The picture captions game!

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@Casarina: Uhm, I'm not really good in remembering ancient God and Goddesses names, could you keep it simple. Thanks :bow:


Here are their powers: (Correct me if I'm wrong minna)

Keiko: MACHO HAREM BOSS (fighting ability)
Kaori: Power of Voice(that includes recharging batteries and improving reception and many more)
Wakana: WALL OF RESISTANCE (it can nullify any attack)
Yuriko: YURIKO - Mystic Voice of Death Perception (it can hear? see? investigate the soul)
Hikaru: The Hikaru + Magia Death Glare(powerful attack)
Yuuka: Excucumber (no need for explanation)
The Lost Utahime: IN MY LONG FORGOTTEN CLOISTERED SLEEP(cause sleepiness then eventual death )
Hitoshi: Healing power with Violin (but can also be used to attack)
Korenaga: uses for his guitar string (which has over a billion uses including picking locks and tying people; no idea about the rest)
Oohira: MANIPULATOR OF REALITY (Warp and bend things and I think it can also move objects)
Sato: Inter-dimensional travelling, oh and also curing ability
Nozaki: DEATH RATTLE(powerful attack)
Jr: BOOMING BASS(powerful attack)
Rie Akagi: Teleportation (Also applicable in inter-dimensional, but usually unstable)
First Incarnation: Create Destination Unknown( and many more I believe)
YK: (subconscious creation of worlds ) and many more I believe

Thats all. The rest is up to the next poster :knife:

tabete.mio said:
@Casarina: Uhm, I'm not really good in remembering ancient God and Goddesses names, could you keep it simple. Thanks :bow:


@ Tabi: I know, I'm not so good with these names myself... I think I will just provide the name for the lost utahime. :XD:

@ Wormie: Welcome to the game!

Oh and thanks for the summary of the powers.

Wooooh this is getting moar and moar exciting :w00t: :stars: :XD:

Allow me to just add some notes/observations:
tabete.mio said:
Here are their powers: (Correct me if I'm wrong minna)

Keiko: MACHO HAREM BOSS (fighting ability) this is her main power except I have the idea in my head that she is yet to achieve her final form,
where she shall obtain the ultimate power - AI NO CHIKARAAAAAA :kungfu: :hero:
which is on par with that of HIKARU/Lost Utahime's Long Forgotten Cloistered Sleep

Kaori: Power of Voice(that includes recharging batteries and improving reception and many more) kind of like korechan's Thousand-Uses-Guitar-String, except hers is using her voice/song. Her power can't be used for fighting/attack/defence however, so yeah, she's sort of like and Enhancer type XD)
Wakana: WALL OF RESISTANCE (it can nullify any attack)can also block interdimensional travel, as with what happened with Waa-tan/clone...
she also may or may not have the hidden ability to transform into a Shark Diva with heightened strength/speed, incredible immune system and other sharky characteristics :plot:

