The picture captions game!

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Still working on it... :XD:

I think I'm stuck... :omg:

Would you all want the game to be finished soon? I'm planning a part that may signal "the beginning of the end" but I'm not sure if U all want it added in.
I dont mind, nice cue thou :ayashii:

Write as your imagination flows, itll be ok :sparkleguy:

And everybody will be satisfied since theyre not the ones writing, riiiight? :knife:
Hmmm...I never thought about ending the story so quickly :omg: ... but maybe Cerise will be able to help you :sparkleguy: !!
@casarina Yes we really should start getting to the final battle. If this continues on too long, problems and conflicts will just pile up and we might never find anymore solutions. And the story is starting to get really complex. I do like the idea of beginning of the end :sparkleguy:

@kuromew dont worry we can start another story :ohoho: with fairies, witches, wizards, dragons, kings, queens etc :XD: Whatever you like :ayashii:
Hi all, here's my story.

OP: Ongaku

~Eternal Blue World~

*The abyss opens*

Keiko: :omg:

Adonia: Let me introduceeeee.. Phodei! :nosebleed:

*Out steps…a man. *

Phodei: My Queen! :tea:

Adonia: Phodei is a man of many talents! He has also been the one who has been supporting me through my darkest days, Giving me strength when I was too weak, selflessly, using the strength he amassed himself, through his own sheer hard work! My most loyal subject, your time has come! After we take down the Gods Coliseum and the Human world, you will stand together with me! :shy:

Guard 1: *Whispering to another* he looks… so… ordinary. :uh..:

*A small explosion*

Keiko: :omg: :swt:

Guards: :omg: :omg: :omg:

*Where the guard had been standing, there’s only a pile of bones.*

Phodei: *smacks lips* These shall be dinner. Bone soup, anyone? :knife:

Guards: N-n-no, thanks, Sir Phodei…. :omg: :omg:

Adonia: *after explaining the current situation to Phodei* Therefore, I will now need your help. Your power, is it still there?

Phodei: It’s rusty. I could use some practice first. Are there anyone from those utahimes, or even that Goddess…which are around? :nosebleed:

Adonia: All escaped beyond the portal. Shame. I could use some entertainme.. :XD:

Guard *recovers from seeing his friend blown into bones and ashes*: But…there WAS someone who was left behind! :ayashii:

Keiko: :omgz:

Adonia: WHO? :blood:

Guard: The one…with long hair…uhmm, Oh! And she said she would use her Macho Harem Boss on us…

Adonia: Keiko-chan, eh? (Keiko:) Her Angel chose the rest over me, and she did it again! I… still like her and view her as a friend, but she… alright, Phodei, show her what you’ve got, eh?

Phodei: :sparkleguy:

Keiko: I’ll better escape out of here as fast as I can…!

~Real World~

*Whole team sits down back in Keiko’s apartment*

Kaori: So, now that we have both Yuki and the 1st incarnation, why can’t we now merge the 2 of them together? :ayashii:

Homura: It needs a special time. It is only when the 2 incarnations have hearts that are parallel to each other, then the doorway will be opened to let them merge.

Yuuka: Parallel Hearts? *see what I did there.*

Mami: When we say parallel hearts, we mean thoughts that run alongside each other, that is, thoughts which are exactly the same. Now, both incarnations do not have the same thoughts, as of yet. And it’s no use forcing the 2 to think the same thoughts. It must be done voluntarily.

Madoka: And when the doorway is opened, the power will flow from the second to the first, and the first’s memories will flow to the second,and it creates a literal circle of energy force, which will merge the Goddess once and for all. But now’s not the time yet.

Hitoshi: So… who are you 3, anyway? I remember Mother was saying that the Gods have decided that it’s going to be family business? *Kyubey-first incarnation nods*

Mami: We are 3 of the Angel Fighters, sent by the Goddess of Defence, a great friend of the Music Goddess. She consented not to help you all fight, but she didn’t consent to not having her underlings fight! We can merge into the powers of others but we also have our own powers. Homura-chan, Madoka-chan, and Mami-chan’s powers may be of help in certain situations. But mostly, we’ll be using our own powers. :sparkleguy: :sparkleguy: :sparkleguy:

Madoka: The Goddess of Defence also told us to watch out for you all, She thinks Adonia could have summoned her Great general back from the depths of Hell. He was wicked and powerful enough even before his trip to hell, but now that he is back, he’s worse. His name is Phodei, the shorthand for Phobos and Deimos (fear and terror) and he really is like his name—he stikes fear and terror everywhere he went. It took a combined power of Gods, Goddesses, fighters, almost a dozen people battling their hardest, to bring him down in the end. :uh..: :blood: :blood:

Homura: The scariest part of his power is his ability in Mind Graft. I’ll explain…

*Whole team listens, feeling shivers down their spines* :hide:

Kaori: Now I’m really worried. How will we ever bring Adonia down, now?

Wakana: I hope Keiko’s okay… and hasn’t fallen victim yet…

Hitoshi: Well, maybe we could do this… and this…

*Long session begins*

~Eternal Blue World~

*Eternal Blue Palace*

*Keiko gets caught*

Adonia: My dearest Kei-chan… It’s still not too late yet, you know. Come over to my side…Otherwise I cannot guarantee what will happen to you…

Keiko: *thinks to herself: * She really does look like Wakana… omigosh… EH? WAIT?! What was I thinking? This is Adonia, the monster, who almost ruined us!

Keiko: *aloud*: Adonia, I will never join you, that’s for sure. But you should know… the Goddess, she loved you, I know she did! By doing this, you are breaking her heart! :knife: :knife:

Adonia: No! All these are lies! You are telling me a lie, from start to finish!

Keiko: Adonia, listen to me, she interceded for you, didn’t she? The other Gods, they tried to destroy you, but it was the goddess who pleaded for you, forgave you, don’t you remember? She did these for you…is this how you repay her trust? :cry: :cry:

Adonia: I… she…did? She…I don’t understand…I… :uh..:

Keiko: *thinks to herself* She…didn’t know?! :ayashii:

Phodei: My queen! She’s trying to corrupt you! She says lies, just like the Goddess! *turns to Keiko* YOOU! WHAT IS YOUR MOTIVE? *Raises hand* I must punish you! :anger:

*Phodei raises hand*

*Keiko gets thrown to wall*

Adonia: No, no, stop it, what are you doing, I need her to tell me what’s going on!

Phodei: No, you don’t! She’s trying to help her lady, to destroy you! And I won’t allow it! You know what? I think she’s a good idea for me to practice the Mind Graft on… :shy:

Adonia: But… *watches helplessly as Phodei advances on a half-conscious Keiko* He’s…changed…like… I don’t know him anymore… He’s… scary…. :hide:

*Real world*
Wakana: *thinks about what Homura said earlier*

~Homura: Mind Graft works as a net would. It’s a power that enables its holder to gain the power of the victim. It sucks all the power of the victim, and leaves him/her powerless. When he gets the power, he will also be able to use them, it is how he gets his powers from, and it is one of the reasons why he was so scary. Everyone has been trying to find a way to truly defeat him, but to no avail. He has an unknown past which could be the key to finding out his weaknesses, though. ~

Wakana: *thinks to herself* I hope we find a way to defeat him soon!

Hitoshi: So, everyone, let us go over to the Eternal Blue world now!

Luna: Watch me! Overfly!

*Everyone all enters Luna’s bag again, and she picks it up*

Luna: Hold on tight! And here we go! :hero:


*Eternal world*

Luna: Here we are! :groucho:

*Oohira releases everyone to their normal height again.*

Kore: So now, everyone, stay safe. We now have Adonia, Ketea, and possibly this Phodei creep to look out for now, it will be dangerous. We’ll won’t split now, it’s too dangerous for stragglers. But everyone try to keep as quiet as they can. :uh..:

Guards: Hey! Who are you all?! :knife:

*1 guard sounds the alarm*

Everyone: :omg: :omg: :fwa:

Madoka: We’ll handle these guards! Homura, Mami-chan!

