Kalafina Best album

from random in the shoutbox:

“heavenly blue” is the final track on the Blue edition.
And first track on Red is a new song, still untitled.
Now I wonder if there’s even going to be a new single.

slightly larger pic:


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PVZWBme3pjQ WHY SMEJ DO YOU RESTRICT UR VIDEOS TO JAPAN ONLY

第一夜、二夜は『THE BEST』に収録されている楽曲のMV、ライブ映像などをお届け!第三夜でありベストアルバム発売日でもある7月16日には、Kalafinaが生出演しスタジオトーク&ライブ!

【放送日時】2014年7月14日(月) 22時00分~23時30分(予定)

【放送日時】2014年7月15日(火) 22時00分~23時30分(予定)

【放送日時】2014年7月16日(水) 22時00分~23時00分(予定)

This is the special site that will open tomorrow: http://www.kalafina.jp/best/


http://www.lisani.jp/news/id85685 said:
そしてKalafinaは今や、世界中から注目されるアーティストへと成長を遂げた。デビュー以来勢力的に海外のアニメイベント及び単独ライブを行ってお り、通算8ヵ国・14公演と、活動の幅はまさにワールドワイド。2014年5月30日・31日には、香港での単独ライブ2days(チケットは10分で即 完売)、7月2日からフランス、パリ・ノールヴィルバントで行わる、総来場者数20万人以上を誇るヨーロッパ最大の日本文化とエンターテイメントの祭典 “JAPAN EXPO 2014”への参加も決定している。
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Love the covers, hate that there's not going to be a new single. Well, maybe. Still hoping for one. But I am hoping that the prices aren't too ridiculous. And to be honest I would have taken obbligato over signal, since I don't like signal all that much. But I am pleased actually that Natsu no Ringo is in there, since I love that song to pieces.
Hmmm both edition's tracklist is hit and miss for me. And aki the madame foreseer is right, each edition gets 1 new song. Love the dresses, still not sure on what to buy. If the 5th anniv live DVD contains ALL the songs that didn't broadcasted, I'll get that one. But if LisAni live DVD gets Alleluia in there...idk what should I sell in order to get both editions.
I wonder what is the new song found in the red edition... possibly an unannounced OP/ED/IN theme for an anime?
*Black Butler, can be, F/SN not possible since it starts in fall*

Also, that LiSANi article mentioned "JAPAN EXPO 2014". Is this perhaps referring to the Japanese convention being held annually in France? http://www.japan-expo.com/

It looks like Kalafina will be attending there on July 2, unless I'm mistaken...
I'm totally in love with their dresses :love:(I prefer the blue edition)
I'm glad there are two new songs to listen to! I can't buy anything, so obviously I don't have to decide, but now I'm whishing I could :(
Both tracklists of the album seems like they wrote all the singles title songs together and suffled them. The tracks are chosen and placed inside the tracklist without any logic. For example since when is "snow falling" a "best song". Also they put the less interesting live with the most interesting tracklist, and mixed inside the album the new songs of the heavenly blue single, bravo Sony lol

the coverarts look nice! :dote:

I will be making 2 separate discography entries for "Blue" and "Red".
from kalafina SMEJ youtube channel. the rest of the clip is nothing new i think


The tracklistings kinda suck. Bsides wouldve been more interesting.

This isn't going to be a popular opinion here but I personally hope this is the end of Kalafina for now. They can always come back for another Madoka. It's time for something new from Kajiura.
^ You probably didnt noticed but they are doing the OP (heavenly blue) for Aldnoah Zero, new anime from Urobuchi and music from Hiroyuki Sawano http://canta-per-me.net/2014/05/kalafina-new-song「heavenly-blue」for-aldnoah-zero-anime/ , so instead of releasing a new single they put each of the new songs in one colour of the best album.

I agree that something new would be very welcome, especially since Yuki doesnt seem to get inspiration when it comes to FictionJunction. Besides the Kalafina girls need to rest for a while.
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Agree with most of the choices except for Lacrimosa, Kagayaku, Ongaku, Mune no Yukue (why is that song even here), Mirai and snow falling.

The lack of Hanataba, obbligato, love come down, serenato, tetotetometome and Hoshi no Utai saddens me.

Well, they're live versions, so it'll be worth getting - maybe. Only if heavenly blue and the untitled track turn out to be REALLY good.

And way to sell a single, SMEJ. Putting it on a best album instead of an actual single is either brilliant or dumb. Brilliant in that you market Kalafina at the same time, dumb in that people may choose not to buy it just because it's not a single by itself.

At least the covers look very beautiful.
I wonder what is the new song found in the red edition... possibly an unannounced OP/ED/IN theme for an anime?
*Black Butler, can be, F/SN not possible since it starts in fall*

Also, that LiSANi article mentioned "JAPAN EXPO 2014". Is this perhaps referring to the Japanese convention being held annually in France? http://www.japan-expo.com/

pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease new Kuro song :wai:

is Kala going to that expo then?
No DVD editions? Darn, I mean I was gunna buy the Limited Editions anyway but I would have least liked to be able to watch the limited edition content from the disc itself rather than having to try and find some dodgy download online because I've only got a DVD player and cannot play BlueRays, bugger
is Kala going to that expo then?
That's what it says. Is this the first time it's been mentioned?

A bit dishonest on their part with the bragging. The tickets for the HK live sold out in 10 mins? Well, it did for the first concert, I think, but tickets for the additional concert are still available.

And looking back at the wording when "heavenly blue" was announced, it seems they never did mention that it will be released as a new single.

Kalafina新曲「heavenly blue」がTVアニメ「アルドノア・ゼロ」オープニングテーマ曲に決定! 詳細はコチラ!!
Just that Kalafina will be doing the OP. Usually, the wording will be something like xxth single, "xxxx" announced!

Will still buy everything XD *is currently in PLZ TAKE MUH MONEH collector mode*
I'll take it as paying for the 3 nico lives.


What a treat.

Well, to be exact, they're showing some of the MV and live footage from the album on the first two shows.
Kalafina will only be appearing for a talk and studio live for the last night (16th), which is also the day the album is released.

I'm so glad they like nico live. It's just so fun to watch a show with lots of people. Well, until the nasty comments show up.
Ok I know she's standing on a pillar, but with her dress covering her legs Wakana actually looks like a ghost woman floating in mid-air next to the other two :XD: :XD: :XD: :XD: :XD: And it seems like she's always cursed with only having one sleeve :XD:

The dresses are beautiful, though. Love the Celtic(?)-ish feel :love:
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I like the tracks on blue, but I prefer the trio in red. Dammit SMEJ! :cry::wai::touched: