Kalafina Best album

Just tell me the top one is for the LE.

I never thought I'd say this but I just want the old pose with them sitting around.
imagining if the same dress used in live concerts...the skirt will be shorter:punched:
Thanks for the video link elcazador.

Like those dresses (even though they're probably just one dress that they added the colour in with photoshop sigh). Agree with Cerise though lol. The background looks like...rose bushes? Alice in Wonderland, anyone? :plot:

Yes yes that photoshop lulz. Maybe smth like this.

if the live videos are exactly what have already been broadcasted I'm going to strangle somebody. I'm hoping for them to include the full set list for both Lisani and 5-th Anni (remember they didn't show all the songs)

I'm interested in 5th Anni but only if the sound quality is better than what we have in the WOWOW broadcast.
Dare I even ask for MCs at this point
「リスアニ! LIVE-4」 wise I'd say we'd have a higher chance of strangling them instead.

imagining if the same dress used in live concerts...the skirt will be shorter:punched:

*Inappropriate expression* Good good.
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Wakana looks divine in that dress, though. So beautiful!:love:
Hikaru's dress looks good, too, though her hair is still too short.:gimmeh:
Keiko looks weird. Real weird.:omg:
That's what it says. Is this the first time it's been mentioned?

A bit dishonest on their part with the bragging. The tickets for the HK live sold out in 10 mins? Well, it did for the first concert, I think, but tickets for the additional concert are still available.

So its confirmed that they are going in Japan Expo ? That would be their second country in Europe but they still have long to go.
OK, they might have sold me here. Those covers are wonderful and the new songs/live footage tempts me.

However, I think I've stopped caring about the best album.

Japan Expo? I need to know two things here. Firstly, when will there be a confirmation they're going to be there and secondly, is it even still possible to book tickets for the convention?

I know a couple of people who are going this year so I could probably hitch a ride and possibly a place to stay with them. If I can get a 'yes' to both of those questions then I will be there.

And then I will die of happiness.

Now I wait and hope.
@Seasonreaper --> I hope for the end of this week on the official site of Japan Expo! and the ticket should be available soon on the site :)
I have to organize all and let's wait and hope! :cheer:
Checked that site of the Japan Expo too. Doesn't say anything about Kalafina at all, so I would not really assume they will be there. The only thing I could imagine is that they would be some sort of secret special guest, which for some reason I would consider not very likely. Lisani however is a reliable source. Even if I don't speak Japanese and used only google translate, it is pretty clear that the girls have been announced. Another misconception could be the fact that Shoko Nakagawa is indeed a confirmed guest at Japan Expo this year. Then again, the text from Lisani was nothing about her. It's all a little weird I think. Would Lisani announce that, if they would be some secret guest?
HimeWakana, do you still remember when they have been announced to perform at Animagic? Since you could beat me, I don't remember...
Since It's just kinda six weeks or so till Japan Expo. I was about 90% sure they were announced earlier in 2012...

Also we should be aware that already 10 acts for music alone are confirmed. I don't know anything about the schedule of Japan Expo and are also not that experienced with big conventions.

All I know is that on pure music festivals, there are a lot more bands than this. Then again, it's a convention, not a music festival. There are also plenty of local show and theater groups on conventions as far as I'm informed, which fill the afternoon and early evening.

Then again, 5 days is quite long. Are 10 bands/acts an usual number for this?

HECK I have no idea what to think! HELP ME!
That was about half a year before! I might not even have found out about it that early. Unfortunately this makes it even less likely they will indeed come to Paris....

[edit] me stupid... I have registered to CPM about the time when I bought the tickets.
Can't quote the post because I'm using my phone atm. Completely agree with Kirito regarding the dresses. Wakana is divine. Imo Hikaru's short hair suits that dress. Keiko's dress, on the other hand...while Wakana is cursed/blessed with one-sleeved dress (she rocked that kind of dress though), Keiko is CURSED with weird shouldered dress. What's with that frilly thing on her shoulder? And those see-through sleeves are really bad. To make it work, they need to either make those sleeves use the same fabric as the rest of her dress, or if they really need to use that fabric, they need to change the cleavage/chest part of her dress. Looking at her pose, I have to say that maybe they need to put those weird shoulder part to Keiko because her shoulders aren't as good Wakana's/Hikaru's. Or maybe it's because that pose, idk. Anyway KEIKO PLEASE STOP TRIMMING YOUR HAIR.
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