The picture captions game!

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THAT WAS A WONDERFUL READ MEGY! :nosebleed: Love it so much. Oh and thanks for giving me some alone time with Hicchan :psst:

:spotlight: And I'm really sorry for disappearing on you guys, work is a killer. :blood: But I still cant promise I can be active like I used to be. So... I feel ashamed. :rain:

I did miss you guys :cry:

To the next poster, GOOD LUCK! :idol:
^ Tabiiiiiii! *hugs*

Welcome back! Missed you lots!

Just noticed Wakana's pic :hide:

:ayashii: Who's going next?
Thank you both for your praise, I did my best! :bow:

@Casa: Yeah, I was lacking an inspiration a bit once I was writing, then I remembered about those legends as I read about them before and I thought..why not? :XD:
So here we have more and more reasons to make him so miserable so he wishes he was never born! :knife:

@Tabi: Tabi-chaaan! :sohappy:
/me spins Tabi around
I was right about start commenting on where did you evaporate to? xD Missed you :innocent:
No problem, I'm sure and glad you enjoyed it :plot:

Anyway, I'm glad you both liked it, thanks again! :bow:

So anyone feel like going next already? :ayashii:
/me hugs everyone :ohoho:

Sorry guys. I cant continue the story because I'm still quite busy with work and I dont have enough inspiration. So I'll leave it to you great writers :sohappy:

Looking forward to the next chapters :ayashii:
At least Im happy you can be here with us like this, Tabi!

As this flood of Keiko pics appeared before me, I found myself dead out of nosebleeding! :imdead:
Is it just me or the shirt on top row, middle and bottom row, left is the same? :XD:

I love the bottom left pic... so beautiful and so sweet! :nosebleed: :dote:
MEGY YOU'RE AMAZING :stars: :stars: :stars: :XD: :XD: :XD: I was LOLing all the way through that :XD: :XD:

Sorry, but I'm gonna have to leave it someone else as well...I have yet another set of exams coming up in about a week-and-a-half... :blood: I barely even have time to drop by anymore :cry:
Waaa, thank you Ceriseee :dote: I am happy :sohappy:
Hope you get through your exams successfully, miss you here! :innocent:

Casa, I think you're right :ayashii: Althou on the first one she has a bracelet and on second one a necklace almost in the same style :XD:
I agree with you, but all pics are sooo cute, and all of them piled up together like that, I just cant.. :nosebleed: :imdead:

@Kuga: LOL! :XD:

So who will go next then? Casa-chan? :plz:
Well...I can go next...

But it'll have to take a realll loonnngggggg while...

Low on creativity at the moment.... :imdead:
Please take your time and do well! I'm sure you wil! :bow:

If you all could wait for a month for my post, waiting for you should not be a problem :tea:
Will try to post by... this weekend...

I've the beginnings of an idea but will need some time to put it down...
Hi all, sorry it took so long... :bow:

OP: Consolation

~~In the Hospital~~

Sei: :V: I’m here! At last. To cut a long story short, I phoned Alonso, who told me everything and where you all are now. By the time I got to the warehouse I saw you all leaving in the ambulance, then figured to come here instead. :tea:

Casa: You just said we should refresh our plans, tell us more about it? :confu:

Sei: Ah. Actually, Operation Stolenfina isn’t over yet. :plot:

Tabi: You are saying we should launch it again?

Sei: Yup. And we’ll make it bigger this time. Take the WHOLE group along.

Cerise: :stars: Sounds great! But how? :confu:

Sei: Well, we can do this…*starts a long while of planning*

*Door opens*

Man: Hi, I’m Shinya, sent by Mitsubishi-san, he’s taking care of issues right now, and can’t attend to all of you, but he sent his well-wishes to Casa and Megy. He’s also asked all of you including Sei-chan to attend a meeting. He has also asked Kajiura-san and her girls to come along as well.

Cerise: Hmmmm…. *turns to look at Casa and Megy* We'll be a while, thanks!

*Man leaves*

Tabi: Don’t you think that was weird? Mitsubishi isn’t the type to interfere with our affairs… and he’s largely left us alone… :confu:

Casa: Honestly, I feel it’s weird too… :ayashii:

*Man peeks head in*

Man: Are you all coming? Mitsubishi-san doesn’t like anyone to be late.

Megy: Okay… Maybe Tabi, Cerise and Sei can go along, see what happens with the girls?

Casa: Because we can’t go out like this, and we’ll be safe in the hospital… And the 3 of you can look out for one another, since you all can react fast.

Tabi: As a precaution, we'll bring our phones, and switch them all to silent mode. I'll phone Alonso as well, and ask him to come asap to the hospital.

Cerise: Hang on, Alonso has a cousin Akira who works with Mitsubishi, right? We could ask him to call Akira to find out more!

*Sei, Tabi, and Cerise leaves*

Casa, Megy: :ayashii: :ayashii:

~~Back in the warehouse~~

Kaori: Is it just me… or are we going around, lost?

Hikaru: The warehouse is pretty huge…

*Suddenly about a dozen men appear in front of them*

Wakana: :omgz: Who are you all?

Yuriko: Hey! Weren’t they supposed to be Mitsubishi-san’s men?

Kaoru: We were, until a much better offer came our place. We’ll be fools not to take it! Victor-san offered us a lot of money so long as we can deliver you to him! :whip:

Yuki: And do you think he’ll hand over the cash money that easily? :uh..:

Kaoru: He has already given us half of it! :ohoho: Guys, remember, bring them alive! The more people caught, the merrier! :hero:

Girls: Gosh, these people really do mean business…Fine! We’ll show you what we have got!

~~2 days before, somewhere in the city~~

Masked man: Throw them all in the room! :groucho:

Mitsubishi: YOU ALL! :anger: Why did you all betray me?! :glower:

Masked Man *eyes his subordinates*: :ohoho: Mitsubishi-san, Victor-san paid us more money than you could give us if we work for you for the rest of our lives, so :bow:

Mitsubishi: IDIOT! You think you will live long enough to receive the money? :stupidtable:

Masked man: I think it may be better, Mitsubishi-san, to worry about yourself. :bye:

~~Men goes off~~

Mitsubishi *to another person tied with him*: Akira! How many of our men turned traitors? :glower:

Akira: About 35 of our men. I made sure those who knew we were coming here to meet Kaoru, their ringleader are loyal. They will come to save us in no time, they know where we are. :hero:

Mitsubishi: :phew: That’s good work, Akira. However, I fear it may already be too late for our friends… :desksweat:


Alonso's sms: DON'T say it out loud. Akira is gone since 2 days ago. Last with Mitsubishi seeing guy Kaoru. Kaoru working with Victor. Try to leave car NOW! Will go to hos to get M, C.

Cerise, Tabi, Sei: :swt: :swt: :swt:

Driver *unaware of fidgeting at back*: We'll be there soon. :sparkleguy:

Side-passenger: Yes, Mitsubishi-san is expecting you all eagerly. He has news regarding Victor.

*Car stops at traffic light*

Tabi: NOW! :omg:

*Tabi and Cerise fling open car door*

*Tabi, Cerise, Sei runs out into road* :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:

Driver: HEY! :anger:

Side passenger: *String of curses* :stupidtable: Call Victor-san! :glower:

~~Back in the Hospital~~

Casa: I hope the rest are fine.

Alonso: And Kajiura-san and the ladies too…

Megy: Hope Alonso’s sms wasn’t too late…

*Door knocks*

Man: I’m from the cleaning company, we need to clean the room up.

Megy: Why do you need 4 men for? :swt:

Alonso: :omgz: *points to one*I recognize you! Kaoru’s best buddy at Mitsubishi’s place!

Man 2: Ah. We’ve been exposed. Guys, get them!

Alonso: Girls, run, quick! :omg:

*Alonso fights the men*


*Men tussles with Megy and Casa*

Man: You dare to fight us! *Hits Casa over the head*

Megy: Casa! *gets hit as well* :imdead: :imdead:

*Scene black out*

~~Back at Warehouse~~

*The fight is still very much on*

2 Men: Eh? Where did she go?
MegyTomitatsu said:

Wakana: Behind you :knife:

Men: ARGH! *Kicked hard and crumples to ground*


Keiko: They are pretty resilient! *whacks one over the head*

Kaori: Take this! *twists one’s hands, then kicks him hard*

Yuki: You all right there, Yuuka?

Yuuka: I’m good!

MegyTomitatsu said:

*They manage successfully to fight down the men*

HIkaru: Done! *jumps happily*

Yuriko: I think we so get out of here first, Victor has loads of men here, he won’t now be caught that easily. :uhh:

*Laughter suddenly abounds*

Victor: *walking into the room* :ohoho: Do you all think you can get away that easily? All my men are now guarding the factory and there’s no escape from the place now! Oh, which reminds me, even if you lot escape, you’ll soon be back!

Yuki: What do you mean? :anger: :confu:

Victor: Ah. You see, I sent 8 of my men to get the girls at the hospital. One ‘healthy’ group would arrive in the car and get ambushed. The other group would take out the ones stuck in the hospital. Unfortunately, the healthy ones got away. However, fortunately, the ones in the hospital, and the man that tried to protect them, were caught. They are here in the building now. We’ll have some fun, eh?

Yuki and girls: :omg: :omg: :omg: :omg: :omg: :omg: :omg:

ED: Yorokobi- FJY

What will happen next to the ones in the warehouse?
What of Mitsubishi-san and his comrades?
Where’s Sei, Tabi and Cerise?
Tune in next time!

Next pics: 1 from Megy's unused pic and another from mine.



Sorry all, it wasn’t really well done… :bow:

Megy: Sorry for dragging you into this one…sort of. Heh.
Casachan! Truly great done! :bow:
That was totally unexpected, excellent job! :ayashii: :sohappy:

Sei-chan :sohappy:

Kaori: Take this! *twists one’s hands, then kicks him hard*
Ouch! :ghost: You really are bloodthirsty, arent you? :imdead: I guess I shouldnt make you mad.

Nice ending choice, it really fits! :goodjob:

Oh, and dont worry about dragging me in, I dont mind :innocent: I shouldnt say anything after what have I done to you You are the writer, you decide on our destinies! :TdT: lol
Heh thanks Megy-chan! :sohappy:

Oh, and dont worry about dragging me in, I dont mind :innocent: I shouldnt say anything after what have I done to you You are the writer, you decide on our destinies! :TdT: lol

LOLS. Actually you can mind..haha :XD:

No responses from Cerise or Tabi...

Does that mean I have to write the next one again? :blood:

I may try to think of something but I still call upon the girls here! :leaf: Does anyone else wants (or can) continue?
Well.... I have ran out of ideas for anything right now.... :leaf:

And if you need help, I'm here.... (if I'm not, PM me...) :XD: