The picture captions game!

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everybody, i just want to say that this whole thread is fabulous and you all are fabulous and as a long time lurker the stories in here have given me so many laughs everybody around me nowadays thinks i'm crazy :ohoho:

no seriously though i love you all :TdT: :love:

uh, if you'll accept me, can i also join in? or rather, i don't want to be a part of the fic, but i can caption a couple of pictures maybe??? i don't even know i'm sorry for intruding :bow: :cry:
^ No problem!

Welcome and see you around this thread! :sohappy:

Maybe you can help us out, the next fic we write? or this one too if you have any brainwaves!
Hahahah, ib thanks!
And no problem, this is an open thread so no worries! :V: See you!

As for the next ep, I gained some light ideas that should yet be worked out, but I dont think Ill manage to write it down before I go on vacation.
So still if any ideas are up, or if Tabi or Cerise rise up to life again.... :XD: :desksweat:

~The day of the photoshoot~

Keiko: *skips into room* Ahhh, Wacchan, Hii-tan~ :sohappy:

Wakana and Hikaru: Kei-chan~ :sohappy:

~All three flock together in a huddle to discuss that they've been doing in the break leading up to this day because everybody in the picture captions thread has seem to have hit a rut in writing :ohoho: :punched: ~

Hikaru: You guys know me. I just slept and wrote poetry. :tea:

Wakana: I tried my best to learn how to surf :hero: Alas, I only got to see one shark and my instructors didn't let me keep it :rain:

Keiko: I've used this well-deserved break to train once again in the mountains. :sparkleguy: I have truly reached a DBZ-style body :ohoho: *grabs the other two by their waists like always* :sparkleguy: :sparkleguy:

Keiko: *continues flirting* :sparkleguy:

Hikaru and Wakana: :ohoho: :shy: :shy:

Photography Crew: :uh..:

Photography Crew: :...:

Photography Crew: :leaf:

Photography Crew: :wai: DON'T IGNORE USSS! We have jobs to do today :glower:

Kalafina: :omgz: Oh yes, that's right... whoops! :ohoho:

~The girls get into position, but after such a long time without her harem fellow singers, Keiko couldn't help but disrupt the photoshoot with her doting.~

Photographer: :leaf: :glower: This isn't going to workkkk! :desksweat: Let's see... I know, I'll just ask them to change their positions since Keiko's the ringleader in all this hyperness, and if Hikaru's in the middle, she should be able to calm both Keiko and Wakana down. Hey Keiko-samaaaa! Could you please switch places with Hikaru? :innocent:

Keiko: WhhhaaAAATTT?! Are you asking me to separate from my girls already?! :blood:

Photographer: :white: I-it's only for the one photo.... please don't hurt me :hide:

Wakana: It's okay Kei-chan. After this, we'll all go for ice cream and then share more of our vacation stories, okay? *thinks to herself* and now i'll get a rare close moment with hikaru as well... :plot: :dote:

Hikaru: *thinking* wait... but this way keiko still stands next to me, right? why is she so upset?! does she really want to be around wakana that much?!! :rain:

~After much grumbling from Keiko, she gave her acquiescence and moved spots with Hikaru, who also for some reason seemed to be rather disgruntled.~

Hikaru: Hmmph. *moves closer to Wakana*

Keiko: :omg: What did I do?!?! :leaf:

~And for once, all three made totally serious faces ( :glower: ) at the camera, much to the photography crew's relief ( :desksweat: ) and fear ( :hide: ) ~

.... woah, i made this too long :desksweat: i'm sorry guys *runs away* i uh, will leave the other photo for operation stolenfina, my post is too long for a mere captioning :uh..: i'll just leave one gif here


edited for typos
^ ahahaha, poor Keiko :XD:
Wait, what was Wakanas reason to have a deadly serious face? xD
So I guess now your pic goes for the continuation? :confu: Along with the other one.

Bulmafox said:
I want to say that I really enjoy Operation Stolenfina, too.
:omgz: We have readers!
Thank you! :bow:
Please continue to support us by further reading our work! :bow: :XD:
Commenting is welcome as well
Megy said:
:omgz: We have readers!

hehe... i told you i wasn't the only lurker here :ohoho: :psst:

as to wakana's reason why she had a :glower: face... she had to keep up appearances after all :plot: that and i don't think she's very comfortable in photos that much anyways, so it's pretty much her default expression...

yep, to recap, i guess the pics that are now available to use are:


Anyway, I'll be absent for around ten days, maybe a bit more. I may get a chance to access the internet and forums but wont manage the time to write..
When I get back, I'll try to make something out of those ideas...
Until then I'll still hope Cerisechan or Tabichan will miraculously appear.. :desksweat:

MegyTomitatsu said:
^ ahahaha, poor Keiko :XD:
Wait, what was Wakanas reason to have a deadly serious face? xD

Because she was separated from Keiko.

Is there any person out there who would like to post for the Goddess of Music/Eternal Blue/Musae/Yuki Chronicles story that's all but buried in the earlier pages? :ayashii: Especially Cerise, Tabi, Feli and Kuromew-san?!

If not, I've this desire to wrap up the last part of the story once and for all, before we move on to the rest of the PCG and whereever our imaginations take us. :XD:

But if anyone would like to try lemme know. :XD:
t-the finale to the epic amazing utahime-fanfic.... :omgz: i do think it's about time to wrap it up -- i'm looking forward to reading the ending! :love: :TdT: :bow:
Sorry for not being around, guys...I'm really busy right now with exams and finishing high school and all yeah :spotlight:

I have a Kalafairytale story on my computer that I never posted, if anyone's interested :plot:


WELCOMMMEE BBBBAAAAACCCCKKKKK! :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:

Missed you tons!

I have a Kalafairytale story on my computer that I never posted, if anyone's interested :plot:

want. want. want. want. want. want. :gimmeh: :gimmeh:
omigod, it's cerise! i've never actually talked to you, but i just want to say that your imagination has given me hours of laughter :ohoho: :love: :shy:

also yes. please share the kalafairytale. i beg of you. OP plz :imdead:

^ oh, thank you Immie, I am so flattered :shy: :chuu:

Well, just a quickie...
ImmortalBirdcage said:

*Keiko, sitting along on some steps trying to practice how to propose to Wakana*

Keiko: :confu: Maybe like this? "WAKANA. MARRY ME." *sweeps hands dramatically* No, that's not right... :uh..: let's try again..."WAKANA. MARRY ME." :...: Arggh no, I can't get it right. Again! :anger: "WAKANA. MARRY ME!" (x100, or for as long as that gif keeps looping)

:XD: I guess the next person can use the other image that was provided? :innocent: Boy, I miss doing these :XD:
^ :shy:

And the WaaKei trench I've fallen into gets even deeper now...... :psst:

I don't have any ideas for the moment, sorry. :bow: Will wait for someone else, sorry.
:nosebleed: the k/w wedding plans never fail to make me laugh :dote: :ohoho:

... i don't exactly have any ideas for the remaining photo either... i'll put this one up if anyone wants to try then? h/k needs love too </3 :TdT:


:sparkleguy: Hey guys. Im sorry for being absent for a long long long long long long long long long long time

I'll be a little more active by the weekend. So see you guys soon :hi:

I'd better start reading stuff to get back on track. :uh..:

tabete.mio said:

:sparkleguy: Hey guys. Im sorry for being absent for a long long long long long long long long long long time

Tabi! :sohappy: :sohappy:

Heh. Welcome back!