The picture captions game!

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Yeah, its true, Cerise is an amazing writer :tea:
I was dead beat last night and feeling sick and loosing concentration so I couldnt much focus. But today as I read its really great and funny :XD:
And totally Cerise-style :XD:
And I am so glad youre back with us :sohappy: Dont abandon us again :listen:

@Casa: thank you :bow: I like to spread laughter :XD:
Wow its amazing! :fwa:
Its ok for changing a little bit, dont worry about it. You did a truly great job since it looked totally unmergeable from the I had an evil tendention to make Alonso our enemy..and other things :XD:
Thank you for doing that, truly well done :goodjob:
Casa deserved a hug from me :sohappy:

@Tabi: No problem :innocent:
Althou you truly had....many moments with Keiko alone :knife:
I bursted on your imagination :XD: Good that I didnt drink something at that moment :XD:
Good idea about writing the story in the whole, it crossed my mind too. When its finished that would be really great to join it in a novel/book :innocent:

As I put a Girls Rangers term in the story..I was reminded that Sei-chan was one of us, right? :confu:
She wasnt in the forums for I while now, I miss her :cry:
Now it feels weird as she is not the part of the story :XD:

Yep, Cerises pictures go next :glasses:
So who goes next? Tabi, you were intending or? :innocent:
^ Thanks Tabi and Megy for the compliments. I didn't do much really.

And yes it was very Cerise-like... missed you tons, Cerise-chan!

I almost burst a blood vessel when I was reading that escape from rampaging Keiko... :hide:

And Megy, your meeting with Hikaru was really good too :bow:

I'm sorry but I don't have any imagination lately... too much essays. :blood:

Ooooh, a real story? Heh. But character names will obviously need to be changed.

And yeah, I miss Sei as well... :cry:

Well yeah, rampage-Keiko-escape was pretty tense :swt:

My meeting with Hikaru? :confu: Aw, thank you :bow:
I really feel sorry for her, we truly are cruel towards her x) I mean, its funny :XD: but then again.. :cry: So I give her a bit of attention too :innocent:

Good luck with you schoolwork. I wont doubt your imagination as well :V:

Eh? Why would we have to change names? :confu: Not that we will publish it somewhere :XD:

Sei-chan, come back! :plz:
Oops, I thought we were going to publish it somewhere... :spotlight:

Yeah we truly are mean to her...first leaving her alone then leaving her on their bicycle... :rain: Hii-chaaan! :cry:

And yeah Tabi, you got a lot of alone time with Keiko. :XD:

/me joins Megy.

Sei-chan :plz:

OPENING THEME: To the Beginning- Kalafina

Inside Victor’s car:

Victor: OMG! :swt: Why did I just hang up. This is bad.

Wakana: HMMMHHNGGG (Lemme go! Lemme go! :wai: )

Victor: What is it dear? :plot: Are you feeling sick or something? Dont worry I’ll take good care of you.

Wakana: HHHMMMMNGHHHMMMNG (Yes I’m sick, SICK OF YOUR DISGUSTING TREATMENT! :listen: How could you just lie to a girl and then tie her up, dragging her all around? Just lemme go! Please! I wanna go back to Keichan :touched: )

Victor: Hmm? Whats that? :confu: Its nothing really. There’s nothing going on between me and that woman named Yuki. You dont need to be jealous. :love: Your MY only Goddess.

Wakana: HHHMMMMNGHHHMMMNG (I NEVER had any feelings like that! :swt: -eto- Maybe for a certain person. But that’s not the issue here! :desksweat: )

Victor: Yuki. Its all over between us. :spotlight: She is just a girl I like when I was a child. I dont care for her anymore.

Wakana: HHHMMMMNGHHHMMMNG (Eh? :omgz: I didn’t know you had a past with her? That’s unexpected.)

Victor: She! She! Broke my heart! :cry: She is so cruel to reject me like that. She didn’t even bat an eyelid when I started crying! :touched: I only wanted to show her how much I liked her! She was an amazing person after all! She is mature even with her age, she is a great artist, a funny and caring friend, a loving daughter, a smart girl, everything. EVERYTHING YOU COULD ASK FOR A GIRL! :comeback:

Wakana: HHHMMMMNGHHHMMMNG (Waaah.. sugoi! :ayashii: Kajiura-san is really an amazing person. She’s popular even when she was young. She never really changed I guess with how much of a perfect person she is. :shy: My admiration for her only grown even more!)

Victor: How could she break a young boy’s heart like it was nothing but a fragile glass, ready to fall anytime from reckless hands! :cry: The way she punch my face... NO! :bloodlust: it wasn’t my face she destroyed, it was my heart, shattered into tiny shards. Completely broken and irreversible! :orz:

Wakana: HHHMMMMNGHHHMMMNG (Eto.. :uh..: Are we really having a conversation or you are just having a monologue seeing as I cant really speak given that I have a scarf in my mouth. :desksweat: )

Victor: My poor poor heart. :blood: It only wanted to love the perfect woman; a woman so close to being a Goddess. Well thats ok! You are here aren’t you. :plot: To be the replacement to my first love. A Goddess for a Goddess. :stars:

Wakana: HHHMMMMNGHHHMMMNG (Nooo... :swt: I dont want to be a replacement! No! :wai: I want to be loved completely. Not as someone else but as Wakana! Keichan! Where are you? I need you... :touched: )

Victor: Oh my Goddess! We will sail the seven seas and make beautiful music together. :plot: :ohoho: *Maniacal laughter* Let build our paradise first in Germany my sweet.

Wakana: HHHMMMMNGHHHMMMNG (EEEEEKKK!! :swt: Ch-chotto! I dont want that! Keichan! Minna! Anyone! Help me! :comeback: )

In Hikaru’s insanely high-tech car

Cerise: :spotlight: Wakana-sama... Wakana-sama... Wakana-sama... Wakana-sama... Wa- *continue moping in the corner*

Casa: :uh..: I never knew that Cerise, the bright and cheerful Cerise, could be that .. -uh- sad?

Megy: Sad? Thats the biggest understatement! :listen: She is mortified as hell!

Casa: *pats Cerise* There there. :innocent: We’ll get to Wakana-san for sure. And you’ll see she isn’t even hurt. OK? *is completely ignored* Megy help me here. :cry:

Megy: What can I do? :uh..: It’s not like I can tell her that she doesn’t need to worry since Wakana is fine. :desksweat: And she on her way back here.

Casa: *continues to comfort Cerise* Megy... :desksweat: Just go to Tabi and see whats she’s doing. :listen:

Megy: Ok! *peeks at Tabi who is sitting in the passenger’s seat at the front* Tabi? :confu: :fwa: Tab-bi..

Tabi: *Just finished a call* Alonso! Narita Airport! :glower:

Alonso: Hai! :hero:

Tabi: *starts whispering to herself**eyes glaring holes in the asphalt pavement outside the window* :glower: That guy! Dare he try anything to Wakana-sama, I’ll make sure he screams for his own death. :bloodlust: Throwing him to hell will not satisfy me. I’ll torture him using a rusted bread knife; skin him completely until he is bare; roast him in my oven; feed him to the sharks; break his bo- *continues to mumble all her hatred*

Megy: :swt: *sinks back to her sit after hearing Tabi* Eto.. *to Casarina* Tabi is doing fine.

Casarina: Really? :confu:

In the Bossmobile

*Keiko finishing up a call*

Keiko: Minion! :glower: Hurry up and head for Narita Airport! The informant said that he had just spotted a suspicious car heading there. We’ll meet the others there. Step on it! :anger:

Kaori: Kei- grrr :stupidbox: :bloodlust: If it wasn’t for that favor that I ask you I won’t even be in this situation. :uh..: But I guess it ok too since I’m worried about Wakana as well. You girls sure know how to get yourselve in trouble. :desksweat:

Keiko: *Ignores Kaori’s statement**thinking* My enemies are heading for the Airport. :glower: :glower: They plan to smuggle MY KAWAII WAIFU out of the country. I will make sure they do not succeed! *starts planning her course of action*

Narita Airport(basement parking):

Victor: *hiding behind a column*Ugh! :stupidtable: Wherever I go, the basement, the parking lot, the roofdeck, there is atleast one of Keiko’s minions. :bloodlust: They must have found out! This is dangerous. Its a good thing I know all of their face so I can avoid them. But this is difficult, how can I bring a tied up and gagged person to an airplane while avoiding people. *starts thinking* Oh.. hmm.. :plot:

Narita Aiport(Entrance lobby):

Alonso: I’ll go and park the car while you girls -uh- do your thing. :uh..:

Tabi: *murderous aura completely visible* :bloodlust: :bloodlust: Lets split up! Go find that Guy and crush him.

Casa: -uh- Crush him? You mean? :swt:

Tabi: Like what the word mean. CRUSH HIM! :glower: :glower:

Casa: :hide: Is this what you call “fine” Megy?

Megy: :hide: O guess I should have said “great” instead. :fwa: Where is Cerise? :swt:

Narita Airport(Airport traffic control tower):

Minion1: Welcome Boss Keiko, Here is your requested item. :bow:

Keiko: Good work! This is a perfect place to located them! :glasses: I can see every plane that is going, arriving and parked. They won’t escape me now! :knife:

Narita Airport(Basement parking):

Victor: Lets go my Goddess. :love: Our future awaits us *reaches for Wakana’s waist to carry her*

*but is kick hard to the stomach* ugh! :punched:

* :omg: Wakana ran for dear life while her hands are still tied and her mouth still gagged*

Victor: Ugh! *holding stomach* Matte! *runs after her* :anger:

*victor was gaining up in her since he is more atletic*

*Wakana trips* :omg:

*But luckily someone had caught her before she hits the floor*

Back to the girls

Cerise: Wakanaa-samaaa! Wakanaa-sama where are you? :rain: :comeback: Please answer me if youre here! *sobs* Wakana sama. :touched: All I wanted for you is to make your dream come true. But why does it have to turn out this way. Was it my fault that you were taken by some lunatic that might hurt you. Oh dear me.. *continues to look around* There are so many people here, how can I find her. Oh I know! If she's gonna board a plane then I can...

Back to Megy:

Megy: Oh no. :leaf: Where should I start searching. I cant possibly find her in this huge airport. Oh! :groucho: I know! I can go there! *points at the Airport traffic control tower* the highest place here. I can look out for them there.

In the Pilots office:

Wakana: Thank you so much for helping me Mr. Mitsubishi. :touched:

Mr. Mitsubishi: Its my pleasure ojou-chan. :hero: Were lucky I left my keys in the car that I had to return to the parking so I found you. Though its too bad your captor fled before I even got to see his face. :uh..:

Wakana: Truly unfortunate. :uh..: But I’m thankful anyway. I was so scared. :hide:

Mr. Mitsubishi: Dont worry :sparkleguy: , you’re safe now. Ojou-chan,we need to call the cops to report incident and to capture that devious fiend! I’ll go out for a moment to send some of my men to contact the police. :confu: Is that ok with you?

Wakana: Hai! I’ll be alright alone Mr. Mitsubishi. :dote:

*Mr. Mitsubishi nodded and left the office*

You shouldn’t have let him leave my dear

Wakana: You... :ghost:

Back to Tabi

Casa:*follows Tabi a few meters behind* I must follow Tabi. :TdT: I'm worried for her. She looks like she's ready to kill. :hide: scary... eh? who's that she's talking to?

Tabi: *Oblivious to someone following her* What? :omgz: You found her already?

Person: Yes! Mitsubishi-sama asked me to inform you when you arrive.

Tabi: Thank Goodness! :touched: *proceeds to follow*

Megy: *whispering* What!? :omg: *follows them a few meters behind*

They reached the office

Tabi: *pushes the door so hard* :sohappy: :touched:


Tabi: Eh? :confu: :swt: Mitsubishi-san!

Mr. Mitsubishi: Ugh*is lying on the ground due to being hit so hard by the door* :ouch:

Tabi: Gomen! :omg: Are you alright? :uh..:

Mr. Mitsubishi: Yes yes I’m fine. :ouch: But something is wrong! I left ojou-chan here while I call my men but when I got back, she isn’t here anymore. :uh..: Also, the room is ransacked so hard my stuff are all over the floor.

Tabi: Masaka! :swt: :glower: :glower:

Narita Airport (observation deck, the highest vantage point):





Kaori: Ooh this toy is soooo cool! Im getting goosebumps all over. :nosebleed: :nosebleed:

Keiko: Isn't it done yet Minion? :uh..: Youre taking too long! :anger:

Kaori: :bloodlust: I'll let you know that assembling and calibrating this astounding M107 long range sniper rifle with attached optics/electro-optics that supports all weather, day/night tactical dominance via rapid-fire direct fire engagements with armor penetrating, incendiary, dual-purpose ammunition, takes 30 minutes but I'm finishing it in 5.

Keiko: Ok ok minion! :desksweat: just finish it already.

Kaori: I'll just attach this daylight scope, there! Calibrate it, there. Ok! this baby is ready to destroy its enemies. :goodjob:

Keiko: I like the sound of that. :knife: *positions herself near the railings and looks through the scope" Ooh not bad minion, not bad. I feel this rifle being a part of me already. :ohoho:

Kaori: Deshou? :dote: It one of my favorites in the M-series that - *continues to rant about guns* :listen:


Keiko: Huh! :fwa: :glower: I see him! That traitor! And he's got my Wakana! *directs the rifle to Victors head* I cant get at clean shot! :cry: I might hit my sweet Goddess. I have no choice, I'll wait for the right moment. :bloodlust:

Near a parked private plane

Victor: Its a good thing that I had found this plane, right! :glasses: It is ready to depart anytime but unfortunately the passengers weren’t able to come. :plot: Well that doesn’t matter since its preparation will not go to waste because we will use this, right my sweet. :knife:

Wakana: *is gagged and tied again* HHHHMMMMMNNNNNGGGG (Not again. :cry: All I’ve ever wanted was to see sharks. :rain: But why does this have to happen. Is the world really up against my love for sharks that whenever I try, I always, ALWAYS, get in trouble? :touched: :touched: Is just a tiny peek of my beloved sharkies too much to ask? )*continues to agonize while being ushered to the plane*

Victor: Finally! I can be free once and for all and be with this beauty. :sohappy: Its a good thing I have experience piloting some planes while I was in the military. *makes Wakana sit in the passengers sit while he readies the plane for take off*

Wakana: *Sitting in the passenger’s sit*HHHMMMMMMNNNG (Keichan? Hicchan? Minna? :cry: Doko nano? :touched: )

Victor: *in the pilot’s sit* Push the button here, :glasses: pull the lever there, :groucho: and then... *continues to do random stuff**saw a coin on the floor* OOooh lucky! *picks it up*


the wind shield mashed to pieces

Victor: What? :swt: Gu-gun shot?

In the Tower (#cue: Signal-Kalafina)

Keiko: Drats! :bloodlust: I missed! That guy sure have some luck. But he will not be so lucky next time! :knife:


Megy: Keiko-sama! And Kaori-san? :fwa:

Keiko: *turns around* YOU! :anger:

Back to Tabi:


Mr. Mitsubishi: :confu: What was that?

Copilot: Its coming from where I parked our private plane. :omg:

Everyone proceeds to the area and saw the plane moving slowly and getting ready to taxi.

Tabi: Is that...! :fwa: NUUUOOOOO! :vortex: *Dashes to the plane and tries to punch holes on the tires using everything she has* :voodoo: :stupidbox: :kungfu: :blood: NO NO NO NO *but to no avail*


Casa: You need help Tabi? :hero: *produces a sword which looks oddly like Excucumber*

Tabi: Casa-chan! :plz: :plz:

Casa: :kungfu: *proceeds to stab all the plane’s tires causing to stop*

Tabi: CASA! YOU’RE THE BEST! :chuu: *Proceeds to shower Casa with kisses*

Casa: EEEeeekkkk :omg: :swt:


The door of the plane opens to reveal Victor taking Wakana as hostage

Victor: *Directed at Tabi and Casa*Dont move! :glower: Or something bad will happen to her!

Wakana: HHHHHMMMMMNG(EEEeeek. Kuwai :touched: )

Victor: Also my former master on top of the Tower! Dare to shoot me again I’ll make sure you’ll regret it! :anger:

Tabi and Casa: *Frozen in their positions* No! Dont hurt her. :omg: :cry: :touched:

A few minutes before

Keiko: You! :bloodlust: How dare you call on me so casually. Look at what you people have done! :stupidtable: A crackbrain just took MY beloved waifu! :voodoo:

Megy: *is taken aback by the glare Keiko gave her* :fwa: :swt: No Keiko-sama. You are mistaken.

Keiko: Cease her! :anger: :anger:

Keiko’s minions took hold of Megy

Megy: EEEH? :fwa: :wai:

Keiko: Look! Perfect timing. :plot: Everyone is gathered there *points at the direction of the plane* I can end this completely now, starting with those kidnappers on the ground. *points rifle at Casa*

Megy: NUUUUOOOO! :cry: Keiko sama DAME!! :ghost:


Keiko and Kaori: EH? Whats that girl doing? :omgz: :fwa:

Back on the ground (#cue: Consolation-Kalafina)

Tabi and Casa are frozen in their positions worrying about Wakana :cry: :cry:

Victor: BUWAHAHAHAHAHA! :ohoho: I’ve got you all now! No can stop me! I’ll leave this place with this girl here and you all will assist me. :glasses:

Casa: Why are you doing this! :cry: Why do you keep forcing people?

Victor: Forcing? :bloodlust: FORCING? :glower: :anger: I. AM. NOT. FORCING. ANYONE. I am simply expressing my admirations!

Tabi: Admiration? :bloodlust: That is not how you admire people! :anger: You please them by giving them what will make them happy. Showing them how much you care for them. That is how you admire. NOT that your twisted mind can understand! :groucho:

Casa: Uh- Tabi. :uh..: Maybe you shouldn’t aggravate him further. :desksweat:

Victor: YOU! SO WHAT IF I’M TWISTED! :bloodlust: It is not my fault I became like this! THAT that.. she.. she.. my first love *starts to sob* NYAAAA! I’ll show you for making me remember! *points the gun to Tabi* :glower: :knife: :knife:


Cerise jumps from top of the plane to Victor’s back and starts pulling his hair

Cerise: You BAD bad person! :voodoo: :voodoo: You will never get away from taking our beloved Wakana-sama! :stupidbox:

Victor: AAARRRRGGG! :punched:

Cerise: Take that! :kungfu: And that! and that! and more of that! *continues to pull his hair*

Victor: WHY YOU! :anger: oh no! My hostage has escaped! :omg:

Victor threw Cerise off and starts running away :cry:

Cerise: Why you! COME BACK HERE AND FEEL MY ANGER! :kungfu: :kungfu:

(#cue:Stop soundtrack)
Back on the tower

Keiko: Hmmf. Victor escaped. :glower:

Megy: Keiko-sama please dont hurt my friends! :touched: We do not intend to harm Wakana-sama or anyone for that matter. :cry: We simply wish to bring happiness to our Goddesses. I know our method is wrong but our intensions are ...

Keiko: Enough! :desksweat: I know that much!

Kaori and Megy: Eh? You know? :fwa: :fwa:

Keiko: :blood: Yes, its not hard to know your true intensions are but still your intended end does not justify your means.

Megy: *felt embarassed and guilty* :cry: :comeback: Forgive us Keiko-sama! We will never kidnap your wives again! :touched:

Keiko: Really? :knife:

Megy: Really! :plz:

Keiko: Then I’ll take your word for it. :glasses: *offers hand* If you wish to take Wakana to some shark filled place, make sure you ask for MY permission first. :knife:

Megy: HAI! :plz: :touched: *accepts hand shake**thinking* Keiko sama’s hand :nosebleed:

Keiko: Now that we have an understanding. :innocent: Maybe you’d like to hang out with us in Kalafina cafe, all four of you. *smiles genuinely* But ofcourse, for all the trouble you guys have caused, its your treat. :knife:

Megy: Ofcourse Keiko-sama! :plz: :dote: :dote: Youre such a kind person.

Megy left the roof to rendezvous with the others.

Kaori: Did you really intend to shoot them? :confu:

Keiko: Ofcourse not! :uh..: Even that Victor! I never intended that shot to hit actually. :groucho: I just want them to acknowledge my presence and for them to learn their lessons.

Kaori: :uh..: So everything that you did were intended and everything that happened are plannned. :desksweat:

Keiko: Ofcourse! aint I clever! :sparkleguy:

Kaori: :stupidbox: Tell me these thing sooner will yah! I got a little bit worried there!

Keiko: fufufufu :plot:

Kaori: Hmmm... :confu: Hey is that Hikaru? *points at the entrance* Pedaling a... shark shaped bike? :uh..:

Keiko: Oh no! :omg: :omg: Shimatta!

On the road

Victor: *driving fast to an unknown destination* Those BRATS! :bloodlust: How dare they ruin my happy ending! after all what I did, those bunch just had to come and destroy everything. :stupidbox: My life is full of bitterness! I hate it! :voodoo: I HATE EVERYTHING! :bloodlust: RAAAAAARRRRR! I must calm down. I will get even for sure! But for now I’ll start with someone else. :plot: Someone who mark the start of my downfall, YUKI! :knife:

Back on the ground, on the way to the exit (#cue: Yume no Daichi-Kalafina)

Tabi, Cerise and Casa: Wakana-sama! :touched: :touched: :touched: We’re grad you are safe!

Wakana: Minna arigatou! :plz: :touched: :touched: You guys were so brave a while ago.

Tabi, Cerise and Casa: No no! We only did what is right. :sparkleguy: :hero:

Megy: Minna! :sohappy: I’m glad you’re all safe! I have great news! :touched:

Cerise: What? :confu:

Megy: Keiko has forgiven us! :touched:

Tabi, Cerise and Casa: What! :fwa: :fwa: :fwa: really?

Wakana: Forgiven you for what? :confu:

Megy, Tabi, Cerise and Casa: Etoo... :omg: :omg: :swt: :swt:


Hikaru: :...: HAAAAaaaaa HAAAAAaaaa HAAAAaaaa *panting really hard* Minna.. haaa... dont... haaa.. leave.... meee.... aloneee...haaa. again.... :touched: :cry:

Everyone: Hikaru-chann.. :swt: :desksweat:

Keiko suddenly appears

Keiko: Hi-tan! :swt: Daijoubu?

Hikaru: Mou... Kei... chan... no... BAAKAAA! :cry:

Everyone: :XD: :XD: :XD: :ohoho: :ohoho: :ohoho:

(#cue: Soundtrack stop)
Everyone gave hikaru some time to catch her breath.

Hikaru: *To keiko* How could you leave me alone? :anger: And left me pedaling a bike from Tokyo to Narita airport? :knife: You are so mean! :cry:

Keiko: Gomen Hi-tan, I sorta forgot... :uh..: :desksweat:


Hikaru: Forgot? :glower: I thought I was important to you? :cry: How could you have forgotten about me? :orz: Was my existence really that minuscule that you could care less about me? Am I like air that you forget that you are breathing? Am I a tiny sand in the beach of your memories- *continues to glare at Keiko*

Keiko: Ma ma Hi-tan! :imdead: You’re a kind hearted and gentle person, :plz: could you forgive me just this once. Please *Shows her most sincere face ever made*

Everyone: Oh wow! :omg: :omg: :nosebleed: :love: :hearts: I never seen that pretty face yet.

Wakana: Yeah. :hearts:

Casa: Wakana-sama too? :psst: Now I know how Keiko always gets away with everything.

Hikaru: :plz: Kei-chan... Ano ne... *is interrupted*

Ring Ring Ring

Kaori: Oh sorry Hikaru-san, :uh..: I didn’t mean to disturb your rant, ahem, moment. :leaf: I planned to be invisible all through out this conversation but.... *Picks up the phone* Hello? Yuriko-san? What’s wrong? eh? Kajiura-sensei is? :fwa: mis-MISSING?(Everyone: :omg: What?!) How? She didn’t arrive yet? You guys were suppose to record a new Kalafina song about walls and windows? And she haven’t arrived yet? Maybe she’s just late. You tried calling her but no answer? Oh. she’s never late before? Ok were going right now. EVERYONE! :omg:

Everyone is suddenly worried :swt:

Wakana: VICTOR! :anger: DARE HE...! :bloodlust: :glower:

Everyone: Eh? Why him? :fwa:

Wakana: I’ll tell you guys while we travel there. :bloodlust: :hero: Now we must go, NOW!

Everyone nods

While waiting for their vehicles to arrive )

Wakana: I’m going ahead ok? :sparkleguy: *holding the shark shaped bike*

Keiko: Eto.. Waka-chan. :uh..: I dont think your bike can make it there on time. :desksweat:

Wakana: Dont underestimate me! :listen: :whip: ACTIVATE: COOL BIKER MODE

*Wakana suddenly changed her clothes into her Stone Cold outfit while her bike turned into the coolest motorcycle everyone has ever seen*


Wakana: My jet rocket equipped bike can get me to the studio in no time! :ohoho: I'll contact you guys using my front monitor :hero: *rodes bike and then left*

Everyone is left in AWE..

Scene continues with Wakana riding her Motorcycle showing some beautiful landscapes until ending theme finishes





I'm sorry for pushing this story to an odd direction and setting the pace too fast. :desksweat: I cant think of any other way to continue this. :uh..:
^Raspberry? Ohohoho :ohoho: Great idea! But I'll leave that to the next poster because I think I overdid it this time. :desksweat:
AWESOME development Tabi! :goodjob:

Yay now Kei-chan is no longer angry at us! :sohappy:

Hmm, so now FJC with Girl Rangers are going to stop Victor?

And there's 4 pics with the raspberry as well...hmm... :ayashii:

Anyone continuing? If not I can give it a try (stressed after such awesome stories, mine will be quite boring... :hide:) Okay I've some ideas...
^I dont think it will be boring at all so post it ok. :plz:

After reading my post again, I realised how confusing the situation is in the airport. If anyone wish to ask about it feel free to do so and I'll explain things. Sorry if I made it too confusing. :uh..: Though, I'm sure everyone understood the last scene (I hope, :desksweat: )

/Waiting for the next poster :knife:


To give you guys some idea of the motorcycle I was talking about in the story:


Doesn't the wind shield look like a smiling shark head :XD: Perfect for Wakana! Oooh the image in my head is too awesome :nosebleed:


And maybe she also drives like saber :knife:
OMG LOOOOL TABIIIII :XD: :XD: :XD: :XD: I choked from laughing :ohoho: :ohoho:

Looking forward to more Biker Gangsta Wakachan, next person (Casa? I think...) :stars: Ganbatte Cassie~!! :goodjob:

OP: Consolation

~Wakana riding on the road~ :whip:

Wakana: Being able to breathe is good! Must rush to the studio and see what is happening! Oh yes, video –conference with everyone!

~Meanwhile in the Bossmobile and Hikaru’s car~

Kaori: ARE you serious??! That Victor…he… :blood: :barf:

Wakana: Yeah. He said that to me. Well, I’m glad she rejected him. That guy is awful. :blood:

Hikaru: So he was the one Kajiura-sama was referring to when she said someone smooched her in the raspberries thicket. :XD:

Everyone else: YOU KNOW?! :omg: :omg: :omg:

Hikaru: Sure. Wakana and Keiko were always talking to one another, so Yuki-san ended up talking to me. We’re both big sisters, you know! :hero:

Wakana and Keiko: :spotlight: :spotlight:

Wakana: Okay I’ve reached the studio where she works. She doesn’t look like she’s in. Her car isn’t around. :ayashii:


Everyone: Wakana/Wakachan/Wacchan! :omg: :omg: :omg:

Wakana: I’m okay, I’m okay.. Yuriko? What are you doing here? :confu:

Yuriko: :V: sorry Wakana, just came after calling Kaori to see if she’s still at home. She doesn’t look as if she’s here, either. :ayashii:

Kaori: Maybe you both go in first and see if she’s around by any chance? :ayashii:

Alonso: With that Victor guy lurking around, better not. :omg:

*The 2 vehicles reach the studio*

Keiko: Come on, then, everyone. :sparkleguy:

*All go inside the house*
Everyone: EHH? WHAT HAPPENED? :white: :white: :white:

*The living room is a through shambles*

Kaori: It looks like a fight just went on here.. :uh..:

Wakana: :omgz: did Victor come for Kajiura-san already?

Yuriko: But, where could he have taken her? :omg: :cry:

*Suddenly, the television screen flares to life*

Victor: HELLO, MY FRIENDS! :ohoho:

Cerise, Megy: YOUU! :anger:

Victor: Oh yes, that’s me. :glasses: AAAND…say hello, ladies!

Everyone: :fwa: :fwa: :fwa: KAJIURA-SAN! YUU-CHAN!

tabete.mio said:

Yuuka: *bordering on hysterical* Everyone! Don’t come! Whatever you girls, do d- :omgz:

Victor: BAKA! :knife: *Turns back* Now now, you surely don’t want your Yuki-san and Yuuka-chan to become…shall we say, not so pretty anymore? *a knife comes up*

Everyone: :swt: :swt: :swt:

Victor: :knife: If you want them back, come over here *flashes written note on screen, on it is an address* :glasses: good day, all.

*Everyone is left :white: and :swt:*

Victor: soooooo :knife:

Yuki & Yuuka: :fwa: :swt:

Victor: Ah. It’s a pity, Yuuka, you had to be in Yuki’s home when I came… tsk, tsk. Blame your awful luck. Now, we are getting hungry, isn’t it? I have just the perfect meal…*brings out whole crate of…* :shy:

Yuki: Raspberries. :uhh:

Victor: Still so smart as ever. Yes, I own the whole raspberry-jam and raspberry produce plant. I told Keiko-chan I was this poor man who was just a worker here and she finally agreed to take me under her wing, but I do own this whole factory..until a few days ago. I sold the factory and was planning to tender my resignation to Keiko-chan when she told me her waifu had been kalanapped and needed my help. But as of now the factory is still mine before U hand over. Nice, isn’t it? :glasses:

*Victor picks up one raspberry and puts it into his mouth* Delicious. *Picks up another*

Kugayama said:

Yuuka: SO what do you want?

Victor: Very simple. Everyone, all who opposed me, will meet their downfall in this factory today! *squashes 2nd raspberry (Raspberry: :imdead:)*Look at what I’ve got!

Yuki: This is…!

Victor: Yes. Fufufufu :plot: :plot:

*The party pulls up at the factory*

Kaori: Huge place. :uhh:

Keiko: Ready..alright, we are going in… girls, you all stay close to us, Victor may do anything to anyone of us.

Megy,Casa,Cerise,Tabi: HAI! :sparkleguy:

Victor: :hi: everyone! Glad to see you are all here! :knife:

tabete.mio said:

Wakana: CUT IT! Where’s our Kajiura-san and Yuu-chan? :stupidbox:

Victor: fufufu, they’re here! *shows Yuki and Yuuka all tied up, gagged*

Yuuka: MMMMHHPHPPPMMMM! (Why, oh why did you guys come, there’s danger down here!)

Yuki: MMMMPPPPPPPPHHHHHHHHHPPPHHHHMMNNNMM! (Quick, run and call the police before he activates his plan!)

Rest of girls, Alonso: :confu: :confu: :confu: *turns back to Victor* LET THEM GO!

Victor: What’s the hurry? I’ll let you all see what I’ve been doing here first! *Flicks a light switch*

Everyone else: :fwa: :fwa:

Yuriko and Hikaru: The whole factory is rigged with..explosives! :ghost: :ghost:

Victor: :glasses: nice of me, isn’t it? The whole group dies together! :ohoho: *Waves controller in hand* The moment I press this button… *waves hand* BOOOMBA! :ohoho: :ohoho:

Keiko: Drats! Victor! :anger: :stupidtable:

Yuuka: MMMMGPGPHPHPPH! (There was no need to do this! Can’t we talk it over calmly?)

Wakana: Is there a need to do this?

Victor: *hysterical* This woman *points at Yuki* was the cause of my first broken heart! And YOU! *Pints at Wakana* you let me down again! All of you here *points at everyone else* you were the cause of my downfall! What I can’t get, others won’t either! Why I can’t be loved by anyone! :anger: :anger: So, I might as well die, and you all will perish together with me!

tabete.mio said:

Kaori turns back to Tabi & Co: Where is that Mit… eh..? :fwa::confu: where’s the group? :swt:


Megy: Was it wise to just sneak away? Do we have a plan?

Casa: Alright, here’s the plan, the 2 of you… :ayashii:

Megy, Tabi, Cerise: uh huh :plot:

Casa: Then the 2 of us… :ayashii:

Megy, Tabi, Cerise: mm! :plot:

Casa: Then we’ll all… :ayashii:

Megy, Tabi, Cerise: Okay! :plot:

Back to the ladies

Victor: Enough of talking! This factory..

Hikaru: But what will happen to the new owner who bought it?

Victor: He was planning to demolish the factory anyway! I just saved him a lot of work! Say goodby…

Casa and Tabi: SHEEE-NA-AHHHHH!-

*Casa and Tabi jumps on top of Victor* :whip: :whip:

Tabi: Grab his hand, Casa!

*Both women grabs his hands*

Megy and Cerise: Yaaaii! :hero: :hero: *runs out between crates and kicks Victor*

*Megy grabs the controller, then punches Victor for good measure*

Cerise, Casa, Tabi: :whip: :whip: :whip: *thump! Biff-biff*

*All three sits on Victor* well? Get a taste of our power! :hero: :hero: :hero: :hero:

Mitsubishi: *runs in with team* Freeze, Victor!

*Victor gets taken away*

Mitsubishi: he will be deported back to Germany once we clear it with the police. Don’t worry about him anymore. :glasses:

Yuki: You are Mr Mitsubishi? :ayashii:

Mitsubishi: Indeed. We were accquianted once in university, remember? I was 2 years older than you, but we were in the same club. :sparkleguy:

Yuki: OH! You are the Taiki Mitsubishi? The architect senior?

Mitsubishi: The very same. I went out of architecture to open up my own company. I’m now a boss myself. :hero: I specialise in… eh? :omgz: hold on, the phone’s ringing. Yup, Kaoru?... :fwa: ARE YOU SERIOUS?!!...Alright, I’ll put everyone on guard :swt:…Yes, yes. You guys find him ASAP! :blood:

Everyone: What happened? :swt:

Mitsubishi: Well…I’m sorry to say…Victor injured 3 of my best guards. He’s gone… and likely to be very angry as well. Oh, and he stole some of our ammunition and security stuff… I would consider him armed, and very dangerous… you all, please be on high alert. :bow:

Everyone: :omg: :omg: :swt: :swt:

ED: Magia

What will happen next?
Will everyone be okay?
Tune in nxt time to find out! :bow:




There. Next pics. Have fun! :bye:
So Victor is really sinewy :ayashii:
Well show him our power! :hero:

Note to myself: Never ever eat again while reading these posts :XD:

Well Tabi-chan, you compensate very well, you shirked out of my pinch :ayashii: Thank you for the Keiko moment :bow: /me squeezes Tabi-chan
If you worry too much about making peace too fast, we can always anger her again :plot: /is stomped
After all, we didnt finish operation Stolenfina :psst: /is stomped again
And the fierce Keiko-sama :nosebleed: /is planished to the ground by stomping

Anyway, Casa-chan, great work as well! :goodjob:
Thats it, we must show off in front of the girls to show them how cool the Girls Rangers are :ohoho:
You hooked it nicely, lets show them what weve got :hero:

Damn Victor, as reading I really became :glower: :bloodlust: myself.

So, I could try gathering some inspiration and write a new episode, but youll have to wait on to few days maybe. And Im sorry if it wont be really promising :desksweat:

MegyTomitatsu said:
Note to myself: Never ever eat again while reading these posts :XD:

Never drink or eat, cos you will end up spluttering everything all over the comp. :XD:

MegyTomitatsu said:
Damn Victor, as reading I really became :glower: :bloodlust: myself.

We are succeeding in making him the baddie. :V:

MegyTomitatsu said:
So, I could try gathering some inspiration and write a new episode, but youll have to wait on to few days maybe. And Im sorry if it wont be really promising :desksweat:

Ganbatte, Megy-chan!
Re: Re:

casarina26 said:
Never drink or eat, cos you will end up spluttering everything all over the comp. :XD:

Exactly :XD:

casarina26 said:
We are succeeding in making him the baddie. :V:
We sure are :glower: Well, hell get what serves him :bloodlust:

casarina26 said:
Ganbatte, Megy-chan!
I'll give my best :bow:
And Im afraid youll have to wait for some little time more, Im sorry, I'll make it as short as I can :bow:
Re: Re:

I tended to write it down today. I wrote quite a fair amount but havent managed to finish it yet and its a bit late you will excuse me for a bit longer :bow:
Althou I thought that I dont have some inspiration, this will be quite a long one.. :ayashii: So prepare for it :innocent:
I hope it will be worth it thou.. :desksweat:
Me is ashamed for making you wait for so long :spotlight:
I wrote more but still didnt manage to finish :rain:
Im busy with studying so I dont have so much time but I promise I'll try to finish this in the shortest time possible :bow:
Thank you for being patient! :bow:

Ganbatte Megy-chan! :cheer: :cheer:
Im doing my best :bow:
New post the end of the week! :innocent: :goodjob:

My....I have truly done a mess, I'm afraid.. :desksweat:
Alright, here it goes!
It went out pretty long thou. Hope you have no problem with it...and its content :XD:
Its a bit violent, so dont be underaged :XD:

Victor: (slowly walking around tied-up Tabi, Cerise, Yuuka, Hikaru, Casa and Megy) Soooooo, what should I do with all of you? :knife:
Everyone: :swt: :swt: :swt: :swt: :swt: :swt:
Megy: Let us go, perhaps? :glower:
Victor: Silence, you brat!! :anger: Don't even consider that as an option. :knife:
*starts coddling girls' faces with a shotgun*
Yuuka: Why?? Why are you doing this? :touched:
Victor: Because when I set my mind on something, I will do it for sure! :bloodlust: And, I don't know for you, but this is pretty much entertaining :plot:
*continues to coddle everyones' faces with a shotgun*
Everyone: :omg: :omg: :omg: :omg: :omg: :omg: :touched: :touched: :touched: :touched: :touched: :touched:
Victor: So, should I start...extinguishing you? :knife: (points a gun towards Megy) Since you were so smart to give me suggestions, I should start off with you? :innocent:
Megy: :swt: :glower: (mixture of those two onions)

. . . . . . . . . .

Opening: Kalafina - Ongaku

Three hours earlier

All of our party riding in their vehicles, grouped:
Keiko bossmobile: Kaori, Keiko, Yuuka, Yuriko, Yuki
Hikaru hyper-high-tech-car: Hikaru, Tabi, Megy, Casa, Cerise
Wakana on her shark-motorcycle

Alonso: (at the terrace in his summerhouse) Aaaaah, a week off :tea:

Everyone communicating through video conference
Kaori: Uh, ne, Hiichan, are you sure this is the right way? :uh..:
Hikaru: Don't worry at all, this is a shortcut, we will be there in no time! :sparkleguy:
Kaori: But we seem to be out of town :desksweat:
Everyone else: :uh..: :uh..: :uh..: :uh..: :uh..: :uh..: :uh..: :uh..: :uh..:
Hikaru: :innocent:

*in the studio*
Yuki: It's been two days since he ran away :uh..:
Yuriko: He could be planning something big :nophoto:
Keiko: That's exactly why we shouldn't waste our time! :bloodlust: We must find him before he gets a chance to do anything :listen:
Tabi: But, he practically disappeared. How should we know where he is? Did any of our or your staff get any trace? :confu:
Suddenly Keikos phone rings
Keiko: Hai, moshi moshi? Hai...hai.... :omgz: eeeh?? Hai! Thank you, we'll be right on our way! *hangs up* Minna! He has been spotted at the east edge of Katsushika! Let's go, NOW! :listen:
Everyone: H-hai! :swt:
[End of flashback]

*Everyone praying to arrive at the right place when suddenly they got a call request on their video-conference*
Kaori: I don't have a good feeling about this.. :uh..:
*They all connect it*
Victor: Why hello my little maidens! :innocent:
Keiko: YOU!! :stupidtable: *tends to punch the screen but is held by Yuki and Yuriko behind her*
Yuki: Calm down, Keiko! You won't gent anything by breaking your screen! :listen:
Victor: Ahahahahahaha! :ohoho: I see I got quite loved here! :ohoho:
Casa: Oh please, just get to the point :uh..: ...bastard... :bloodlust:
Victor: Of course, dear! :innocent: (Casa took a sachet for being sick after that statement) I'm sending you all an invitation to my trial lair. Its my ex-raspberry-company center building. I rearranged it a bit just for you :plot:
Cerise: Are you an idiot?! :stupidtable: You seriously think that we will just walk into that tr--
Victor: Oh, I forgot to show you this little detail.. *moves the camera towards an aquarium with several uncomfortable looking baby sharks, barely having a space to move around*
Wakana: Naniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii??????? How dare you?!?!?!?! :voodoo:
Victor: So, you should better hurry :innocent: Or this little babies will turn into a baby shark fin soup! :ohoho: I'll see you there!
*connection end*

Victor: (in his lair) Now that I showed that to them, Wakana-chan won't resist but to come, and all those goofheads will come running after her! I'm a freaking genious! :ohoho: For all those self-satisfactions I failed because of them, I shall take my revenge! Oh just you come, my maidens. I'll let you experience a sufferings of an eternal slumber :plot: Hahahaha, ahahahaha, AAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, AAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! :ohoho:

Wakana: How dare heee?? :nophoto: He won't get away with this one!!! Zettai ni!!!
Tabi: Matte yo, Wakana-sama! :swt: It's not real, it's just a trap! :omg:
Keiko: Indeed! We shouldn't fall for it easily! :listen:
Wakana: Entering rageous motorist modeee! Invincible speed enter, NOW!
Keiko: Matte, Wakachaaan! :omg:

Too late! Wakana added a gas and blasted off by incredible speed of 100 000 km/h thus leaving only a cloud of smoke and dust behind her.

Everyone: Mou, Wakana-chan :desksweat:
Casa: But, she is in big trouble now! :omg: And even worse, she's alone! :swt:
Everyone: :white: :white: :white: :white: :white: :white: :white: :white: :white: CRAP!!!!
*Cerise stretches in the front and pushes down Hikarus' leg on the gas pedal. A car starts dangerously speeding up.*
Cerise: We have no time! We must rescue her! :anger:
Hikaru: Oi! N-nanio?! :swt: I cannot drive that fast! :touched:
Cerise: You have to! :listen: Our Wakachan is in danger, we must rescue her! :TdT:
Hikaru: B-but :swt:
Kaori: Oei! Hika-chan! You're driving too fast! :omg:
Hikaru: I knooow, but this crazy girl is holding my foot and won't let go! I cannot slow doooown :cry:
Tabi: Oi, Hicchan! Watch the road! :swt:
Kaori: Hika-chan! :omg:
Keiko: And what do you drive so slow for?! :glower: Push iiiiiiiiiiiiiiit!!!! *Pushes Kaori's leg on the gas pedal. Car starts furiously speeding up*
Kaori: M-matte yo, Keiko!! :omg:
Yuuka, Yuriko, Yuki: :white: :white: :white: :swt: :swt: :swt: :hide: :hide: :hide:

*After a crazy drive with many turns, twists, bumps, flies, dust-breathing moments, they finally arrived at the so-called trial lair. It was a wide building, not looking trustworthy.*

Keiko: Look, her motorcycle! :omg: (jumping out of the car) Here we are! Time for the action! :hero:
Yuriko: (pulls running Keiko back) Wait, we cannot barg in without a plan! :listen: I betcha this place is full of dangerous traps!
Tabi: (pulls running Cerise back) Indeed! :glasses: After all, that sluggish pants-eating creep of a freckle-walking-being made it :bloodlust:
Megy: You said it right. :ayashii: But I would prefer if you wouldn't insult slugs.. :uh..:
Yuuka: Um, minna, we kinda got off the point here.. :uh..:
Casa: So I say, we stick together! Any kind of sight we see, sound we hear, smell we sniff, we don't run headlessly! Those will probably all be traps! Remember, we should not separate at any cost! :listen:
Yuki: Exactly! :listen: Our priority is to find Wakana, then we will find Victor...and teach him a little lesson :knife:
Everyone: Hai! *gather their hands* Off we go! Mission raspberry-explosion! :hero:

They walked into the building. Inside it looked dark, unstable and long deserted.

Kaori: This place gives me the creeps! :nophoto:
Yuki: I really have a baaaad feeling about this... :uh..:

*suddenly the building lightly rumbles*
Tabi: Oi, did you feel that? :omg:
Megy: Yes, and I didn't like it one bit :glower:
Keiko: Let's just hurry onwards and get this over with! :listen:
Everyone: Hai..
Yuki: Now I have even more baaaaaad feeling about this... :uh..:

*As they walked onwards a building trembled few more times. They entered some kind of a hallway with many doors to various rooms.*

Casa: Where to now? :omg:
Cerise: As we're in even number, should we divide into teams and search through all rooms? :ayashii:
Casa: No! As I said, we should not separate at any cost! It's the first thing leading to a disaster! :listen:
Hikaru: You're right, but how are we gonna find a right way fastly with so many potential ways?! :omg:
Casa: :desksweat: I know...but...
Keiko: No, Casa-chan is right! :listen: *pats Casa-chan* (Casa in her mind: :plz: Keiko-sama! :dote: ) I bet that freckreep want us to separate! :bloodlust: We will search room by room, it may be slower but it's the safest way! :hero:
Everyone: Alright then! Lets go!

[#cue: Kalafina – Hoshi no Utai from 00:22]

*But suddenly a building starts to tremble again, much harder than last times. A dust rose up and little pieces of stone started falling around. A whole room was shaking fairly.*

Everyone: :omg: :omg: :omg: :omg: :omg: :omg: :omg: :omg: :omg: :omg:
Cerise: This one is much harder than previous ones!! :omg:
Yuriko: Minna! We shall move!! :omg:
Yuuka: But where to?! We're gonna all dieeeeee hereeee!!! :touched:
Kaori: Stop panicking! :listen: But what no--WOAH!! :fwa:

*Yuriko jumps on her to move her from a falling block of stones. As they fell into the one of the rooms, they were separated from the others by that block of stones.*

Everyone: :omg: :omg: :omg: :omg: :omg: :omg: :omg: :omg:
Yuuka: Kao-chan, Yuri-neeee!! :comeback:
Cerise: K-Kajiura-samaa! :omg: Ruuun! *Pushes Yuki to run and they crashed into a room as a huge block of stones fell on the door*
Tabi: What in the hell is going on here?!?! :omg:
*Hikaru runs towards her screaming*
Tabi: (looks up) :swt: Hicchan!! *pulls her hand and they step back as a big pile of stones collapsed in front of them*
Keiko: Minna!! :comeback: :touched: This is bad !! :omg: *turns around* :fwa: :omg: Careful girls!! *pushes Casa and Megy away as a falling block was approaching them*
Yuuka: Noooo, minna! Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! :nophoto: *fastly moves away from another falling block*
*Trembling started to calm down and as it was smoldering slowly, it stopped...*
Yuuka: What?! :omg: I'm left alone?? :swt: But it's Hikarus' jooooob :cry:
Hikaru: *hic* eh? :confu: Someone must be mentioning me....ah well :nophoto:

. . . .

Victor: (from the control room) So you don't want to separate?? I will separate you! :glasses: Did you like my adaption? Hahahaha, I can do whatever I want with you, just you wait, just you watch, you will never get out of this one!! Ahahahahahaha!! :ohoho:

[#cue: stop soundtrack]

. . . .







Kaori: :@_@:
Yuriko: Kao-chan! You're awake! :plz:
Kaori: Eh? Yuri-nee? :confu: What happ-- :fwa: Oh, I remember! Is-is everyone okay?? :omg:
Yuriko: I don't know.. :uh..: This block that fell in blocks our way back. We are separated from the others.. :nophoto:
Kaori: :omg: Nuooooooooooooooooo :vortex: So, what are we....what are we gonna do noooow? :touched:
Yuriko: I say we head onwards. There is no other way..if we just sit here we won't get anywhere.. And this place is probably connected by all those rooms and hallways so we should still be able to find the others...can you get up?
Kaori: Um, yes, I think I can..

*As they went ahead, they were passing through a hallway towards a door that were ahead*

Kaori: This place is surely twisted..It doesn't look like it used to be an office building.. :uh..:
Yuriko: After all, that dirtpile did say that he rearranged it for us.. :uh..:
Kaori: So there will probably be more threats and traps.. :omg:
Yuriko: And who knows what kind of wonderworks are waiting for us... :desksweat:

*They entered a room. It was quite empty with two office desks in it. When they entered, they heard a sound from the side*

Kaori: :swt: D-did you hear that?
Yuriko: Sure did :knife: I didn't think that that dirtpile would make things easier on us :glasses: So, Kao-chan, ready for showing off? :innocent:
Kaori: Why of course! :sparkleguy:
Kaori and Yuriko: Now, come on, wherever you are! :gimmeh: :gimmeh:

. . . .

Cerise: Huh, we surely managed to escape it! :nophoto:
Yuki: Yeah, that was a close one. Thank you for saving me! :bow:
Cerise: :nophoto: No, no, it was nothing! :nophoto: We would always do everything for Kajiura-sama! :bow:
Yuki: Could you please not be so formal? I feel old that way :uh..:
Cerise: :fwa: E-eeh? Hai..Kajiura-san.. :spotlight:
Yuki: How about Yuki-san? :idol:
Cerise: Eeeeeh? :omg: N-no! :swt: I c-can't show such disrespect! :omg:
Yuki: You wanna say that I am so pretentious and arrogant so you must bow down before me?? :knife:
Cerise: :omg: No, no at all!! :swt:
Yuki: Theeeen? :knife:
Cerise: H-hai, Yuki-san.. :desksweat:
Yuki: Why that's a good girl! :innocent: Now let's go, we shall find the others! :sparkleguy:
Cerise: Yeah, there are another door there. Let's check it out.
Yuki: (looks around the room) It seems it used to be a toilet.. :confu:
Cerise: And sickly looks like it boomed out of a horror movie :blood:

Suddenly, they hear a scratch on the closed door of the third stall
Yuki: Eh? What was that? :omgz:
Voice from the stall: Who dares to disturb my peace? :knife:
Cerise: :omg: Nanda koreeeeee? :hide:
Yuki: Hmmmm, bathroom....third stall... :ayashii: ... :fwa: M-masaka??
Voice from the stall: You shall pay by tasting my anger! :knife:

*A door opens*

Yuki: :omg: Hanako-san??
Hanako-san: (walks out of the stall) Indeed! :knife:
Cerise: Eeeeeeeh? :omgz: B-but, that's cheating! :touched: This is not a third floor! And we didnt knock on three times! Or call your name! :cry:
Hanako-san: Well, someone else did that for you :plot: And, well....the boss changed some rules about me to adapt in the story.. :spotlight:
Yuki and Cerise: Eh? :uh..: :uh..:
Hanako-san: Anyway, let's play! :innocent:

[cue: Kalafina - Obbligato]
Cerise: (gets in the stance) Yuki-san, please stay back! :hero:
Yuki: Ah no, you think you can get all of the fun? :knife: (gets in the stance) Now, let's rock this!
Cerise: :ohoho: Hai! (in her mind: :plz: I'm fighting side to side with Kajiura-sama!! :TdT: )
Hanako-san: (starts speaking with a very creepy voice) So, I see you're ready! (widely smiles) Let the game start!

A fierce battle started. As Yuki and Cerise ran towards Hanako-san to attack her, she slipped away and appeared behind their backs with intention of attacking them. They turned around in time and dodged the attack, making her crash into the wall. Cerise runs towards her to finish her, but suddenly Hanako-san gets up and pushes her to crash onto the stall. She starts to dangerously bring closer towards her.

Cerise: :swt:
Hanako-san: :knife:

*But suddenly Yuki grabs Hanako-san from the back and crashes her on the washstands*

Yuki: Now, time to finish! :kungfu:
Cerise: Hai! :hero: Ne, Hanako-chan, lookie lookie what I have here! :innocent:

[#cue: stop soundtrack]

*Takes a piece of paper out of her pocket and unfurls it.*
Cerise: It's my last english test. Lookie, it's a perfect score! :innocent:
Hanako-san: :swt: N-no! Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! Move it, move it!! :wai:
Cerise: :innocent:

As Hanako-san was screaming, she slowly disappeared.

Cerise: Did we get her? :confu:
Yuki: Yep! Good joob, Cerise-chan, you did great! :goodjob:
Cerise: :dote:

Did you think you could get rid of me so easily??

*Yuki and Cerise fastly turn around themselves*

You overrated yourselves!

Yuki: What the...?
Cerise: Where??


[#cue: Kalafina – Kichigo no Shigemi ni]

*Suddenly Hanako-san appeared behind Cerise grabbing her under her arms and dragging her towards the third stall rapidly. As they got in, the door slammed.*

Yuki: :omg: Cerise-chan! (runs towards the door and tries to open them, but unsuccessfully. Then starts hitting the door with her fists fiercely) Cerise-chan!! Cerise-chaaaaan! Are you okay, can you hear meeee? :omg:

*no answer*

Yuki: (crying) Cerise-chan!

*but there was no answer...*

Yuki:....I'm sorry, Cerise-chan... :...: I'll go find the others...I promise we will save you! :bow:

. . . .

Tabi: I can't reach anyone by ear connector.. :uh..: I guess there is no signal in this building. Figures :nophoto:
Hikaru: I guess we have no choice but to go find a way and try to reach the others? :confu: Or we could stay here and wait for them to find us :tea: And I could get some sleep :dote:
Tabi: Mou, Hicchan! :desksweat:
Hikaru: No? Oh well...I guess.. :spotlight:
Tabi: It's dangerous to just stay here. Being alone like this we are exposed to various kinds of threats. And those tremors could happen at any time again. We should hurry reuniting with others and finish this as soon as possible and get out of this horrible place! :listen:
Hikaru: Hai, ikimashou :bow:

*They walk through a hallway*


Hikaru: :nophoto: Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! (hides behind Tabi) :hide:
Tabi: :glower: Show yourself!


They were standing in tension and waiting when the little being ran across in front of them.

Tabi: :uh..: A rat... :nophoto: Phew, that almost had me.
Hikaru: My, I got too scared again :rain: And there's no Kei-chan either :rain:
Tabi: (In her mind: Scared clinging Hicchan :shy: ) :stars: Ne, Hicchan, don't worry, I'm here! :sparkleguy: Just keep close and you'll be safe :hero:
Hikaru: :waii: Hontou ka? Hai, arigatou! :bow:
Tabi: :goodjob: Hai! I'm not so scary as Keiko-dono but I'm a worth fighter! :hero:
Hikaru: Eh? Scary? :confu:
Tabi: Oh? (flashes at the hospital-operation moments) :omgz: :omg: :hide: Those were very bloodcurdling moments :hide:
Hikaru: Noooo, mai Kei-husbando is very gentle and kind-natured :shy: She wouldn't be that violent :listen:
Tabi: But it happend! :touched:
Hikaru: I don't believe you! :nophoto:
Tabi: Oh why weren't you at the hospital and airport to see that?! :nophoto:

casarina26 said:
Hikaru: (changes to her Magia voice) Maybe because you stole my car, left me alone and lost, made me pedal on a bike to the hospital..And not only that, but just when I reached the hospital, you all left me in a dust by my car again and made me pedal all the way to the airport to arrive when everything was finished! :bloodlust:
Tabi: Yikes! Scary! :hide: I am so sorry! I apologize in the name of all of us. We shall never do that again! :bow:
Hikaru: (puts a hand on Tabis' shoulder) It's ok! I already got over it. Just don't be that inconsiderate anymore :sparkleguy:
Tabi: Hai! :plz: *in her mind: Hicchan is so kind! :TdT: *

Suddenly they hear rustles again

Tabi: Oh please, I thought we concluded that we're not afraid of rats! :nophoto:
Hikaru: Um, Tabi-chan... :uh..:
Voice: A rat?? Why that is insulting...
Tabi: Eeh? :omgz: (looks straight at the silhouette in front of them) A dog?? :@_@:
Voice: That's much better :innocent: (walks out of the shadow)
Hikaru: :fwa: Eeeeeeeeeeh? A Jinmenken ??
Tabi: What is this? A japanese urban legends haunted maze? :uh..:
Jinmenken: Khm, ask master for that, he just put us here :groucho:
Tabi: Oh really? And how didn't I think of that? :uh..:
Hikaru: Ah well, let's go Tabi-chan. They say that Jinmenken doesnt hurt people so we should be safe. :nophoto:
Tabi: Ah, hai! :sohappy:
Jinmenken: (as they passed near him like he is just a bush on the ground) :leaf: O-oei!! You think I'm so innocuous? Now you'll see! :anger: (bites Hikarus hand)
Hikaru: Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!! :wai:

[#cue: Kalafina – Magia (quattro)]

Tabi: H-Hicchan!! :omg: :bloodlust: How dare youuuuuuu?! To our Hicchan?!?! :nophoto: (blasts a fire of rage around her)
Jinmenken: :omg: What the..??
*Tabi comes running at him tossing him in the air and kicking him straightforward whilst he flew crashing into the wall at rageous speed*
Jinmenken: :@_@: master didn't mention this...
Tabi: Now, feel the fireeee! :kungfu: :knife:
Jinmenken: :ghost: :swt: This burrrnssss! :nophoto: Yoooowwwww :blood:
Tabi: And stay that way you doggish freak! :hero: (turns towards Hikaru) Let's go now :sparkleguy:
Hikaru: Ne, said you weren't scary?? :uh..:
Tabi:Well, I guess affection can do miracles :innocent: Let's go :sohappy:
Hikaru: Hai! :sohappy:
Jinmenken: No you don't! :bloodlust: I will never forgive you for humiliating me like that! Never! :anger: And here is what you get.. :bloodlust:

[cue: stop soundtrack]

Jinmenken starts to make an unbearable noise. An earless being could not be able to stand it, let alone a human being.

Tabi: :omg: Naniooo?? My head will explode!!
Hikaru: My ears!! :nophoto:
Tabi: (falls on her knees desperately trying to cover her ears hard enough)
Hikaru: Can't....take it.....anymore..... *falls on the floor* :nophoto:

[#cue: Kalafina – Al Fine (starts from 00:42]

Tabi: Hic...chan.... :comeback: .....come...on....just a....litt..le...bit...more.... (barely stands up and tries to walk towards him)
Jinmenken: Hah, a tough player, aren't you? :ohoho: Let's see how do you handle this! (raises voice to a higher frequency)
Tabi: (falls on her knees again) Yaaaaaaaaaaah! :nophoto: Nooooo...can't...give...up...yet...(starts crawling slowly)
Jinmenken: Then let me give you some impulse! (makes himself louder)
Tabi: Noooo.. :comeback: ....can't...noo....*faints*....

. . . .

Megy: (leans her head on her hand) Ittai nanio....?... (turns around herself) :omgz: Casa-chan, daijobu??
Casa: My head is still shaking... :blood:
Megy: :swt: Can you get up? (gives her a hand)
Casa: Thanks... :nophoto: That was dangerous!
Keiko: Yes, and somehow I have a big feeling it wasn't a coincidence! :nophoto:
Megy: Keiko-sama! Are you okay? Thank you so much for saving us! :bow:
Casa: Hai, thank you! :bow:
Keiko: Anytime! :sparkleguy: I'm just fine! :V:
Casa and Megy: :dote: :dote:
Casa: So you think he may have set that tremor up? :ayashii:
Keiko: I wouldn't be surprised. After all, he invited us here and called it 'a trial lair'. :nophoto: Since he'd figured that we won't be separating he had to reproduce a disaster to do it forcibly. After all, it would be easier for him to defeat a less number of pople one by one :glasses:
Megy: So you wanna say... :ayashii:
Keiko: Yep, there is probably many terrific things waiting for us ahead :glasses:
Megy: :swt: Just great.. :desksweat:
Casa: So we should better be on guard all the time and stick close in order not to be separated again :glasses: It would be very bad if someone was left alone! :listen:

*Yuuka on the other side: :spotlight: *
Megy: There will probably be delusions to lure us in a trap. We carefully check them out before falling for them. :listen: Alright, let's go! Can you walk, Casa-chan?
Casa: :uh..: You're overreacting a bit. You should worry about yourself more, you're bleeding. (points at Megys' hand)
Megy: :omgz: I am? (looks at hand) :uh..: I didn't notice.. (takes bandages out of her backpack and starts to fold her wound) :nophoto:
Keiko and Casa: :ghost: :ghost: Eeeeeeeeh? You carry that with yourself??
Megy: Of course! :glasses: It's prudent for me to have it by hand all the time. Especially in a situation like this! :listen:
Keiko and Casa: :spotlight: :spotlight:

They head onwards
Megy: So I wonder what kind of 'trials' will be waiting for us? :uh..:
Casa: Probably something stupid and ridiculous :ayashii: Somehow I can't think of a beanbrain like him to have any clever or impressive ideas :plot:
Megy: :XD:
Keiko: Well said :ayashii: :XD: But we must be careful anyway. He is a sick man after all, he could do anything and not care! :listen:

Suddenly a three sluggish beings jump in front of them and start crawling towards them.

Megy and Casa: :uh..: :uh..: Oh please..give me a break! (look at each other) :plot: :plot: (turn around) Keiko-samaaaaaaaaaaa!! :cry: :cry: (start clinging to Keiko)
Keiko: :swt: Eh? Oh.. :uh..: (defeats them with one hand) My, girls...How will you face a freckle-freak if you are scaredy-cats like this? :uh..:
Megy and Casa: Hahhahaah,'s not just surprised us, that's all...

Keiko: :uh..: Really? All right then, I shall protect you if that happens again :sparkleguy:
Megy and Casa: :nosebleed: :nosebleed:
Casa: Just as I thought, nothing actually serious. If it continues like this, it will be a peace of cake :ohoho:
Megy: :omgz: Um..Casa-chan..I need to tell you something... :spotlight:
Casa: Eh? What is it? :confu:
Megy: Well,
Casa: What? :white: Are you trying to..?? :uh..:
Megy: :fwa: Eh? What? No!! :desksweat: I wanted to tell you that you have a spider on your shoulder but it's too late now since it's on your head already and I'm too arachnophobic to remove it :desksweat:
Casa: Eh, what?? :swt: Noooooo, move iiiiiiit!!!! :nophoto:
Megy: Noooo! :omg: Don't throw it towards me!! :cry:
Keiko: Mou...those two really are totally disfunctional... :desksweat:

...after all that circus was over...

Casa and Megy: :...: :...:
Keiko: :XD:

Suddenly they see a girl with a surgical mask sitting on the floor and looking really deep down.

Keiko: :waii: Waah, a kawaii girl! (runs towards her)
Megy: M-matte yo, Keiko-sama! :swt:
Casa: Yeah, it has to be a trap! :omg:
Keiko: But look at her, poor thing! :cry: (turns to her) Are you ok, need any help? :sparkleguy:
Girl: Eh? I pretty? :plz:
Keiko: :fwa: :dote:
Casa: :uh..: Eh? What's wrong, Megy? :confu:
Megy: :swt: Matte yo, Keiko-sama! Don't answer that, noo!!! :omg:
Keiko: Why of course you are! :innocent:
Megy: Nooooooooooooooooo!!!!!! :vortex:
Casa: What?? :omg:
Girl: Hehehehe, what about now?? (removes her mask to show that her mouth has been slit to ears)
Keiko: N-naniiii?? :omg:
Megy: It's Kuchisake onna!!!! :vortex:
Keiko and Casa: Eeeeeeeeeeeeh?? :omg: :omg: :vortex: :vortex:

[#cue: Kalafina – Destination Unknown]

Kuchisake: Soo, I am waiting for your answer! :knife:
Keiko: This is a big trouble!! :omg: What now, should I say yes? Megy-chan??
Megy: No, if you say yes, she'll do the same to you! :nophoto:
Kuchisake: Exactly! :innocent: (takes out the giant scissors)
Keiko, Megy, Casa: :ghost: :ghost: :ghost: Noooooooooo!!!! :vortex: :vortex: :vortex:
*Megy whispers to girls*
Keiko: What? :waii: Why didn't you say so earlier?? :sparkleguy: Oi you! Kuchis..omething...whatever!
Kuchisake: Eh? :uh..: Its Kuchisake! Ku-chi-sa-ke! :listen:
Keiko: Whatever! :nophoto: Anyway, look what I have! :innocent: (takes out a dozen of chocolates and throws them at Kuchisake)
Kuchisake: Chokoretto!! :waii: :stars: (starts picking them up)
Casa: Ok, now run for iiiiiit!
Girls rush away

[#cue: stop soundtrack]

Megy: Pant...pant..did we lose her?
Keiko: I think we did...

Oh no you didnt!

Keiko, Casa, Megy: :omg: :omg: :omg:

Kuchisake onna appears behind them. She takes her giant scissors and thrusts them into the ground. Ground starts to dangerously shake and then to split.

Keiko: Girls, get away! (pushes Megy and Casa forward as the ground starts to fall apart underneath them, but falls down within the collapsing ground. Kuchisake jumps after her)
Megy: Keiko-samaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!! :touched: (rushed in intention to jump down after them, but is grabbed by Casa)
Casa: Stop, you idiot!! :anger:
Megy: Let me go!!! :wai: :stupidtable:
Casa: If you jump down, you're gonna die, is that what you want?! :anger:
Megy: I don't care!! Let me go! Keiko-samaaa!! :wai:
Casa: Idiot!! :anger: If you die like that, you'll just make her sacrifice be in vain! And what do you tend, leaving me alone in here??
Megy: (stops bucking and looks at the floor) ....I'm sorry...
Casa: Good. :glower: Now let's go find a way to reach the others. Both of us saw Keiko-sans' capability of everything, she is very tough. She survived that definitely.
Megy: Hai :rain: (starts walking) It's pitch black in here. I don't see a finger in front of my nose :uh..:
Casa: And it awfully smells like another trap :glower: Give me your hand, one step away and we could be separated for good. :glower:
Megy: Yes, miss :bow:
Casa: Don't mock me :uh..:
Megy: I'm not :uh..:
Casa: Oh really? :uh..:
Megy: Why do you always think that? :bloodlust:
Casa: I don't know, since we fight all the time! :bloodlust:
Megy: Oh, now you bring that up! Just at the right place! :nophoto:
Casa: So you wanna fight? :stupidtable: All right, come right at me! :knife:
Megy: :nophoto: It's not worth it now. (grabs Casas wrist) Let's just get out of here.
Casa: Oei! We're not finished! Don't just shirk out like that! :nophoto:

Aaaah, what a wonderful friendship you have. I'm a little jealous!

Casa: That voice!
Megy: :glower:

I wish I could have a friend like that. I would never be bored!
*Kuchisake-onna appears in front of them*

Megy: You!! :glower:
Casa: Where is Keiko-sama?! :glower:
Kuchisake: Oh, don't worry about her, I left her in a great care! :innocent:
Megy and Casa: :glower: :glower:
Kuchisake: Now, should we get this over with? I almost feel sorry I will kill off such friends. :plot:
Megy: Casa-chan, get away, I'll handle this!
Casa: No way! I'm not leaving you alone here!
Megy: (turns towards Casa) Why must you always oppose me- (gets slapped) ...
Casa: And why are you always doing this?? Why do you wanna do everything alone?!
Megy: ...
Casa: You must stop being so stubborn! And give your friends a chance sometime!
Megy: .....there is no such thing as friendship in this world.....

[#cue: Kalafina – Kagayaku Sora no Shijima ni wa]

Casa: W-what?
Megy: ...
Casa: You idiot! :anger: What are you saying? Aren't we friends?
Kuchisake: Now...I don't want to interrupt this heart tearing moment, but you're making me wait for too long! :knife: It's about time to play some rock, paper, scissors, and you will be my papers! :knife: (starts approaching them)
Casa: Megy!! Snap out of it, she's coming! :omg:
Megy: ...
Casa: :omg: Unnngh, to hell with it! (takes out her excucumber-looking sword and faces Kuchisake)
Kuchisake: Oh, a brave one :plot: Let's see what you can do, I seriously hope you will entertain me 'till your end! :ohoho: (rushes at Casa with her giant scissors)
Casa: I will never let you get away with everything! :anger: Playing around with us...hurting my friends...laughing at our sorrow...and all for the sake for one twisted mind who feeds his joy on anothers' pain....never...never....UNFORGIVABLE!!!! :anger: :touched: (rushes at Kuchisake with her saber)

A furious battle occurs as a sound of clashing sword and scissors fills the room. Megy stands and watches as the scene comes to open her eyes.

Megy: Casa-chan...but why? You could just run away as I told you..
Casa: Because, we are friends, right? :idol: And, I won't let you have all the credit! :hero:
Megy: Casa-chan.... :fwa: Watch it!!!! (rushes towards them but too late as Kuchisake hits Casa flying on the floor) Casa-chan, are you okay?? :touched:
Casa: My back hurts... :nophoto:
Megy: Oei, don't move, you'll hurt yourself more! :omg: (gets up) You! :glower: :bloodlust: You will pay severely for hurting my friend...and Keiko-sama....and anyone else if you did! Prepare yourself! :anger:

[cue: stop soundtrack]

Kuchisake: Hohoho! :ohoho: Let's see what youve got! (starts to get on to Megy, tempts to stab her but she dodges on side and pricks her with a needle)
Kuchisake: Eh? A needle? A NEEDLE? Ahahahahahahaha! :ohoho: This is getting better and better! Ahahahahahhahaha!
Megy: Oh dear, it's not only a needle, poor child. :glasses:
Kuchisake: Ahahaha-- :ghost:
Megy: Ah, what's wrong? Feeling a sudden pain and swelling on a prick spot? :tea:
Kuchisake: How...what? :barf:
Megy: Don't worry, soon it will turn into necrosis and you'll feel queasiness and headache.. :tea:
Kuchisake: What did you.... :blood:
Megy: :plot: :glasses: You see, before our little trip, I had this intuition to ask a friend of mine a little favor. What you just got through this needle is a poison of a nose horned viper. It's among most dangerous snakes in Europe by its poison. :glasses: Today it's rarely mortal since there is antidote and clinical healing thou. But its very dangerous if you get bitten in head, neck, torso or vein. I don't give you much of a chances :tea:
Kuchisake: Arrghh! :nophoto: :ghost: :blood: I''ll...see.... :imdead:
Casa: Mou, Megy-chan....just when I think I saw it all with you... :uh..:
Megy: Phew! To think that she can get off unharmed after everything :glower: (goes to Casa) You feel better? Can you get up? We should hurry on..
Casa: I think I'll be fine.. :uh..:
Megy: Ne, Casa-chan.. I..I'm sorry, it's all my fault... :bow:
Casa: Oi, it's ok. The important thing is that it finally got in your head! :sparkleguy:
Megy: Casa-chan :plz:

*They go to exit the room*
Casa: Um, do you remember being a door here on this shaft? :uh..:
Megy: Now that you mention it...(tries to open) I cannot open it!! :omg:
Casa: What? You're kidding me! :omg: We're trapped? :swt:
Megy: This is bad! And somehow I don't get the optimistic feeling at all.... :glower:

. . . .

Yuuka: :cry: (goes further) :nophoto: (goes further) :spotlight: (goes further) :...: (goes further) :rain: It's no fun being aloneee :touched: It's boring, I wanna talk to somebody! Wakana-chan, Kei-chan, Kajiura-san, Hiichan, Yuri-chan, Kao-chan, strange girls-tachi, where are you aaaall?! :orz:

*A little rat starts to pass by her*
Yuuka: Aww, kawaii rat-san, are you alone too? :spotlight:

*A rat sniffs her finger and proceeds further*
Yuuka: No, don't go! We can hang around a little, whaddya say? :plz: (hears a sound from the front) Eh, who's there? :confu:

*A human silhouette goes off around the corner*
Yuuka: :fwa: W-Wacchan! I-is that you?

*No answer*
Yuuka: (runs towards it) Wait, Wacchan, it's me, Yuuka! Waiit!! (comes around the corner) Eh? Where is she? :uh..: E-eeeh? So many passages! :omg: Where should I head now? :uh..: Wacchaaaaan! *no answer* Wacchaan, are you here? Answer me! (hears a sound in a room behind the corner) Eh? Wacchan! (goes to the room) Are you here, Wacc-ehh?? :fwa:

*In a room was a girl lying on the floor with her face down. Lower part of her body was underneath a pile of rocks*

Yuuka: (runs towards the girl) Wacchan! A-are you okay, hey, answer me!

*the girl scarcely lifts her head and looks at Yuuka*
Yuuka: Oh, you're not Wacchan. :uh..: But, are you okay, h-how did this happen to you? :omg:
Girl: T-there was that huge tremble..I-I didn't turn around and these rocks were suddenly on me.. :touched:
Yuuka: Oh you poor thing! :plz: Let me help you! (starts to remove the rocks) Are you here because of Victor too?
Girl: Yes....I have some things I have to deal with...he took something important from me..
Yuuka: I know how you feel...he harmed us all.... Say, can you feel your legs?
Girl: Hmhmhmhm!
Yuuka: Wha? I didn't hear well? Can you--eeeeeh? :fwa: (as the girl wasn't there anymore, she turned around to see her lying in the middle of the room)
Girl: I probably would if I had them! :plot:

*As Yuuka took a better look she saw that the girl doesn't have the bottom of her body*
Yuuka: Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!! :nophoto:
Girl: Oh my, what a frequency! :notlistening:
Yuuka: M-masaka! You couldn't be?? :omgz:
Girl: With my head and chin! :innocent: Shall I demonstrate? :innocent: (starts moving towards her)


Yuuka: Ieeeeeee!!!!! :omg: Teke Teke!!!!!! :vortex:
Teke teke: :ohoho: Isn't it fun?? So, shall I give this scaring power to you too? :plot: (takes out her scythe)
Yuuka: Eh? Eh? Noooooo! :vortex:

[#cue: Kalafina – Consolation]

Teke: Oh yes! Now come and let me have you feel this blade! :ohoho:
Yuuka: This? You think that little grass cutter of yours scares me?
Teke: Eh? :omgz:
Yuuka: You obviously don't know who are you dealing with! :glasses: Let me show you then! :plot: (suddenly takes out a huge set of knives and ably handles them with both of her hands) Be hold in front of the master chef of all ages, Yuuka the Mighty! :ohoho:
Teke: Woah, she's sparkling! :swt: Well, that won't stop me! :glower: Yaaaaaa! :kungfu:
*Attacks Yuuka with her scythe, but she skilfully dodges*
Yuuka: :glasses: My dear, let me show you how it's done! :whip: (chops Tekes scythe in several pieces like a cucumber)
Teke: :swt: This woman is crazy!
Yuuka: Sooooo. What shall we do now? :knife:
Teke: Perhaps, regret what you did? :plot: Feel this! :ohoho: (starts throwing pieces of a cut scythe at Yuuka)
Yuuka: Or perhaps not! :kungfu: (defends herself by cutting all the flying pieces with her knives)
Teke: :omg: You monster!!
Yuuka: Oi, isn't that your job in here? :uh..:
Teke: Well, if you didn't act like one, I'd feel more like it :spotlight:
Yuuka: Oh, I'm sorry.... :uh..: Eeh? :fwa: Wait! I'm not a monster! :wai:
Teke: Eeek! :omg: That's what you call a sudden mood change! :uh..: Anywaaaay, shall we finish this? :knife:
Yuuka: I'd be more than happy to! :plot:
Teke: Well then! :plot: (starts rushing towards Yuuka)
Yuuka: Don't think it will be easy! :kungfu: (jumps into the air and throws three knives to sting them in Tekes' body)
Teke: Yaaaaaaaaaaaa!! :blood:
Yuuka: Now how's that? :ohoho:
Teke: You fool! You think you can finish me with that?! I already don't have half of my body!
Yuuka: But! You are moving much slower as I see. :ayashii: Maybe giving me enough time to make you headless? :innocent:
Teke: Eeeeeeek! :omg: :hide:
Yuuka: Sooooooooo :knife:
Teke: :glasses: You're not even aware you did me a favor of lending me some weapons. :plot: (takes out the three knives out of her back and faces Yuuka)
Yuuka: Oh crap, this will be endless! :omg:

As they fight for a long time, Teke manages to corner Yuuka, but suddenly a rock hits her head.

Teke: Ow :blood:
Voice: No one does evil deeds and goes off unpaid!
Yuuka: Eh? :waii: Eeeeh? Wacchan! :sohappy:
Wakana: Yo! :sparkleguy:
Yuuka: You mean evil person! Don't go rushing off like that, we all were so worried! :touched: (lightly fist bumps Wakana)
Wakana: Sorry, but I can't let him get away :bow: So, shall we go and find that bastard? :voodoo:
Yuuka: Hai! Ikimashou! :sohappy: (but suddenly a hand grabs her ankle)
Teke: You're not getting away just that easily! :bloodlust:
Wakana: :nophoto: You really don't know when to stop, do you?!?!
Yuuka: Wacchan, this will go on forward, I'll meet with all of you when I finish here.
Wakana: Are you nuts?? :omg: I'm not going anywhere! We'll do this together!
Yuuka: Believe me, this is a tough one, we should not waste our time! :listen: Go find the others, I'll catch up! You know me, I have a capability to do this! :goodjob:
Wakana: Okay... :uh..: But don't you dare to lose! :innocent: (goes off. In her mind: Don't you dare! :TdT: )
Yuuka: Now, let's end this once and for all! :knife:
Teke: Music to my ears! :knife:


. . . .

Tabi: Nnnnnghh... :nophoto:
Cerise: Tabi-chan, you're awake! :plz:
Casa: Eh, she's finally coming to?
Tabi: What's happening? (tries to move her hand to hold her head onto it but can't) W-what the?? :fwa: We are tied? What happened? :swt: Wait...I think I was that crazy dog...
Cerise: A dog? :uh..:
Hikaru: I'm sorry,'s my fault...I didn't do anything to oppose him.. :nophoto: :rain:
Tabi: H-Hicchan! You too? :swt:'s ok, it's not your fault... :fwa: Eeeeh? Casa, Megy....Yuuka-san?? :omg: What in the world is going on here??
Megy: Seems, that we all got caught in some way...
Yuuka: I cannot believe I lost for such a ridiculous reason... :rain:
Casa: So what do we do now? :uh..:
Cerise: We have to free ourselves somehow. :glower:
Victor: That won't be so easy, dear child :groucho: (comes in from another room)
Everyone: You!! :glower: :glower: :glower: :glower: :glower: :glower:
Victor: Oh ho ho, what a nice collection I have gathered here! :plot: Quite priceless, don't you think? :ayashii:
Yuuka: What do you want?? :wai:

#cue: Kalafina - Kagayaku Sora no Shijima ni wa

Victor: Isn't that obvious? :groucho: I want revenge! :bloodlust: I will avenge all my failures caused by you by cleaning you up! :anger: But I might just leave one or two goddesses on life and make them my wives :love:
Everyone: :barf: :barf: :barf: :barf: :barf: :barf:
Casa: Crazy idiot :bloodlust:
Victor: :ohoho: The other ones are doing quite nice in the trials. But soon enough they shall fall too. Then I'm going to have a full collection! :love:
Cerise: Heaven help us.. :uh..:
Victor: (slowly walking around them) Soooooo, what should I do with all of you? :knife:
Everyone: :swt: :swt: :swt: :swt: :swt: :swt:
Megy: Let us go, perhaps? :glower:
Victor: Silence, you brat!! :anger: Don't even consider that as an option. :knife:
*starts coddling girls' faces with a shotgun*
Yuuka: Why?? Why are you doing this? :touched:
Victor: Because when I set my mind on something, I will do it for sure! :bloodlust: And, I don't know for you, but this is pretty much entertaining :plot:
*continues to coddle everyones' faces with a shotgun*
Everyone: :omg: :omg: :omg: :omg: :omg: :omg: :touched: :touched: :touched: :touched: :touched: :touched:
Victor: So, should I start...extinguishing you? :knife: (points a gun towards Megy) Since you were so smart to give me suggestions, I should start off with you? :innocent:
Megy: :swt: :glower: (mixture of those two onions)
Victor: Oh, wait! I just got an great idea! :ohoho: I don't have to kill you. Not right now, that's it! I can first play around a bit so you could taste that sorrow of desperation! :plot: :knife:
Tabi: Don't dare! You sick bastard! :anger:
Victor: Sorry, girl. I wish I could fulfill your wish but unfortunately for you, I'm the boss in here! :groucho: So let's see how it will work! (points a shotgun at Megy's arm)
Cerise: You are horrible, stop it!! :omg:
Hikaru and Yuuka: :touched: :touched:
Casa: Stop right now! :anger:
Megy: You wouldn't! :bloodlust:
Victor: Test me! :plot: (shoots Megy's arm)
Cerise, Tabi, Hikaru, Yuuka, Casa: :swt: :swt: :swt: :swt: :swt:
Megy: Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!! :orz:
Casa: M-Megy-chan! :omg:
Victor: Oh, don't worry! You are next! :ohoho: (points a gunshot at Casa) Let's see....ha! (points at her thigh)
Casa: :swt: :anger:
Megy: (cries out of pain and rage) Don't you dare to do it!! :anger: As soon as we're free, I swear I'm gonna kill you with my bare hands!!! :voodoo:
Victor: Ahahaha, really? :ohoho: Then let's see how are you gonna do it! (shoots)
Casa: Iyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!
Megy: Casaaaa! :touched:
Everyone else: :omg: :omg: :omg: :omg:
Victor: You amuse me too much! :ohoho: (turns to Yuuka) Sooo, here is one of the goddesses! :ayashii: (coddles her face with a shotgun) I wonder what shall I do? :knife:
Yuuka: :ghost: You evil sick person! If only my hands were free... :bloodlust:
Hikaru: He is totally nuts! He is really going to do it to us all! :omg: :touched:
Tabi: We need to break free somehow or we are seriously doomed! :glower: But how?
Cerise: I don't know, but we need to do it urgently! Casa and Megy need help! :TdT: And if we don't unleash ourselves somehow, we're under the ground! :TdT:
Casa: I-I think I'm losing it..
Megy: C-Casa-chan, hang in there! :omg: -- I'm....not much better, either.. :blood:
Victor: Hm, should I or should I not? :plot: (points a shotgun randomly over Yuuka)
Keiko: You should NOT! :bloodlust:
Victor: Huh? (turns around)
Everyone: Minna! :plz: :plz: :plz: :plz:

casarina26 said:
Victor: What? But how? :omg:
Yuki: You underestimated our minds, playboy! :knife:
Kaori: I see you've done quite a mess, think you can just pass on away with it? :knife:
Victor: Now now, you think you hold all the cards, don't you? :ohoho: If you want to see your little friends here live a little longer, you will do as I say! :knife: (points a shotgun at them) Not that you have any choice :plot:

[#cue: stop soundtrack]

casarina26 said:
Keiko: Hmph! Tch! You think you can hold us back with that toy?! See how wrong you are! (curves a pipe of his shotgun with only one hand)
Victor: :omg: :swt: (tries to run off to get another shotgun)
Keiko: Cease him!! :anger:

Yuriko and Kaori jumped and tripped him. As he fell they cramped him.
Yuki: (stands above him) Now let's have a little chat :knife:
Victor: :swt:

[#cue: Kalafina – Door]
Wakana: (unties Tabi and Cerise) Daijobu ka, girls? :sparkleguy:
Tabi and Cerise: W-Wacchan! :nosebleed: :nosebleed: Thank you! :bow: :bow:
Wakana: Please, no need to thank me! After all, I owe you one for saving me at the airport :innocent:
Tabi and Cerise: You owe us nothing for we shall always be in your service, Wakana-sama! :hero: :hero:
Wakana: My.. :shy: (unties Yuuka) Saaay, didn't you promise me you'll beat that half-women thing? :knife:
Yuuka: see...things went wrong a bit :rain:
Wakana: ... It's ok! Important part is that we are all in one piece! :sparkleguy:
Yuuka: Well, that wouldn't be true either... :uh..:
Keiko: (unties Hikaru) Hicchan, my love! Are you okay? Did that beanbrain jerk do anything to you?
Hikaru: Kei-chaaaan! :cry: (jumps into Keiko's arms) It was horrible! :cry: But Tabi-chan there protected me so I am fine! :plz:
Kaiko: Oh, is that so? :glasses: (turns towards Tabi) I thank you for standing by my beloved waifu and making her safe! I shall reward you as soon as we're finished here :bow:
Tabi: K-K-Kei-chan! :nosebleed: Hai, that was no problem for me! :hero:
Keiko: (proceeds to untie Casa and Megy) Omg, w-what happened here? :omg: I can't leave you two alone for one hour, and this is what I find? :uh..:
Megy: I....It's
Keiko: What?? He dared to :bloodlust:
Megy: Please....Keiko-sama....someone call the ambulance....Casa-chan is....nngh..
Keiko: Woah, take it easy! :omg: You are hardly injured too. Don't worry, you'll be fine, we'll call it right now :sparkleguy: Oh, and from now on, I shall keep an eye on you two all the time :innocent:
Tabi and Cerise: (rush towards them) Casa-chan! Megy-chan! :touched: :touched:
Keiko: Megy-chan has bandages, right? Let's compress and fold their wounds to lessen the bleeding! :listen:
Yuuka: Ambulance is already on their way! How are they doing?
Hikaru: Are they okay? :omg:
Cerise: They both lost consciousness! :omg:
Tabi: C'mon girls! You've gotta stay with us! :TdT:
Keiko: Don't panic. They are still fairly showing sings of life, I don't think they're in a grave danger yet. And ambulance is just to arrive!
Yuki: (after chit-chatting with Victor) Did I make myself clear? :knife:
Victor: :swt:

The sirens of ambulance suddenly rip the silence. Yuuka runs outside to lead the doctors to the spot.
Paramedic 1: Woah, what happened here? And why are such children in a place like this? :omg:
Paramedic 2: You can rack your mind about it later! We have an emergency here! :listen: Those two need a surgery as soon as possible! Let's go!

As they carried them away on stretchers, everybody was looking after them.
Yuki: Be safe, girls! We will pray for you and come see you as soon as we're finished here. :bow:

As they were distracted by that moment, Victor used an opportunity to break free. He quickly rushed towards the neighboring room, thus leaving an echo of his psychotic laugh.

Keiko: Oh no! I think he holds weapons there! :swt: We must hurry! :omg:
Everyone: :omg: :omg: :omg: :omg: :omg: :omg: (rush there)
Cerise: Ne, Wakachan! If...there is a need, let us..fight with all of you..
Wakana: (puts a hand on her shoulder) Don't worry, we can handle it! :sparkleguy: Go with your friends, they need you now!
Cerise: Really? W-Wacchan! :plz: (in her mind: Breathe deeply, Cerise, breathe deeply! Don't squirt her with your nose blood, you don't want that!) Tabi-chan, let's go!
Tabi: Thank you, Waka-chan! :plz: :bow:
Wakana: (pats her) Go now! :sparkleguy:
Tabi: *in her mind* Hold your nose, hold your nose, hold your nose...
*they rush off after the ambulance car*
Wakana: Now, time to show that bastard who's the boss! :hero:

. . . .

Megy: ....nnnghhh...this unreasonably cold....where am
Casa: ...seems like...we gained ourselves a surgery...
Megy: that so?...
Megy:, Casa-chan.....
Casa: Yeah?
Megy: .....we'll live....right?...
Casa: ...I surely...hope much...
Megy: ....I know...that pain......but we will survive it...promise?...
Casa: ...promise...
Doctor: Alright, it's about time!
*they were taken in different operating rooms*

. . . .

Casa: (opens eyes) So white... (squints)
Tabi: Casa-chan! You're awake! :sohappy:
Cerise: Finally! :w00t:
Casa: Huh? Seems so *grins*

Ending: Kalafina - Manten (plays in background of the happenings below)

Casa: Where is Megy-chan?
Cerise: She is at the intensive care so they won't let us see her yet. You were brought in around half an hour ago from there so we suppose she will be arriving soon too.
Tabi: They said she will be just fine in no time! No harder damage! :innocent:
Casa: Ah, yokatta..
Tabi: And you should be fine too! Doctors said you weren't hit in a bone or nerve so there won't be any consequences and shortly you'll be as good as new! :goodjob:
Casa: Happy to hear that..I was a bit worried :uh..:
Tabi: Yeah :tea: But both of you will have to be in the hospital for some short time, that is clear thou.

Really, girls! You can't do anything without me, can you?

Casa, Tabi, Cerise: :omgz: :omgz: :omgz: Eeeeh? That voice!

A person enters a room: Long time no see! I guess we'll have to refresh our plan a little bit! :V:

What will Victor do next?
Will the girls manage against him?
Who is the mysterious person who aids Tabi, Casa, Megy and Cerise?
And how will the plan be refreshed?
Tune in next time!

Ok, so that's it!
Me hides from you because I know you want to kill me :hide:
I know I overdid it much, so if you don't like it, scold me as much as you want! :spotlight: (especially Casa-chan ><)
And sorry for big amount of emotions in there. I was pretty distressed lately so I guess it affected my writing too :uh..:

Well on with, I guess you suggest who I have in mind as our mysterious person? Especially since we were mentioning her in threads Casa? :innocent:
Well, put whoever you want, I just thought of her since she's somehow one of us :desksweat: :cry:

Anyway, hope you had fun, here are next pics:




^ care for deathglare Wakana? :psst: /flees :XD:


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^ Megyyyy! *hugs* Thanks and wonderful job! :nosebleed:

OH WOW...I learnt more about Japanese ghost legends! Ah it was a really roller-coaster ride!

:knife: I want to kill Victor as well now...

And yup I know who you are referring to... :plot: :XD: