The picture captions game!

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^ LOL :ohoho: Yuki haven't revealed her real identity yet :sparkleguy:

Oh! and :uh..: :uh..: Why was I too late in discovering that "Brutus" and "Mako" are shark species *hits head on wall* :blood: :blood: :blood:
^ eh? "Brutus" is also a shark species? :fwa: I didn't know that one, I just made it up :XD: "Grey Nurse Shark" is also a shark species... :plot: (It's also known as a sand tiger shark or something, I think...)
Waaaaaa this story develops into greater and bigger story!! :nosebleed: :shy: :dote: :dote: :dote:
(sorry i just come here now, i finished my mid-year test, its announcement, school event, and until now i'm still having works for my next-year club's event, hueeeee)

i don't have any idea for its continuation now, but i'll think about it and try to write it faster,
but if anyone finish her (or his) story faster than me, then please post it! (since i can't rely on my brain either, i dunno when i can get some idea)
i always love your stories here~~~~ :shy: :shy: :shy: :shy:
(takes an hour to read and laugh here and there :XD: )
:omg: I made a mistake again :omg: "Brutus" is not a shark specie, its the name of the shark that attacked a man in Australia
Oh my god...okay I feel like I shaved some years off my life writing this... :blood: But here it is! SORRY IT'S SO LONG. I think I got too into it again... :uh..: Anyway! :innocent: Hope this brings some new revelations...and some new challenges :plot:

#cue OP: Kizuato ~Piano2 Mix~- Kalafina

(in the spirit of all things acoustic :shy: )

*in meta-world*

YURIKO: :nophoto: :nophoto: :nophoto:

*in the distance, a drumbeat. Then another. Slow drumbeats at first, that synchronise with YURIKO'S slowed heart rate. Gradually, the drumbeats pick up pace and beat faster. YURIKO'S heartbeat, completely in sync, speeds up along with the mysterious drum*

YURIKO: :@_@: :@_@: :@_@: *coming to consciousness* *groggily blinking* that... *looking up sees a murky, dark, well-built figure*

Person: Oh, it is you, Yuriko. You weren't responding no matter how loudly I called your name so I just woke you up... :uh..:

YURIKO:*vision clearing* :white: :fwa: S-SATO KYOICHI?!!

Kyo-sama: Yo. :V:

YURIKO: Kyo-sama! I thought I recognised those biceps! You saved me! :touched: :bow: But - how? And...what are you doing in the meta-world? :omgz:

Kyo-sama: Well, actually, I received a phone call from Hitoshi just a while ago... :ohoho:

YURIKO: H-Hitoshi? :fwa: Konno Hitoshi?! THAT Hitoshi?! Just...what is going on with all this! :@_@: Wait! :omg: I need to go warn everyone about HIKARU! :omgz: The Stone Cold Ice Crystal! And - and - ! :omg: :@_@: :nophoto:

Kyo-sama: Whoa, steady there :XD: Just sit here a while, YURIKO. We still have time. There's actually a lot more to this than you or any of the other utahimes think. I'll explain everything to you slowly... :tea:

* * *

*back in the half-destroyed Eternal Blue Palace*

#cue: The World is Tumbling Down (Fate/Zero)

Megalodon: :anger: :anger: :anger: :anger: :headbite: :headbite: :headbite: :headbite: :bloodlust: :bloodlust: :bloodlust: :bloodlust: :knife: :knife: :knife: :knife:

Captives: :swt: :swt: :swt: :swt: :swt: :vortex: :vortex: :vortex: :vortex:


Yuuka: WHAAAT?! :orz:


Yuuka: Oh, right! Forgot I was holding it heheh. :innocent: *Excucumber gathering light* EEEEEKKKKSSSSS - eh? :white: :confu: *sword stopped glowing*

Kaori, Yuriko and Sharks: What happened NOW?!! :omg: :omg:

Yuuka: Hmmm, I don't know... :confu: *inspects sword hilt*

Flashing Words on Hilt: BATTERY DEAD. BATTERY DEAD. BATTERY --> :imdead:

Everyone: :blood: :blood: :blood: :blood: :blood: :blood:

Yuriko: USOOOOOOOOO DAAAAAAAAAAA?! :ghost: :vortex: *plummeting to the depths of despair*

Yuuka: :touched: I'm sorry, okay! But it's not my fault, I bought it off the Internet at 50% discount and it didn't come with spare batts! :spotlight:

Kaori: It's fine, guys. I have yet another superpower that I just thought of. :sparkleguy: Yes - that's right. I CAN RECHARGE BATTERIES! :w00t:

Everyone: :leaf:


#cue Insert Song: The Power in Me (Kaori Oda)

Battery: :tea: :tea: :omgz: Wh-what's this?! I...feel...rejuvenated! As if...the true POWER IN ME is coming out! :hero: :hero:

*battery meter on hilt of Excucumber hits FULL CAPACITEHHHHHHH*

Megalodon: :headbite: :headbite: :headbite: :headbite: :anger: :anger: :anger: *approaching*


Everyone: :white: :white: :white:

*cage is blasted completely away*

Everyone: We're free! :sohappy: :sohappy: :fwa: NOW RUN FOR IT! :omg: :omg:

- quick cut back to meta-world -

#cue: A shadow (Pandora Hearts)

Kyo-sama: Okay, Yuriko, I'll start of by telling you how I saved you. :tea: So, you know I'm a drummer, right?

YURIKO: ...yesh... :ayashii:

Kyo-sama: Good. But can you tell why I have such amazing biceps? :sparkleguy:

YURIKO: Er...because you have unlimited complimentary Sony Gym Membership? :psst:

Kyo-sama: CHIGAU! :listen: It is because once, thousands of years ago in a previous life, I was a disciple of...the Ancient Goddess of Music Herself! :hero:

YURIKO: EH?! :fwa: but what does that have to do with your biceps? :uh..:

Kyo-sama: Have you not heard of the legend of the Ancient Godess of Music? :uh..:

YURIKO: :uh..: Does my face look like I do?

Kyo-sama: :desksweat:

*back in the semi-ruined Eternal Blue Palace*

Kaori, Yuriko and Sharks: :omg: :omg: :omg:

Saber Yuuka: :kungfu: :kungfu:

Kaori: It's no use! Saber Yuuka can't possibly defend us from the Megalodon all by herself! Not even the Sharks can help! And since I don't have any combat powers, and YURIKO is missing, we'll all be killed and defeated! :omg:

*sudden blaze of light*

#cue: liberators (Hokuto no Ken) [A/N: omg this track is so epic :TdT: ]

Everyone (including Megalodon): :white: :white: :white: :white:

*Enter Keiko, in MACHO HAREM BOSS OVERPOWERED-NEWLYWED MODE. :hero: :hero: Oh, and also HIKARU*

Keiko: STOP RIGHT THERE MEGABAKALODON :anger: :anger: :anger: :glower: :glower: :glower:

Megalodon: :swt: :swt: :swt:

Everyone: Wh-what's with this...incredible aura...?!! :swt: :swt:

HIKARU: Kaori, Yuriko get to safety! We'll take care of this. :hero: :hero:

Kaori and Yuriko: :touched: :touched: HIKARU. :chuu: :sohappy: take care guys!

Keiko: HIKARU, you got my back right? :goodjob: Cover me, I'm going in! :hero: :hero:

HIKARU: Of course, Keiko! :whip: *thinking*Hmhmhmhmhm they all trust me completely* :plot:

Keiko: IKUZOOO! With me, HIKARU and Yuuka! :hero: :hero:

Megalodon: RAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWRRRRRRR :headbite: :headbite: :headbite:

*they run at each other bellowing warcries* :kungfu: :kungfu: :kungfu:

#cue: lightseekers (Hokuto no Ken)

*epic battle scene ensues*

Keiko: *soaring through the air* KEIKO MACHO HAREM BOSS FLYING KIIIIICKUUUUU :kungfu:

Megalodon: :punched: :blood: :anger:


Saber Yuuka: EEEEEKKSSSSS-KYUUUU-KUMBEERRRRRRR!!!! :kungfu: :kungfu: :kungfu:

Megalodon: :ouch: :ouch: :bloodlust: :anger: :anger:

Saber Yuuka: Oh no! Keiko! I think we need to combine our powers to defeat it! :omg:

Keiko: Okay, girls. One last, final attack. Give it all you got. If we combine our ultimate moves and fire it in one direct hit, that should take this bakashark out! :listen:

*they leap back into battle*

#cue: on the battlefield (Fate/Zero)

Keiko: Get ready guys! We only have ONE CHANSUUU!!! :hero:



HIKARU: Sh-Shimatta! :swt: I have to reveal my - oh, well...can't help it then... :uh..: :kungfu: IN MY LOOOONG FORGOTTEN CLOISTERED SLEEEEEEEEEPPPPUUU!!!! :whip: :whip:

Keiko: :confu: Haven't heard that one before, I thought your ultimate move was KILLER MAGIA DEATH GLARE? :ayashii:

HIKARU: *quickly changing subject* The Megalodon! :omg: *secretly* That was close...hopefully she'll just forget about it... :uh..: :innocent:

*huge blast of light combined from Excucumber, Keiko's Kungfufina Flying Kick and In My Long Forgotten Cloistered Sleep roars and blasts across the snow, momentarily blinding and deafening everyone*

#cue: Sagitta Luminis (PMMM)

*In slow motion: panning shot of everyone's :white: faces, the body of the Megalodon gradually disappearing out of sight into the light which is reflecting off the falling snowflakes that are being blown about in a white flurry* :tea:

Everyone: T-TEH LAIGHTO :white: :white: :white: :white: :white: :white: :white:

Kaori: Did we - ? :omg:

Yuriko: Did they - ? :cry:

Sharks: :waii: :waii:

*the mist/light/snowflakes clear to show three silhouettes marching triumphantly across the ice, a little tattered, but alive and all in one piece*

#cue: at this point, the Sagitta Luminis music swells (around 2:30-ish, I believe)

Kaori, Yuriko and Sharks: *run towards them and glomps Keiko, Saber Yuuka and HIKARU burst into spontaneous cheers, tears and laughter* YES! YEEESSSS!!! THEY MADE IT! WE MADE IT! THEY'RE ALIVE! WE'RE ALIIIIIIIVVVVEEEEE!! :TdT: :TdT: :TdT: :touched: :touched: :touched: *hugging each other, hi-fiving and crying*

*a few minutes or so of heartwarming escaped-from-near-death-encounter celebrations*

*meanwhile, in another part of the Eternal Blue World*

Grey Nurse Shark: :white: :white: Wh-what was that huge blast of light that came from the direction of the Eternal Blue palace just then?!! :hide:

Wakana: :glower: Huh - ? :white: M-MAI PALACE?!! :omgz: AND MY MEGALODON! :fwa: DESTROYED?!! :omg: :omg: NUOOOOOOOO :vortex: :vortex: :voodoo: :voodoo: :voodoo: *raging* :stupidtable: - ack - gyack *cough cough cough cough* :blood: :bloodlust: *wiping blood from mouth*

Grey Nurse Shark: Wakana-sama, please calm yourself! :omgz: You're only agitating your delicate condition! :swt:

Wakana: It must be Keiko and Hikaru! :glower: They've returned to this realm! :anger: :@_@: :uh..: Hurry up and transform me already, Nurse! I must become strong and return to defeat them! :anger:

Grey Nurse Shark: *muttering* :swt: M-Mako-dono, what do I do? Eh? :omgz: *empty space* Not here? :omg: Where did you go?!! :ghost:

*back in meta-world*

#cue: A shadow (Pandora Hearts)

Kyo-sama: Very well then, Yuriko. :tea: Let me tell you the legend of the Ancient Goddess of Music - one...who had the power to create and destroy worlds through her songs. :TdT: In her time, she performed many miracles with her music - healing the sick, parting oceans, causing the rains to fall, crops to grow, water to turn into sake... :tea:

YURIKO: :ghost:

Kyo-sama: It is said that her godliness is contagious, and that all her singers will become angels, and her instrumentalists Demigods, thus being allowed to follow her into Music Heaven and sit next to her golden throne. :dote:

YURIKO: are - ?! :omgz:

Kyo-sama: Hai. :tea: I am one of those Instrumentalist Demigods, who was allowed to follower her into Music Heaven and hold a seat beside her golden throne. That's partly why I have this amazingly physique. :sparkleguy: The complimentary Sony Gym Membership does help, of course. More specifically, however, I am one of The Drummers. That's how I had the power to heal you, Yuriko. I can synchronise my drumbeat to the beat of your heart, and in this way, bestow life to one close to death. All of the Instrumentalists who followed the Goddess have some healing powers. However, like the other Instrumentalists, I still can't use my full power. :uh..:

YURIKO: Why? :confu:

Kyo-sama: That's because the other Gods sealed off the power of the Goddess, made her mortal and banished her soul. To this day, it exists only in fragments, occasionally reincarnating as a human every several hundred years. :cry: We are all reincarnated along with her as her followers. You see, we the Instrumentalists, are sworn to protect the Music Goddess and her Angel Singers until the day She may re-ascend to a higher plane of existence and resumer Her rightful place in the Pantheon. :TdT: :hero:

YURIKO: Ahh, I see. :tea: So, are there other Instrumentalists apart from you, Kyo-sama?

