I've been avoiding this thread since Tuesday lol
but after today, I had to watch it...I was getting in a really emo mood OTL
Lord Starfish said:
Oh and on another note, I will say one thing in regards to all the comments that they all seemed really tired throughout this whole thing
I was thinking this the ENTIRE TIME, starting from consolation even. Like...they didn't seem to have any energy at all, which showed so much in the faster, up-beat songs. They just...stood there....and did hand dances and walked around the stage very slowly. This is why I'm glad Ongaku was in the setlist, because that was the one song where they brought back their old energy.
Trying to remember my thoughts on the songs...
consolation: I'll be honest...the entire lack of energy really disappointed me. To the point where my favourite consolation lives are still the studio live and acen live
Mune no Yukue: KEIKO YOU STOLE MY HEART. So surpasses the AE live. It actually brought tears to my eyes. Lol at the end when HIkaru is staring off into space ahaha she really does get into the songs...
Door: again, KEIKO
moonfesta: this song is so much better live, especially with that live violin
Hanataba: THIS WAS MY FAVOURITE SONG OF THE CONCERT OH MY GOD. Hikaru...even though you sounded like a chipmunk for most of the concert, this song makes up for that by far. Those beginning lines...I literally was crying through the entire song
red moon: If they had more energy during this, it would be my favourite red moon live (which is currently AE because of all the power)
Magia: I laughed so hard at the hair-blowing-bc-of-a-fan part. The beginning overture reminded me of the magic mix.
Kiichigo no Shigemi ni: Why can't there be live cello more often?? Why??
when the fairytale ends: I'm so glad they didn't take this out, it was so different to see just the band on stage playing together. But...why didn't they have Rie play during it too?? There's flute in it! grrr...
signal: interesting how they incorporated introducing the band into the end there...
takfogger said:
WTF Yoshiaki in signal??? I was expecting a mind-blowing accordion solo. Ever since the Chicago recorded tracks I TOTALLY LOVE the extended signal's end guitar riffs
at least it's not just me...
obbligato: I think I have too high expectations for this song...if only they had more energy
Ongaku: As I said earlier, I'm so glad they included this song even though it's been on setlists so many times. Finally it seemed like they were getting their old energy back...mm oh yeah, and the violin solo sounded somewhat different than the original.
Hikari Furu: New favourite Hikari Furu live. Wakana was perfect and Hikaru sang her hakanasugite not how she did in the 5th Anniversary Live
Hikari no Senritsu: woah, the live flute adds so much to this song. Rie's so cute when she's playing it
Yume no Daichi: much better than the ACen live
Overall, it was a tie for Keiko and Wakana singing the best in this live. Wakana seems to be back to how she was in Red Moon live, not like how she was in AE at all. Hikaru couldn't top her performance in AE, sadly.
The ACen documentary brought back so many good memories
WakanaIsFreakingGod said:
May I just mention that Kala looks STUNNING when they're shown talking to the camera on the footpath somewhere.
george said:
- How is Korenaga able to view his guitar wearing SUNGLASSES in a DARK room ?
he's just that awesome