Found them on Youtube

I'm going to listen now!
1. Love it from the first instant. Reminds me a bit of A Shadow, from the Pandora Hearts OST. Is this Eri Ito singing, perhaps?
2. I like it. The flute is a bit piercing, at least on my pathetic earbuds. Very Elemental Gelade OST-ish.
3. This is going to go in my "Sanctuary Perfect OST" playlist, definitely. I love how mysterious it sounds. And the rhythm...
4. Oh boy, I think Hanae Tomaru would've been better on this track. But I can hear Koichi-san on the right channel

Reminds me a lot of Voyagers - happy and upbeat, in a MAJOR key, with that little sound effect at the end...
5. Love it. It's such a pleasant song...rather like one of those old paintings of a woman sipping tea in a rocking chair and looking out on a garden in full bloom.
6. For some reason this makes me think of Princess has a classical feel to it, but there's that classic Kajiura-sensei mood there too. Like it
7. I like it. And I'm actually not sure if I've heard anything like this before! It might be a tad Kara no Kyoukai-ish...I don't know...
8. Oooh, I was hoping for another jazzy tune like Rain Goes Up! Wonder who does the acoustic guitar sounds a lot different from the usual ones
And, somehow, I can imagine this as part of the Love Hina OST
9. Like a carousel song, but terrifying and creepy...I love it, I love it, I love it......
10. I like it, I guess. It reminds me of something, but I can't put my finger on what...maybe Chaotic from RHH OST 2, or maybe not...
11. Oh, I like it! There's a lot of RHH OST in this one - like The Outbreak or Dreamcatcher. And it's actually semi-long
12. Wonder why this one got put after Terror adhaerens, of all tracks?? I like it, though. Nice and comforting like Living in Satoyama...
13. Koichi-san!

I love the rock sound! And if that's not Fion singing......
All in all...I'm wondering why they had to split everything into two OSTs when there are only thirteen tracks, and only two of them are over three minutes long...
But I'm impressed so far. My favorites would be Sis puella magica, Gradus prohibitus, Clementia, Postmeridie, and Puella in somnio.
Coincidentally, I absolutely adore Puella in somnio.

If this was the very first Kajiura-sensei song I'd ever heard, I would absolutely have to listen to more of her work!