Kyo-sama: Sure! :ohoho: Korechan, Jr., Hiro-kun, Nozaki, Rie Akagi-san, even Oohira! Konno Hitoshi, who called me here, is The Violinist. He is actually a direct descendant of the Goddess of Music herself! :goodjob:

YURIKO: :omg: NANI?! A-all Kajiura's band members... :swt:

*Kyo-sama relates Hitoshi's backstory to YURIKO - see tabi's previous post ^ *

YURIKO: S-so sad... *sniff sniff* :TdT: So that's why he never smiles much and always looks serious. :cry:

Kyo-sama: Yes, it is sad indeed. All of us Instrumentalists are stuck as mortals with only partial powers. :uh..: You too, YURIKO.

YURIKO: ...................... *only just registered what he said* :white: EEEEHHHH?!!!! :fwa: :fwa:

*back at the Eternal Blue Palace, or what remains of it*

Kaori: We're alive! We're alive! :touched: :sohappy:

Keiko: Yes, lucky we came just in time :ohoho: But now you guys have to help us save Wakana! :listen: :touched: That's specifically why I came here!

Yuriko: Oh, we discovered something which may help you. :glasses: YURIKO, my alter ego, used the MYSTIC VOICE OF DEATH PERCEPTION to gaze into Wakana's soul, and actually - *explains about the Stone Cold Ice Crystal*

Keiko: :ayashii: I see, so if I use Yuuka's Excucumber, I can get rid of the Stone Cold Ice Crystal that becamse lodged in Wakana's heart, thus returning her to normal? :touched:

Yuriko: :goodjob:

*a desperately running figure approaches in the Distance*

Brutus: Eh? *squints* Who's that? It looks like...Mako?! :omg:

Mako: M-MINNAAAA!!! TAIHEN DAAAAAA!!!!! :ghost: :ghost:

Keiko: :omgz: It's the one that stabbed Waa-tan! :glower: :glower: :glower: I WILL TAKE REVENGE FOR WHAT YOU DID! PREPARE YOURSELF! :kungfu: :kungfu:

Brutus: *stepping in front of exhausted Mako* No, Keiko. :listen: She may have done some bad things, but she was acting on the orders of Queen Wakana. :touched: We are already on the verge of losing our Queen...I won't let you harm my comrade.

Mako: B-Brutus, you - even though we are rival factions - :plz:

*they have a "moment"*

Keiko: :leaf: Okay, okay, guys, break it up. :uh..: :knife:

Mako: That's right! :omgz: I have some horrendous news to tell you all! :omg: Queen Wakana - she - she - :TdT:

Brutus: - IS DEAD?! :omgz: :omg: :ghost: :orz: :orz: :orz: :orz:


Kaori and Yuuka: WHAT?!! :fwa:

Keiko: :glower: :glower: :glower: I'LL KILL YOU! :anger:

HIKARU: *thinking* YESSSSSSSSS. :stars:

Mako: :uh..: :desksweat: Actually, she's about to force the Grey Nurse Shark to turn her into a vampire-like coldblooded being who feeds off human blood!! :cry:

Everyone: :fwa: :fwa: :fwa:

Mako: You must hurry to save her! Once she has changed, it will be irreversible! :touched: When she reaches that stage, even removing the Stone Cold Ice Crystal won't be enough to turn her back! :omg:

Keiko: :white: :white: TAKE ME TO HER NAOOOO! :anger: :omg: I MUST save her! I promised to make everything turn back to normal - I'll fulfil that promise even if it costs me my life! :TdT: :hero:

HIKARU: *thinking* NO! I can't let Keiko go to save Wakana! I must think of some way to buy time! :omg: *suddenly bends over and falls to the ground groaning* Arrrghghhuuughhhhhh arrggggghhhhhhhhh grrrguuuuuuuu :wai: :wai: :wai: :nophoto: :nophoto:

Keiko: :omgz: HIKARU! What's wrong?

HIKARU: Arrghhh arrrggghghhhhh my agonising pain... :nophoto: :nophoto:

Yuuka: Did you get hurt in the fight with the Megalodon? :omg:

Kaori: :omg: I see no blood! Is it an internal injury? I'm sure those are more dangerous, actually! :touched:

Keiko: :ghost: HIKARU! Stay strong! :touched: You've fought so courageously beside me!

*some more panic*

Mako: Actually, I've had some medical training as part of my Ninja duties... :confu: :innocent: *inspects HIKARU* There is no injury... :uh..: I think you just have a stomach ache, HIKARU-san.

Keiko: Must've been those turnips Hikaru ate back at Wakana's place. :uh..:

Yuriko: We don't have time for this! We need to go stop Wakana from turning into a vampire-thing remember?! :omg:

Keiko: Sh-Shimatta! :white: Hope we're not too late! :swt:

*back in meta-world*

#cue: A shadow (Pandora Hearts)

Yuriko: :white: :white: Wh-what did you just say?!

Kyo-sama: You too, are one of the followers of the Goddess, Yuriko. :tea: So are Kaori, Yuuka, Wakana, Keiko and Hikaru. You're all reincarnations of the singers who turned into angels - the vocalist followers of the Music Goddess, responsible for bringing her melodies to life with your voices. Why else do you think you all have these inexplicable secret powers? Your MYSTIC VOICE OF DEATH PERCEPTION, Hikaru's KILLER MAGIA DEATH GLARE, Keiko's MACHO HAREM BOSS powers and Kaori's powers of her VOICE...

YURIKO: :white: :white: :white: Th-then...if you, the front band members are...and...we the utahimes are...then...l-logically, doesn't that make... :white: :white:

Kyo-sama: Yes, YURIKO. :glasses: Who do you think is the current incarnation of the Goddes of Music? :plot:

YURIKO: :white: :white: :white: *whispering* K-K-a-j-i- *faints* :imdead: :imdead:

Kyo-sama: Look like she finally reached Enlightenment! :ohoho: Oh, I should report back to Hitoshi. :ayashii:

~back at Hikaru's apartment in the real world~

Hitoshi: *pacing back and forth, occasionally pausing to adjust the damp cloth on Waa-tan's feverish forehead* :uh..: I wonder how things are progressing... :uh..: Maybe I should call the others too? I wonder if Sato was able to - *phone rings* :omg: HELLO?!

Kyo-sama: *on other end* Yo! Guess who I found in the meta-world? :ohoho: It's YURIKO! Ne, YURIKO, won't you say hi to Hitoshi? *pause, faint sounds of despair drifting in from the other side* Okay well, she's kind of er...well, I sort of just crumbled the foundations of her reality, so I think I'm going to take her over to where you are. That good with you?

Hitoshi: :desksweat: Fine, just bring her along. *hangs up* How are we going to get out of this mess... :uh..:

~back in meta-world~

Kyo-sama: *picking up the still flabbergasted YURIKO* Come on, we need to leave here now. :ohoho:

YURIKO: :@_@: *muttering incomprehensibly* :...:

Kyo-sama: It's okay, you can say it out loud. :XD:

YURIKO: The...the current incarnation of the omnipotent Ancient Goddess of Music... :omg: none other than... :ghost:

Kyo-sama: :innocent:


Kyo-sama: You've finally reached the Yuki Nirvana! :shy:

[*somewhere in real world* Yuki: *sneezes* :confu: Ara~ someone must be thinking of me! :ohoho: ]

*back in the Eternal Blue world*

#cue: fatality (Hokuto no Ken)

Keiko: We have arrived! Am I too late - ? :touched: *talking towards door of the mansion in which Wakana and the Grey Nurse Shark were* Am I - :white:

*in the doorway, there appeared - *

tabete.mio said:

Keiko: :omg: :touched: ...W-Wakana - Oh GAWD - :fwa: :hearts: guys, it just me or did she get even more beautiful since last time we met? :nosebleed: :love:

Kaori: Keiko... :uh..: *whacks*

Wakana: *frostily* So, we meet again. :glower:

Sharks: :ghost: What's with that icy tone that sends shivers and chills down our spines? :swt:

Yuuka: :omg: I'm sure Wacchan looks much paler than usual!

Yuriko: Something isn't right with her... :ayashii:

Grey Nurse Shark: *stumbling out* Minna! It's too late! I was already forced to perform the operation! :omg: Queen Wakana - is no longer human! She has turned into a vampire thing! :orz:

Everyone: :white: :white: :white: :white:

Keiko: *gasps* :white: :white: ........................N-n--n-n-no-no-nononoNONONONO! :omg: :omg: Th-this isn't happening! :vortex: :vortex: :vortex: *collapses slowly to knees, clutching head in despair* :cry: I - I can't believe it - I - WAS TOO LATE?!! :orz: :orz: W-WAKANAAAAA :comeback: :comeback:

HIKARU: Oh, what :uh..: *secretly: :plot: YES! YEEESSSS!! MY PLAN HAS SUCCEEDED!! :ohoho: :ohoho: :ohoho:

Wakana: *looking at them with cold indifference* You dare show your faces before me, even after destroying my palace and my beloved Megalodon beast? :glower:

Keiko: WAKANAAAAA :orz: :orz: :orz: :orz: :orz: :orz: NO! :anger: *in denial* There - There must be way to save her! THERE MUST BE SOME OTHER WAYYYYYY! :touched: :touched: :touched: :touched: :touched:

Yuuka: Um...guys... :swt: *pointing at Wakana*

Wakana: *strange look over her face* Actually, I'm actually quite hungry now...and there are all these delicious smelling warm-blooded creatures around... :knife: :stars: *licking lips*

Kaori, Yuuka, Yuriko and Sharks: :swt: :swt: :swt: :swt: :swt: :swt: :swt: :swt: *backs away*

Keiko: *really just beyond caring* :orz: :orz: :orz: :orz: *still where she had thrown herself in despair at Wakana's feet*

Wakana: *crouching down to face Keiko* Mmmm, I think you'll make a good first meal for me, Keiko, whilst your blood is still running so hot in your veins :plot: :knife: *stroking Keiko's cheek* :shy:

Keiko: :leaf: :leaf: :leaf: :leaf: :leaf: *in a kind of trance* Wakana's so many times...have I dreamed...of such a thing...? :tea:

Yuuka: *gushing* :waii: OHmaigod, isn't this exciting? Those two are so - I mean, can't you just feel the romantic tension in the - :punched:

Kaori: YUUKA! Not the time now for Waa x Kei shipping! :anger:

Wakana: *tilting Keiko's chin up* Just hold still, my pretty, it'll all be over soon. :plot: *her lips brush Keiko's neck* :knife: :chuu:

Keiko: *still in traumatised trance-like state* :leaf: .................and yet...her hands...they are so cold... :leaf:

HIKARU: :white: :@_@: Ehe - wait - what is - *suddenly switched into Hikaru*

Hikaru: *forcibly manifested due to intensely jealous emotions after seeing Wakana about to bite into Keiko's neck* HOI! DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH HER! :anger: :anger: :anger: :anger: :glower: :glower: :glower: :stupidtable: :stupidtable: :stupidtable: *grabs Keiko and kicks Wakana away*

Wakana: :punched: :bloodlust: :bloodlust: :bloodlust: How dare you interrupt me as I was about to have a meal! :glower: And her blood had the sweet scent of gyoza, too! :glower: Give me back my prey, puny human... *advancing towards them* :knife:

Kaori, Yuuka, Yuriko, Hikaru, trance-like Keiko and Sharks: :swt: :swt: :swt: :swt: :swt: :swt:

*back in real world, Hikaru's apartment*

Hitoshi: So, YURIKO. I hear from Sato-san that you have reached Yuki nirvana.

YURIKO: :white: *still in shock* I-Is that...Waa-tan?

Hitoshi: *sighs* Yes...I have to keep her alive until Keiko can somehow rescue the other half of Wakana from the Eternal Blue world. :uh..:

YURIKO: :omg: That's right! How could I forget?! HITOSHI! The one who was behind this, all along, from the beginning - IT WAS HIKARU!

#cue: lotus (FICTION II)

Hitoshi and Kyo-sama: :white: :white: :omg: :omg: EHHHH?!

YURIKO: Hikaru's alter ego - HIKARU! I met her in the meta-world - she was the one who put me in a death-like state, using a power called In My Long Forgotten Cloistered Sleep! :cry:

Hitoshi and Kyo-sama: :white: :white: :omg: :omg: A - a power called 'In My Long Forgotten Cloistered Sleep' - you say??!

YURIKO: Yes! She was also the one who planted the original Stone Cold Ice Crystal within Wakana's soul! :TdT:

Hitoshi: :glower: Sato. Call the others. Emergency meeting. NOW.

YURIKO: :omgz: Wh-what's happening? What is it? :swt:

Hitoshi: YURIKO. You know how Sato-san told you about the Gods who sealed away the Ancient Goddess' powers and banished her soul? :glasses:

YURIKO: Yes? :confu:

Hitoshi: you know why they had to seal her away? It was because...of The Lost Utahime. :cry:

YURIKO: Lost Utahime?!! :fwa:

Hitoshi: You know now, that we the front band members are the incarncations of the Demigod followers of the Ancient Goddess of Music, correct? And you and the other five utahimes are the Angels, right? Well...originally, there were actually seven Angels, not six.

YURIKO: :swt: S-Seven?!

Hitoshi: Hai. The seventh utahime had a vocal range below even that of Keiko's - she could plow to the very depths of Bass with her voice. Basically, she had the voice of a man. :tea:


Hitoshi: But alas, the Goddess always favoured higher ranges more for some reason. Due to this, the Seventh Utahime was forever stuck on chorus, low harmony and backup vocal. Always the bridesmaid, never the bride, as they say. :cry: Gradually, however, she grew resentful of the Goddess. She wondered why the other utahimes could take turns on lead vocal, but not her. Although the Goddess tried to convince her that her role as bass harmony was just as crucial and important in weaving the magic of their songs, the seventh utahime would not accept it. :TdT:

Yuriko: :ghost:

Hitoshi: With bitter darkness and hatred growing in her heart, she became corrupted and began to use the power of music within her for evil. The other Gods discovered this and punished the Ancient Goddess, for the Lost Utahime's powers had been gifted to her by the Goddess. With the fall of the Goddess, came the fall of the other Angels and the Instrumentalists. Hereafter, the traitor Angel became known as The Lost Utahime. But that was not the end. She stole one of the Goddess' songs, 'In My Long Forgotten Cloistered Sleep', and with its power, escaped those who sought to destroy her. Then, she disappeared to the mortal world. :tea:

Yuriko: :omg: So...this HIKARU - ?

Hitoshi: Yes, she is not actually Hikaru's alter ego, but the vengeful Lost Utahime, who has taken up residence in Hikaru's body! :listen: :cry:

YURIKO: :omgz: :omg:

Hitoshi: The motives she told you were lies, too. She is not acting in the interest of Hikaru, but in fact she is trying to destroy all the utahimes! And it seems she started with the girls of Kalafina, exploiting the already fragile tension existing between the three due to Wakana and Keiko's relationship! :glasses: :listen: She probably even intends to take over Hikaru's body at some point and manipulate her to destroy the Kajiura family from the inside out, so that she can eventually destroy Yuki herself! :omg: But we have found her out this time, and we, the Instrumentalists, as the sworn protectors of the Goddess, shall help the Utahimes to stop her! :hero:

YURIKO: :vortex: H-Hitoshi! Sugoi!

Hitoshi: Oh, it's nothing. And besides, I have a personal grudge to settle with the Lost Utahime... :knife:

YURIKO: eh...? :swt:

Hitoshi: Because...SHE was the one, who all those years ago, manipulated the Gods into banishing the Goddess' soul a second time! :glower: :glower: She killed my mother - the First Incarnation! :anger: And it was my fault! :cry: But I shall avenge her death! :anger:

YURIKO: .... :swt: Er...wait...if your mother was the past incarnation of the Ancient Goddess, and if - if...K-Kajiura-san is...the current one...doesn't that make her...your...?

Hitoshi: Er, doesn't quite work like that... :uh..:

YURIKO: Oh thank god, it would be too weird if she turned out to be your...your...well...mother... :swt:

Hitoshi: Kajiura-san is the Second Incarnation of the Goddess, who is completely separate from the First Incarnation. The First Incarnation's powers were latent - the most she could do was pass some of her power to me, her son. But Kajiura as the Second Incarnation is different - she can actually partially channel some of the original Goddess' power! Hence the creation of the Eternal Blue world. :tea:

YURIKO: Oh, I see...gomen, Hitoshi, you must have had a hard life...and here we all thought you were just a gloomy person... :touched:

Hitoshi: :cry: Well, when my mother was killed...the only thing I had been able to do since then was to watch over and work for the new incarnation of the Ancient Goddess of Music. I have been honing my skills under the blessing of Kajiura-sensei, training every day, playing my violin...This is why I must destroy the Lost Utahime. To protect Kajiura-sensei, who has taken me so kindly under her wing, and helped me get over some of the pain I felt...and also because the Lost Utahime - she destroyed my mother - I MUST AVENGE HER! :anger: :cry: :orz: :rain:

YURIKO: :white: :white: :omgz: Hitoshi...I never had such a passionate side... :plz:

Kyo-sama: *rushing in from calling the other FBM* H-Hitoshi! This is bad! *opens a box he is carrying to reveal a set of glowing musical note symbols* I was just checking on the girls' zodiacal signs see what i did there ohoho and Wakana's symbol has stopped glowing and turned to pure black! :omg: :omg:

YURIKO: What are those? :omgz:

Hitoshi: Oh no... :desksweat: These symbols represent each of the utahime's life forces, YURIKO. Wakana's has gone dark - that either means she's dead -

YURIKO: :fwa: :vortex:

Hitoshi: ...or something has happened to her life force, corrupting or distorting it. :uh..: Let's go, Sato! YURIKO! We need to get the others out of that Eternal Blue world! :hero:

*back in the Eternal Blue world*

*Wakavampire is advancing on the utahimes + sharks*

Wakana: Now... :knife: Which of you has the tasiest blood? :plot:

*sudden burst of light between them*

Everyone: :white: :white: :white:

Hitoshi and Kyo-sama: *stepping out of the light* :sparkleguy: :sparkleguy: We're here!!

YURIKO: *returning and taking hold of Yuriko's body* :kungfu: Come on guys, we need to leave quickly while the portal is still open!

Wakana: Oh, no you don't! :knife: :glower:

Kyo-sama: We'll distract them while you girls get away! :hero: *drum kit materialises*

Kaori and Yuuka: EH? :fwa:

*Hitoshi whips out his violin*

Kaori and Yuuka: NANI? :ghost:

Hitoshi: This should help you get to the portal faster! :kungfu: *Hitoshi and Kyo-sama start playing something*

Kaori: Oh, I recognise this song! :waii: It's Gatherway! I'll sing with you to enhance your powers!

#cue Insert Song: Gatherway - FictionJunction

tabete.mio said:

Kaori: Go with me EX-eltaiseerrrrrrrrr!! :hero: :whip: *rocking out*

*Hitoshi and Kyo-sama playing like crazy on drum and violin. Their combined power causes a fireball to form and blast at Wakana. The air becomes red and orange with heat. Snow melts all around them.*

Wakana: *hissing* :swt: Dammit! I'm a cold-blooded being! Can't stand this sudden rise in heat! *steps back from the flames* :glower:

Keiko: Wakana! :comeback: *disappearing into the portal* I WILL come back to save you! Just wait for me......! :vortex:

Wakana: *all alone in the eternal blue* :leaf: :glower: :glower: Oh well...time to rebuild my palace! :glower: And find some human blood for food... :uh..: *sees Brutus, Mako, Grey Nurse Shark, and the rest of her former Shark Legion/Elite Shark Ninja Squadron* :knife:

Sharks: :swt:

Wakana: You all better build up the palace again real quick before I decide to make do with your blood for a snack. :knife:

Sharks: :omg: H-HAI! *they flee*

*cut back to Hikaru's apartment*

*bright flash of light*

Hikaru: :omgz: :omg:

*in her living room, she sees: *

Keiko: *in dark corner* :orz: :comeback: :cry: :TdT: :touched: :rain:

Kaori: :ohoho: *Hi-fiving Kyo-sama*

Kyo-sama: :sparkleguy:

YURIKO: *for some reason suspiciously looking at Hikaru* :glower:

Korechan, Jr, Hiro-kun, Oohira and Nozaki: :confu: Hey, we just got here, what's going on? :XD:

Hitoshi: :uh..:

Waa-tan: *still on couch where they left her* :nophoto: :nophoto:

Hikaru: WHY ARE ALL THESE PEOPLE IN MY APARTMENT?! :fwa: :vortex: :imdead:


#cue: love and fate ~YURIA #2~ (Hokuto no Ken)

*After updating the rest of the FBM on everything that had happened so far, everyone sat around the coffee table in heavy, depressed silence reflecting on the tragic loss of Wakana. Keiko kneels protectively beside the still-slumbering Waa-tan, stroking her face tenderly, whilst Hikaru leans sadly on her shoulder. YURIKO-neesan has each of her arms around Kaori and Yuuka, rocking them gently like a true onee-san. Korechan plucks some melancholy notes on his guitar. Jr. weeps manly tears behind his dark glasses. The other FBM pace around the room, silent and despondent. The atmosphere is thick with despair and tragedy. :TdT: *

Hitoshi: Today...we have lost...a beloved, much-treasured member of our many, someone who was more than just a some, a worthy love others...a kawaii dango round-faced waifu... :TdT:

Everyone: *sniffling* :uh..: :uh..: :TdT: :TdT: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

Keiko: *getting to her feet fiercely* I'll save her! :anger: We will not give up! I won't give up on her! :glower: Wakana's words, those words she said to me, while she lay bleeding and injured - :TdT: "Please Keiko, I want to return to how we were before." - I swore to fulfil her wish! I etched those words into the very core of my being. :touched: WE. WILL. SAVE. WAKANA. :glower: :glower: :cry:

Everyone: :omgz: :omgz: :omgz: *inspired by Keiko's rousing speech* :w00t: :w00t: :w00t: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Keiko: Even now, I can still in my heart hear Wakana cheering us all on to fight with all our strength! :glower: BANZAI! FAIGHTO! We can still save her, with the power of our LOVE and FRIENDSHIP! :hero: We are all part of the Kajiura Family! And Family means no one is left behind! :hero:

Everyone: *moved by her words* :omgz: :omgz: :omg: :omg: :TdT: :TdT: :touched: :touched: :touched:

Hitoshi: Yes, Keiko is right. :glasses: We must not give up hope. :hero: We need to rally up our strength, everyone! :goodjob: The purpose of this emergency meeting is to rest and recuperate, nurse our wounds, update everyone on what's happening, and decide what course of action to take next. :uh..: Now -

YURIKO: :innocent: Actually, before we begin - Hitoshi, you mind if I say it now? She doesn't seem to be manifested right now, but I think the earlier we tell them the better... :glower:

Hitoshi: *nodding gravely*

#cue: Pugna Cum Maga (PMMM)

YURIKO: :glasses: Fellow utahimes and front band are all probably wondering what has been going on for the last few days. Who has been responsible in the first place, for Wakana's corruption by the Stone Cold Ice Crystal, leading to the subsequent splitting of her soul, and now her transformation into a vampire-like creature? :listen: Well, actually, all of this despair, heartbreak and trouble has been caused by just one person, and one person alone. :TdT:

Keiko: :omg: YOU KNOW? :anger: WHO IS IT? I'LL KILL THEM! :voodoo:

YURIKO: :glasses: That person is...none other than...*turns and points dramatically* HIKARU! :glower: :glower: :glower:

Hikaru: :white: M-ME?!! :fwa: :vortex:

Everyone: :white: :white: :white: EHHHHHH?!! :fwa: :fwa: :fwa:

~dramatic BLACKOUT~

#cue ED: Lacrimosa - Kalafina

~After EDen Sequence~

*somewhere in the meta-world*

HIKARU: Oh dear...seems YURIKO has gone and done something reckless. Lucky I'm hiding here in the meta-world, where it's almost impossible to find me. :plot: But it really is a a pity that baka YURIKO doesn't seem to have considered what might happen to...her other half... :knife: HahahahaFWAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA *maniacal laughter*

Yuriko: *behind HIKARU* :wai: :swt: MMMMFHHHHMMM!! :wai: *tied up and gagged, struggling and making muffled noises*


#cue: to be continued (Fate/Zero)
What will happen now that Wakana has turned into a ruthless cold-blooded vampire-like being?
How will Hikaru cope with finding out that her once-trusted alter-ego is in fact an evil fallen angel hellbent on vengeance and destruction?
And how will the Kajiura family be able to protect the Second Incarnation of the Goddess - Yuki, from the Lost Utahime's corruption?
Is the power of Love enough for Keiko to fulfil her promise to Waa-tan to restore everything back to the way it used to be?
Tune in next time to find out! :ghost:
*disjointed voices*
- You attempt a fool's task -
- By the power of the Goddess whom you betrayed so long ago-
- Hah! Nothing in your repertoire of music can help you now -
- *sobbing sound* She's gone too far this time, Keiko -
- Kaori! Watch out for that...*screams* -
- *gasp* She's gone -
- Yuuka! *battle noise* -
- What is your true intention?! -
- *laughter* YURIKO, you truly are a fool to think -
- *desperate shouting* Even if it isn't what the current you wishes for -

*music climaxes then stops abruptly*
- I'll save you -
- Definitely -


P.S. PHEW :desksweat: Erm, copied a line from if you scroll down, Kajiura-sensei's there, just after Yoko Kanno :XD: Also borrowed that 'Family' tagline from the movie Lilo and Stitch :plot:
The very last "preview bit" is meant to be in the style of those "can hear dramatic voices but cannot actually tell what is happening although they provide thrilling implications of what could happen next episode" previews. Next person doesn't have to use those lines in their continuation, it was just me being melodramatic :XD:

Somehow...this has turned into so much more than a picture captions game :desksweat: :XD:

Next person can use either one or both, whichever they prefer :V: Good luck~


Would you all mind terribly if I joined in?

This is turning out to be an anime...

EDIT: still working on it... :blood:

take my hat off to Cerise and her really good stories... :ayashii:
:fwa: A new writer! :ohoho: Go ahead, post away casarina26. We'll be waiting impatiently :knife:
You know...after reading that horribly long but beautiful story :nosebleed: , I have the sudden urge to draw fan arts of ALL of them... What do you guys think?? :sparkleguy: :ayashii: :ayashii:

I already started drawing Keiko! :dote: BTW, I'm drawing each of them individually first... :blood: :blood: :blood:
^ :gimmeh: :gimmeh:

I like drawing :sparkleguy: Can I draw too? :innocent: Actually when I'm reading the dialogues what I imagine in my head is an anime fully colored, with expressions, voices(sometimes :XD: ) and with soundtracks. :ohoho: My crazy Otaku side is manifesting :knife:
Of course you can!! :sohappy: :sparkleguy: Me too, I know that feel bro I almost half way thru Keiko's, line-art and colouring not yet... :spotlight: Btw, I actually drew up the idea of "angel" so I drew up wings and a halo... /me is bricked by Keiko...
Wow. The plot is interestingly amusing, and some are interested in drawing the characters and their scenes. With this, a possible manga or light novel series may come out of this courtesy of the creative team of the CPM forums! :dote:

Possible name for the series: YK Chronicles ~Adventures in the Eternal Blue~ (Yeah, it kinda sounds generic, can you improve this one? :XD: )

Just a wild idea though, hope it does not pressure you or anything like that...
:ayashii: :ayashii: :ayashii: :ayashii: :ayashii: :ayashii: :ayashii: :ayashii: :ayashii: :ayashii: :ayashii: :ayashii: :ayashii: :ayashii: :ayashii: :ayashii:

That sounds reallllllyyyy nice~~ :nosebleed: :nosebleed:

Strangely, I was also thinking about re-writing(fixing typos, edit etc.) the whole story and post it in dA or something, credits to everyone who helped wrote it of course :XD: But I'm more focused on drawing the characters though. I'm thinking on how to draw/customize Keiko's outfit, so hardddd :blood:
I will try to use images we have of the utahimes to create some of those epic battle scenes in photoshop :goodjob:
maybe even making this story more appealing, to make it like a magazine's page using my secret witch powers
something like this maybe? (images taken from the magazine i work on with a few friends when i'm realllly bored)
I can do even better than those :sparkleguy:
Yayyyy!!!! That's great Varete!! :nosebleed: :nosebleed: And maybe -just maybe I can even cosplay as them...i have keiko's hairstyle and wigs. But the outfits, Challenge denied... :blood: :blood:

EDIT: I need some help from you guys :omg: !!! Can you recommend me some colour schemes that are suitable for Keiko, but gold and silver is a must for every character ( they're angels, and goddesses and :blood: ). While I'm asking this, I might as well ask what colours are suitable for other utahime's and instrumentalists... :cry: Any help will be appreciated~! :sohappy:

Wow...finally I finished... :blood: :blood:

Please enjoy the story :innocent: and give me your guidance! :gimmeh:

Cue 1: OP- To The Beginning (A/N: thought it a really good OP sequence what with things here)

YURIKO: Well… not really our sweet Hikaru here, but… *voice hardens* HIKARU. Or, I just learnt, the Lost Utahime. :knife:

Almost all utahimes: Explain… :ayashii:

*YURIKO, Kyo-sama, Hitoshi launch into HUGE explanation of Lost Utahimes, Angels, Demigods, see Cerise’s post*

*Back in the Eternal Blue*

Vampire Wakana: *Surveys palace* Very good. Now leave me alone, I want a rest. I’ll need to conserve energy if I am to go without food! Or… *smirks at everyone* I could do something else… :waii: :waii:
*Barks at Brutus and Mako*Come along with me! :bloodlust:

Brutus, Mako: H-Haiii! :omg: :omg:

*Real world*

Yuki: *walking on street*(she’s about the only one left who REALLY doesn’t know what’s going on…or does she?) Where’s EVERYONE?! All the FBM, the utahimes, all disappeared! And Kalafina still has half of their songs in the new album not recorded! Wakana and Keiko are both not at home, maybe they are at Hikaru’s, clowning around. :stupidbox: I’ll go over and knock some sense into them! *Muttering under breath* :bloodlust:

*Hikaru’s apartment*

*Stunned silence*

Kaori (recovers first): So this means…the HIKARU, who has been a great ally… :uh..:

Keiko: Don’t talk about her, she’s no ally of ours, no ally of me..When I get my hands on her…! :stupidbox: :stupidbox:

Hitoshi: Calm down, Keiko, if you get your hands on her, Hikaru’ll die first, since she’s the host body for the Lost Utahime… Hikaru??!! :omg:

*Hikaru jumps up, tears in her eyes, shaking all over* :rain:

Hikaru: This was all my fault.. I harbored impossible dreams, had bad thoughts, allowed her to feast on my mind and cause… cause Wakana’s current situation, brought Keiko so much grief (Keiko: :omg: ) I will leave now, I’ll go somewhere safe, hand in my resignation tomorrow, then I’ll go and not bring anymore harm on you all… she’ll have no one to harm anymore once I’m out of the team…*runs out of door* :cry: :cry:

Keiko: Hikaru! *goes after her, desperate not to lose anyone else* :cry:

Yuuka: I think… we all need some peace…to digest this…news. :uh..:

Band members: I think we’ll leave now… Give you all some peace and quiet. :uh..:

*Small patch of trees behind Hikaru’s house*

Keiko: Hikaru! Hi-tan! Wait up! Are you really going away? Forsaking the rest of us? Turning your back on m..Kalafina?! :comeback:

Hikaru: *whirls around* How do you expect me to be able to carry on? *crying now (A/N sorry, Hikaru fans…)*She’s still somewhere in me! And Kalafina…it’s… I don’t think it can be brought back again…Look at Wakana! Waa-tan might still be able to sing, but she’s not the real one! The real one…sob… She's gone! And me… I can’t face you now. Or the others. *turns around to walk off* :orz:

Keiko: Hikaru! Listen to me, we can get th… *stops abruptly, as Hikaru turns and Keiko sees that…it’s not really her friend anymore* YOOOU! WHERE’S HIKARU?? :anger: :anger:

HIKARU/Lost Utahime: Keiko. My lost friend. And someone… whom I loved. A long time ago.

Keiko: EH? :fwa:

HIKARU/Lost Utahime: I believe you were told the story, were you not?

Keiko: You traitor… and now you are back again! What is your true intention?! :glower: :glower:

HIKARU/Lost Utahime: The Goddess forsook me. Left me all alone, plowing the very depths of her songs… All alone… all the other angels got a chance to shine, even you, whose voice was not too different from mine… Forever chorusing, harmonizing…BAH! Sick of those! I want to show HER, who thinks high voices are all great and mighty, how low voices can shine! After… she lies, weak and drained, at my feet! :bloodlust: :bloodlust:

Cerise said:

*Sits down on tree, smirks at Keiko’s flabbergasted face. * :groucho:

Keiko: What’s wrong with chorusing? You also get to sing songs, and help her to do good!

HIKARU/Lost Utahime: LIES! All lies… I was a fool to have believed her… And you too Keiko. Just the same as before. You attempted a fool’s task, as you are now doing, trying to convince yourself that you are important, when you ARE NOT! You were special when you were an Angel, Keiko. You were the only one who got close to understanding me, what I felt…You were always the one whom the other Angels would go to for their troubles… I tried to convince you to go with me, but you refused. You stuck by her till the end. Loyal, but extremely foolish. :ayashii: :ayashii:

*HIKARU/Lost Utahime walks towards Keiko, who begins backing away* :omg: :swt: :swt:

HIKARU/Lost Utahime: We can start all over again, Keiko. Let everything go back to the beginning. You come along with me now, and the two of us.. we’ll strike back together, show everyone how low, deep voices can truly shine! :nosebleed:

*Keiko trips and falls, Lost Utahime stands towering over her* :swt:

HIKARU/Lost Utahime: well?

Keiko: I rejected you once… And now, I will reject you again. NEVER! Will I go along with you.I’m happy with Kalafina, with Yuki and all the other members of the family. And they ARE family. I promised I would return everything back to normal. And I will make sure you won’t come and destroy our happiness again. :hero:

HIKARU/Lost Utahime: Fine! I gave you a chance, you didn’t take it. Don’t blame me for being merciless…Fwahahaha! *Raises hand*

*Someone familiar runs up*

Yuki : Hikaru! What are you doing with Keiko? :anger: *Eyes the pair* *Somewhat taken aback by HIKARU’s look* :omg: :omg:

HIKARU/ Lost Utahime: Don’t “Hikaru’ me, woman. Or should I say: Milady? Hikaru… is, shall we say, inconvenienced? :plot: :plot:

Keiko: (horror dawning) What did you do to her? :knife:

HIKARU/ Lost Utahime: She’s stuck in the meta-world, where you and nobody else, can reach. *Turns to Yuki* I will wait for you, since I don’t believe in striking someone dead when he or she is clueless about everything. Keiko will explain. Then perhaps it will jog your memory a bit, what you did to me last time. By that time… I’ll be ready to settle my matters with you. Hah! Nothing in your repertoire of music can help you now, milady! :ohoho: :ohoho:

*Burst of light*
*HIKARU/Hikaru disappears*

Yuki: (gasps) She’s gone… :omg:
Keiko *leapts up* yelling: HIIIIIII-KAAA-RUUUUUUU!! Stay strong, wherever you are! Don’t let her get you down! :leaf:

Cue: Synchronicity: Keiko’s version

Yuki (senses something is really wrong, by sudden disappearance and Keiko’s behavior): Keiko…Keiko. *Holds onto hysterical girl* :orz: :orz: Calm down! There now. *Keiko wipes off tears and sweat*
Yuki: Now, can you tell me what is going on? From.. where it all began?

*Eternal Blue world*

Vampire Wakana *Throws open room*: Now, I present to you all…! My 2 newest and strongest lieutenants, LAMIA, & KETEA! :hero: :hero: :fan: :fan:

Brutus, Mako, Nurse shark: :omg: :omg: :omg: :swt: :swt: :swt:

Vampire Wakana: You have created the portal, do you? :whip:
LAMIA, KETEA: Yes, My Queen! :sparkleguy: :sparkleguy:

Vampire Wakana: Then go and bring forth those meddlesome humans, those who dare to come into my territory without any regard for me! Oh, and bring them alive, so that their blood will be all nice and warm! :nosebleed: :nosebleed:

Cerise said:

Cue 3: Michiyuki.

*Back in real world*
Yuki (Holding head in hands): But I don’t know anything! :uh..: :blood:

YURIKO: Not that we expect you to, in so short a notice… we also haven’t taken it all in yet. :desksweat: :desksweat: :desksweat: :desksweat:

Kaori: Just take your time, we… :ohoho:


*Confused array of yells and shouts*
Yuki: What are those??!! :omg: :swt:

LAMIA: By the orders of Queen Wakana, we are here to take you all back! She’s hungry! *Maniacal laughter* Then she’ll feast on all of your blood! It’s your honour to be able to be eaten by our Hounourable Queen!

*Keiko runs to help Kaori handle KETEA* :kungfu: :kungfu:
*Yuuka, YURIKO fights LAMIA* :whip: :whip:

*Yuki goes to Waa-tan's side to try to protect her from all the powers flying around*

Kaori (screams): Yuki-sama, please go now! We’ll handle these creatures! :omg: :omg:

Yuki: I can’t leave you all and go on my own! :omg:

Keiko: Please, Yuki-sa… Kaori! Watch out for that… *Screaming starts* :fwa:

Yuki: Yuuka! *sees Yuuka battling Katea’s massive weapon, feeling helpless* GIRLSSSSS! :omg:

LAMIA: KETEA, they’re too stubborn! I have no choice!

KETEA: LAMIA, stand back! WATER VOLCANOOOOO! :kungfu: :kungfu:

*A few minutes later*
*Eternal Blue World*

Vampire Wakana: How are things?

LAMIA, KETEA: My Queen, all of them are now in the dungeons… They are all yours now. :hero: :hero:
Vampire Wakana: *Evil Laugh* :ohoho:

Screen darkens…
What will happen to Yuki and the girls now that they are all in the Eternal Blue World?
Will the band members get to them, or to Yuriko/Hikaru in time?
Will Wakana ever return to her original self?
Tune in to the same channel next week!

I shall add my own preview…
- This is not over yet! Not by a long time!
- Yuki-sama, Yuki-sama, no, please, no!
- Not them, don't take them!
- Hikaru, we have to do this, for everyone’s sake!

And Cerise’s ones if anyone wants to try.
The screen clears, then comes back again.
A lady’s hand comes into view. The rest of the body is not shown.
Ominously, a pool of blood is seeping under the hand…

I am horrendously wicked and abysmal at writing, I know... :desksweat:

Varete said:
I will try to use images we have of the utahimes to create some of those epic battle scenes in photoshop :goodjob:
maybe even making this story more appealing, to make it like a magazine's page using my secret witch powers
something like this maybe? (images taken from the magazine i work on with a few friends when i'm realllly bored)
I can do even better than those :sparkleguy:

:omg: :omg: :omg: Variri-chan! You have such an amazing power! Can you do a sample using one of the short stories from previous pages? :ayashii: :ohoho:

@casarina26 :plot: That was great! I liked how you used the "previews" from Cerise. It must have been a challenge, with the previews and pictures to sew together :sparkleguy:

Oh and here's my fugly drawing of Vampire Wakana :omg: too lazy to color :plot:
If there's something I should improve at please tell me.
I'm currently working in Head-Body-Hands proportion and making her face a little more cute(especially her forehead). What else? :plot:
That's great Mio!! :ayashii: But if you can, can you use a tablet to draw it?? If you have a tablet, that is... Great work!! :nosebleed: :nosebleed:
that's the problem. I dont have one :cry: I plan to buy one soon but there's TypeMoon BD, YK live BD and Kalafina live cd. Why cant money just grow on trees :cry: Is a small size good enough or should I get the medium one? :confu:

Can I continue the story? My brain is working overtime :XD: