Kalafina Best album

Ohhh, that Blue BD tracklist :nosebleed: :stars:

I hope the audio quality is better for the 5th anni one though, the WOWOW broadcast had really weird sound quality, like it was being recorded whilst muffled through a pillow or something :XD:
Maybe the new song in Red Edition is something like al fine. Remember their Kimi no Gin special live? The first on the setlist is prelude~misterioso. forum.canta-per-me.net/threads/kalafina-special-live-2014626-tokyo-dome-city-hall.5032/ And the second song in Red Edition is? misterioso. Prelude is maybe a 2 minute intro song and Kajiura just put some lyrics on it. Ta-da, a new song is born. Now I see no reason for people to buy the Red Edition.
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Let's hope for a real song too. I'm confident in Yuki-sama ^^
(But anyway it doesn't change anything for me as I probably won't buy any of both albums, I prefer spending money on new albums :XD:)
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@grynty: I thought of the possibility that Kajiura made the song as intro to both editions of the album before Sony decides to split in Red and Blue, and that's why its only in the Red, but what ritardando said is also possible.
Hmm. I guess it could be the case...

Though I still wonder why they kept the trackname secret this long. Were they hoping Kajiura would manage to finish another track in time? lol
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Hmmm, maybe it's like a mash up of all the intros to their concerts? (Kind of like they did for the Yuuka concert recently, but for the Kala ones and put together?) But I hope not too. I am still getting both of them, but I kind of wish they would have had different dresses too. *sigh* I know it's too late now, still. I also kind of agree with Daiima, although I think the girls need a break. They still have room for more singles this year, and for them to be amazing.
Prelude?? Ooo not sure on that, will wait and see then...otherwise I'll skip this one , sorry ladies!
I have a feeling it's not necessarily aimed at us, anyway. Seems more like SMEJ going 'OK so we have some loyal fans, but we want more fans in general, better release some best-ofs'.
Actually, I now do think that this may be only to capitalize on Kalafina's increasing success and giving newcomers an opportunity to get what they missed before ?
Yeah. The more I think about it, the more I realise that it's not aimed at the people who own their studio albums already. I'm certainly not in a hurry to buy two CDs just for a few tracks that I don't already have! Give them a colour-coded vinyl release, and I'll be up for it though. :gimmeh:

In a way, this is probably a good thing for them. They've worked hard to build up a fanbase and a large collection of very good songs, so now is a good time to capitalise on the back catalogue they've done so much to record and promote. I know a couple of singles came out in the last few months, but I don't mind them not releasing another studio album for a while. 2014 could be their breakout year where they reach out to new fans and let these newbies catch up. It might be a really exciting time!

I'm just mindful of how After Eden was the weakest (IMO at least), which I attributed to being rushed - it came out so soon after Red Moon, and there was that scare over Wakana over-working herself and considering quitting (Consolation, in contrast, took longer, and it's fantastic). That's last thing we want to see, so if they slow the recording schedule a bit and concentrate on the promotion that comes from touring and 'best of' compilations, I'm totally okay with that.

P.S. I hope my pleas to them last Sunday for a UK & European tour didn't fall on deaf ears... :hypno:
so i heard somebody predicted prelude will be something like alfine:plot:
here you go :sohappy:

heavenly blue full too :sohappy:
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HAHAHA prelude. It was even more like overture from their seventh heaven album. And Wakana's voice is too honky for my liking. Well, I haven't heard the recording from Japan Expo, so was it the same prelude as in there?
^Not sure about JE. This is from kalafina club. Keiko did mention it is something like overture iirc
THANK YOU!!! :sohappy:

Yes its the same prelude as in JE :) so your theory was right! :XD:

wait, according to the info grunty posted some days ago, heavenly blue is 5:20 long, so this misses 13 secs XD

Just as I predicted, the whole song has the same patern as the TV size :cry:

But in the worst case scenario, where the TV size is the first part of the full-size (its the most common), its gonna be x3 this melody + some bridge with e.guitar and Hanae chorus ala consolation.
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