The picture captions game!

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I couldnt see the pic Feli-chan was capting but I can see this one now x)
^Yeah I wasn't able to see it too. I think there was a problem in the url. :confu: But anyway, I'll be waiting for your caption. :knife:

During Hikari no Senritsu PV making

Keiko: Hey look! I'm playing the guitar. :waii: But this is an odd guitar. Its too small. :uh..:

Manager: uh- Keiko-san, thats not a guitar. :swt:
Hikaru: This sound is making me slee.. py... *drifts off to dreamland*

Manager: Hikaru-san! Please dont fall asleep during the filming! :omg: *is eyed by the film crew* Hikaru-san! :comeback:

Wakana: Oooh instrument! :waii: I wonder what its called? :confu: If it still has no name, I have the perfect one for it. :plot: I'll call this THE-INSTRUMENT-THAT-CALLS-SHARKS-AND-MAKE-THEM-MINE :groucho: *continues to fiddle with it while laughing maniacally*

Hikaru: *still sleeping while standing* Hmmmm.. that is.. a very.. nice.. name..

Manager: Wa-Wakana-san, Hikaru-san :desksweat: I-I need a break from these girls. :leaf:

Somewhere in Tokyo

Yuki: :tea: Free from the girls at last.

Mori: Cheers to that! :groucho:

^ :stars: Yes. Yes it is. And I'll probably be using him more from now on. :knife: And, I hope there would be no problems regarding that little pairing implication and using "Mori" instead of "Mori-san". :spotlight:
Ne Tabi-chan, you said youll wait for my captions?? And you all being so slow during this past days, my my :uh..:
I will apologize just this once more, my head is too much far away for some inspiration, but promise Ill become active here again :bow:

Anyone else? :plz:
^ :fwa: I'M SO SORRY MEGY! :swt: Its just that Casarina-chan already captioned it so I thought its ok already so I continued the game. :touched: Gomen :bow:

Did you caption it already? :omg: If you did you can still post it here. I'd love to read yours.

:confu: What do you mean by slow? Yeah. Everyone must be busy right now.
@Megy: :omg: I didn't know you were supposed to caption it! Gomen ne...! :cry: :bow: so sorry!

@Tabi: Yeah, I agree. And my brain can't think anymore... I can't think of captions now for the pic... :uh..:
:omg: Then who's gonna caption my picture? :desksweat: Anyone can try even if it takes time, I'll wait for sure. :ohoho:
@ Tabi&Casa: :fwa: no no no, you got me wrong! :swt:
I didnt mean as in not waiting for me, I was reffering on slowness of this topic as reply on your :knife: onion saying that youll wait for my captions :XD:
Omg, now I wrote even more incomprehensible sentence :XD:
In conclusion, nothing wrong with Casa-chan captioning that pic, I didnt have an idea for that one x)

I still cannot find for this one either, if I do Ill capt it. Or anyone else is welcome to :innocent:

Oh, and Im sorry, I know the burden of being busy :bow:
Just dont forget about this topic again, ok? :plz:
^ Oh I see. :XD: Dont worry, me and everyone else will never forget this fun game. :ohoho:
I haven't forgotten and I don't intend to :sohappy:

Hmm, Tabi's pic... here goes.

Presenter: Hi everyone and welcome to Kalafina & Kajiura's Meet and Greet Session! :sparkleguy: (I realised they also mean K&K, heh)

Yuki: eeh there aren't chairs or tables... :uh..: *glancing around*

Keiko: So many people?! :omg: *looks to main door on the right*

*rampaging mob outside*: KALAFINAAAA! YUKIIIII!

Wakana: wow there are a lot of fans, heh heh... :plz: :swt:

Hikaru: Uh...everyone? Brace yourselves...the door's!

Hehehehe :knife: :knife:
Next pic will be Tabete's signature. I really want it captioned. :XD:
Auff x)
Ok, let me try

*Half of second before the photo was taken*
Hikaru:(doing an all out pose and grins) Hello minna!
Keiko: (just saw someone slip and make an epic cartoon-like fall) BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA :XD: :XD:
Wakana: Wait, no, I dont wanna be in this photo! (tends to cover the lens)

Omg, this is....*facepalms* x)

Gomen. I dont have any idea for this picture. :bow: I'll leave it to the next poster. And that picture reminded me of Eternal Blue Story :ohoho: because of its epic poses.
^ yeah, I think there was very similar to that one.Hope its not actually that one :desksweat:
When were around that...will that story ever continue? Shall we wait fo Kuromew-kun or does anyone have an inspiration to continue?

Ah well, whoever gets an idea is welcome (for my pic to capt) :innocent:

Megy, your pic fits with another discussion we were talking about, so I took the liberty to caption your pic with my thoughts on the operation. :plot:

Gomen ne, all. :bow:

This can be from Keiko's POV of the operation, or just some ramble from my brain abt this operation. Don't bother with it...heh.


Hikaru: *sleeping in her bed*

Keiko: HIKARUUUU! :cry: WAKE UP! Wakana's...been...kalanapped!

Hikaru: :@_@: what...?

Keiko: I was out with her, then I went to buy ice-cream for both of us, then when I returned, this lady was talking to her, telling her she would take her to the aquarium, museum, etc... I went up then this group of fans came and told me how much they loved me, etc, then when they all left, Wakana and that lady were GONE! They must be in cahoots! :cry: :cry:

Hikaru: :uh..: Oh.

Keiko: I'm going to search the museum, then stop by the aquarium...must find Wakana...! *points to general direction of said places*

Hikaru: *mops hair* Heaven help these people...

*cue pic*


So what will happen? Tune in next time to find out!


Weelll, everyone can continue with this story, or continue to caption games and pics we can find... I wouldn't say no to the GoM series being continued either...

^lol Casarina :XD: That was great! This will be fun since we can include ourselves in the story. :knife: But ofcourse Eternal Blue is still ongoing, just waiting for the right person to continue it.
Omg Casa-chan, you are the queen! :ohoho: :XD:
Hmmm, lets see :ayashii:

*in the aquarium*
Keiko: :omg: Wakanaa! Wacchaaaaaan!
*looks around the shark sculpture* Wacchaan, you here?
*searches around shark posters* Wakachan!! :comeback:
*steals a diving suit and searches throughout aquarium with sharks* Wbwhabuachban, arbe yblou hebre?

Security guard: :omg: Ano ne, oujo-san, you cannot go in there.. :uh..: *is completely ignored* :desksweat:

Keiko: Arrrrgh, cant find her anywhere! :omg: Hope Hicchan has more luck in the museum!

Meanwhile in the museum
Hikaru: Ne Wakachan, where are you? :uh..:
*wanders into nice adaption of dinomum with her dinopup sleeping*
:waii: Oh my, this looks so warm and comfortable!
Gently moves dinopup and situates herself to have a nice dreams


Keiko: (wandering on the streets)
Where she could be??
I swear if I find those two...:omgz: Hey! Isnt that...?

Nearby, a block away..
Megy: Casa-chan, just how could you let her get away?! :anger:
Casarina: Well, I could hold her up if you helped me instead of trying to steal her by distracting my attention! :knife:
Wha, I didnt! Auurrr, HOW DARE YOU INSULT ME LIKE THAT?!?!


Why you!! :fwa: Hey wait, look there!
Casarina: :knife: Dont think you can try to pull that tw... :fwa: eeeeeh???
In front of them was furious Keiko glaring at Tabi and Cerise hiding Wakana behind them
Keiko: :knife:
Tabi and Ceri: :omg:
Keiko: :knife: :knife: :knife:
Tabi and Cerise: :omg: :omg: :omg:
Tabi: (whispering to Cerise) You go off and hide with her, I will hold her!
Cerise: Yes, Tabi-chan! I will not fail you! :cry: Ne, Wacchan, want to go with me to my room and show you my supercute shark RPG? :shy:
Wakana: Eh? :confu: Sure! :sohappy:
Keiko: Chot-to-mat-te! :knife: Just where do you think you are going?
Tabi and Cerise: :omg: :hide:
Megy and Casa: :omg:

casarina26 said:
Keiko: Get ready for experiencing the true power of the Macho Harem Boss!
Tabi and Cerise: :omg: Gwaaah, we must fight! :hero:
Megy: Ne, Casa-chan, are you ready for some cool moves? :ayashii:
Casa: Why of course! :plot: Time to exploit our plan, the 'Fairytale' :plot:

What happens next? :ayashii:
What kind of power Keiko possess?
Will Tabi and Cerise manage to escape? With Wakana?
And what is the Fairytale plan?
Stay tuned for the next week!

Ok, sorry if that was...weird :desksweat: :XD:
And Casa-chan, Im sure we wouldnt fight like that IRL :XD:
And sorry for using MHB from the previous Kalafina Saga (Eternal Blue), you can change it, I just didnt have an idea x)
Oh, and I liked previews like those in the EB with voices from the 'next episode' but didnt have an inspiration now x)
Well, I would like for EB to finish thou, but I kinda lost inspiration for it since appearance of characters beyond Rie Akagi and Adonia, sry :desksweat: anyone else can continue??

And the pic:

You can continue this story, EB or make a regular caption :XD:


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