Sword Art Online Movie "Ordinal Scale" (YK on music)

I didnt say mine as opposite argument to what you wrote, but as additional :)

now im really curious for that LisAni interview :D

They put subs on that 12-min clip
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EB49blPnH7I (the bgm starting at 1:00 actually has vocals! i didnt notice before)

Official site confirms the character songs of Yuna are by Kajiura

Btw the song Silica sings in the vid, is "cover" of the Yuna song heard at 1:54 onwards, so yes that's probably by Kajiura as well :)

SAO movie goes to Canada on Marcy 17
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Ahaha, i wanted to say " March" as you can see "H" and "Y" keys are close, and this happens sometimes when one write with blind system :XD:
(I know this is still offtopic, so I wasn't trying to start anything, again. *sigh* I do enjoy Swordland especially live. (So sad I didn't get to see it) but it was the director's fault, not Kajiura. It did break up the tension, but it was in pretty much every episode, as I remember. Or it seemed that way. And they only used snippets of other songs, like The First Town cutting out the vocals... that sort of thing. I hope too that this movie is like the Rebellion movie soundtrack, since it was pretty awesome! I am looking forward to it. I was just saying that I don't know how she does it, or even sleeps at night.)

Yeah... I listened to it and wow there's only about one note off in the beginning otherwise it's ttb. She still can write for other people, like we got for Erased and the Chinese song, and they sound pretty good. Also I didn't know it was Rie singing! I guess because it's more upbeat than I am used to from the Gundam songs. lol That's so cool though that she got to be a part of an anime again and at the same time, work with Yuki again.
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@Liana_Ilia No , those credits were for Shizuka na Yoru ni (I posted them to illustrate that she used the melody for the other new sao song even though the composer for Shizuka was no her) , the ones for the sao songs are not out yet

The singer for the sao songs is the seiyuu who plays Yuna, called Sayaka Kanda

Samples :)

Released also on itunes!!

Will give my opinion later but smile for you is beautiful :love:

Break beat and Ubi dB didn't list Kajiura as composer but i enjoyed Break beat Bark!
Longing is listenable for me...
delete could be the only one I'll repeat on this album...
smile for you is beautiful but i have problems with the key changes(?) a little..

As for the OST...
-2 Vocals only AFAIK? Has Remi
-Modern tracks are okayish
-Bunch of Madoka throwbacks -_-
-Ambient musiczzzzzz
-Violins, violins everywhere!
Oh well, I'll just wait for the full release of the songs
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Smile for you sounds pretty.
Break beat bark sounds fun but not sure if Kajiura.
Delete sounds pretty good. My favorite of the insert songs.
Longing is ttb2.
I doubt Ubiquitous dB is by Kajiura.

I picked a random bgm to sample. It was fucking ambience! :stupidbox:
The place we should have reached is the choir track, and has some Remi. I like the beat, but the Remi part is kinda boring.
The other few tracks I sampled are zzz, hue.

Seems like this is going to be her first poop movie soundtrack.
Woof, this is a weird ost. Most of the tracks are just ambient sound cues; there's hardly any music. I guess from the samples, augma and bgm no.1 were my favorites. Everything else was basically referenced from f/z, madoka, and even erased.

Insert songs were decent. Delete and longing sound pretty nice. Smile, ubiquitous, and bbb are okay.
I doubt Ubiquitous dB is by Kajiura.

Its not, the ones not by Kajiura on Itunes are Ubiquitous dB and Break Beat Bark! they are credited to ほたる

PS: the tracklist on recochoku is upside down, so you should go to page 2 of the link thats at the bottom of the tracks to start from the first http://recochoku.jp/artist/2000387965/song/?narrow=0&sort=01&offset=30&limit=30 (first track is "in the digital world" )

Samples review:

delete truly seems to be the best of the character songs ( I Love the backing vocal which seems to be Yuriko, ahh the sweet FJY days!! ^_^

bgm no 1 actually is quite nice, finally some game - like music in there!!
she a luminous sword is truly related to luminous sword but doesnt seem to be anything other than the instrumental (lol)

"to find her memory" and "i have to regain" would be nice if they are long
ugh.. another field to overcome seems very repeatitive, hope its not

"the place we should have reached"and "welcome to Oridinal Scale" have vocals.

its very weird how most samples start from the beginning of the track, and yet they give the impression that the whole duration of the track is what the sample has :S I really hope they arent just that!

also its no wonder they came up with this kind of titles (inspired by where tracks were used in the movie) as there's nothing else in the music to inspire a different title...

PS 2: The trailer i posted before https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0d3i1DrhVaA&feature=youtu.be&t=31 has the part of delete thats right before the sample that's on recochoku

PS3: I have joined the 2 samples into one :D sorry that i have no way to remove the blaber without removing the singer as well. The joined sample is 0;57 secs :love:
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Do you know what the most impressive thing about this CD is? It's that someone felt the need to actually title all 50 tracks.

And do you know what the worst thing about this movie is? It's that SAO anime is not over and Kajiura will probably continue doing it.

PS. The OST is on nyaa.
Do you know what the most impressive thing about this CD is? It's that someone felt the need to actually title all 50 tracks.

PS. The OST is on nyaa.

It's because they're selling it as a standalone CD. It's less appealing if they remain as M01 - M50 lmao (Maybe you're being sarcastic but i still want to reply your post XD). And like george said, since it's so literal/scene referenced I don't think it's that hard to name the songs :P

I won't bother downloading now, but maybe later.

Someone uploaded the Yuna songs to youtube.
Longing is that to the beginning copy
Delete is a song from MadoMagi (was it symposium magarum? Kinda forget) copy
smile for you is also another Kajiura song I've heard before

Nothing original BUT i honestly don't hate it because at least Kajiura copies the song I actually liked/tolerated. Who are the kajiurago singers in longing? Remi and another vocalist or Remi and the voice actress herself
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Remi and another vocalist or Remi and the voice actress herself

To me the intro sounds like Fion (Or Yuriko, or both hue), and the bridge is Yuna, Fion and Yuriko. It doesn't really sound like Remi, but we'll see. She was pretty versatile with Yasuharu.
ok. deep breaths. from the OST, there isn't a single second I like. a single second. I kept deleting from playlist until I realized there were no tracks left.

There really isn't a single piece of respectable music. sorry. at best, it's a couple notes that can remind us something from the past (e.g. Kajiura is still known for her epic chorus melodies and long strings sections: "the place we should have reached" could have lived up to it but I feel not).

I was enraged by how swordland is overused again but no surprise there.

the insert songs are listenable at best. and they are plagiarized to the core. by Kajiura from Kajiura for Kajiura (or rather for SAO!!!!!D?SD?Wefwrf'arghhh)

@ritardando Delete sounds to me a combination of Yami no Uta and Symposium Magarum haha. (well just the strings actually)
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