"Vanitas no Karte" music composed by Yuki Kajiura (OST on Feb 23, 2022)

It's out on HnA finally! If it doesn't work, I'll try to share it somehow.
Honestly, I got goosebumps from the last 4 tracks...I've been following the manga for so long and I didn't expected to be animated until the new arc.
Some surprises in the credits
All Keyboards & Programming: 梶浦由記

Electric Guitar: 是永巧一 /Koichi Korenaga
Acoustic Guitar: 古川正義 /Masayoshi Furukawa
Bass: 高橋"Jr."知治 /Tomoharu "Jr." Takahashi
Drums: 野崎真助 /Masuke Nozaki
Percussion: 中島オバヲ /Obawo Nakajima
Accordion: 佐藤芳明 /Yoshiaki Sato

Flute: 赤木りえ /Rie Akagi

Strings: 今野 均Strings
1st Violin: 今野 均・徳永友美・石亀協子・堀内優里・岡部磨知・亀田夏絵・大谷 舞
2nd Violin: 藤堂昌彦・漆原直美・森本安弘・渡邊 栞・川口静華
Viola: 菊地幹代・大沼幸江・三品芽生・長石篤志・小林知弘・今井 凛
Cello: 奥泉貴生・西方正輝・稲本有彩
Contrabass: 赤池光治・玉木寿美

Vocal: 戸丸華江 /Hanae Tomaru

Chorus: 東京混声合唱
Soprano: 稲村麻衣子・白石タマ美・好田真理
Alto: 依田素子・小林祐美・小林音葉
Tenor: 志村一繁・平野太一朗・荻島寛樹
Baritone: 宮田圭一・森 道太郎・佐々木武彦・德永祐一

Original Soundtrack Staff
Sound Producer: 梶浦由記

Producer: 森 康哲(HIGHWAY STAR)

Recording & Mixing Engineer: 小岩孝志(SIGN SOUND)
Recording Engineer: 近藤真奈美(SIGN SOUND)

Recording Studio:

Score Support: 石川洋光

Musicians Co-ordination: 須藤一男(HOT WAVE)

Mastering Engineer: 茅根裕司 /Yuji Chinone
Mastering Studio: Sony Music Studios Tokyo

古川正義 is spelled differently than our old Masayoshi Furukawa (古川昌義) so I don't know if it's a mistake, a correct but different spelling for the same guy or a different person altogether.
The cellist 奥泉貴生 is also close to another cellist 奥泉貴圭 who's featured on other albums with Konno Strings so again, don't know if it's a different person or some other spelling or mistake.
Neither of the new spellings are on vgmdb and google isn't helping me much.

Booklet has some liner notes and an interview from Kajiura.
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^ Very long time! No wonder there were no cymbals in the OST tracks this time! ^_^

I dont even know why they still have it as forum exclusive.
Oh, the cymbals!!!

Btw, forum exclusive is a mystery also, but what I don't understand is crowdfunding (they started it for character songs included with the BD, I think)...if I have to pay for it, I would buy it from official store, to support the animation studio or the artist.
sorry if I confused someone! Rishishukla mentioned HnA, so I thought others use the site as well for download. If you're a member, the link is up there. If not, I can share it. :spotlight:Sorry
I heard soundtrack yesterday and for me, it gives me some good vibes in a few tracks somehow Yuki try to resemble the Pandora music style here..like crimson gauntlet feels bloody rabbit in some part, but I am trying to download the Ost from HnA but unable to ..and it showing some reached limit of the forum..so it will be very kind if anyone updates me a link to download OST...
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I found a hi res ver but credits to go to DeusAxeMachina. I hope they won't mind my sharing it here. ZdU3XChL#PqI_DrC1Wf2lQUnq4UHi04QhOHw0CPM_ud5f1xzRDeI
Mind telling me what the first and last track's Audio MD5 are on that hires? Curious if they are the same as on mine. Effort to leech 1.3GB.
(If you're using foobar, track properties -> details and it ~should~ be there.)
Mind telling me what the first and last track's Audio MD5 are on that hires? Curious if they are the same as on mine. Effort to leech 1.3GB.
(If you're using foobar, track properties -> details and it ~should~ be there.)
Idk what u mean by md5 but its 48000hz, 320kbps, 2ch for both tracks
legend of the blue eyes: 5ADDE62B89A114534E5712DC57DDE9E4
gears of destiny: 5FF57FC226CBB256679A91CD364A34B7
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sorry if I confused someone! Rishishukla mentioned HnA, so I thought others use the site as well for download. If you're a member, the link is up there. If not, I can share it. :spotlight:Sorry
thank you so much dear but I am unable to download due to the link reached its maximum reached
the legend of the blue eyes- Love. Love the melody, the flute, the accordion.

Paris, the city of light- Kind of reminds me of Stargate. Lol I always like her middle eastern tracks, this is no exception.

A happy moment- is it a happy moment? Lol More like a weird one. But I like it, none the less.

In the city of flowers- yes this is reminiscent of HnA. I loved it in the show, love it more now.

The destiny waltz- wow. So powerful. The choir gives me chills. Then back to the accordion.

Inverse operation- I like the title, mainly because of Lina Inverse. Heh I love the vocals. It’s so creepy, hauntingly beautiful.

I was moved- another good strings song.

I will save you without fail- kind of blah, same melody as before.

I met him and he met me- kind of like a Fena song. I like it, nice and relaxing.

Making a search- I like it at the end. I wish it had been the whole song.

Another peaceful day- I could fall asleep to this song. So relaxing.

A young noble- I love it. It’s kind of creepy, but also reminds me a little of Anastasia. (I just rewatched that movie heh)

The crimson gauntlet- oooooo love. Was this the fight song with Roland?

He met her and she met him- Reminds me of el cazador.

Is this love?- heh Love the title. The strings are cool.

Let’s go on a date- Ah, yes, the Jeanne/Vanitas date song. Kind of reminds me of Mai Hime.

Look, here comes the parade- Creepy. Reminds me of the Slayers Try fiesta scene.

At the ball- starts out happy, then gets creepy, then happy again.

She is a noble, my childhood… -I like it.

A fang of the Queen- Hanae sounds so similar to Remi in this song. Wait, this is the Roland fight song I think. Lol In any case I love it.

A nobleman and his darkness- I like this cello track. Usually her cello songs are a bit meh for me, but this one I like.

Now our story begins- Nice and relaxing. Another Fena like song.

Le chasseur- I love it. Hanae is haunting.

A speech of a madman- I like the ending. Been listening to the Sailor Moon soundtrack again and it reminds me of the Dead Moon Circus song.

A young hunter-a simple melody, but nice. I even like the guitar, even though it’s kind of out of place.

The automatons- hmm, can’t tell if I like it. I like the chimes in the background, but the sax? I am not a huge sax fan, but Yuki’s usually I like.

The alteration device- I like the organ. Very Castlevania vibes.

A faithful man- A hopeful song. Nice melody.

We can still go together- Wow, I love it. I missed this kind of song from her. Where it’s violin and piano doing the main melody.

If the time comes I’ll kill you- lol at the title. The song does not fit it. I guess it’s supposed to be sad. It is nice.

Why did you kill our father?- I remember this song. I love it. It’s so pretty. Hanae is amazing.

If you want to save her- The Asca song, sort of. I like it.

The gears of destiny- meh, I don’t care for the accordion all that much. She uses it a lot in this ost. I know it’s supposed to be Paris, still.

Overall I think 7/10 for me. I like most of the tracks, but some of them were really simple melodies. I think I liked Fena more just because of Joelle, or because I don’t know… lol It seems more upbeat and this one is more like the other case study ost.

As far as the show so far for the 2nd part, I’ve only watched ep 13. I don’t like pink haired guy. He’s annoying. But it was funny when Vanitas drew him out by calling him a girl. Vanitas’ bow just throws me off, and his earring. Anyways, I look forward to more of the show.
Oh cool it's up on hikarinoak- "Sorry, you can't view or download this file at this time."