Kalafina Best album

I had no idea where to post this, and I have no idea if it's been posted before (if it has, I'm sorry, I could't find it and haven't seen it before) but it has a short snippet of Alleluia live!!

Not bad at all, I think (for an unedited? live). :shy: Keiko was very good and Wakana also handled her high notes much better than that last Alleluia from Mezamashi (though some of her falsetto at the beginning of the vid was shaky in some places)

P.S: Someone tell me where this is from/what event it was? I feel like I should know, but I don't =_=;
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Ooh, bonuses. I was hoping for a poster though, to be honest. I just ordered Perfume's new single partially because freebie poster.

Still not sure I want it, though. Aside from the post-Consolation songs and the bonus video material I have everything else on there already. On the other hand, those covers sure are pretty...
Cerise thank you!!, is there another alleluia live around ?
that segmenent is so misleading since it shows only wakana while Keiko is the main for that song XD
7月16日発売 Kalafina ベストアルバム『THE BEST “Red”/“Blue”』購入特典のデザイン決定!

7月16日発売 ベストアルバム『THE BEST “Red” / “Blue”』(SECL-1530~1531/ SECL-1532~1533/ SECL-1534/ SECL-1535)を下記店舗・ECショップにてお買い上げの方に、先着でお渡しする購入特典のデザインが決定!

<<購入特典その>> オリジナル・ポストカード
■Kalafinaオリジナル・ポストカード (絵柄A)


■Kalafinaオリジナル・ポストカード (絵柄B)


■Kalafinaオリジナル・ポストカード (絵柄C)
ソフマップCD取り扱い店舗 (ドットコム含む)


■Kalafinaオリジナル・ポストカード (絵柄D)
とらのあな全店 (秋葉原店A/C除く)


■Kalafinaオリジナル・ポストカード (絵柄E)
タワーレコード全店 (オンライン含む)


■Kalafinaオリジナル・ポストカード (絵柄F)
HMV全店 (オンライン含む)


■Kalafinaオリジナル・ポストカード (絵柄G)


■Kalafina応援店舗 (絵柄H)


新星堂全店 (新星堂オンライン含む)

We's 士別店
玉光堂 パセオ店
玉光堂 四丁目店
玉光堂 イオン桑園店
玉光堂 イオン釧路店
玉光堂 イオンモール札幌平岡店
玉光堂 イオン名寄店
玉光堂 帯広イトーヨーカドー店
玉光堂 イオンモール札幌発寒店
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玉光堂 イオンモール釧路昭和店
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玉光堂 イオン小樽店
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玉光堂 小樽駅前店
玉光堂 イオン江別店
ヨドバシカメラ マルチメディア札幌

バンダレコード さくら野弘前店

M’sレコード アルテ店
M’s EXPO盛岡店

ヨドバシカメラ マルチメディア仙台



バンダレコ?ド 福島西道路店

WonderGoo つくば店
WonderGoo 鹿島店

オデオン堂 アトレ川崎店
文教堂 新横浜駅店
山野楽器 相模大野ステーションスクエア店
山野楽器 そごう横浜店
ヨドバシカメラ マルチメディア横浜
ヨドバシカメラ マルチメディア 川崎ルフロン
ヨドバシカメラ マルチメディア 京急上大岡

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文教堂 市川鬼高店
山野楽器 そごう千葉店

山野楽器 西武池袋店
山野楽器 調布パルコ店
山野楽器 銀座本店
ヨドバシカメラ マルチメディア Akiba
ヨドバシカメラ 新宿西口本店
ヨドバシカメラ マルチメディア 町田
ヨドバシカメラ マルチメディア 吉祥寺
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バンダレコ?ド 所沢店
バンダレコ?ド 本川越ぺぺ店
WonderGoo 本庄店
山野楽器 イオンモール北戸田店
山野楽器 丸広川越店

SOUND ニシワキ
Joshin 長岡川崎店 ディスクピア

文苑堂書店 TSUTAYA金沢店
BOOKSなかだ イオンかほく店
BOOKSなかだ 小松大領店

CD・DVDのライオン堂 高宮店

Joshin 富山本店 ディスクピア
宝島王国 WAO富山店
BOOKSなかだ ファボーレ店

フタバ図書 TERAワンダーシティ店
イケヤ イオン小牧店
WonderGoo 名古屋大須店


イケヤ 文楽館 高林店 CD館
イケヤ文楽館 高丘店
イケヤ 文楽館湖西店
イケヤ文楽館 磐田東店

Joshin草津店 ディスクピア
ハイパーブックス 長浜店
ハイパーブックス 彦根店

Joshin六地蔵店 ディスクピア
Joshin京都1ばん館 ディスクピア
ヨドバシカメラ マルチメディア京都

ディスクピア 日本橋店
Joshin岸和田店 ディスクピア
ミヤコ アリオ鳳店
Joshin高井田店 ディスクピア
Joshin光明池店 ディスクピア
エーツー日本橋 オタロード店2Fアニメフロア
喜久屋書店 漫画館ルシアス店
ヨドバシカメラ マルチメディア梅田

Joshin郡山店 ディスクピア
Joshin 奈良店 ディスクピア

ミヤコ イオンモール神戸北店




フタバ図書 サウンドGIGA広島駅前店
フタバ図書 ALTI福山本店CDV部門
フタバ図書 TERA広島府中店
フタバ図書ALTI アルパーク北棟店 CDV部門
フタバ図書 サウンドMEGA祇園中筋店
フタバ図書 GIGA呉駅レクレ店

今井書店グループセンター店STUDIO WONDER

明屋書店 MEGA平田店
明屋書店 空港通店
明屋書店 石井店
明屋書店 MEGA西の土居店
明屋書店 松前店
明屋書店 平井店

紀伊國屋書店 佐賀店

黒木書店 歯科大前店
ヨドバシカメラ マルチメディア博多


ブックスミスミ オプシア

その2 楽天ブックス限定「Kalafinaオリジナル・アナザージャケット」


その3オリジナル・マウスパッド (下記ECショップ限定特典!)
■Sony Music Shop


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this one makes me farrrrr too happy :plot: :punched: :imdead:

Are these postcards of some sort? :stars:
Those are post cards. There's only one mouse pad, which is the one for the 4 stores listed, including cdjapan. It's the last one on the post.
I see you're a kxw shipper. I think we'll get along very well.
While Wakana's pose is super sexy, Keiko's and Hikaru's are scary on Post Card Type C.
^ I was too preoccupied with Type A to pay attention to Type C, but now that I have...

...oh Keiko, you really can't leave either one of those two alone, can you? :psst: :plot: :punched:

Those are post cards. There's only one mouse pad, which is the one for the 4 stores listed, including cdjapan. It's the last one on the post.
I see you're a kxw shipper. I think we'll get along very well.

*points at siggy and hi-fives* :chuu: :plot:

I do wish the postcards were the bonus included with CDJ though, rather than the mousepad. Firstly 'cos I like the postcard photos more, plus they have signatures, and I can actually stick postcards up on my wall, unlike a mousepad. Because really, I'm not going to ever use a Kalafina mousepad. I don't want my mouse rubbing and wearing down their beautiful faces ;w;
^Lol I am using the mousepad right now actually, the last one that came with a cd, although I forget what it was. (Not the small After Eden one, the bigger one) It's still in great condition. But I hope Spacecraft or somewhere gets those post cards, so I can get them too! They looked like they had fun doing the shoots.
^ I was too preoccupied with Type A to pay attention to Type C, but now that I have...

...oh Keiko, you really can't leave either one of those two alone, can you? :psst: :plot: :punched:

*points at siggy and hi-fives* :chuu: :plot:

I do wish the postcards were the bonus included with CDJ though, rather than the mousepad. Firstly 'cos I like the postcard photos more, plus they have signatures, and I can actually stick postcards up on my wall, unlike a mousepad. Because really, I'm not going to ever use a Kalafina mousepad. I don't want my mouse rubbing and wearing down their beautiful faces ;w;
Oh yes. I've seen your gifs. I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't at all wondering where some of those came from.

I just might order a copy at animate for type A and cancel my HMV order, however cheap it may be.
I honestly have no idea how to order from anywhere except CDJapan since I never had to before. I may have to work out new methods of acquisition.

Wait, the pic on the HMV.co.jp site doesn't appear to be shown here. At least, I don't think it is.
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I honestly have no idea how to order from anywhere except CDJapan since I never had to before. I may have to work out new methods of acquisition.

Wait, the pic on the HMV.co.jp site doesn't appear to be shown here. At least, I don't think it is.
It was. Now, somehow Type F got replaced with a duplicate of Type E.

You order from HMV the same way you would order from CDJapan.
HMV only does EMS but they provide actual discounts, unlike CDJ. A straight 15% off the top and 1% points during off campaign periods. I ordered during the refund campaign so I'll be getting an additional 10-20% back as a coupon to be spent on future HMV orders. I haven't been to CDJ since.
Interesting. I'd prefer another postcard in comparison to a mousepad I'll probably never use (although I might buy both...) so if I go anywhere it'll likely be through HMV. On the other hand I have an order on CDJapan that comes out on the same day as the Best anyway so I could add it in there without any additional shipping costs.

Where's the bottom-most square signed image from? I really like that.
Not to be an ass but please stop embedding such huge pictures.

This takes a moment to load and takes up fuckton of scrolling space. Even more so when the post is already super long in itself.

The way it was in the first version of the post was surefine.
Still no news on what the new song in Red edition is? Anyway, this is the thing that suddenly get into my mind. Will they re-record sprinter with Keiko replacing Maya's part or not? Because if they're going to release the same sprinter as before, Kalafina would be credited as Wakana, Keiko, Hikaru, and Maya (like in sprinter/ARIA single and seventh heaven album) - and we all know how they tried to (hide) Maya's existence, plus Kalafina has been credited as Wakana, Keiko, Hikaru since Lacrimosa single.
I never actually considered Maya's position as far as these two releases are concerned, but at a guess I'd expect there'd be some contractual clause that caters for contributing artists who leave, and (again, guessing) take the individual's circumstances into account if/when it happens. I won't pretend I know about the legal stuff, but wouldn't be surprised if she either signed a waiver or was no longer credited after her departure was made official.

Going on past experience with other bands, contributors to recordings ARE credited, whether they're still members at the time of release or not. In theory, anyway! It would be odd - and unfair - if she wasn't mentioned on the sleevenotes at all. Regardless of any other circumstances, the fact remains that she did contribute to certain songs!