Waiting for progressive, Kalafina


Kowz said:
What's 影山ヒロノブさん?
Anisong singer. He is one of the members of JAM Project & Anipara Ongakukan
http://www.kids-station.com/minisite/an ... index.html

Guests invited to Anipara Ongakukan usually sing 2 songs. One collaborating w/ member of the Anipara Ongakukan & the other one on their own. In this case, Kalafina sang progressive on their own & Lacrimosa w/ 影山ヒロノブさん.

wintersviolet said:
they look nice!

wakana did okay!

but but...

hikaru... what happened?! :omgwtf: :comeback: :cry: :uh..: :...:
m-maybe she didn't warm her voice up enough... or something...

sometimes I can't hear Wakana's voice :cry:

and Hikaru... maybe she wasn't in good condition that day??
I'm still curious with Lacrimosa live, though. We would be able to see if there were any difference between the performances :cry:

Hikaru was not very good... She is a pro, so she should have been better than that. :cry: progressive is a hard song, because you need to sing many lines energetically without taking any breath, so she should have practiced more...
Keiko was alright, but Hikaru would mess the whole thing when they sung together.
Wakana was awesome, as expected. <3

Yuki88 said:
I'm still curious with Lacrimosa live, though. We would be able to see if there were any difference between the performances :cry:
Seconded. Though I do think Lacrimosa will be waaay better because Wakana is the main singer...
Hikaru in other lives (well, Aria, Ongaku, Mata Kaze) was okay.
But not in this one... there are simply times where they can't sing properly ... Hikaru in this live (and maybe Keiko), wakana in live 2 as she sang in vanity (she took too much breath) and of course ephitamilion, I don't believe that the whole song will be better if Wakana takes the lead.
It is simply... that the song and the performance are bad.
i've watched the live video just now
well... someone called the performance 'ear cancer' and i totally agree with that :uh..:
Wakana and Keiko did okay, but i can't say anything good about Hikaru.
i think she failed in this live

i didn't like the song and this performance made me dislike it even more :uh..:
My first post, yey!

Well, I love Kalafina (specially Wakana), but this last single... I didn't like it... It's all electronic and in a really fast tempo. We can't even get the melody of their voices. And yeah... I don't like Hikaru that much =/ And after listening to that live... GOD, Kajiura, what were you thinking :cry:

Besides that, the DVD extras are already available somewhere? I would like to listen them :please:
Welcome hikari. Awesome avatar~~ :XD: :ayashii:

I actually don't dislike Progressive as I thought I did when I first heard it. It got catchy after awhile, in fact. C'mon guys, give Kalafina a break, it's only one bad performance :please:
i wonder what the girls themselves think about their performance :cry:
I always confused Hikaru with Keiko (thanks to the old PV's), until the video for progressive. But now with Hikaru's low pitched voice at the beginning, I'm confused again...

Bleh, I'm definitely the only one who thinks this was a decent performance. My ears are used to sucky lives so this one was just another average one in my opinion.

Also, wow... this thread now has more than 8000 views... 1000 more and a meme will be raped.

Alphard Sokaina said:
i wonder what the girls themselves think about their performance :cry:
Most singers don't really think "Wow! I did awesome! That was my best performance!" That just doesn't happen very much. Most of the time it's "I could have improved that so much more."

Maha Jyotiṣa said:
Hikaru in other lives (well, Aria, Ongaku, Mata Kaze) was okay.
But not in this one... there are simply times where they can't sing properly ... Hikaru in this live (and maybe Keiko), wakana in live 2 as she sang in vanity (she took too much breath) and of course ephitamilion, I don't believe that the whole song will be better if Wakana takes the lead.
It is simply... that the song and the performance are bad.

Hikaru in that ARIA live was her best. :glasses:

Wakana in Vanity was the one to attract me although she did take too much breath.

Progressive isn't that bad !! :blood: :blood:
Poor hikaru-chan :omgwtf:

She sounded like a dude...she epic failed on the performance :dote:

But its okay there were stunning in those outfits :shy:

Its a tough/boring song to begin with. It goes on and on with the same chorus that its bound to get tiring for hikaru :uh..:

I don't doubt their abilities and I just think they had a case of the mondays. During the live in Boston wakana messed up during oblivious so I know they are only human...although they are perfect in my eyes :shy:

Ultimately i'm disappointed in Yuki...for making such a lame song to begin with.
Truly BAD. Very BAD. I mean REALLY BAD live performance from Kalafina. T_T
I found three of them sung horribly bad. :blood:
Hikaru with her messed-up notes. Keiko with too low pitch. And Wakana with false singing. :(
The sound effect/band isn't good either. :/

They should do BETTER live for progressive to prove this wrong.
When I saw the video I had to laugh so much.. I just couldn't stop...

:ohoho: :ohoho: :ohoho: :ohoho: :ohoho: :ohoho: :sohappy: :shy: :uh..: :blood: :XD:

Not a big fan of the song but live it just.. uhm..... :blood:

But ey, it cant be all golden - its just one song of those manys til now which is a bit.. uhm.... :knife:


Now I at least know which song to listen/hear live when I need something to laugh