Kalafina Best album

I am getting both LE, since I am paying my mom back (with what money I know not heh) since the prices are the same, and did not see the REs until now. lol I am pretty excited about the booklets though and the other goodies. Gah this summer is going to be so great. With Hanako's soundtrack and this, and possibly another new single if they sing for one of the new animes.
is anyone able to download the Kalafina Pocket Message from the site?

No luck. We have until the 26th before they come up with a new message.
I don't want to record the video from another device if possible lol.

Well... I still remember those fairytale Comment Videos where their hairstyles changed only on the opening bit mentioning the website.

Well, thanks for making me remember that. I guess it's becoming a tradition huh.
I really don't understand this "clip" thing. I downloaded the app and scanned the QR code but this is all that shows up:


I'm assuming it's because I'm not in Japan. Sigh

EDIT: they finally updated the blog theme

Wakana's dress = symphonia dress in red. Keiko's dress = Hikarifuru's dress in red (the A-line cut is totally the same, plus that weird shoulder). Hikaru's dress = Christmas live (her dress' design is the same as Wakana's christmas live dress) in red. I actually love the concept/design for Keiko's dress but the execution is all wrong. Btw I know I should post this on Kalafina fashion discussion but I'm too lazy to search for that thread lol. The pocket message app is quite confusing, but at least I can get some Kalafina screenshot yeay.
I really wish that photo wasn't so blurry. They look super cute there.
Okay, why can't they use a picture like that for the covers instead of having them randomly dangling in the corner? This is way too cute.
so cute!!! They need to start making covers like these instead of these pseudo-serious ones :dote: for songs like moonfesta it would be perfect! <3
^At least Wakana is smiling in the covers! Most of them she looks either angry or just emotionless. (Still pretty, obviously, just saying.) But the "floating" poses are kind of weird. They were probably like "Let's try something fun for the Best album!" And that's what they gave us. lol I do agree though they can be smiling like that at least for moonfesta or a happier song.
The Hikaru said:
THE BEST "Red"には
「Kalafina 5th Anniversary LIVE “oblivious”」
THE BEST "Blue"には
「リスアニ! LIVE-4」
maybe we'll get the entire oblivious concert and Kalafina's part of Lisani after all?
Kajiura about the best album and a bit about aldonoah zero (she says it has interesting plot, they let her read the script)


梶浦由記 Yuki Kajiura ‏@Fion0806
やはり心配して下さった方いらしたのかしら(^▽^;)。Kalafinaは、歌ってくれている誰かが、もーやだ!(ノ≧Д≦)ノ ┫:・'.::・┻┻:・'.::・ と言い出さない限り解散なんてしませんですw。

梶浦由記 Yuki Kajiura ‏@Fion0806

梶浦由記 Yuki Kajiura ‏@Fion0806

梶浦由記 Yuki Kajiura ‏@Fion0806

梶浦由記 Yuki Kajiura ‏@Fion0806

梶浦由記 Yuki Kajiura ‏@Fion0806

梶浦由記 Yuki Kajiura ‏@Fion0806

梶浦由記 Yuki Kajiura ‏@Fion0806
7月16日発売 Kalafina 『THE BEST “Red” / “Blue”』のW購入で豪華グッズが当たる初回封入応募特典が決定!抽選で豪華Kalafinaグッズをプレゼント!  (2014.05.23)
先日大発表となったKalafinaの初のベスト盤『THE BEST “Red” / “Blue”』の初回封入応募特典が決定しました!!“Red”、“Blue”のW購入で豪華Kalafinaグッズをプレゼント!皆様ふるってご応募ください!


7月16日発売 Kalafina 『THE BEST “Red”』(初回生産限定盤:SECL-1530~1531、初回プレス盤:SECL-1534)に封入されている応募はがきに、同時発売となる『THE BEST “Blue”』(初回生産限定盤:SECL-1532~1533、初回プレス盤:SECL-1535)に封入されている応募券を貼付の上、ご応募ください。抽選で豪華Kalafinaグッズをプレゼントいたします!


A賞:Kalafina オリジナル・タオル     50名様

B賞:Kalafina オリジナル・マグカップ  100名様


lottery for kalafina mug & towel as novelty?
^ considering that many people now have touch devices (laptops with touchpad, smartphones and tablets with touchscreen) they should be offering a code for a Kalafina app or something instead, since laser mouses dont need mousepads to work anymore.