I want explain some things to everyone:
- I was indeed a bit misleaded by the last posts asking for a poll
- I made the poll myself to save time for all of us and for tsubasa, not to get ownership over anything
- After choosing one of the idea for the project we will need lots of time to work on it (if its a cookbook we will do it in hard copy or digital, make a list of participants and wait for them to submit photos and recipes + the translation, and if its going to be hard copy we will also need time for it to get printed) so it would be wise to choose whatever idea ASAP.
- We will give it to Yuki at AnimeExpo or in her Birthday (the first in June 29 and the second on August 6), so there's a big difference in the available time
- If we choose June 29, and if we put the poll after brainthinking all the ideas lots of days will have passed, so there's a danger we will not have the needed time to finish the project.
- Should we make a poll about the need of a poll or not?

- IMO the record seems way too much work for 1 month, judging by Special_K's post.