Yuriko: YURIKO - Mystic Voice of Death Perception (it can hear? see? investigate the soul) in my imagination, it works somewhat like sonar :XD: it can also sense the Death Lines on any living thing, just like the original KnK Shiki. Basically she can use it to sense things beyond the physical world, kind of like a psychic dolphin? :XD:
Hikaru: The Hikaru whose Poetry has powers we are yet to see revealed, will leave that to the next person :plot: + Magia Death Glare(powerful attack)
Yuuka: Excucumber (no need for explanation)
The Lost Utahime: IN MY LONG FORGOTTEN CLOISTERED SLEEP(cause sleepiness then eventual death )does this by lowering heartrate and brain activity until it eventually ceases altogether - currently the most powerful...erm...power...we've seen yet :XD: since it can overwhelm all the other people's powers. But when the Goddess returns it shall be no match. Only Keiko's yet-to-be-achieved power can match it :plot:
Hitoshi: Healing power with Violin (but can also be used to attack)
Korenaga: uses for his guitar string (which has over a billion uses including picking locks and tying people; no idea about the rest)a bit of a jack of all trades power, like Kaori's Voice. It's just super string :XD:
Oohira: MANIPULATOR OF REALITY (Warp and bend things and I think it can also move objects)
Sato: Inter-dimensional travelling, oh and also curing ability yep, the drumbeat which he can synchronise with people's heartbeat and thus control it. One of the only countermeasures they have against the Cloistered Sleep
Nozaki: DEATH RATTLE(powerful attack)
Jr: BOOMING BASS(powerful attack)interferes with brain signals at super low frequency, causing debilitating headaches and paralysis
Rie Akagi: Teleportation (Also applicable in inter-dimensional, but usually unstable) flute can also be used for attack - the high frequency sounds can cut like blades :omg:
First Incarnation: Create Destination Unknown( and many more I believe) but power is limited due to being the memory-keeper half of the soul - also, cannot leave the nowhere/destination unknown realm
YK: (subconscious creation of worlds ) and many more I believe holds most of the power of the Goddess, but none of Her memories, thus can only use the power subconsciously i.e. She doesn't even realise when she does use it and at this point she can't control it either

Thats all. The rest is up to the next poster :knife:

As for the other Gods...maybe they're sleeping in a completely different dimension and haven't yet realised the world is getting destroyed. :ohoho: Or they don't care. :ohoho: Or it's something like... '*mumbo jumbo* We cannot disrupt the balance of fate so we can only sit and watch and let the Goddess sort out her own problems...' :ohoho:

Ganbatte, cassie!! :cheer: :cheer:
:cheer: :cheer:
Cerise-saaaaan, your story is always :shy: :shy: :nosebleed: :nosebleed: :XD: :XD:
(pat pat for Keiko....)

i am in a happy mood now~
i guess i can make continue the story after Tabete-san continuing Casarina-san's story. the story is quite fun! (though i need to re-read the lines several times.... oh my poor English ability)
Casarina-san, ganbatte!!! :cheer: :cheer:

.... Chiaki? Luna? Asuka?
i imagine Luna's power is something around sulking with her puppy eyes and cute face :shy:
(no need to use that picture for continuation, really, just want to share Luna's puppy eyes XD)
hi all, i need at least 2 more nights now. My faithful Laptop crashed just now with the story in it. Will send it for repairs. I'll rewrite the story asap. Sorry, gomen! But if anyone has any ideas, then pls go ahead.
perhaps this pic will be of use? :ayashii:


  • DyJHf.png
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^Isnt that from Red moon (asia tour documentary)? :ohoho:

Anyway, lets continue the game while we wait for Casarina. Next poster may caption this:
ganbatte, casarina-san! :cheer: :cheer:

okaay i'll caption Tabete-san's photos~
tabete.mio said:
(caption photos come from up to down, left to right, like reading)
1st pic
Wakana: :sparkleguy: Hello, i am Wakana Ootaki, tutor of wedding. Here I'll show you my job. :idol: :idol:

2nd and 3rd pics
Wakana: Here Mr. Kubota, you have to hold your soon-to-be-waifu like this, and walk like this...
Keiko: Ah, haii... (inside her heart: i touch Wacchan!! :shy: :shy: )
Wakana: :uh..: :uh..:

4th pic
Wakana: Now let's start the 'ring' part. (author comment: what is the name of that? Ring engagement?) Ms. Masai, do it like this, then this...
Hikaru and Keiko: Ah, haii....
Keiko: (inside her heart) she touch pika-chan :glower:
Wakana: :uh..: :uh..:

5th pic
Wakana: So, let's start the photo session :idol: :idol: (inside her heart :cry: :cry: )

6th pic
Keiko and Hikaru: my ring! :idol: :idol:
Wakana: (inside her heart :cry: :cry: )

