Kalafina Best album

well they may do a song for Kuroshitsuji III since Yana Toboso is a big fans of Kalafina...even if it's just an insert song like Kagayaku Sora.

anyway about the rumored release. There are BDs? Watch if them include live videos of some songs that never made it to their official live DVD/BD before. :headbite:
Do you guys think that each edition will include songs from two eras? Like blue edition having songs from SH and RM, and red edition songs from AE and Cons.

Watch if them include live videos of some songs that never made it to their official live DVD/BD before. :headbite:

That would be nice , I think. Better than including the PVs again.
ritardano said:
Watch if them include live videos of some songs that never made it to their official live DVD/BD before. :headbite:
Kowz said:
That would be nice , I think. Better than including the PVs again.
Agreed but so cruel, especially if each edition (red/blue) has different ones

Kowz said:
Do you guys think that each edition will include songs from two eras? Like blue edition having songs from SH and RM, and red edition songs from AE and Cons.
Makes sense. But I'm assuming what they consider their "best" songs would be the a-sides from singles, but if it's divided like that, would they still be full-length albums? :punched:
@Kowz and Aki : completely agree with aki. It would be nice but so very cruel at the same time. It may be even more cruel if each edition only got one video of never-been-released-performance.
Oh my goodness, don't say that aki... I don't have money right now! Gah I need to buy a lottery ticket very soon. (Although the chance of me winning is very slim.) Though if this does happen, can someone upload them please?
I'm tempted, but I'd have to wait to find out whether there's any new stuff on there. If there are PVs or bonus tracks that would be great, but if it's just tracks lifted off the studio albums that I already own I can't really justify it. I hope that sounds fair! :hide:

I do agree though that a 'best of' compilation is a nice thing for new fans who don't own any of their music already...I guess it's for their benefit more than ours (apart from the completists!). As for the number of times I've grumbled about how not enough people are listening to them...that's what this sort of release is for, right? :goodjob:
Or a release for a time when they have nothing else to release :XD:like "oh, in order for people to not forget about us (like happens with FJ) we should be releasing something at least every 6 months".
^Unreleased lives. Tbh if they released another live compilation album I'd buy it in a heartbeat
I like the instrumental CD idea but I'm fairly certain a CD like that would never happen.. and if by some miracle it did, I'd not get what I wanted on it.

Actually - this is maybe for another thread but - what tracks would you all like the most should they do a CD full of instrumentals? (with no backing vocals!)

As far as the Red and Blue editions go, I would hope that one is for singles (starting with Lacrimosa) and the other is for b-sides.
All the title tracks, symphonia, storia, destination unknown/magnolia, ARIA, Kiichigo no Shigemi ni/Hanataba, Ashita no Keshiki, obbligato, tetotetometome, Yami no Uta,. Songs that have instrument variety or good arrangements.

I'd rather the "Best" CD not be a collection of their A-sides, because a lot of their singles aren't actualy their 'best' songs at all. Lacrimosa, Kagayaku, Hikari Furu and Alleluia are far from their 'best'.
I don't generally go for best of's, but if they end up including some B-sides then I'm fully up for it. Not that likely though I guess. All I want is Lirica, Tsiouku and Utsukushisa damn it :comeback:.

I already have all their albums though, so I probably won't bother with this unless they do something really special to grab my attention.
I'd rather the "Best" CD not be a collection of their A-sides, because a lot of their singles aren't actualy their 'best' songs at all. Lacrimosa, Kagayaku, Hikari Furu and Alleluia are far from their 'best'.

I certainly agree that singles are not necessarily their best songs (that is true for most music performers, TBH) but... Lacrimosa, Kagayaku, Hikari Furu are IMHO better than some of their singles that you didn't list so... to each their own. ;P

As far as my instrumental picks go... I really want a full instrumental Seventh Heaven (do it for some Xth Anniversary Sony, like Hikki's First Love Anniversary Edition, DEW EET! One can dream. Although First Love had karaoke tracks, and I have little interest in that.) but if I were to pick single songs, I guess: ARIA, Mata kaze, Ongaku, Ashita no keshiki, lirica, Utsukushisa, adore, Te to Te, Hoshi no utai, Kyrie/magnolia and signal fuck year, maybe Door and intermezzo (yes, really)...
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My instrumental picks would be Kizuato, serenato, Ashita no Keshiki, seventh heaven (or maybe whole seventh heaven album for that matter), Te to Te, Hoshi no Utai, Kyrie, lirica, adore, magnolia, signal, Hanataba, obbligato and Alleluia. Maybe Eden to some extent. About their single songs, while I do agree that most musicians single songs aren't the best of their songs, the only Kalafina single songs that do not capture my attention is to the beginning (that whole single tbh). I like progressive and Alleluia (and they're on my top 20 Kalafina songs) and I really love Hikari no Senritsu's chorus (although the whole song is disjointed) so yeah.
Can I say all of them? :punched: but hmm I guess I'd really love instrumentals of ARIA, lirica, serenato, red moon, Mata Kaze, seventh heaven, Hanataba, Hoshi no Utai, symphonia, Yami no Uta, neverending, DU, and Tsuioku. Wouldn't mind an instrumental of the live arrangement of oblivious either
That best is a must-have for me, especially that I have only started listening to Kalafina from "to the beginning" onwards. Aside from the songs in the Consolation album and post-F/Z singles, I have only listened to oblivious, Kimi ga Hikari, Kizuato, ARIA, fairytale, Kagayaku Sora, Ongaku, and Hikari no Senritsu at least once.

I'm therfore curious to know what they consider as their best songs, but I just hope that at least half of those songs are those that I have not heard yet. The idea of an instrumental tracklist is good, but I am not really that optimistic about it. :/
-Release date July 16th
-There will be 4 versions:
  • THE BEST (Red Edition) [LE CD+BD] – SECL-1530~1
  • THE BEST (Blue Edition) [LE CD+BD] – SECL 1532~3
  • THE BEST (Red Edition) [CD] – SECL-1534
  • THE BEST (Blue Edition) [CD] – SECL 1535
-LE will be 4320yen, and normal will be 3240 yen.

Just an update.

CD SECL-1534 3240

CD SECL-1535 3240
