As far as their lives go, this is passable. I'd give it a C, or a very generous B- . This nowhere is faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar from perfect by any means, but it's not an utter, complete fail like some of their other lives.
Criticisms for the three of them:
Keiko's verses and kajiurago. I don't know about anyone else but I'm not a fan of Keiko singing fast parts. With her vocal range, the words come out sounding slurred, rushed, infantile, or combinations of the three. With that said, I'm kinda meh about her vocal performance in general.
Hikaru is the most polished out of the three of them here. She does the verses pretty well, but one -big- sticking point is in the bridge when she sings harmony. By itself, it's just off... Although Hikaru is barely audible here compared to Wakana, her harmony is noticeable enough to add to the overall fail of it.
Wakana has obvious issues concerning maintaining proper breathing control while hitting high notes, pop music style. This remains a painfully recurring problem for her, which is a real shame cause I love the character of her voice. Her delivery of the English parts that we could barely hear in the other nowhere lives is a plus, though. As for the bridge, it is most likely the weakest part of the song. Her straining and Hikaru's harmony bring it down, unfortunately. BUT it could have sounded worse...