7th pic
Wakana: :sparkleguy:
(inside her heart) Keiko is such a meanie!! how dare she gets married to Hikaru, in front of me! :glower: :glower: :glower:
i'll curse both of you!!!
(chanting some kajiuran lines)

8th pic
Keiko: Ms. Ootaki, arigaaatooouuuuuu for your tutor! Now I can propose Hikaru in a proper way :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:
Hikaru: Yes Ms. Ootaki, you are such a big help for us :dote: :dote:
Wakana: Ah? Yes... :sparkleguy: (inside her heart: My kajiuran failed :cry: :cry: :cry: )

/me pats Waa-tan/


nice pose, girls :plot: :XD:
Gambatte Cassie-chan! :ohoho:


Wakana: Kaori is looking at me. I wonder why. :confu: :fwa: OH NO! I forgot to greet her last Christmas This is so embarassing :blood: *tries to hide her face in complete embarrassment*

Keiko: Eh? you're confessing your love for me? :uh..: *scratches head* Gomen ne. I'm already in love with someone else :bow:

Hikaru: *raises hand* And thats me :knife: I'm the love of her life. :glower:

Maya: :fwa: OH NO Keiko is already taken :vortex:

Next Photo:

/me shares a link to everyone! viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2103&hilit=Keiko+abs

hohohoho :knife: read it
tabete.mio said:

: huee? i got a love letter (reading a love letter in front of her) he must be sooo sweet~ :shy: :shy: :shy:
Keiko: actually, the love letter is from me... :shy: she said i am sweet... :shy:
Hikaru: .... (wipes tears silently)
oh hikaluu ~~ (feli pats her)

Hi all, gomen ne for the HUGE delay. Finally managed to finish it.
Pls give me your guidance! :plz:

OP: Yakusoku (I love this song so!)
*Eternal Blue World*

Lost Utahime: :ohoho: I have finally reached this step! Now that I, Adonia the free angel, have a body that truly belongs to me, I can summon the guards of this world just by clapping my hands! And now that my other underlings are returning to me, I will be stronger and I will crush that Goddess and her underlings, and then the other gods, and I will truly rule over the world! *Evil Laugh* :ohoho: :ohoho:

Ketea to Lamia quietly: :omg: Oh no… Once they come, the 2 of us will be sidelined! We need to do something fast!

Lamia: Actually, why not? They'll do all the dirty work for us, then. I'm past caring.

Yuki (listens to conversation, thinks to herself): :fwa: Oh no, who are these people she’s talking about? If they come, the girls and I…we’ll be no match for them, since these 2 are so powerful already, yet they are worried?! I’ll need to get out of here, warn the girls! :swt:

*Real world, Hikaru’s apartment*
Hikaru: Where are the others? Oh… they could be over at Keiko’s. I’ll better find them fast…

*Real world, Keiko’s apartment*
*The crowd explain everything to Wakana*

Hitoshi: Now that the lost utahime, Adonia has gained a body that truly belongs to her, and the physical perks that come along with it, she’ll be able to use her hands to clap along to the rhythm of the song she stole, and by doing that, she can create underlings. It is a nightmare for her enemies, and so far, she sees us as her enemies. Yuki is alone and defenseless there, and she can’t hope to fight all of them at once.
YURIKO: Right, now that Wakana knows everything and is willing to help us, and I have just contacted Hikaru, who is now on her way here, we can move on to the next thing now. Next to do on our list, to save Yuki from the Eternal Blue, otherwise she’ll be feasted on by Adonia and her minions! :swt:

*Everyone shudders*
Kaori: I’ll tell you what, let’s wait for Hikaru to come first, and then all of us can sit down to make plans together. In the meantime, everyone get some rest, do.
Kore-chan: Sato, Hitoshi and I will go out in the gardens, do some guard duty first.
Wakana: May I go with you three?

Sato (glancing at Hitoshi, Kore and Keiko): ermmmm… :omg: ... 0b7c_m.jpg

Kore: Then I guess Hitoshi can stay back in the house :uh..: *mouthing at said 2* It’s okay, I’ll take care of her. :XD:

Keiko: *retreats quietly into room after the 3 leave*
*Hitoshi follows*
*The rest quietly rest and rejuvenate*

*Eternal Blue World*
Yuki: How do I get out of the palace? :sohappy: *Heads down corridor on left* I think there was an exit into the fields, then from there’s a portal to go back into the real world… I think I can go down this corridor…UH OH! *comes face to face with Lamia*
Lamia: YOU. :knife:
Yuki: :omg: *takes off running in opposite direction*
*Lamia gives chase*
*Yuki runs into dead end*
*Lamia reaches dead end*
Lamia: EHHHH? Where did she go? Damn! *kicks wall* :blood:
Yuki: *slowly comes out from wall* I didn’t know the wall could be used as camouflage! *presses palm into wall, which turns the same colour as the wall* If I can use the wall as camouflage, then I could possibly survive this! :touched:
*She doesn’t notice Lamia and Ketea behind her until it’s too late*
*Keiko stands in room, hears someone humming*
Keiko: Hitoshi-sensei! :sohappy:
Hitoshi: Me. I thought you needed some cheering up and encouragement. :innocent:
(A/N while I’m a KW shipper I have a soft spot for Hitoshi-kun x Keiko, too)
Hitoshi: :glasses: I just hope that you will never give up on your love, that’s all. The ones who we love most will be the ones that hurt us the most. Every little thing they do which is not in your favor, such as falling in love with others, or betrayal, can hurt you badly. This was what happened with the Goddess and Adonia. Adonia always thought that she was the bridesmaid, never the bride, and this also led to her thinking that the Goddess didn’t love her as much as the others. But she is deluded. :groucho:

She was a protégé of the Goddess, who saw her growth from a little angel who didn’t know a thing about music to a person who was the solid rock foundation of her utahime angels. She loved Adonia just for being there. But she never got the chance to tell this to Adonia, and this resulted in Adonia becoming corrupted. She used her power and music to raise a demon army, and tried to overthrow the god and goddesses. She failed, lost all her powers and was captured. The other gods wanted to destroy her, punish her severely, but as always, the Goddess interceded on her behalf. She promised the other gods that Adonia would repent. But one day, while the goddess was away, she injured the other utahime angels, stole the My long forgotten cloistered sleep, and escaped. Because her promise to the other gods had been broken, even while it was not her fault, the other gods voted her out of the heaven court, and banished her and her utahimes and instrumentalists, to be incarnated, to seek out Adonia and destroy her once and for all, since it was not likely she would repent, now. :uh..: :uh..:

Keiko: So will the other gods help us out, now that we are in trouble? :waii:

Hitoshi: They also told her that, since Adonia was technically the Goddess’s family, their feuds were family business, and they would not interfere with the matter. Therefore, we are alone in dealing with Adonia. :uh..:
Keiko: :knife:
Hitoshi: :V: I tell you these, Keiko, so that you will persevere on and not give up. But now, my advice now is to bide your time. Even if she’ll never know who you were before, you both are still Kalafina with Hikaru. After all this is over, you both would still have the time to make new, happier memories. You also need to tell Wakana the truth someday about your feelings for her. By that time, when she is more familiar with your presence, she... who knows? Better than what happened to the Goddess, who never got the chance to tell Adonia what she truly felt, and paid the price. :rain:
Keiko: I understand now, Hitoshi-sensei. But isn’t there any way for her to recover her memories now? :stars:

