Thanks for the rips Aki!
General Thoughts:
Hanae was really good. Why isn't she part of the FJ group.
Keiko was awesome in I Swear, but I wish she could sing lower. Her voice sounds so much nicer when she sings lower, even though her higher voice sounds great too. Like when she sings low in I Reach for the Sun, that was great.
Studio magicks can really do a lot to make a so-so performance into a great one! Just look at Distance and Eternal Blue, they sound really awesome! Better than the original methinks. Or maybe the performance was already great to begin with.
I prefer Aug 31's version of Sayonara Solitaire. It sounds so much rawer and filled with more emotion. This one, Keiko generally sounds a lot more cutesy throughout the song, while in the older version she just sounds cutesy at the start, IMO.
Paradise Regained was really soothing to the ears.
Credens Justitiam was really good.
I don't like Hanae's version of Himeboshi. Wakana sounds so much better IMO!
Hanae certainly gives a new twist to Mezame... Not sure whether I like it better than the FJ original version though. And is that Keiko attempting a hip-thrust at Kaori right at the end?
This rendition of Stone Cold was the best one I've heard/seen! And that's not including the extra guitar riff!

Finally a live that's better than the original recording! (the rest were on-par IMO, but not way better) And I can see Keiko's really enjoying this song.
Love Parallel Hearts, the performance was so much more... dynamic compared to previous renditions!
Everlasting Song sounds
sooo much nicer with Asuka! BTW, what's the history between FJ and Asuka? Did she leave or something last time? I was always kinda curious why she's the only odd one out in the Everlasting Songs album. Plus, what's the song being sung before Everlasting Song?
Zodiacal Sign is more subdued than usual IMO. And Kaori missed her cue.
Maybe Tomorrow is a great song to end! It has a very fitting tone of finality to it, especially this rendition.