FictionJunction feat. KOKIA
No surprise.FictionJunction feat. KOKIA
Who knows. They made a brand new site for the theatrical release so it might be more than a simple screening of the 3 episodes.Gekijoban means movie in general or just those that are screened on theaters ?
Is so they might be releasing the same movie that was on TV this time on cinemas as well with addition of the Kokia theme song.
It still says "more/other" after HISTORIA in the updated list so we'll see whether that's true or a mistake/leftover from the previous post.So all the topics were revealed? The +100 will be all dedicated to the list she was posted?
@Nightmare has a good track record of reading THE SIGNS.
deepl said:Based on the novel by Yuka Murayama, which won the Yoshikawa Eiji Prize for Literature, the film features a screenplay by Kuniko Mukoda Award winner Koichi Yajima, music by Yuki Kajiura, and the ending theme newly composed for the film version by his personal project, FictionJuncton. The song, titled "Kaze Yo, Blow," featuring vocalist Kokia, will be released on December 6, prior to the theatrical release of the film, as part of "The works for Soundtarck II," a collection of unrecorded soundtrack bests to commemorate his 30th anniversary.
歴史秘話ヒストリア(NHKテレビ) | ||
291-5788-9 | たゆとう心とからだ | 梶浦 由記 |
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291-5790-1 | ころがってゆく | 梶浦 由記 |
291-5791-9 | かなしみに変わりそうな | 梶浦 由記 |
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北海道150年記念ドラマ「永遠のニ?パ~北海道と名付けた男松浦武四郎~」(NHKテレビ) | ||
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特集ドラマ「風よ あらしよ」(NHKBSプレミアム・BS4K・BS8K) | ||
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291-6605-5 | 静かな風 | 梶浦 由記 |
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291-6614-4 | 空が、青い | 梶浦 由記 |
「風よ あらしよ 劇場版」エンディングテーマ | ||
291-6638-1 | 風よ、吹け | 梶浦 由記 |
176-3513-6 | 体感!グレートネイチャーテーマソング | 梶浦 由記 |
*オープニング/驚き!地球!グレートネイチャー LIVING NATURE | ||
182-4721-1 | GAIA | 梶浦 由記 |
エンディング/驚き!地球!グレートネイチャー(NHKBSプレミアム) |