Homura, Mami: Hai!

BGM: What else? Credens Justitiam, of course…

Mami: I’ll guess I’ll have to use Mami’s power, there’s too many guards to take on! *Pull guns out from everywhere, and arranges them into circle* FIRE!
*Homura and Wakana leaps everywhere, throwing bombs, and flying gongfu kicks*

JR: Booming bass!
Kore: Ties up a dozen strings, throws them to the rest and tells them to use string-ropes as weapons
*The group manage to fight their way to the Hall*

*Adonia is sitting in her throne. Ketea and Phodei are standing beside her*

Kaori, HIKARU, Wakana: WHERE’S Keiko? :anger: :anger:

Phodei: Where no one can reach her. *smirks at dismayed group* :groucho:

Yuki *telepathy to girls*: the dungeons, then. Anyone remembers the fastest way there?

Wakana: I do. One of the quirks to being the has-been queen here.

Yuuka: Then later, if we start fighting, Wakana could go there and rescue Keiko.

Yuki: Alright. Wakana, you keep safe .

Wakana: You all keep safe then.

Adonia: Fancy you all coming back here just to save that one person. *inside- thinks to herself- is a lucky girl, they all did not abandon her here… feels pangs of…jealousy? Bitterness.* :uh..: :uh..:

First Incarnation: *On seeing Adonia’s look, and truly guessing her feelings* Adonia, I never had the chance to tell you this, but I watched you grow up, mature. You may not feel you are important to me, but to me, you certainly do. It was because of your voice that complemented the others, which gave me the chance to compose my music. Without you, I wouldn’t have went so far as I did then. And for that, for who you were, and who you are, I love you.

Adonia: It is of no use now! I have gone too far, and I cannot go back now. So, save your breath. I WON’T LISTEN TO YOU ANYMORE! *thinks to herself*None of the Gods will ever accept me back and the angel utahimes…they certainly won’t, so even if I want to, it won’t matter. I’ll just devote myself to the Eternal Blue world, and protect myself from those who wish to destroy me! *Aloud* Phodei! Ketea! Guards! SEIZE THEM ALL!

Everyone: Oh no!

Yuki: *telepathy* Girls. Come on! We’ll handle them!

Wakana: HAI! * runs off amid the whole chaos that ensue*

Keiko: It’s no use! I can’t get out! And… my powers are gone! *Hits the bars in dismay * Now, what do I do? *Sits down in despair* :uh..: eh? *hears voices*

Wakana: should be this way… feeling way down wall. Keiko? KEIKO?

Keiko: Wakana?

*Wakana runs over to cell* Keiko! Thank heaven, you are safe! :sohappy:

Keiko: But I’m trapped here, and… my powers are…they are GONE! :cry:

Wakana: we sort of guessed. But don’t worry, I’ll get you out of here! *Produces string* Kore-san lent them to me, he said it could pick locks, and maybe even pull bars.

*The 2 girls stumble out of the dungeons after picking the locks successfully*

Keiko: Thank you, Wakana. :shy:

Wakana: *puts hand on Keiko’s shoulder* It’s nothing. I’m just glad you are safe. You had us so worried! It doesn’t matter about your powers. You saved me so many times before, now let me do the same for you!

Keiko: Thanks, Wacchan! :dote:

*Great Hall*

Yuuka, Kaori fighting Ketea

Yuki, YURIKO, Sato, HIKARU fighting Adonia

Homura, Madoka, Mami fighting Phodei

The rest (the men, and a string welding Luna) are fighting the guards. (A/N Luna can fight, too!)

Powers fly everywhere

Yuki: You know, I think we are losing to Adonia… she’s too strong!

Wakana and Keiko arrive

Wakana: Keiko, stay with the first incarnation and Luna. It’ll be dangerous if you try to help, it could leave you badly injured..

Keiko: Okay… stay safe!

*Wakana joins fray*

Adonia: SO. Another one, eh? I’ve had it, you all won’t beat me!

