The picture captions game!

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oooooh my.... so sorry i can't help much in this thread, but i really miss this thread :shy: thanks for you all here, keeping this story goes on! :shy: and every post from me always starts with "sorry", i feel so guilty...
and, whooaaa, now is Sebastian? :nosebleed: since i watched Kuroshitsuji too, i really look forward the continuation! Ganbatte, kuromew-san! :cheer: :cheer:

and Casarina-san, your recap is a big help, arigatouuu :shy:

MegyTomitatsu said:
@Feli-chan: welcome back, I missed you :sohappy:
oh Megy-san, arigaaatooouuu~ :touched: :touched:
(you can say i am a bit stressed these days...)
Haha, thanks everyone for the support!! :touched: :touched:

Through this post, I'm EXPLAINING the situation, okay?

So, Phodei and Sebastian were best friends a long time ago, Phodei in Hell (Demon) while Sebastian in Heaven (Angel). But, one day Phodei angered the Gods in Heaven, then accusing Sebastian. Then the Gods punished Sebastian, while throwing Sebastian to Hell, and bringing Phodei to Heaven.

Sebastian tried to plead the Gods, but they wouldn't believe him. So, he marked his plan. Of course he knew Phodei was planning something huge and destructive, that's why he made contracts with humans, so he could get into the human world. And through getting in the human world, meant he can actually sense presences and happenings.

And with that he made the Laevateinn sword, kept it with him until this unfortunate day. :hero:

So that's my explanation... Any questions, you can ask me :sparkleguy:
I might be posting the real post this week, sorry I'm really busy with CNY...I got so many ang pau..hehe
Wow, this is getting more interesting :ayashii:

Well, good luck, hoping for it to be posted soon! :w00t:

And Feli-chan, no problem! ^__^ *hugs and pats*
whooaaa, it suits the main story of Kuro too! :shy:
ganbatte for writing the whole story~~ :cheer: :cheer:

*feli happily receives lots of hugs and pats like a child* :XD:
:omg: :omg:
Someone please post something her!
This topic, cannot die! :comeback:
come on everybody, at least normal pic capt game??
Kuromew, btw what happened? :confu:

Anyone, Ceri-chan? Casa-chan? Feli-chan? Tabi-chan? Anyone? :desksweat: :leaf: :spotlight: :rain:
^ I'm sorry, but I've never watched Kuroshitsuji and have only seen the first 3 eps of PMMM, so I don't really know the characters well enough to continue... :spotlight: gomennn... :cry:

But others are welcome to continue... :plz:
Hmm I think we continue the pic captions game while we wait for Kuromew.

Last time round I rmb posting a photo that never got captioned...Maybe start from there first?

Or anyone else has other ideas to continue?
Well, in continuation of the game while we wait for the rest of the story, I think this was the last picture posted (back on page 19 or something?)


Wakana: Woohoo~! Yummy ufotable dining place~ :sohappy:

Keiko: This girl beside me is going to eat the restaurant empty :innocent: :ohoho:

Hikaru: I feel shy... *hides under hat*


lol Ceri-chan :XD:
Well I havent watched Kuroshitsuji or PMMM too, I didnt quite like adding anime characters but I said what the hell. :uh..:
It would be just the shame now not to finish it..

Cerise said:
Wakana: Look at that Hikaru sleeping on the floor. :uh..: She could catch a cold..should we wake her?
Keiko: (in her mind: 'Awww, shes so cute! I could watch her whole day long like this!' having a dreamy gaze) Naah, its Hikaru. You know her, she can sleep anywhere! :love:

gomeeen minna for adding chara from anime at the first time :bow: :bow:
but, as for PMMM, i didn't watch until its finish too when i wrote the story... the story doesn't quite need their 'exact' personality, i guess, so i randomly take their name... hontou ni gomen :bow:

and ahaaaa finally someone re-build this fun kingdom of picture caption... :shy:
(hontou ni, too shy to ask at the first time ._.)
MegyTomitatsu said:
Wakana: Look look, Keechan! My new hair! Tickle tickle tickle.... :ohoho: :ohoho:
Keiko: Aww Wakana, your hair smells good is tickling! :dote:
Wakana: deeeshooooou?? :ohoho:

wohohoho from Chrisgarci-san's siggie :plot:

Wakana: *thinking* Ima summon a Shark now :stars: *proceeds to do her passionate dansu the ritual* Flap my wings *now do ballet* swing my arm :dote: lalala~
ding ding ding ding DIIING
swish prish lish nish mish kish
solti mia toasted fina kala fina kala FINA KALA Cantisa sonte via ia Antisa sonte via ia ia.. ia.. ia..

Keiko: Oooh Whats that over there?

Hikaru: *suddenly possessed by a Megalodon* :fwa: WaaaaAAAAAAAA


Dont worry, Feli-chan, its ok ^_^ *pats*

tabete.mio said:
Wakana: there I have that big shark poster above my bed and I kiss it every time before I go to sleep...but lately somehow it seems that it started to peel...
Keiko: Of course, you bum, when you droll on it! :XD: :XD:
Hikaru: Mou, Wakachan! You are such a clutz! :plot:



Just another day of rehearsal

Yuki:*walks into the studio* :uh..: What are you guys doing?

Wakana: I'm screaming :XD: *screams her head off* WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

Yuki: :notlistening:

Keiko: I'm dancing! :XD: :sohappy: *dances like crazy*

Yuki: :desksweat:

Hikaru: I - uh- was about to go to the restroom :plot:

Yuki: :blood:

Re: Re:

MegyTomitatsu said:
Dont worry, Feli-chan, its ok ^_^ *pats*
Ah, I forgot to say, sry if I said it in a mean way :uh..: :desksweat:

@Tabi-chan: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :XD: :XD:
I was hoping for a good caption for that pic, you did more than grant my wish, I died almost :XD: :XD:

Hm, Im somehow lacking an inspiration to capt this one so Im leaving to the next poster.. :uh..: gomenne :bow:
^I'm glad I satisfied your expectation. :ohoho:

@Ta-pyoon: Dont think too much of it. I dont really mind :)

During the Moonfesta cover photograph session

Photographer: You girls were great! :waii: You look like dolls here. What is your secret? :ayashii:

Wakana: Well... :ayashii: Kajiura-san said that we should make a doll themed cover for this song so we talked it over. And we decided that that best way to do it is to think like a doll.

Photographer: BRILLIANT! :stars: You girls are brilliant! But what type of dolls do you think of? :ayashii:

Wakana: *poses like a doll* Porcelain Doll :idol:

Hikaru: A sitting Porcelain doll. :tea:

Keiko: *stands straight* Barbie doll. :hero:

daijoubu yo minna-chaaan, Megy-san, Tabi-saaaan~ *hug hug*
you aren't mean at all~ :touched: :touched:
and "gomen" is my favorite word, actually ._.v so i don't mean to bother your minds..

but Kuromew-san sure takes loooong time, eh? i am kinda worry about it

*the three girls of Kalafina is in a ritual for calling rain*
*and thus, rain comes*

Hikaru: Look! Rain is coming! We did our ritual well! :hero:

Wakana: *still chanting Calling Rain Kajiuran, inside her mind, she hopes for rain become a sea where sharks be able to live in, so she can't stop chanting Kajiuran though rain already come*

Keiko: :omg: :uh..: :spotlight: *inside her mind: oh well, okaay, i managed not to get wet and now i am wet. Look, my bang is wet, it looks weird on me!* *and keeps grumbling*
