Waiting for progressive, Kalafina


george1234 said:
progressive Live performance (thanks to gilsa)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PtgE7dcM ... r_embedded

And once again, after I'm starting to believe in their LIVE abilities again (after that damn Hokuto no Ken live) you people link ear cancer like this...

Wakana is okay, but the rest is just horrible, horrible, horrible ear cancer. What Hikaru and Keiko are doing on the bridge... I'm not gonna even think up excuses for this. Not better than aya. :omgwtf:

And since I can never see them live in person, I guess I just won't ever believe in their live abilities again. I am now officialy depressed. :uh..:
Sorry but I had to link to it because some people might be interested in watching it (even if the sound feeling is bad ^^;)
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george1234 said:
elcazador said:
It's from Anipara Ongakukan #281 on Nov.3.

do you possiblity know the setlist and the place of the event ? :please:

storia w/ 影山ヒロノブさん

recorded on 10/17. OA 11/3
Anipara Ongakukan is just a TV-Programme.Place?Do you mean the place of its TV station?I don't know much about it,sorry.

Their interview(to save it soon,it will be changed on next stage)
http://www.kids-station.com/minisite/an ... index.html

From Gillsa's blog,it seemed that they only sang"progressive"and"storia" during the programme.
OK, I even rewatched this shit. And Keiko did OK on her verse, so I guess Hikaru is just taking them down when shes "singing". Hikaru, just when I was starting to like you...
hmmm I think there is a problem with the recording, as on the epithalamion/hanamori no oka live : some part of the sound may be missing or something.
And when they are singing, the instrumentation is a bit disappearing, the sound is doing weird things, so i really think it's a problem of recording/sound processing.

btw Keiko looks :nosebleed:
Hikaru is singing lower than she should.
Keiko and Wakana were good.

And Kerahna said that their performance at Anime Boston was perfect, so i don't doubt their abilities.

Unless mai husbando lied :glower:

Zuiyon said:
hmmm I think there is a problem with the recording, as on the epithalamion/hanamori no oka live : some part of the sound may be missing or something.
And when they are singing, the instrumentation is a bit disappearing, the sound is doing weird things, so i really think it's a problem of recording/sound processing.

btw Keiko looks :nosebleed:

No Zui, I'm sorry, you're right the sound quality was awful, but the fact is Hikaru just failed and Keiko was too flat.
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Halofarm said:
ズuiyon said:
hmmm I think there is a problem with the recording, as on the epithalamion/hanamori no oka live : some part of the sound may be missing or something.
And when they are singing, the instrumentation is a bit disappearing, the sound is doing weird things, so i really think it's a problem of recording/sound processing.

btw Keiko looks :nosebleed:

No Zui, I'm sorry, you're right the sound quality was awful, but the fact is Hikaru just failed and Keiko was too flat.

Well, one reason for "fail" could be that, girls doesnt have that ear thing, where they hear melody etc.
A few comments:

1) I think Wakana and Keiko did alright, although during Keiko's part, the music was way too loud and it was hard to hear her voice :wai:

2) I agree, however, that Hikaru was... :notlistening: :notlistening: :notlistening: Yeah, a little disappointed to say the least :cry:

3) Overall, my belief in Kalafina's live performance abilities didn't shake due to this performance. Yes, it wasn't the best, but no one can perform perfectly all the time. I still love their other lives :nosebleed:
they look nice!

wakana and keiko did okay!

but but...

hikaru... what happened?! :omgwtf: :comeback: :cry: :uh..: :...:
m-maybe she didn't warm her voice up enough... or something...

wintersviolet said:
they look nice!

wakana did okay!

but but...

hikaru... what happened?! :omgwtf: :comeback: :cry: :uh..: :...:
m-maybe she didn't warm her voice up enough... or something...

Hikaru started the song in too low a key, which proceeded to mess both her and Keiko up for the entire performance.
storia w/ 影山ヒロノブさん

sorry...I made a mistake
it should be

Lacrimosa w/ 影山ヒロノブさん