The picture captions game!

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Lol :XD:

Great work Tabichan! :goodjob:
This has become a horror comedy :XD:
KeixWaa moment :dote:
But dont forget about KeixHii as well! :innocent: as well as Keixme KeixCasa etc /slapped

One note.....since when did the raspberry company center building become a mannequin warehouse? :leaf: :XD:

So, anyone inspirated enough to go next? :ayashii:

Casachan ignored my love :spotlight: /slapped on the tree

Thanks for being patient guys :bow:

ImmortalBirdcage said:
Casarina said:
WHO was the person with the boy's voice?!

well, wakana has voice-changing abilities right??? maybe it was just her... :ayashii: ... or not :hide:

Do you really want me to answer that? :plot: :knife:

@Imm-chan: Here's my reaction: :study: *reading seriously* :dote: *being moved by Kaori's words* and then when I read

imm-chan said:
Keiko: Let's continue on to the future together, then! :touched: *grabs Kaori's hand tightly*

I was like :nophoto: :nophoto: Keiko! That was so sneaky of you! lol

So sorry Imm-chan, I cant help it. :nophoto: Macho Harem Bossu strikes again :XD: Now even Kaori-chan has fallen victim of the infamous Keiko charm that steals unsuspecting hearts of innocent young girls :plot:

/is mobbed :imdead:

@Casa: Deshou! Deshou! :psst: Look at how comfortable they are, holding hands like that :hearts:

/is mobbed for the second time :imdead:

@Megy: Hmmm :confu: What WaaxKei moment are you talking about?
eeto.. :spotlight: I lack inspiration right now so, I'll leave this one to you great writers :sparkleguy:
^ talking about the picture you posted, dummiechan /flees

Now even Kaori-chan has fallen victim of the infamous Keiko charm that steals unsuspecting hearts of innocent young girls :plot:
I think she did long ago :psst: :plot: :tea:

As for the moment I dont have much ideas, but I'll se if something pops up in my head. Anyone else thou? :confu:

My wonder remained unanswered :leaf:

MegyTomitatsu said:
Casachan ignored my love :spotlight: /slapped on the tree

:omg: I'M SO SORRY MEGYYYY! *me hugs again* (so long as you don't mind me having just got home and is all sweaty and stinky)

And I don't have a lot of ideas, so I don't think I can go... :bow:

But if anyone needs ideas I'll try to provide what I can. :XD:
Hahahah its ok.
*me hugs back* :shy:

Hmmm, I guess I will try then. It could take a while thou, Im sorry :bow:
/me chases Megy and gave her a BIG GLOMPING HUG until she chokes :knife:
Oh, I thought you were talking about the story. :XD: Cause I'm pretty sure there is a lot of HiixKei moments there :psst:

So its Megy's turn huh. :ayashii: Lets continue captioning while we wait for stolenfina. :plot:

@Casa: me wants to hug stinky and sweaty Casa too :sohappy:

/is drop kick by Casa :blood:
/me skillfully survives a hug and spins dummiechan around :sohappy:

Yeah, pretty much, so lets keep on like that :psst: /bumped

Im still thinking of some ideas, hope I can get to write soon, sorry you have to wait! :bow:
^Gambatte Megy :cheer:

Go ahead and take your time in stolenfina. :ohoho: I'll keep this thread alive by captioning Imm-chan's photo. Still thinking though.
Sorry for the double post.


Keiko: Hey lookie~ lookie~ I drew Yuuka-chan in this Kawaii pajamas. :shy:

Hikaru: :XD: OMG it looks like a rabbit pose. *does pose* :listen: Such a disgrace!

Keiko: :omg: Whaat? My drawing is not that bad!

Hikaru: It is! :plot: Just look at those mangas I've been reading. Now those are some good artworks. :listen:

Keiko: Hikaru is so mean! :cry:

On the other side of the table:

Yuuka: Hikaru's otakuness is scary. :uh..: I better not show this to them.

Next Photo/s:

:ohoho: Enjoy HiixKei /is slapped
nice job, tabete :ohoho: such a sharp hikaru you're writing there

i will completely disregard the speech bubbles :ohoho: :punched:


1st pic in the middle:

Hikaru: Wow, look at all the things in this church... :stars: It's really pretty... I haven't been in one in a long time. Somehow this calming atmosphere... is very... good for... sleeping... *starts to doze off* :nophoto:

Keiko: Mhmm, I'd have to agree with yo-- :omgz: :ayashii: Oho, what's that I see? It's... those benches that they put a bunch of crosses and stuff on! Even though it's empty right now... I remember when I was little I used to play hide and seek with my friends here and got in trouble for it but oh well :ohoho: :idol: Hii-tan! Hii~~~ *turns around only to see Hikaru dozing off* Eeehhhh?!?! She's ignoring me for sleep... :spotlight: :...: :omgz: :ayashii: I have the perfect plan to wake her up; I've used this with my friends back in my childhood as well.... :plot: Wacchan, will you help me with this one?

Wakana: E-eeehhh?! :omg: You want to do what? But... I don't know... :leaf: :spotlight:

Keiko: Pleeeease? :plz: It'll be really fun!

Wakana: :nophoto: Oh, fine... *thinking* I just can't say no to her, no matter what... :TdT:

~The two conscious members of Kalafina carefully position themselves, leading Hikaru along with them as well~

Hikaru: Hm....? Why do I feel like I was walking? :waa: I was sleeping, wasn't I? Eh?! Weren't we over there before?! :omgz: Kei-chan, did you do th-- W-what are you doing?! :white:

2nd pic in the middle:

Keiko: Hii-tan, I couldn't hold back any longer... *kneels gallantly in front of the shocked hikaru* I've always loved you. I love your cute face, the way you eat, the way you look when you sleep, the way you look when you finish crossword puzzles or read novels, when you deliver such cheeky and sharp comments even though I'm not an m-type, i swear, and the way you cover your face when you're laughing so cutely... :shy: :love: From the moment you joined Kalafina you struck my heart with your coolness and your cuteness... And as time passed, you gradually became more and more beautiful and opened your heart not only to all of us, but to me as well. You took very very very good care of me in Hong Kong when we had to share a bed room together, (wakana: :white:) and you've continued taking care of me as such ever since. Now, I want to take care of you, if you'll let me.... Masai Hikaru... *takes Hikaru's hand in hers* will you marry me? :sparkleguy:

Hikaru: :white:

Wakana: :white: *thinking* That speech! Somehow... doesn't it feel like she's been planning this out for a long time? :leaf: Kei-channnnn :vortex:

Hikaru: Keiko... :touched: Of course I will, I love you so much too~ :shy: :love:

Keiko: Yes! My lovely maiden said yes to me! :love: :sohappy: *stares deeply into hikaru's eyes* :hearts:

Hikaru: :hearts:

Keiko: :hearts:

Hikaru: :hearts:

Keiko: :hearts:

Wakana: :uh..: :...: :glower: ... What did Keiko even call me here for?!?! :wai: :leaf: :rain:

i went overboard; poor wakana :cry: but this stirs up all the kei/hii feels so i couldn't help itttt :love: :nosebleed: :punched: here's another pic to add (maybe a little more kei/waa to make up for it???)

^ :love: lots and lots of HiixKei :shy:

Nice job Immie! :goodjob: what's written on those speech bubbles? :confu:

Recently there have been a lot of HiixKei. Not that I mind but I'm missing WaaxKei already. :plot: Request for more WxK please. :nosebleed:
^ :psst:

you should go write more waa/kei then :XD:

edit: it says
"撮影中" (while recording)

"ははえむ (i'm the mother [well i'm not sure about this one])
神父さんの役" (with the role of the priest)
:plot: :plot: a double whammy

ImmortalBirdcage said:
Keiko: What a good idea to have the pre-wedding celebration at this Seaworld Park! Thank you for suggesting it, Wakachan! :ohoho: :goodjob:

Wakana:’re welcome, Keiko :knife: *thinking* Now is my chance to challenge Hikalu! There’s no way I can lose, I’m totally in my element here! The presence of the sharks nearby will be able to give me a power boost :plot: :glower:

Hikalu: Indeed, Wakana...thank you so much for bringing us here... :knife: *thinking* HA! I see what you did there, Wakana-san, bringing us here where you are strongest so you can challenge me...but you shall see that nothing – NOTHING – can overcome The Hikaru’s power! :glower: :glower: :glower:

*Wakana and Hikaru :glower: :glower: at each other, electricity sparks in the air*

Keiko: *outside* :innocent: *inside* :white: What is this...why did the atmosphere suddenly become dangerous? :swt:

tabete.mio said:

*during their calm time just before performance*

Hikalu: *reading her manga and thinking* Nani? :confu: The main heroine just met a mysterious bishounen figure riding on a silver shark motorcycle with various shark-related powers, and then is swept up into a mysterious world of supernatural magic and shadowy figures where she must assist the mysterious bishounen to save mankind, in the process becoming his lover and bride? Only, the girl’s other on-off love interest, who fights dual-wielding a katana and chainsaw, flies into a rage and shockingly calls the heroine his waifu, and then he and the mysterious bishounen end up having an ultimate showdown duel in an alleyway next to an ice cream shop...... :ohoho: Yappari, this sort of ridiculous thing only happens in manga, huh... :XD:

Keiko: *in the middle of phone call* Wakana! Why haven’t you arrived yet?? Where the heck are you, the live starts in fifteen minutes! :listen: .......What did you say? :omgz: :swt: You were on your way here when you just met a mysterious bishounen figure riding on a silver shark motorcycle with various shark-related powers, and got swept up into a mysterious world of supernatural magic and shadowy figures where you must assist the mysterious bishounen to save mankind...??? :omg: :ghost: – Wait, he said you will end up becoming his WHAT?!!!! :fwa: :fwa: :fwa: :vortex: :vortex:

*sound of Wakana’s voice from phone is interrupted by a deep, sensual man’s voice saying something to Keiko which Hikalu can’t hear, only the words ‘lover’ and ‘bride’ drift out*

Keiko: ..............:glower: :glower: *screaming into the phone* LIKE HELL I’LL LET YOU DO THAT!!! :stupidtable: :stupidtable: :stupidtable: SHE’S MY PURE INNOCENT WAIFUUUUU! (Wakana’s background voice from phone: *gasp* She shockingly called me her waifu??? :white: :ayashii: :shy: ) YOU WANNA TAKE ME ON, HUH, PUNK?!! :anger: :anger: :anger: LET’S SETTLE THIS MAN TO MAN! (Wakana’s background voice from phone: But, Keiko, you are a woman... :uh..: ) YOU. ME. ALLEYWAY NEXT TO THE ICE CREAM STORE. NOW.

*Keiko hangs up and stands*

Keiko: *sweetly* :innocent: Ne, Hii-chan, I’ll be out for a few minutes, okay? I just need to pop over to the alleyway near the ice cream store and bash this random mysterious shark-powers bishounen punk to a pulp in an ultimate showdown. *innocently cracks knuckles and flexes biceps* :goodjob: Don’t worry, I will be back before the live starts...with Waka-chan in my arms, and his head as a trophy to hang on my wall. :glower: Ja, I’m off, then! :idol: :bye:

*Keiko pulls a katana and chainsaw from her backpack by the door and disappears through the door ninja-style with a powerful dark purple aura*

Hikaru: *looks up from her manga* ....................................... :nophoto:

Some intense Kei/Waa actionnnn :plot: :plot:

:ohoho: :ohoho: Very good Birdiechan :psst: Really fits into the mood :plot:

And LOL Cerise, the second one was hilarious :ohoho: :XD:

I will start up writing something today, but Im really not much inspirational still so it may take a while :spotlight:

Ohh, return of KeixWaa :plot:
It looks like now we will have to hold KeixHii on life, Birdiechan :hero:
@Cerise: What is with development? :ohoho: I likey :psst: Anyway, Good job Cerise! :goodjob: I want to hear more from manga-fina /is :blood: for the crazy title.

@Megy: Gambatte! Gambatte! :cheer:
somehow, this development became hilarious! i was laughing the entire time, cerise :goodjob: :ohoho: mangafina sounds like a good title :plot:

megy, we need to step it up.... we must fight for our hii/kei :TdT: :hero: :punched:
:knife: Oooh. Is that a challenge :glower: :ohoho: WaaxKei will not be defeated :whip: Right? Cerise~ :sohappy:

How about "Kala-manga" :XD: :blood:

/funny how this turned out into Hikaru and Wakana fighting over Keiko(Not that its a fight fight but a friendly rivalry). :plot: Me likey
/me gets :tea: and watches the show between KeiHii and KeiWaa teams.

manga-fina? Me likes! :sohappy:

:goodjob: Cerise-chan!

:cheer: ganbatte Megy-chan!