Thanks for the link!!
The vid was great 
@Cerise: I saw him too

@Cerise: I saw him too

joel_jman said:sweet song is the best English song performance in this live IMHO
offtopic: anyone got the DVD/BD of Yuuka? The BD contains akatsuki no kuruma and silly-go-round
joel_jman said:sweet song is the best English song performance in this live IMHO
They could have made it longer as they did with Materialise and so ongeorge1234 said:@alphie:
Duran Shoukan isnt short, that is its actual duration
I liked that one too, I was laughing so hard!ritardando said:Since Wakana doesn't have any kajiurago part she sang a random "ha ha ha..ha haa"And Yuriko forgetting her kajiurago is so funny! My favorite part of this "making of"
Well, this kajiurago ending of all girls is so funny!
As a Soprano singer, she need to be strong enough to overwhelm the whole orchestra or full-band choir, so four singers shouldn't be a big deal for her..tabete.mio said:I like Mezame without Hanae by just a little bit.I dont know if I'm just used to it or because its a more energetic performance.
I wonder how Hanae felt having to overcome 4 powerful singers with her soprano singingShe does sometimes sound/looks overwhelmed.