My impressions:
- I think when W + H started singing after Keiko's part at the start of Mune no Yukue were kinda off, thankfully they fixed it fast.
- I love Keiko's improvisation at the end of Door
- the turn-around during "mawaru yo" surprised me (moonfesta)
- Love Yoshiaki Sato in Hanatabe, as well as W + K's chorus at the end

, but it seemed like Yoshiaki was playing randomly most of the time
- Looks like Wakana finally fixed her lines in Magia, loved the whole performace, it was so energetic
- LOL cellist Takahiro Yuuki almost passed unnoticed since they only showed him from the bridge and onwards. (kichigo no shingemi ni) seriously, since they invited him they should have included other songs with cello too like Matta Kaze ga
- I am finding strange how they are trying to convince us that the playback Hanae Tomaru chorus is sung by the girls (ttb)
- aww so 'when the fairytale ends" was only M01 of the OST :( oh well...
(I was looking for a part which they could actually connect with fairytale)
- Sato (Kyoichi) destroyed signal with his performance

oh so Yoshiaki played in signal too. Sakurada's improvisation after the according was bad too :(
- How is Korenaga able to view his guitar wearing SUNGLASSES in a DARK room ?
- After obbligato I request Kyoichi Sato replacement
- Wow Rie Akagi really adds to the performance, I think that this HnS and Yume no Daichi were the best of these two songs' performances so far. Akagi look younger than I was expecting. Akagi was definitely the best of the guests of this concert.
I really enjoyed this concert but I have the impresession that the older songs were too many and made the new ones "rare" as they were scattered all across the tracklist.