Overall feel was alright, actually. Passable, but definitely not Oscar winning material. Soundtrack and sound editing was decent too, so were the visuals (the film itself seemed a little dark *technically*, although it could have been due to the 3D format). Cinematography was about average. Must be mentioned that some "highlight"/hyped-up scenes were a tad underwhelming, though.
I must say, though, I will hold fast to my stand: One just CANNOT condense 700 pages of material into two hours. The pacing for part 8 is VERY different compared to the earlier 7 films. It reminds me a bit of what happens to a speaker in a typical school debating competition when the buzzer sounds for the final minute. Either that or the last kilometre in a downhill stage of the Tour de France.
Visuals: 6.5
Sound: 7
Plot: 4.5
Production (incl. wardrobe and makeup): 8
Acting: 5
Overall verdict: 62% (Good)