The picture captions game!

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Wakana can make it time, to go back to Keiko's apartement through the portal, and so do all Utahimes and Yuki and FBM... yet Keiko can't. She's trapped in Eternal Blue world, all alone by herself, even get hurt by shuriken.

OP: Parallel Hearts (PandoraHearts/ FictionJunction) (Feli: please don't mind with the BGM and other songs i put here since i can't choose the songs well)

*in Keiko's apartement*
BGM: Puella in Somnio (PMMM)

Sato is :imdead: now due to open the portal longer than its limit time.
everybody: :spotlight: :spotlight: :leaf: :leaf: :orz: :orz: for more than 15 minutes
Hitoshi: Guys, you can't be :spotlight: :leaf: and :orz: forever! We have to do something!! :stupidbox:
Kaori: but, but... what can we do now? :orz:
Yuuka: Sato is running out of his power, and we can't go to Eternal World without his power... :spotlight:
YURIKO: Hitoshi, can you cure Sato with your violin power? :knife:
Konno: sorry, it can't. My healing power is limited, only for physical wound, not for increasing power or something like that :uh..:
everybody: :spotlight: :spotlight: :leaf: :leaf: :orz: :orz: for more than another 15 minutes

Wakana suddenly gets up, grabs Eternal Blue cover, and somehow whimmed it to her head.
Everybody: :white: :white: :omg: :omg: Wakanaa, watch out! What are you doing?
Wakana: :spotlight: Keiko risks her own life to save me... And everything turns like this because I went to that Eternal World! And now she is trapped there, because of my fault! Everything is my fault!! And even now I still can't remember everything about her, why is she risking herself... :cry: :cry:
everybody: *pats Wakana*
HIKARU: *say in wishper to Hitoshi* Hitoshi-san, should I remove Wakana's memory now?
Hitoshi: *whispering * No no, let this goes on, I want to see how strong Wakana's love towards Keiko even without its memory. What's more, I want Keiko to be in Wakana's side when Wakana get her memory, Keiko will be glad if she can do that. :sparkleguy:
HIKARU: *whispering* You are sure a kind person...
Hitoshi: *whispering* sure, Keiko is my only one student! :hero:
Wakana: *suddenly get up again* Minna! We have to save Keiko from the Eternal World! Nobody is with Keiko now and we are the only ones who can save Keiko! :hero: YURIKO! HIKARU! *points at both YURIKO and HIKARU*
YURIKO and HIKARU: :omg: :omg: ha-haii?!
Wakana: Where are your other-selves? Can they contact First Incarnation and/or Rie Akagi for asking help? :glower:
HIKARU: Our other-selves are in meta-world. First Incarnation and Rie Akagi are in Nowhere. We can't contact them. The warm, gentle Wakana, please be calm, and together find a way to save Keiko. :hypno: use her Poet power to make Wakana calmer
Wakana: :@_@:
Yuuka: talking about asking Rie's help, how if we phoned her? Anybody has her number/email address? :confu: :knife:
everybody: no.... :uh..:
Yuuka: :desksweat:
:nophoto: ... OMa9qy2oVM
In the time, nobody realizes their Second Incarnation, their beloved teacher Yuki, is alone in the corner of the room, sitting and looking down... nobody but YURIKO. (Feli: :plot: i know how you are, Yuriko~ :ayashii: )
YURIKO: Yuki-chan Kajiura-san, what's wrong? are you sick? :confu:
Yuki: No, Yuriko, just... I feel something weird. It seems like something huge is happened in Eternal World, and evil spirits are created. How Keiko-chan be able to stand in it? :spotlight:
everybody: :omg: :omg:
Yuki: but maybe that's just my feeling, my children, don't worry~ :V:
everybody: gets :omg: :omg: more~
and suddenly~
Something (or someone) falls from the apartement's canopy, a cute creature in gothic-lolita dress...
everybody: :omgz: HARUNA LUNA?!
Luna: Ah, hi minna :hi: nice to meet you all~
Yuuka: :shy: Ah, cute child~ OH WAIT. Why are you here? And why did you fall come from the sky? :confu:
Luna: the First Incarnation told me, I should help you all. Let me introduce you my power: Overfly~ :idol: (a couple of almost-transparant wings appears from her back) If you fly with a certain speed and certain height, you'll be able to across another world or dimensions, such as Eternal World~
Everybody: whooaaa~ *clapping their hands like watching some concerts*
sato: Why doesn't Rie come here for helping us, like she did first? :confu:
Luna: Well Rie's power and mine have same function, to go to another worlds, so we do it in a shift. Now is my shift :innocent:
everybody: :uh..: shift, eh?
Yuki: So, what did First Incarnation tell to you? :confu:
Luna: :glasses: the First Incarnation told me that Adonia, the lost Utahime, will create another evil things, like Lamia and Ketea. But it'll much more stronger than those two. We have to save the Eternal Blue if you want to keep Eternal Blue save for your audience. And--
Wakana: Keiko was left there too! :wai:
Luna: :omgz: hontou?! Uh, we have to work soon~ :glasses: Okaay, so here is my and First Incarnation's plan. :plot: We'll go to Eri Itou's place first to get another ally, I hope she can help us --
Kaori: Where is Eri Itou?
Luna: :glasses: In Magica world i guess, she's singing for PMMM's OST anyway. Once we get more allies from Eri, we'll be strong enough to go to Eternal Blue and defeat Adonia and save the world! :hero:
everybody: whooaa~ (clapping hands again)
Luna: Now, let you all enter my beloved bag!
HIKARU: that small bag? :confu:
Luna: Yes, Oohira-san, you can use your Manipulator of Reality to make smaller of your physical bodies.
Oohira: Eh, can i?
Luna: Yes, you can. Manipulator of Reality's power is to manipulate the physical reality, right?

Oohira then use his power to make them small enough to enter Luna's small bag, and Luna let them enter her bag.
Luna: Now, let's go~!!! :hero:

*inside Luna's bag*

everybody: watch out, BIG NENDOROIDS WILL FALL ON US~!!! :omg: :omg: :omg:

*Magica world*
BGM: Sis Puella Magica (PMMM)

Eri Itou, the one they're looking for, is sitting down on a lovely chair with Kyuubey on her side. A dining table is prepared.
Eri: Hi all :hi: I know you all will come here, the First Incarnation told me earlier to do all preparations.
Everybody: :hi: Eri~ (inside their hearts: :omg: and oh Kyuubey? Are we going to make some contract, in order to get more ally? )
Yuki: What did First Incarnation tell you? It seems like she planned everything... :knife:
Eri: Well she knows more than you and she wants to be useful for you all though she's lack in power, so she prepared everything for you~ :shy: Now, let me show you my power... :idol:

Eri created a smoke from the air by waving her hands, a dust that looks like someone's appearance but too transparant to be recognized. Then Eri moves the dust, the dust is on Kyuubey now but Kyuubey doesn't move, and somehow the dust is absorbed to Kyuubey's body. And suddenly Kyuubey moves his/her (?) body.
Kyuubey: Hello again, all! I am the First Incarnation! :hi:
Everybody: :omgz: First Incarnation, or... Kyuubey?
Kyuubey: First Incarnation, indeed~ :desksweat:
Eri: :tea: That's my power, planting souls to physical bodies. Souls, like First Incarnation, can only live in meta-world and Nowhere. If they want to live in real world or in worlds like Eternal Blue or this Magica world, they need physical body. That's my job to help them. I guess you'll need First Incarnation, since she has memories and she may be able to help you to conquer Eternal Blue. :tea:
And do you now, Yuuka? Your Excucumber. Saber's soul was planted there a long years ago by me :sparkleguy:
Everybody: big arigatooouuuu Eri~~ :touched: :touched: :bow: :bow:
Eri: Your welcome :sparkleguy: And I think you'll need more allies, right? :ayashii: since First Incarnation can't do some battle due to power limit, and Luna's power is not for fighting :ayashii:
First Incarnation and Luna: :rain: :rain: :spotlight: :spotlight: i am powerless...
Everybody: Yes, Eri-sama! Give us more power and allies! :plz: :plz:
Eri walks to a cupboard and takes a small wooden box.
Eri: :glasses: Well, you can say I saved some of Gods's soul in this box, I call this Pandora box. I'll planted the souls to the physical bodies of the characters here so you can interact to them and they can help you :idol:

Eri opens the box and three smokes fly softly in the air, Eri grabs them and puts them in bodies of Madoka Kaname, Akemi Homura and Tomoe Mami, one by one.
Eri: :plot: don't worry about the girls' real souls, dear, I've negotiate to Kyuubey earlier to borrow these girls' physical bodies
Tomoe: Yoroshiku, nee~ we knew the story since looong time ago and we knew that Adonia would do something in revenge~
Madoka: We'll help you! :idol:
Homura: *nods her head*
Everybody: Thaaaaaaanks all! Thaaanks Eri!! :touched: :touched: :touched:
Eri: aaaw daijoubuuu :shy: :shy: Well, this is all I can do for you. Luna will help you to go to Eternal Blue, First Incarnation will accompany you too to help Yuki's memory, and Magica girls will help you in fighting.
Yuki: Uuuu~ you won't join us to go to Eternal Blue? Why?? :knife:
Eri: I love this sugar-coated world~ don't you know, PMMM is totally a moe animation~ :shy: :shy:
everybody: :uh..: :uh..: :uh..:
(gomen for Eri Itou fans ._.)

*in Eternal Blue World - Dungeon*
BGM: overture After Eden (Kalafina)

Keiko: :omg: :omg: i am alone with those guards!!!
oh, okaay. Dare to get closer to me? you'll feel my Macho Harem Boss's power~ :knife:
Guards: Lemme feel it :knife:
Keiko: :omg: :omg: (inside her hearts: I won't say to them if actually I can't use my Macho Harem Boss because my arm is wounded by their shuriken! Then how i'll survive~ ) :touched:
Ketea *shouting from the door* Guys, have you done your job? *open the door, looking around. she doesn't notice Keiko, who are surrounded by guards* Hm, it seems they already get out from this world :plot: Okay guards, follow me and our Lord Adonia will show you something great~ :ohoho: (evil laugh)
Guards: But...
Ketea: :glower: :glower: just. follow. me.
Guards: Ha-hai!! :swt: :swt:
Ketea and Guards leave the dungeon, somehow leave Keiko alone there.
Keiko: this is my chance! I'll follow them, to search another way to go home! :ohoho:
Keiko walks slowly after Ketea and others
Keiko: (starts whispering to herself due to boredom) Huhu I am here alone :cry: but I saved Wakana earlier :shy: I hope she'll thank to me and I can see her smile again :nosebleed: actually I don't care with Wakana's memory, I just want her to smile to me or bullying me like always :orz: awww it was soo nostalgic! the way she looked at me :dote: ---

Ketea, Guards, and Keiko, arrive to a huge hall with Adonia in another side and transformation circle (source: Fullmetal Alchemist) in the middle of the floor of the hall.
:nophoto: ... OMa9qy2oVM
*notice: this is the Adonia in Wakana's physical body, not the real Wakana)
Keiko: No matter how I look at her, Wakana is cuuuute~ :love:
Adonia: *doesn't notice Keiko* Oh fellows of mine, look at this transformation circle!! :ohoho: :ohoho: :ohoho:
Ketea: My queen Adonia, what will you create with that circle? :confu:
Adonia: :ohoho: the greatest creature that will be able to conquer the world of Music! Not only this Eternal Blue world, but also other worlds! :ohoho: :ohoho: just look at this~~ :plot:

BGM: shortened Magia (Kalafina)

Adonia does a certain body movement (feli doesn't dare to imagine it) spells some kajiuran, and the transformation circle is broken, breaks the floor and an abyss is created. A certain creature (or maybe two, or maybe three~) appears and...
Keiko: :omg: :omg: :vortex: :vortex: :vortex:

ED: Magia (kalafina)

What creature Adonia created?
Are Utahime + Yuki-First Incarnation + FBM strong enough to defeat Adonia + Ketea + her new creature(s)?
Will Utahime + Yuki-First Incarnation + FBM be able to save the world of Eternal Blue?
For the next poster! :idol: :knife:
gomeeeeeeeeeeen actually i don't know the story well. Are the Gods common Gods, or have to be Gods of Music?
Gomen i make PMMM characters to go in, since i don't have idea about the Gods. Or maybe someone has another make-sense theory about Gods? I'll change my part of Gods if someone has :ayashii:
And I don't know Chiaki and/or Asuka well, so instead letting them in, I let Eri Itou enter the story, together with Luna~ is this okay? :desksweat:
Is my story understandable? i am not good at writing and not good at English either, my way to write story may cause :@_@: to you all since i felt :@_@: too when writing this post :XD:
And if i write my story in wrong way (such as grammar, or maybe I missunderstand the earlier stories and so make wrong story based on wrong conclusion) please tell me :bow: :bow:
Like you said, Feli, you have your way to write stories. It's quite well done.

I'm okay with PMMM characters. But I'm not sure if everyone's watched the anime.

Who's going next? :ayashii: ... 903bc4.jpg

*Whilist exploring a haunted mansion, the frontline lieutenants of Kalafina Adventure Explorers Inc find themselves in BIG trouble*

Hikaru: Oh no... :omg: I feel so sleepy.. Listen to that music! It's making us sleepy... :cry:

Keiko: I need to lean on the mirror... :comeback:

Wakana: :fwa: :swt: Guys! We...! WALL OF RESISTANCE!

*And so, with her Wall of Resistance, Wakana saves her 2 friends from becoming the next ghosts of the Mansion*

Ends! ... ina023.jpg
I...never watched i the only one?? :cry: :cry:
Update on the Keiko drawing!!!
10-20% left!!! *insert drumroll* Just having some problems on facial expression, background etc. :sparkleguy: :blood:
@casarina-san: hhmmmm it doesn't to be connected with the PMMM ones, just think that their power is Magica (or Witch~). I dunno much about the power of each other, too, so i just wrote like that :uh..: gomeeeeen~ :bow:
@kuro-san: ganbatteeeee~~~ :sparkleguy:
Well ive been following this topic for some time even before i registered and must admit, you really got me trapped here :cheer:
When i was reading the story i got inspired to gather a crew and make a voice act on it along with soundtrack input from your choices :glasses:
Although, im not really for adding an overload of characthers in the story. I think it'd be better to still keep it relatively simple and get amused by the original gang with adonia :ayashii:
Its just my opinion, i mean no offense to anyone :rain:
But well, since im so new ill just sit in a corner and silently read :cry: :rain: :spotlight:
Gomen ne minna. I cant continue the story :cry: I'll be busy for atleast 2 weeks. So whoever wants to continue it. Go ahead and do so.

And Welcome to the forum MegyTomitatsu enjoy your stay :hi:
And Welcome to the forum MegyTomitatsu enjoy your stay :hi:

Thaky you ^_^

welcome to the jungle Picture Caption thread, Megy-san~! :ohoho:

:XD: :XD:
Well, i dont have much inspiration now but if i gather some ill give it a try :uh..: :idol:
God bless this topic, it's just... SO epic :waii:
Here are the 2:10 am and I have to wake up early tomorrow, but it doesn't matter. Your story totally deserves it.
^ I wish some of our resident fanfictionjunction experts had attended the live at Zepp Tokyo and / or Kagerou Pain... there was plenty of inspiration for stories in those two events.
^ Well, Yuki Kajiura's use of a stopwatch to time how long the singers took to introduce themselves in the first, and Kagerou Pain was so atmospheric it could have been one of the not-in-this-world locations.
Well, if no one minds I can give it a go again... I'm getting some ideas...

Only that I will only finish it by sat... and it'll probably mean more messes...

Cos I will be very busy come Feb, and I'll probably won't show up for the whole month... :XD: so I'll like to contribute my part while I'm still here. :plot:
Please do!!! :knife: :knife: :knife: It's so quiet here :leaf: , plus school has started... Here in Malaysian high schools, the teachers are strict as... :cry: :cry: :cry: