So I finally managed to watch the live this weekend!
/is killed for being so late
As I already said, Im still pretty much new in Kajiura-samas music, so most of the songs I heard for the first time in this live
But Im pretty much impressed so Im writing an overview, best trying to be as short as it can x))
It was just perfect to be the intro, has that introish good feeling and nice background. Hanaes voice is just stunning as always! This performance left a permanent impression on me.
Let the Stars Fall Down
Very good beginning, very energetic! Hanae + Yuriko is an very ear-pleased combination! Sound of the violin in solo was just so flowing, it was great. Through this live I got to love this song instantly!
My Long Forgotten Cloistered Sleep
Great! I really liked the drums rhythm and the violin bridge!
Looks like Kaori stands a bit better with english than Wakana and Keiko in this one thou
really love Yurikos voice!
I Swear
Keiko!!! <3
Kaori!!! <3
The song!!! <3

I think that this can say everything, all the comments would ruin the impression.
Just a small not: great,
great, great job with the english!!!!
Polyphonic-voice refrain is just overflowing, one of the best Ive heard till now!
Everytime You Kissed Me
Again, great job with english for Kaori!
Beautiful intro and violin through the song!
Yuriko in her part is just so beautiful! And just as I thought, Keiko + Yuriko is an outrageous combination!
Wakanas solo part was too stunning, really stops the ones breath!
I Reach For the Sun
Yet another beautiful song that flows through me and really puts a picture in my head being on a big, beautiful, green meadow in front of a sparkling sunset...
Kajiurago solo didnt impress me when it started, but as it keeps going, it gets better.
Song by the end is just <3 !
First time I heard this song on making of, I instantly wished to have it. Great song! Keiko is just as always <3
Kajiurago bridge is greatly artistic! Kaori solo in the last refrain....*speechless*
<end of the song3 !!!
Eternal Blue
Wakana sounds great. Well you all already know, but I cant stop saying how Yurikos voice is just
Keikos little spot dance lol
Sayonara Solitia
Just beautiful! Slow, emotional, Keiko on the verse and Kaori on the refrain -> a win! Beautiful two-voiced harmony! Yuriko was doing a great job with backing vocals.
My skin got covered in this one.
Kaze no Machi e
Just the intro caused an overrun of emotions in me. And the rest of the song kept doing a great job on it! I really liked the sound of cello in the song. Keiko just did an amazing job!
Toki no Mukou Maboroshi no Sora
As my fave FJ song, I think it could be a bit more energetic
I like the sound of piano
Great job with singing. Wakanas goddess-voice-mode was surely active
Paradise Regained
Wakanas beautiful voice just fits this song perfectly. Emotional and beautiful. Another overrun of emotions for me.
Credens justitiam
Another beautiful meadow song. Only this time I felt like running towards the sunset!
Again lol at the cute Keikodansu
I wanted to get up and dance around the room
Idk why but somehow I found Yurikos handroll at the end pretty cute
Beginning of the song caused and instalove for me!
Finally a Yuriko-leading song!
Awesome concept, really liking the drums again!
Himeboshi/Ensei <3
One of my favourite Kajiura-samas songs ever! I liked how they were slowing it down and getting out of the rhythm, it was very emotional! Keiko + Hanae -> winning combination!
I think it could last longer
Duran Shoukan
Energetic start! Liking the concept of cymbals in the beginning. Very good drums! Kei + Yuri + Hanae <3
Great Korenaga solo. And the bridge of the song was awesome!
I always love live version of this song! Energetic, great Korenaga solo. Keiko + Wakana in Ensei part is just lovely
Last bridge-refrain is emotionally energetic, gave me the stuns!
Stone Cold
Great start! Kajiura-sama + Kaori ^_^
I got to love this song through live version (althou I first heard another one, but this is great!)
KeixKao movements
Again great solo by Korenaga!
And Yurikos closing was just perfect!
Sweet Song
Beautiful. I like the harmony between Kaori and the girls in the refrain. Beautiful melody. This is the kind of song I wanna lie down on, close my eyes and let the emotions flow through me!
Hikari no Yukue
Calm beginning - energetic bridge - fast continuation. Great!
Parallel hearts
A very good song! Bridge with Kei + Waa, then Kao + Yuri was perfect!
Everlasting Song
Yuriko!! <3<3<3
Although I thought Asuka didnt leave some kind of an impression to me, I caught myself smiling through the song
Nice song, liking the strings-violin solo
Keiko x Kaori holding hands...
Wakana x Yuriko holding hands...
Massive nosebleed fountain!!!
This song was very long but somehow I wished it lasted just a little bit longer!
Zodiacal sign
Very good, energetic, just as its supposed to be! Like Kajiura-sama singing with the girls!!
Drums in the verse
Jr solo!!

A great arrangement!
Maybe Tomorrow
Just stunning!
Beginning of the song
Keiko was perfect!

Kaori...<3 !!!
Another overrun of emotions...beautiful..simply beautiful

One of the most beautiful Kajiura-samas songs!
Tears actually went out on my eyes by the end..great job Keiko!!
So thats it, Im sorry its that long but I felt like sharing my impression
Althou its not as long as how long it took me to write this
Hope you like this live as mush as I do!