The picture captions game!

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ImmortalBirdcage said:
:nosebleed: the k/w wedding plans never fail to make me laugh :dote: :ohoho:

... i don't exactly have any ideas for the remaining photo either... i'll put this one up if anyone wants to try then? h/k needs love too </3 :TdT:


Wakana: See, minna-san? This is what I have to put up with; Keiko the player.

omfg bulma, i laughed :ohoho: :goodjob:

Bulmafox said:

Hikaru: I've found a way to make a heart-shape with these wrist thingies instead of using my hands... Now if only I can conserve more energy by finding a shortcut to doing peace signs, too. :plot:

she's the best hikko ever, srsly

^hohoho :ohoho: Ofcourse ofcouse. Hicchan is Kawaii.

@Casa: So.. I'll be waiting for that finale you were talking about. :knife: No Stress. No Pressure :plot: :plot:
^ :hide:

I'll be busy as hell till mid-sept. (prob MIA) Then I'll knuckle down.

In the meantime, if anyone wants to continue I won't stop you.

If anyone wants to continue Stolenfina I won't stop you either.

And is it just me but now it's Megy's turn to go MIA??!!

Megy-chan, where are you? :plz:
^i will happily and impatiently await the finale.... :knife: :knife: :ohoho:

i think megy will be gone for a couple more weeks right? miss her, though :comeback: :TdT:

we should keep the thread active though... anybody who wants to caption, please caption! :bow: these are the ones that are up:



actually, iirc... didn't kuga leave this one too? :XD:


Keiko: I can make a picture of a shark swim on Wacchan's hand! :sparkleguy:

Wakana: Really?! :plz:

Keiko: Watch! :sparkleguy: Abracadabra! Jiggly-pokey, bwanda-bum, lalalalalala....*continues to murmur* EHHH??!! eh??!!! How come it doesn't work?! *still waving her fingers*

Hikaru: :ohoho:

Wakana: half :ohoho: half :uh..: Are you sure you can do this?

ImmortalBirdcage said:

Kitteh: They announced Yuki Kajiura live vol. 10 DVD whhhheeeeen???? :waii: :waii: :waii:

I'm never gonna let that rest... :cry: but we can always dreeaammmm :TdT:
^ Yes... Wheeeeennnnnnn? :uh..:

@Casa: Since I have time, lemme continue the ETERNAL BLUE story, but it'll be really short and the finale is still in your hands. :plot:

Now I'm asking permission from everyone because I plan to destroy a few characters. :knife: :knife: Soo.. anyone wants to stop me?

These several months of hiatus made me a little off in the head :XD: I missed the girls :spotlight:

casarina26 said:
In the meantime, if anyone wants to continue I won't stop you.

If anyone wants to continue Stolenfina I won't stop you either.

My stand. :plot:

Have fun! :ayashii:


Just make sure you don't kill off... the main true characters. :knife:
mio, if you kill off the true main characters... :knife:

but yes! a continuation! :sohappy:
So sorry about this.. I seem not to know which pictures to caption so I just picked some pictures from google. I hope thats ok? :ohoho: :plot:

(#cue: Point Zero - Fate Zero OST 1)

Complete Goddess: Now Phodei, you have done so much harm to innocent people. I shall not tolerate such deeds! *is about to stab Phodei with the sword*

*maniacal laughter*

Phodei: Do you think I plan to surrender that easily? *laughs* :plot: Not just yet. We haven't ever gone to the best part of my plan yet. :knife: *looks at the Goddess with excitement* Soon all the characters will gather and then it will all be over. Very soon... :glower:

A blinding light burst at where Phodei was laying.

Everyone: :omg: :omg: :omg:

When the light disappeared there was no trace of Phodei nor Adonia.

Keiko: :fwa: HEY! :glower: He has escaped YET AGAIN!

Kaori: -eto- What now? :uh..: We have to stop him, right? I'm a little worried about that plan he was talking about.

Yuriko: Kao-chan, youre right.. *to the goddess* Kaji- eto - Goddess-san, What do you plan to do? :confu:

Complete Goddess: ... *looks at where Phodei was last seen, thinking deeply*

Yuriko: *felt ignored* -eto- mushi-mushi... :spotlight: Godde... UH! :fwa: look what is that? :omg:


A crack starts to form in the middle of the room. It continues to grow at an alarming rate.

All Angels, Magical girls and Instrumentalist: :omg: :omg: :omg: What is happening now?

Complete Goddess: So this is what he was talking about. Now I understand :glasses:

Kaori: :confu: What do you mean, Kaji-megami-san?

Complete Goddess:*points at the unnatural occurrence in the center of the room* That is a rupture... on space.

Wakana: Meaning? :uh..:

Complete Goddess: To explain it clearly. :groucho: You must understand that a world, for example, the human world is like a room. It is completely isolated from other rooms by walls and ceilings so as no occupant of other rooms may enter. But when one part of the wall is, lets say chipped off then those other occupant may enter whenever they want.

Hikaru: Still not getting it. :desksweat:

Complete Goddess :desksweat: How about this. He plans to make a pathway that can lead to the other worlds, like the metaworld or "nowhere"

Yuuka: Oh I get it! :waii: Like teleportation! thats so nice of him :dote:

Kaori: Uh- I dont think thats nice at all Yuuka-san :uh..:

Complete Goddess: Kaori is right. Those pathways from other worlds is far from nice. It is a catastrophe. :glasses:

Everyone except Sebastian: Why? :confu:

Complete Goddess: There is a reason why worlds are isolated... And that is to keep the "balance". The inhabitants of a world must stay in their respective places so as not to affect or cause harm to those from other worlds. Not all inhabitants are friendly. Some of them are dangerous and can cause destruction if brought to a gentler world.

Everyone except Sebastian: What!? :fwa: :swt: :swt: :omg:

Sebastian: That is correct. :knife: Once those crack or soon-to-be passage ways are completed, blood thirsty creatures can access any world they want. Feeding on flesh of you fragile humans :plot:

Keiko: Hey! :glower:

Sebastian: That is no joke. :glasses: I've seen some of those worlds. And you cannot imagine the gruesome condition they are in. You wouldn't want them near your world at all. :knife:

Keiko: :glower: :glower:

Complete Goddess: That is enough Sebastian. Your explanaition is causing more panic than helping.

Sebastian: My apologise my Lady Goddess. :bow: But what I state is the truth. It is so true that I also fear for my world.

Magical Girls: *steps in* As do we Lady Goddess. :uh..:

Sebastian: As much as I want to stop Phodei myself, I cannot leave my world unattended from the dangers that are lurking with this development. So please my Lady Goddess. I wish to be excused from this battle.

Madoka: In behalf of my sisters, I also wish that you excuse us Lady Goddess. We fear for our own world as well. We wish to protect it.

Complete Goddess: I understand. Do what you see fit.

Sebastian and magical girls: We thank you Lady Goddess :bow:

Sebastian and the magical girls all left for their own world

Complete Goddess: You heard them. This is a critical situation. I also fear for our world. :blood:

Everyone: Tell us what to do and we shall take action :hero: :hero:

Wakana: Do you want us to track Phodei and destroy him? :glower:

Keiko: Or we can torture him before destroying him? :glower:

Hikaru: :glower: Or better yet.. sleep and let it all pass by :dote:

Complete Goddess: :desksweat: Uh- No. :uh..: We have a bigger issue to handle. So I want to entrust this duty to you all.

Everyone: What do you want us to do Goddess?

Complete Goddess: I want you to go back to the real world.

Everyone: Ehh? :fwa: Why

Complete Goddess: Because I fear that the world is in danger from those inhabitants that I was talking about. So I want you to protect it, protect everyone with all your strength. The world needs its protectors. At this very moment, at this crucial moment, the world needs you all. The guardians and the Angels. So I ask everyone to cooperate with one another.

Yuriko: How about Phodei?

Complete Goddess: This situation was originally me and Phodei's problem so I will take responsibility and deal with him myself.

Hitoshi: But! He is a dangerous opponent! We cannot leave you alone with him!

Complete Goddess: Hitoshi. Do not fear. I understand your worries, especially that I take the form of two of your most precious treasures. I will not cause Yuki and Your mother any harm. My powers alone can defeat Phodei. Once everything is finish then, we all can go back to what we were before. *smiles genuinely*

Hitoshi: *serious face* I shall worry no more. Please be safe Goddess. We will await your return to the human world.

Complete Goddess: Thank you.

(#cue: Stop Soundtrack)


(#cue: The beginning of the end- Fate Zero)

Kaori, You are a very loving and caring girl, I want you to use your powers to protect those who are dear to you.

Yuriko, You are the eldest and most mature within the Angels. Guide them and keep them from being weak.

Yuuka, Such a gentle soul. Protect your sisters.

Wakana, Keiko, Hikaru, Your connections with each other is stronger that anything else. Use that to your advantage and defeat anyone that comes to keep you from your goal.

My Instrumentalist, the most reliable and strong bunch I've ever met. Destroy anyone that wants to harm OUR world and keep my Angels safe.

Everyone: :cry: :cry: *Goes to hug the Goddess*

Complete Goddess: Dont worry my children. It will be over very soon. And everything will be alright, you'll see.

One by one they let go of the Goddess and hesitantly entered the Portal Sato has created that leads to the Human world: Yuriko, Kaori, Yuuka, the instrumentalist and then....

Keiko: I'm sorry, I cannot do this. I want to... help her.

Hikaru: :omg: Eh? who is "her"

Complete Goddess: Keiko..

Keiko: Now that I am at my ANgel mode, I recall all the memories I have in my past life. And what I recall is that Adonia is never a horrible person. She is sweet, kind and loving. Not like the Adonia we see now. She was very close to me before. So I want to save her now. If my hunch is correct she is with Phodei now. Please Goddess let me bring Adonia back.

Hikaru: I want to ask that as well Goddess, for Keiko' sake.

Keiko: Hicchan :plz: I know you wouldn't leave me. *looks at Wakana*

Wakana: Why are you looking at me? I want to stay with Sato-sama. :plot:

Keiko: :plz: *flashes most adorable pleading face she ever has*

Wakana: :swt: *thingking* Why is my heart beating really fast

Keiko: :plz: :plz: *Charisma level over 9000*

Wakana: :swt: :swt: *thinking* No I will not give in to someone I barely know

Keiko: :plz: :plz: :plz: :plz: *Charisma level meter >>> :imdead: *

Wakana: Alright Alright! I'm coming too. :desksweat: Sheeesh.

Complete Goddess: Such noble actions. I like it. Alright we shall track Phodei. :innocent:

Sato: Then I shall take my leave too. I will just inform the others about the change of plans.

Complete Goddess: Yes please.

Sato: *went and hold Wakana's hand* My princess, I know you are very strong but please be careful. :hero:

Wakana: Sato-sama :shy:

Keiko: :blood:

Sato left for the human world

(#Cue: Betrayer- fate zero)

Meanwhile in the Human world

What is that?

What is happening?

Oh no! How could this happen?

I'm scared!



Please No! NOOOOOoooo!

Get out of the WAAAYY!


What should we do?


(#cue: Ending theme- Consolation) Kalafina

In Nowhere

Phodei: *laughing* You think you can stop me? Maybe you are forgetting that your powers are all from the hopes and beliefs of humans! And right now, they are not doing so well. So no powers for you Gods and Guardians! *laughs* Even the council falls to me. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! ADONIA! DESTROY THEM ALL!

:blood: :blood: :blood: Next poster can use the Pictures that were still not captioned. :@_@:
Next poster can include Mori Yasunori at a Kaori Oda show because that's where I just met him - before the show actually (-:.
^just give us the pic and we'll see :plot:

applause for mio! you managed to cut away about half of the characters and set up yet another conflict :goodjob: also reading what keiko says... i instantly got reminded of her ex-waifu ayaka :psst: :punched: but yes, i agree with bulma. i didn't wanna caption that pic because it seemed like a perfect ending scene for the epic fics in this thread :XD: :TdT:

i'll put some pics up as well (apologies in advance for poor quality OTL):



^ :fwa: Ma-masaka...! :ghost: The real appearance of Adonia is actually Ayaka?! :omg: :omg: That is some revelation! :plot: :plot:

So sorry guys. I think I complicated it a bit because I had a little urge to involve so many people in the grand finale. Oh well... :whip: Good luck Casa-chan! :dote: :dote:
:woot: Tabi-chan, you're awesome! :goodjob:

Really nice story! I'll put mine up as fast as I can... I hope :spotlight:

Ayaka, eh? Hmmmmm.... :ayashii:

I've always wished for Yuki-san to someday write a song for her, seeing that her friends/colleagues under the Female Voice Party have all joined Yuki's ranks...

But iirc, she's no longer under Space Craft or Flying Dog, right? Then the chance of her working with Yuki are quite slim, then... :spotlight:
Thanks guys :ohoho:

@Casa-chan: Sad I dont even have news about her. :uh..: Anyway, GOODLUCK CASA-CHAN! :dote: :dote:

Lemme drop this picture here:


Please add it to the "To-be-captioned-photos" :plot: I found it in instagram by littlerachel91

:nosebleed: I almost screamed seeing them hug each other. *fangirling* :waii: KEIKO'S HAREM IN ACTION. That looks cozy, me wants :nosebleed: :nosebleed:

*is :imdead: due to bloodlost*
tabete said:

Wakana: Brrrrr! It's getting pretty cold! :uh..:

Hikaru: Yes, it is, isn't it? Maybe we should just huddle up and share body warmth, since that's the quickest way to retain heat. :glasses: Even with these thick jackets on, it's freezing... :blood:

Keiko (thinking): Yes... I like this plan... :plot: :ohoho: :idol:

//IB is punched

here, have another gif made from an old video :love: :punched:

Ahh, its good to be home! :tea:
I apologize for my absence, I was having a seasonal job far away from home and internet :bow:

So much happened in here.. :uh..:

Great work Tabi-chan! :cheer: And welcome back, you have been missed! :V:
Casa-chan, I cheer for you and the epic ending! :cheer: It was about time for this story to be finished! And rid of worry, I am back now :sparkleguy:
And Cerise-chan, welcome back as well! Hope to see you soon again! :V: And that Kalafairytale intrigued me as well :ayashii: :gimmeh:

Anyway, since everyone is gathered here again, I hope it will stay that way, and that all of you wont fade away now :uh..:

And please dont forget about the Operation Stolenfina as well, it shouldnt be stopped :innocent: Especially since you have so much inspiration lately, right Tabi-chan? :knife:

Anyway, I missed you guys and having fun in here! :V:
^Oh my... Killer aura emanating from Megy-chan. :plot: Alright! Lemme get back on track before I start doing Stolenfina. :knife: Oh and Welcome back too Megy-chan! *hugs*

@Imm-chan: Good Caption. :ohoho: Go ahead and post a photo so that we can continue the game. :stars:

Went back a few (a lot!) pages and re-read Eternal Blue Story. THAT WAS CRAZY FUN! :XD: Knowing the story didn't stop me from laughing my *ss off. :tea: Ooooh good ol' days of being active.