kyoichi: :nophoto: :nophoto:

Wakana: Kyo-sama... :shy: Mai prince~ :love: :dote:

Everyone: :fwa: :fwa: :fwa: :fwa:


Kaori: *sniggering behind her hand* :nophoto: :psst: Oh...dear... :plot: :nophoto: :nophoto:

Keiko: *smile slowly slipping* :nophoto: :nophoto: :knife: :knife: :knife: WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT. :knife:

Yuuka: YURIKO! What did I do?! Why is she acting so weird?! :omg:

Wakana: Weird? :XD: What are you talking about, Yuuka?

Yuuka: :omg: So you are back to normal~ :shy:

Wakana: Yeah, I feel like I just had a super weird dream... :uh..:

Kaori: :glasses: How many fingers am I holding up? :V:

Wakana: Two? :confu:

Kaori: Name everyone you recognise in this room. :goodjob:

Wakana: Kaori, Yuriko, Hitoshi, Korechan, those three random kawaii sharks who I think are called Brutus, Mako and Grey Nurse...and...K-Kyo-sama~ :shy: *giving him affectionate look*

Keiko: :leaf: :leaf: WAIT! What about me, Wakana? Your husbandooo! You didn’t say my name! :comeback: :plz: :plz:

Wakana: Huh? Husbando? :confu: *stares at Keiko for a long time* :uh..: I’m sorry, but I don’t think I know you...who are you again? :XD:

Everyone: :white: :white: :white: :fwa: :fwa: :fwa:

Keiko: USOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :vortex: :vortex: :vortex: Wakana, please tell me you’re kidding right? :omg: :touched: You can’t be serious, right? :nophoto: HAHAHAHA Good joke, Wacchan, NOW PLEASE ACKNOWLEDGE ME?!! :orz: :orz:

Wakana: Sorry, stranger... :uh..: :nophoto: I would if I could! :ohoho:

Yuuka: Y-YURIKO! WHAT DID WE DO?!! :omg: :omg:

YURIKO: Activate: MYSTIC VOICE OF DEATH PERCEPTION. *looking into Wakana’s soul* :stars: Oh dear...ohhhh dearrrr....ohhhhhhhhh deeeearrrrrrrrr.... *shaking head* :nophoto: :nophoto:

Yuuka: :omg: What is it?! Oh god, I knew it! I killed her mind! :orz:

YURIKO:, Wakana’s soul is perfectly fine. There’s no trace of the Stone Cold Ice Crystal left. It would be safe to say, I think, that she’s back to normal... :nophoto:

Yuuka: Oh, thank god. :touched:

YURIKO: ...except for one thing... :uh..:

Yuuka: :omg:

#cue: farewell (El Cazador)

YURIKO: It seems that the Stone Cold Ice Crystal which turned Wakana’s heart icy cold did so by selectively infecting certain parts of her memories and experiences – namely, those that involved Keiko... :uh..:

Kaori: S-so...when Yuuka cut out the Stone Cold Ice Crystal... :swt:

YURIKO: ...yes...she also unfortunately had to remove all of Wakana’s memories of Keiko along with Wakana now has no recollection of who Keiko’s like Keiko never existed in her life. :uh..: :TdT:

Keiko: M-MAAAJI DESU-KAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :vortex: :vortex: :vortex: :vortex:

Yuuka: :omg: Oh god, I’m so sorry Keiko! :orz:

YURIKO: *sighs, patting Yuuka* It’s okay, it wasn’t your was inevitably the only way to remove the Crystal... :uh..: :TdT:

Keiko: :orz: :anger: :TdT: :stupidtable: :touched: :voodoo: :...: :comeback: :rain: :spotlight: :cry: :orz: :orz: :orz: :orz: :orz: WAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIII?!!!!!!! Why must this happen to me?! After all that I did...all that I went save Wakana...and’s as if I don’t exist to her?! Is the universe against me?! Is my love just forever doomed like this?!! :orz: :orz: :orz: :orz: :nophoto: :nophoto: :nophoto:

Hitoshi: Now, now, my student. I don’t think even my violin can heal Wakana in her current state...but I know there are ways to get her memory of you back. We just have to try find them...:nophoto: along with somehow saving Nozaki, Oohira, Jr. and Yuki, and defeating the psychotic Lost Utahime and reuniting the two souls of the Ancient Goddess in order to resurrect her to her full power... :desksweat: :uh..: :blood:

*meanwhile, Wakana is preoccupied with Sato*

Wakana: Oh, have such strong biceps! :shy:

Kyo-sama: Ehh...I, uh, work out... :nophoto: :ohoho:

Keiko: :anger: Hey! My biceps are much firmer than his! :sparkleguy: *flexes*

Wakana: :innocent: So, Kyo-sama, are you free any time this week? There’s an exhibition at the aquarium –

Keiko: :omg: *was completely and utterly ignored* :orz:

*they continue like this*

Korechan: You know, I can’t believe no one noticed...but where’s Hikaru? :confu: :uh..:

*back at Hikaru’s apartment*

Hikaru: *wakes up* Eh? :confu: I’m in my own body? :waii: But then...where’s HIKARU?! :swt: And where did everyone else go?! :ghost: :omg:

*back in eternal blue palace*

#cue: Pugna Cum Maga (PMMM)

*glowing light surrounds Waa-pire’s body*

Lamia and Ketea: :white: :white: :waii: :waii: Did it work? Did it - ?

*Evil laughter resounds throughout the halls of the palace*

Waa-pire: BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! I’M ALIIIIIIIIIVEEEEEE!! :ohoho: :ohoho: :ohoho: :ohoho: :ohoho:

Ketea: Master, is that you? :waii:

Waa-pire: Yes! It is I, the Lost Utahime, whom they once called HIKARU! I have now taken up permanent residence in this indestructible vampiric body which I stole! :ohoho: :ohoho: Did you throw those three sleeping Instrumentalists into the dungeons like I told you to? :knife:

Lamia and Ketea: :waii: :waii: Yes we did! :bow: :bow: Master, it is time for you to exact your revenge upon the Goddess and her followers!

Lost Utahime: Excellent! MWAHAHAHAHAH! When I get my hands on that Goddess, I’ll tear her to shreds with my bare hands! Crush her to smithereens! Blast her into oblivion! And then, when no one can stand in my way...I SHALL RULE THE WORLD!!! :knife: :knife: :knife: :plot: :plot: :plot: :ohoho: :ohoho: :ohoho:

Yuki: *secretly hiding under the throne all this time* :fwa: :fwa: :fwa: :swt: :swt: :swt: :swt: :swt: *silently* Someone, anyone, save me! :touched: :touched: touched:

*dramatic screen blackout*

#cue ED: serenato – Kalafina

*After EDen Sequence*

*in meta-world*

#cue: just for love ~ L.A> #2 (El Cazador)

Yuriko: *walking* It seems I’m back here since YURIKO is in command of my body in the real world... *bump* Eh? There was someone sitting her? :white: :confu:

Person: Hello. :hi:

Yuriko: Wh-Who’s there? :omgz: HIKARU?

Person: :confu: Nope.

Yuriko: :confu: Huh, but – *sees person’s face* :fwa: IT IS HIKARU! RUUUUNNN! :omg:

Person: *grabs Yuriko* No! Wait! I’m not that HIKARU! :comeback:

Yuriko: Let go, you villain! :wai:

Person: I swear, I’m not that HIKARU! :uh..: :touched:

Yuriko: Eh? :confu: But your’s the same... :omg: There’s yet another Hikaru here?!! Who are you?!

Person: They sometimes call me The Poet, due to my incredible power in poetry writing skills. :V: I was Hikaru’s original alter ego/split personality before HIKARU, or that Lost Utahime came and usurped my position, imprisoning me in this world. But now it seems that she’s left Hikaru’s body and taken up residence I’m freed! :idol:

Yuriko: :leaf:

Person: In short, I’m neither Hikaru, nor HIKARU.

Yuriko: :@_@: :@_@:

The Hikaru: I am The Hikaru. :innocent:

Yuriko: :white: :white: :white: :white:

*drumbeat/screen blackout*

#cue: to be continued (Fate Zero)

What will happen to Yuki, alone and defenceless right in the middle of the wolf’s lair?
Will they manage to rescue her and the imprisoned FBM members before the Lost Utahime’s long forgotten cloistered sleep drags them to their deaths?
Who is this The Hikaru person that Yuriko has met? Are they good? Or are they yet another evil to be faced?
And how will Keiko deal with this latest heartbreak now that Wakana seems to have forgotten her and fallen for Sato?
Is her (thus far) tragically unsuccessful romance with Wakana always going to be eternally doomed to failure? Or will the power of love conquer all?

Tune in next time to find out! :hero:

- Long time no see, old friend -
- we’re too late! -
- I never want to see your face again -
- I’ve always wanted to say this to you, but -
- Yuuka! Why won’t you answer me? YUUKA! -
- even if she’ll never know -
- *gasp WHAT IS THAT -
- the ones who we love most will be the ones who hurt us most –
- for you, I will sacrifice everything –


PHEW. :nophoto: Oh, teh drama :TdT:
I used Tabi’s Guitar String Theory. Pure genius :goodjob: Once again, lines from the preview don’t have to be used in the continuation.

Please forgive me for introducing yet another thread to this crazy tangled web of a story :plot: :ohoho:

*note: do you guys think that henceforth, we should refer to HIKARU as her true name, the Lost Utahime now, since technically she isn’t in Hikaru’s body anymore (she’s in Wakana’s cloned body which got turned into a vampire/Waa-pire’s body) or not? We can continue using HIKARU if it confuses people...



Oh dearie dearie me... :ohoho:


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* squeal* Its here! Its done! :touched: :touched: :touched: Good job Cerise! :goodjob:

Now take your rest, I'm pretty sure you've tortured your brain quite a bit. :ohoho:

/me gets hotdogs then proceeds to read :sohappy:

Sorry no popcorn in the house :ohoho: :blood:


:shy: :shy: :shy: OMG Cerise! You brilliant writer you :dote: You've done it. You've finally fixed the story. It's amazing! :knife:

*continues compliments until it runs out*

Anyway, I agree with you. We really should call HIKARU, "The lost utahime" because there is another hikaru entering the stage. :plot:

tabete.mio said:
:shy: :shy: :shy: OMG Cerise! You brilliant writer you :dote: You've done it. You've finally fixed the story. It's amazing! :knife:

*continues compliments until it runs out*

Anyway, I agree with you. We really should call HIKARU, "The lost utahime" because there is another hikaru entering the stage. :plot:

Cerise! good job! :nosebleed: My poor Keiko.... though

Alright, we'll do that. May I continue the story? But I'll need some time to finish it...
Poor Keiko indeed :knife:

Its fine by me. So next poster is Casarina-chan. We should do this from now on, posting who would continue the story to avoid confusion and to give the next poster time to finish his/her story. :innocent: Everyone ok with that?
That's fine by me.

*Knuckles down to hard work*

:ayashii: May I give a name, though, to the lost utahime? or for that matter, give names to all the angels?
First thing I read when using forum today was this thread :ayashii: Haven't come to the forum for such a long time ^^I think I'm becoming a lurker, since I don't feel interested in commenting on posts anymore for unknown reasons:@_@:
Anyway, great stories :dote: :bow: So casarina's writing the next one huh :)
Well, I got some comments and ideas upon reading the stories, so I thought I should post them (also, I need to do sth about being uninterested in commenting, posting, etc. ...)
_ Giving names to them? Great idea :sohappy: Would it be too weird to them names of Ancient Gods/ Goddesses? xD
_ Should the Lost Utahime get more allies? She only has 2 allies right now, so she may be :leaf: :XD:
_ Kaori's power looks like that of an Enhancer, hmmm. That's cool ^^
_ YK ... well, somehow I feel that she's kinda :desksweat: I know she cannot use her powers yet, but what is the Goddess' power, really? Somehow I feel that she can do practically anything with her power (creating dimensions, going accross dimensions, healing, etc. --> This is like Unlimited Song Works :omg:), since her followers are that strong. But if that was the case, how on Earth were the Gods able to banish her anyway? :confu: Hope the next post answers this question :ayashii:
_ Another question related to the Gods who banished the Goddess. Why aren't they taking action? :confu: Well, they can choose not to, but why?
_ No comment on the Wakana losing Keiko's memories thingy :XD: I don't know how to continue with that, so I'll leave it to the next post :)
_ There's sth I'm kinda confused about. Are these all the powers we have:
Keiko: Macho Harem Boss power
Kaori: Improving reception and recharge battery
Wakana: what's her power? Wakavampire? Chanting Kajiurago?
Yuriko: YURIKO (who has Mystic Voice of Death Perception)
Hikaru: The Hikaru + Magia Death Glare
Yuuka: Excucumber. Speaking of which, I found where she bought it: xD
Lost Utahime: the forgotten cloitered sleep thing
Hitoshi: Healing power with Violin
Korenaga: 100 uses for his guitar xD
Oohira: Warp and bend things
Sato: the Interdimensions thing
Nozaki: Death Rattle
Jr: sonic boom bass
Rie Akagi: what's her power? I'm kinda confused @.@
First Incarnation: Create Destination Unknown
YK: something bizarre, but kinda unknown

Well, that's all I can say for now. Feel free to use my ideas or answer my questions, or ignore them all :uh..: :bow: