Waiting for progressive, Kalafina

my copy has arrived~ :sohappy: to my friend's place though :ohoho:
she will give it to me tomorrow, can't wait xDD

yuzuki said:
my copy has arrived~ :sohappy: to my friend's place though :ohoho:
she will give it to me tomorrow, can't wait xDD

you must be a very good friend... Letting your friend to get his/her hands on your copy of a Yuki CD ^^
Re: Re:

spellcasterbr said:
yuzuki said:
my copy has arrived~ :sohappy: to my friend's place though :ohoho:
she will give it to me tomorrow, can't wait xDD

you must be a very good friend... Letting your friend to get his/her hands on your copy of a Yuki CD ^^

It's just that we ordered CDs together using her card :ohoho: so that the shipping fee is lower (or not)
Good idea, yuzuki!
It's a shame I don't have any Yuki fans nearby. My family and friends have a very different musical taste.
My CD shipped last wednesday and has yet to arrive. Damn you el cheapo shipping method! :XD:
i finally got it a couple days ago. the utatane segment is so weirdly cool... but now i really want a full live DVD! :comeback:
lol zurra XD
i want my copy me tooo

thank you so much cali! =D
dislike this single.
progressive is sounds like an ordinary jpop music
thanks gillsa and george.

It sounds chaotic, And their performance is not as lively and energetic as what we have had so far.
Maybe it is only my prejudice against the song ^^;

thanks george for sharing it here. I've seen it in gillsa's blog before this, though.

Maha Jyotiṣa said:
thanks gillsa and george.

It sounds chaotic, And their performance is not as lively and energetic as what we have had so far.
Maybe it is only my prejudice against the song ^^;

well it wasn't as good as the usual kalafina. Too much off note from Hikaru, as well as Keiko. I dunno whether it's because of the small stage that their perfomance wasn't lively and energetic as usual.
It's from Anipara Ongakukan #281 on Nov.3.
I think the sound effect is very poor. :blood: