I doubt it, because Sony most likely will make another single for Kalafina if the third movie uses Kala's song. It's their chance to get more money, after all.
^ Oh yeah....from a marketing point of view, that'd be the most profit-making option... I guess I'm too optimistic
I do think for the 3rd movie, though, they'll get ClariS and Kala back for another new song each, maybe? (and perhaps we'll get a brand spanking new Yuki OST too... )
Or...I guess they could re-use Luminous and Hikari furu
I am unbelievably slow, but I just realised: Luminous - glowing with light, Hikari furu - light falling. They're connected!
....is this perhaps a hint??? Could Hikarifuru be to Sagitta luminis as manten was to let the stars fall down? (The connection between manten 'whole sky' and let the stars fall down is very loose, though...)
yes it has a similar feel and instruments but I wouldnt say it sounds like it
[EDIT] I put both songs to play simultaneously on 2 different players 7th Heaven on WMP and Sagita Luminis on MPC and they have the key changes on a about the same spots, but apart from it I don't find similarity as of the melody.