Madoka: *telepathy to the other 2, since they are trained to be communicative even in battle* That’s weird… I swear Phodei fights like someone else I know, but can’t quite put a finger on. *battling with her staff*

Mami: well, You are the oldest. Could be someone we didn’t meet before. I don’t know his style. *starts throwing small sabers to Phodei*

Phodei: I have no choice now, don’t I? I shall have to release my array of powers! MIND GRAFT!

Homura: Duck!

Phodei: Another one I’ve been proud of… RHAPSODY OF DRUMS!

*the force is so powerful, whole hall trembles*

Yuki: What is this…power? It’s… *everyone starts dropping around her*

*Only Phodei and Adonia are left standing*

Phodei: My queen! NOW! Finish them off!

*Looks at writhing crowd on floor*

Phodei: My queen, How about those 2? *Points at Wakana and HIKARU*

Kaori, Yuki: Not them! *moves to pull themselves up*

Phodei: Both of them disobeyed your oders so many times, my queen. Now that you have the chance to finish them off, why don’t you do so? And besides, their wall of resistance and Magia Death Glare is something you have always yearned for, don’t you?

Keiko: Don’t hurt them! *tries to push herself up*

Adonia: Now… *raises hand*

Wakana, HIKARU: *reach for each other’s hand, squeezes tight. *

Adonia: My Long Forgotten Cloistered Sleep!

*Bolt of 2 lights shoot towards the girls*

* Both girls close eyes *

Adonia: EHHH?!!!

*Another blot of 2 lights meet with MLFCS*

*MLFCS and the new bolt of lights shoot back towards Adonia*

Adonia: AHH! *drops onto floor* presses hand to stomach :blood:

Adonia: Who…? *looks up slowly to the person opposite her* It’s… no...impossible!

Keiko: *softly* I think it is… *Her hand outstretched* :sparkleguy:

*Moments ago*

Keiko: Don’t hurt them! *Inner self* HIKARU! Wakana! I meed to do something to save them! They are the people who I care about the most, who I love the most, and now… I have to save them! But…*hold out hand* please, please, let the power of my love for them, save them! :comeback: :comeback:

*Keiko, team watches in wonder as two bolts of light shoot out from Keiko’s hand*

Adonia: You…You dare… to… Phodei! :glower:

*Phodei walks over to the middle of the hall*

Phodei: *Raises hands at Keiko*: prepare yourself… :knife:

*Keiko stares at him, hands clenched*

Phodei: MIND…GRAFTTTT! *suddenly whirls around*

*A gasp around the hall*

*2 bolts of mind graft shoots out from Phodei’s hand, one hits Ketea, the other hits…*

Adonia: Phodei! Why…? Are you doing this? *Phodei sucks powere from Ketea and Adonia*

Phodei: MUAHAHAHAHA! Behold me… I have no use anymore for such a weakling like you! By possessing yours and Ketea’s powers, I can defeat the Goddess and her minions by myself! Worthless fools! *Finishes sucking* :groucho:

First Incantation: You… why did you betray your mistress?

Phodei: She’s not my mistress! Ever wondered how she got her power to summon the demon army in the first place? Ever wondered why, after she promised you she would change, she betrayed you again? It was all my doing! I, the Great God of Lyrics!

First Incantation: WHAT? You… you were…

Phodei/God of Lyrics: It was all your fault, you stupid Goddess! The compeition at the Hall for the one most capable to hold the Power of the God (dess) of Music, you cheated! I lost! You, the Former Goddess of Melody, you took my place as the rightful God of Music!

First Incantation: I did not! You were too full of yourself! I won rightfull..wait. so preyed on Adonia, my angel utahime, my child, because of this?

Phodei: YES, YES, YES! MUAHAHAHAHA! I gave her powers when I met her, I told her her mistress didn’t like her more than the others, loved the rest more, and she, foolish child, she bought all of that! HAHAHA! She chose to turn to me, trust me! My plan succeeded! She left you once! But after that, she got into trouble with the Gods. My plan failed. She went back to you, believing that I had duped her, correctly.

But I went to her again. I fed her my potion, which confuses the mind and makes her think you never interceded for her but left her to suffer in silence instead. She was filled with hate and loathing for you again. So, she took your MLFCS, the power which I had secretly craved for, and left. I decided I would bide my time, wait till she had destroyed all the rest before I told her the truth. Unfortunately, now, she has become useless. I have gotten what I wanted, and all my powers combined together will serve me well, and kill all of you!

*Phodei spreads out his arms* Goodbye! You all! *Arms start glimmering*

*Three loud puffs of smoke*

Phodei: :fwa: Where...are they?!

*In somewhere else...*

All: RIE-SAN! Thank you for saving all our lives! :touched: :touched:

Rie: Me and Luna, both, actually. Overfly can also work spontaneously. :V:

*Yuuka inspects Ketea who they brought with them*: she’s dead… :swt:

*Adonia crumples on ground, eyes blank*

Madoka: I should have known…the former God of Lyrics, who disappeared from the Hall of Gods even before Adonia herself… He… was… very upset with the way the compeitition for the God(dess) of music turned out… He always believed you had cheated, but it was just all his fault...Now that he has acquired so many horrendous new powers, plus his old ones, he doesn't need any more underlings, he's a whole army all by himself.

Homura: However, he has one weakness. He couldn't stand hearing the power of the combined voices of the Melody Goddess and her angels. There's still a chance... yet...

ED: To the Beginning

What will happen now that Phodei has suddenly become their worst enemy?
Adonia has lost all her powers. What will become of her? Is she a friend now?
"The power of the combined voices of the Melody Goddess and her angels" what does it mean? Why couldn't Phodei stomach it?

For the next poster!

- I left out the
2 incarnations merging
because I couldn't fit it inside the story. Gomen ne. I will leave that to the next poster. This was a part of my plan for the "beginning to the end", the other part was revealing Phodei's identity. So, I put one part in only.

- For the 2 incarnations merging, I have an idea--
The 2 goddesses incarnation could think of their common favorite song, how its implications are, or they could also be thinking of their utahimes/angels happiness and safety...hint hint.

-As I have said, Phodei is a whole army all by himself. I don't think he needs new underlings...But that's my own selfish opinion... If anyone would like to give him new underlings, feel free to do so.

I am still learning how to write, so please bear with me... if anyone has any objections to the story, please ignore it and continue the story from Feli's post.. gomen ne...
Woah, nice! :shy:
But, what about pictures? :confu:
So, its really getting near the end, its quite a story I got addicted to x)

But when it finishes, I suggest that we create a new topic for a new story, if you intend to write, and leave this as a pic capt game like it was from the beginning. Whaddya say? :ayashii:
:XD: :XD: haha its ok

Yeah, so here we could continue with short one-pic funny ones, and write marvelous sagas like this one in other topic :ayashii: :XD:
how about we make a different thread for the stories and move all the posts related to them there? the original purpose of this thread wasn't this
^ You mean just for this story alone, or for all of the related fanfic stories such as the earlier "Saving Wakana" and "FJ-Kala- Behind the Scenes"? :ayashii:
^ Aint that all the same story? :confu:

But yeah, that is pretty much a good idea :ayashii:
@Megy, I meant these 2:

Saving Wakana starts somewhere behind the post "starring as seiyus with you in an anime" just continue reading.


Behind the scenes is a thread in itself.


Other than that, I don't remember anything else. But if you haven't read them , try while the next person thinks up their post.. :plot:

@ Varete: My thought is that we can put them as a thread named "FJ/Kala/Yuki Fanfiction", maybe in Creative Corner and post the above 2 and this and anything else we can find as fanfics. (?) what are your ideas?
Casarina-saaan, nice story, really!
i wonder what will phodei do next story, aaawww new thrilling character~!! :ohoho:
(but too :@_@: since too much characters now, who added 4 PMMM characters in the first time and didn't change much story~ :uh..: )

and for minna, gomenne i just come now, since too much things i have to handle here, and may be i'll pass writing continuation for next days :uh..:

casarina26 said:
@ Varete: My thought is that we can put them as a thread named "FJ/Kala/Yuki Fanfiction", maybe in Creative Corner and post the above 2 and this and anything else we can find as fanfics. (?) what are your ideas?
i have the same ideas! and we can put other fanfictions like Cerise-san's always wrote there :dote:
and it will be the biggest fandom in cpm forum~ :plot:

MegyTomitatsu said:
... and leave this as a pic capt game like it was from the beginning.
to be honest... i miss this one, really .___.
(it is not like i am hating the marvelous sagas (XD), but there are some times when i miss the old ones....)
You know...I have an idea...but I need to add an anime character to make it happen... Sebastian from Kuroshitsuji... :nosebleed: If you guys are willing to listen, I'll tell you guys my plan. :plot: :knife:

I... didn't watch BB...

What I know abt Sebastian is he's a demonic but nice butler, and he got a fate worse than death...from the thousands of youtube comments on Kagayaku, and Lacrimosa... that's it...

But never mind, go on ahead! I'm willing to listen! Share! :gimmeh:
@Casarina-san: oh, I didnt get at the first moment :uh..: :XD:
I have a guest now but Im gonna read it a bit later x)

@Feli-chan: welcome back, I missed you :sohappy:
And, yeah, pic capt game was from the beginning really funny so I suggested that :ayashii:

@kuromew-chan: well, I wasnt really for adding anime characters, and i didnt watch.. :uh..:
But go on, lets see what Itll be :ayashii:
I'm waiting for when someone says "Eternal Blue?" and Eir Aoi says "いいえ、Blau".

Maybe some short(er) stories about how the big live events come together?
:@_@: Oh dear, I've been away too long and I'm afraid I'm a bit lost :XD: ...anyone mind posting a recap? (Who's continuing? :confu: )
^ A recap from your last story:

1. [Cerise]:
- Yuki was left alone at the eternal blue world
- Wakana lost her memory of Keiko
- The Hikaru comes in
- Rie Akagi saves them and first incarnation tells them about Nowhere, and how they should save Yuki and reunite the 2 incarnations to stop Adonia.
- They find out they have to save Yuki, unite the 2 incarnations, get back Wakana’s memory, and save the world from Adonia.

2. [Casarina]:
- The group decide they have to save Yuki first.
- Adonia mentions about new underlings.
- The Hikaru is revealed to have memory-restoring powers.
- 3 groups are made for the foray, Team Band to save their remaining members, Team Utahime 1 and Team Utahime 2. Team 2 kills Lamia.
- Yuki finds ou tsome of her powers.
- All successfully makes it out except Keiko

3. [Feli]:
- Somehow Keiko escapes from Adonia…for now.
- Yuki senses bad things happening in EB World.
- Adonia creates a new underling which scares Keiko
- The group seek help from Eri Itou, and Luna Haruna. The former helps them connect with 3 new fighters who are gods entered into the bodies of Magical Girls Madoka, Homura, Mami, whilst the latter can transport them to EB World. 1st incarnation joins them as well, as QB.
- HIKARU offers to restore Wakana’s memories, but Hitoshi decides against it, saying Keiko would want to be there as well.

4. [Casarina]:
- Phodei, the new underling of Adonia is revealed alongside with the 3 new fighters, who are underlings of the Defence Goddess. He is thought to be ruthless, and extremely powerful.
- The 2 incarnations can be united if they think the same thoughts.
- Keiko tries to tell Adonia of the Goddess’s feelings for her, (as a motherly figure) but Phodei interupts, saying those were lies. Keiko loses her powers to Phodei.
- With their new reinforcements, the group fights their way to the Great hall. Wakana saves Keiko from the prison. Madoka-goddess underling thinks Phodei is someone she knows.
- Phodei and Adonia attempts to take Wakana’s and Hikaru’s powers and life, but Keiko fights them back with her new powers developed because of her love for them, and critically injures Adonia in the process.
- Phodei takes Adonia’s and Ketea’s powers instead (killing Ketea in the process) and decalres himself to be the true mastermind behind Adonia, giving her powers to build her army, instigating her to leave the Goddess of Music again and again.

- Phodei also reveals himself as the God of Lyrics, and the Goddess of music is revealed to be formerly the Goddess of Melody. The lyrics God lost to Melody Goddess in a duel for the God (dess) of music and left his post. The God lyrics have been nursing hatred since then, as a free God, and he took revenge by instigating Adonia to leave the Goddess and hurt her time and again.

- Phodei is revealed to be scared of the combined powers of the music of GoM and her underlings.

I'm not sure of who's going next...Kuromew has an idea of including Sebastian from Black Butler (can't spell Kuroshutshiji (?)) so maybe it could be continued from there.
Thank you Casarina for the recap of the story. :sohappy:

LOL It's "Kuroshitsuji" :ohoho:

Okay, my idea is...

Somewhere in a parallel universe.
Ciel (Sebastian's master): *Doing paperwork like a boss :blood:, with Sebastian standing loyally beside him :hero: *

Sebastian: *Spaces out* My Lord, I sense something bad... :knife:

Ciel: What is it...? :uh..:

Sebastian: I sense something is going to destroy the world. <- Direct answer.

Ciel: *Sigh* Go do what is needed to be done.

Sebastian: Yes, my Lord :plot: . *vanishes*

*Arrives at Eternal Blue Palace*

Sebastian: Woah... where am I...? :confu: :leaf: *vanishes again*

*Inside Eternal Blue Palace*

Sebastian: Ehh? *Bright light from a huge door* Huh? :bloodlust:

Phodei: *inside the room* Where...are they?!

Sebastian: *Rushes in without a second thought* YOU. :bloodlust: :glower:

Everyone: *Looks at Sebastian :omg: *

Phodei: *Laughs maniacally* So you have come back again..."best friend"... :knife:

Sebastian: How dare you come back to the human world and destroy peace... :bloodlust: :glower: *draws out silverware*

Phodei: And here I thought we could become friends again...well too bad... *Sprints forward Sebastian* Now DIE!!!!

*And so the battle starts...again.*

Sebastian: *Drags out Laevateinn sword* HOW DARE YOU?!!? :whip:

Phodei: MIND GRAFT!! :bloodlust:


Phodei and Sebastian: *Almost dying* :glower: *panting hard, but still fighting*

Wakana: *remembers that Phodei is scared of the combined voices of the utahime's* Sontemi miya Amari isto (As in The battle is to the strong LIVE 2012)

*Insert amazing instrument sounds here*

Yuriko: klami sori miya…

Kaori: amarta sortiya…

Hikaru: adolte idama amo…

Yuuka: midete asorta adolti miya…

Phodei: *Movements become more slower...* arghh... :blood: * Still fighting with Sebastian and other people*

All Utahime's ( Yuki, Kaori, Keiko, Wakana, Yuriko, Yuuka and Hikaru): imente sortiya mada
amida midiya ata
estiya soriya adoro miya domina
astiya sorte miyama
amiya mistioso
ariya sortiya adoro estiya domiya

klami sori miya
amarta sorteya


Sebastian: * sword pointing to Phodei's chest, then sighs* My lady( referring to both incarnations), would you take the honour? *hands sword to both incarnations*

Yuki and 1st Incarnation: Eh? *Sudden circle surrounds both of them*

Homura: It's time...

Mami: For the doorway to open...

Madoka: To merge them together...!

All the utahime's except Yuki: *Stand in shock and awe*

* Up above the circle, there is an angel flying around, chanting latin words. All of the utrahime's clothes change, and both incarnations turn into one person... Then a sudden burst of light...*


Sebastian: *squints eyes*

Goddess of Music: *done transforming, and takes Sebastian's sword* You have disgraced the Gods and yourself, prepare to die... * Plunges sword into Phodei's chest*


Okay, that's so far my idea. What do you guys think? I'll probably put a more accurate and longer version of this tomorrow :sparkleguy:

Happy Chinese New Year!!