Hitoshi: Well, there was… but now, I don’t know. My mother told me that there was an angel utahime who had the power to record, restore memories, among other powers she had. She always carried around her notebook, and recorded it. Her notebook’s endless… the utahimes depended on her to remember their lines when there were too many songs to sing. Because of her power, and her amazing poetry, we called her the Poet.
Keiko: So, which utahime is she in now? :plz:
Hitoshi: Unfortunately, she was incarnated as the original HIKARU, Keiko. She may not exist anymore. When Adonia took over Hikaru, it’s likely the poet, who is definitely no match for her even with Killer Magia Death Glare,, had been decimated. Tough luck. :groucho:
Keiko: :bloodlust:
Yuuka *calling out*: Hey everyone, Hikaru’s here! Gather around!
YURIKO: Okay, everyone, the men will enter first, and go straight to the basement, to save the 3 FBMs who are trapped there. The 3 men might attempt to put up a fight. All of you must be careful.
Sato, Hitoshi, Kore: :sparkleguy: :sparkleguy: :sparkleguy:
Kore: While the girls will go to rescue Yuki from where ever she’s hiding. Just hope they haven’t captured her. But I would suggest, 3 to a group, and a shark to a group. The sharks know the way around better than all of us. Yuuka, Kaori and Hikaru to a group. Keiko, YURIKO and Wakana to another. That way we will have 2 fighting ladies in each group.
Utahimes: HAIII!
*Yuuka, Kaori, Hikaru smiles at each other* :shy: :shy: :shy:
*Wakana smiles at YURIKO, ignores Keiko*
Keiko: *putting hand on Wakana’s shoulder* Hi, we are in a team!
Wakana: Right. *looks away* ... d748_m.jpg

YURIKO: SO, everyone, good luck! And stay safe.
Yuriko: I think they were planning to rescue Yuki after they have gotten Wakana restored. It might be good for you to be present now, since you have the powerful Magia Death Glare, and should be able to fight more than Hikaru, who is quite soft-hearted, really.

HIKARU: Alright, I shall go and introduce myself to the team. Wonder if they will accept me after what has happened?

Yuriko: they all should. Everyone will be glad of another ally on their side. Provided you are one.

HIKARU: :sparkleguy: Hai! *disappears in a puff of smoke*

Hikaru: *appears* Yuriko? Who was that?

Yuriko: She’s the poet, or the real HIKARU. Hopefully, she will be able to help the rest find Yuki and rescue her. Even though she’s technically no match for Adonia, she should be able to hold her own. :ayashii:

Hikaru: So we sit here and wait for them to succeed, then. :uh..:
Yuriko: Yes, we do. :uh..:
*Eternal Blue world*
Team FBMs
Sato: I will need to maintain the portal, let it remain open for the utahimes to go through!
Hitoshi: Hopefully we can find Oohira, Nozaki and JR unconscious or something.
Kore: Knowing Lamia, she’s bound to have influenced them with her power so that they will not recognize us and think we are enemies. We need to be careful…OUCH! :blood:
*Hitoshi gets thrown to ground by Nozaki* :kungfu:
*Sato gets tackled by JR* :whip:
*Kore and Oohira struggle with each other* :kungfu:
*six men start wrestling with each other*

Team 1- Kaori, HIKARU, Yuuka with Mako
Kaori: Nice to meet you, HIKARU.
HIKARU: The Hikaru thinks
it isn’t easy
To meet friends
Who understand who you are.
Nice to meet you, Kaori, Yuuka.

Yuuka: So what happened? How did you disappear from the meta-world?

HIKARU: :ayashii: Up till the day of the concert where Wakana fell into the black hole and came into the eternal blue world, everything was fine. Then when she was doodling before the concert, I was ambushed by Adonia, who had appeared out of nowhere. She attacked me with her power, and I fell asleep immediately, and I didn’t awaken until after she took over the body of Waa-pire, presumably because she now had a completely free body that could legitimately belong to her instead of sharing another with Hikaru. :ayashii:

Kaori: So MLFCS works like this…
Yuuka: :leaf:
Adonia (coming out from nowhere): talking about me, girls? :knife:
Yuuka, Kaori, HIKARU, Mako: :omg: :omg: :omg: :omg:
Adonia: I suppose… you all think you are so clever, eh? I’ll show you all what the true MLFCS is!!
Cue: My Long Forgotten Cloistered Sleep
Kaori: girls, try to… :uh..: :blood: :imdead:
Yuuka: Can’t help… :imdead:
HIKARU: *more immune* you can’t hurt me now, Adonia! :sohappy:
*Kaori and Yuuka faints*
Ketea : WATER FOUNTAIN! *holds both hands out*
HIKARU: *falls to ground* :blood:

Team 2: Keiko, YURIKO, Wakana, Brutus
*All 4 creep along quietly*
Keiko: By rights, she could be in the south corridor, heading for the exits.
YURIKO: Then let’s head for there.
Lamia: Well, well, well!
Team 2: :knife: :knife: :knife: :knife:
*YURIKO, Keiko knocked to ground*
Wakana: Girls! :swt:
Lamia: So try to stop me then! BLOOD RIBBOOOOONNNSSSS—
Wakana: WALL OF Resistance! :kungfu:
*Wakana successfully blocks herself, but Brutus is knocked flying*
Wakana: Brutus dearie! HOW DARE YOU, Lamia!
Lamia: So what next, Queen who got deposed? :sohappy: YOU were a lot stronger before this happ-WHAT? *gasp* WHAT IS THAT? :omg:
*Wakana’s body is glowing*
Wakana: THIS IS MY TRUE POWER! *transforms* :kungfu: :kungfu:
Keiko *sitting up*: shark diva! :stars:
(A/N I dunno what a shark diva ought to look like, but my imagination is that she would look like TTB’s Wakana, but with a blue and white shirt and skirt, with no sleeves, oh and a stick with a shark’s head.)

Wakana: Take this! And that! EAT THIS! :whip:
Lamia: :anger: :blood:
Wakana: Keiko, now!
Wakana: *supplements it with a dozen more kicks and punches*
*Lamia explodes* :imdead:
Team 2: EEW…
Wakana: you know, Kei-chan, you looked really macho back there…
Keiko: :sparkleguy:
YURIKO *yelling into phone*: Yuuka! Why won’t you answer me? YUUKA! :cry: She promised to call me every now and-
Phone *icy voice* : GIRLS! :plot:
Team 2: Adonia!
Adonia; Me, girls. If you want to save your friends and your teacher, come to the great hall now. :knife:
Team 2: :blood: :blood: :blood: :blood:
Team FBMs
*still wrestling in the dungeons*
*Hitoshi successfully whacks Nozaki over the head*
Nozaki: *faints* :uh..:
Hitoshi: *starts fiddling on the violin*
Oohira: eh? *Wakes up mid action* guys?
Hitoshi: help Kore with JR!
Rest of FBM: :anger: :anger: :blood:
Sato *loses grip on his mind*: OH NOO! :fwa: :swt:
Portal: ~Closing, closing, closing. You have 20 minutes left~
FBM excluding JR: :omg: :omg: :omg: :omg: :omg:
Kore *unhurt by JR as he is behind him. Jumps on JR, ties him up quickly *
Hitoshi: quick guys! *manhandles the group* COME ON!
*FBMs stumble through portal*
Sato: Hope the girls can make it! :omg:

*Palace of Great hall*
Yuki: Nice of you all to drop in.
Team 1: :cry: :cry:
Kaori: I hope the others are okay..
Yuuka: Even if they are, If Yuki-sama isn’t brought back with them, it will be of no use.
*The other 3 come in as well. Everyone exchanges well-wishes*
HIKARU: Nice to meet you all, from Team 2.
Keiko: So you are the one they call the Poet? :ayashii:
HIKARU: The Hikaru, The Poet
Whoever I am
Doesn’t matter.
What matters is
I am a friend, not an enemy.

Keiko: :leaf:
HIKARU: *more quietly, to Keiko* and I think I can help you. The rest already explained to me what had happened. When I functioned as Hikaru, I always watched how you and Wakana interacted with each other. This made me happy, :shy: but I’m also sad for Hikaru. :cry:
Keiko: :omg: gomen ne...
HIKARU: Therefore, if I help you with this, could you promise me that you’ll not forget Hikaru as well? She’s badly shaken after this whole incident, and will need someone’s shoulder after all this ends. Take care of her for me, won’t you? :orz:
Keiko: Of course I will. :sparkleguy:
HIKARU: After we get back (provided we do get back, of course) I can help Wakana restore her memories. And then Kalafina, together with the others, will stop Adonia from destroying the heaven court and the world.
Keiko: :shy: :shy:
Adonia: LAAMMMIIIAAA! *cry* :cry:
Ketea: *cries tears* :comeback:
Adonia: WHO DID THIS? :wai:
Guard: Those 3! *points to Keiko, Wakana, YURIKO*
Adonia: You’ll pay for this!
Keiko, Wakana, YURIKO: :fwa: :swt: :omg:
Yuki *thinks to herself*: :omg: I’ll have to do something!
Cue: Eternal blue
*Konsta amito
ama e kasa
diftia dito
mito ivia sartia*

Yuki: Why on earth am I thinking about Eternal Blue?

YURIKO: *starts singing Eternal Blue*
Kaori: *starts singing as well*

Adonia,: ARRRGGGHHH, what trickery is this? Can’t b-r-e-a-t-h-e… :blood: :blood:
Ketea: Master, it hurts! I can’t move, as well! :cry:
Yuki: This is our chance! Girls, let’s go! :stars:
*Yuki and Utahimes run out of room*
Adonia: GUARDSSSSSS! Catch them! :anger:
*Guards run after the girls*
Wakana: I think there’s too many of them! :omg: … we have to split! YURIKO, Mako, Brutus, you take Yuki-sama, go back through the portal! We can’t look after Yuki-sama if we have to fight! :desksweat:

YURIKO, Yuki: good luck, girls! Stay safe! *Runs to portal* :cry:
Kaori: Yuuka, I’ll have Excucumber’s back! *starts to sing*
*Yuuka, Keiko, Wakana, and HIKARU fight guards* :kungfu: :kungfu: :hero: :hero:

Wakana: *uses a lot of punches and kicks on the guards, who are sprawled over the pavement*
Guards: :blood: :blood: :imdead:

2nd squadron: WE’RE COMINGGGGG :hero:
Yuuka: Before they come, let’s go!
*Group runs towards portal with guards closing in*
*Kaori goes through, followed by Yuuka*
Kaori: The portal’s closing, hurry up, Keiko, WAKANA! :omg: :omg:
Guards running up : Prepare to be caught! *STARTS THROWING SHURIKEN* :kungfu: :kungfu:
Keiko, Wakana: :swt: :swt:
Wakana *looks at almost closing portal, can only see Yuuka’s face and hand groping out to catch them* We are too late! :omg:
Keiko: There’s still a chance you can get through! *pushes Wakana into portal* :V:
Wakana *tries to block portal with hands*: HUHH? What about you? :comeback:
Keiko: I’ll distract them, then go in aft- *shuriken hits her*ouch! :blood:
Wakana *hold onto portal, hands trembling from the pressure*: Come on, Keiko! :touched:
Keiko: Wakana, you will get hurt if you try to block the portal, or even split into 2. I’m not taking that risk. Stay safe, and help to unite the 2 incarnations of the Goddess. Goodbye. :cry: *Pushes Wakana into other side*
*Portal closes *
Wakana :omg: *scrambles up from floor, screams*: KEIIIIKKOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

*Screen blackens*

ED: Ashita no Keshiki

- What will happen to Keiko in the Eternal Blue World?
- And what of Adonia and the Goddess?
- Who are the new underlings? (I'll leave that to the next person, fufufufu :XD: )
- Will Wakana finally get to see what Keiko meant to her before the stone cold incident?

What kind of a Keiko fan am I...? :rain:

1) Anyway, I decided to leave
the power upgrade part
, and the
part after some deliberation.
I don't really know how to bring either of them inside, other than Asuka being worried as Yuuka was her Fairystory teammate then joining the story, then finding out she's supposed to be Adonia's vessel or incarnation... but that's going too far..

2) With the Poet, I hoped she, other than being able to cure Wakana, might be able to help someone else as well. (hint, hint) But I did say she has other powers- hopefully if anyone wants to intro other powers, there's this way.

3) I'm not good at writing, still learning, so do bear with me.

4) I killed off Lamia because I thought in the long run she would probably be a hindrance to Adonia. Ketea and whoever's coming will do their job pretty well... :plot:

5) Pictures: ... kana-2.jpg ... ura+02.jpg

Once again, gomen ne for the delay... :cry:
poor KEIIKOOOOOOOO~~ :cry: :cry:
but Casarina-san, you did the story well~ :sohappy: :shy: nothing wrong with how you write there, you have your own way to write story~ :shy: :sohappy:
and the Poet's debut goes very well :plot:

so, who'll continue this story? :confu: Tabete-san? Cerise-san? Me? Others? :confu:
(my imagination runs very bad recently so i am not hoping for being the next poster -- but if nobody has time to continue it, i guess i can...)
Nice Story Cassie-chan! :shy: I'm excited for the continuation.

Anyway, I'll leave the continuation to Feli-chan. Gomen ne, I will be very busy for the next couple of weeks :bow: so you guys should take turns. :sparkleguy: Though I'll be around briefly to check for updates. :ohoho: Good luck next poster! :knife:
ha-ha-haiii :hide:
ee to nee~ does the poster have limit days to write the story? i worry if i write the continuation in longer time than Casarina-san, the i'll be :knife: and :imdead:
I'll tell you all what...

While the person is busy with the continuation of the story, the others can continue to post pics and continue the game, unrelated to the story, like what you all were doing when I was re-writing my story. How's that?

on a related matter, is there any way we can put the Goddess and Music story on a thread by itself? hahaha
^I'm not sure what you mean but if you want to compile all the post related to the current story you can ask Varete to add the links in "Kala rabu rabu deto" in the creative corner.

So let the game begin :ohoho:


Keiko: Chance! :stars: *glomps everyone*
Hikaru:*thinking* aww~ Keiko is so sweet :shy: :shy:
Wakana: :uh..: *thinking* there she goes again

Here's the other one:

Wakana: hmmmm :confu: What a cute tiara! :waii: *puts tiara on* What.. is.. happ.. :@_@: :imdead: :knife: :plot: I WILL BE QUEEN! AND YOU SHALL SERVE ME! :glower:

(Maybe this is what happened the first time Wakana was transported in Eternal Blue Realm :ohoho:)

Next Picture:


tabete.mio said:

Keiko: :sohappy: :sohappy: I'm thrilled to announce to minna-san, mai lovely Wacchan and I are finally getting married! :dote: :love: :shy: :hearts:

Paparazzi: *snap snap snap* Show us the ring, Wakana! Show us the ring! :stars: *flashing cameras like crazy*

Wakana: *laughs* It's full carat diamond :shy:

Keiko: Of course, only the best is good enough for my future waifu~ :love:

Paparazzi: Who's going to be giving the bride away? The best man? And the maid of honour? :stars: :stars:

Keiko: Oh, Kajiura-sensei will be giving Wakana away, Kao-kun is the best man, and Hiichan here is set to be the maid of honour. Aren't you happy, Hiichan? :shy: :ohoho:

Hikaru: O-Oh, yes, of course, I'm just...over the moon... *smiling* *but inside thinking* :glower: :orz: :comeback: :cry: :TdT: :touched: :spotlight: :rain: :leaf: WHHYYYYYYYYY :comeback:



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