Kalafina Best album

^ It reminds me of some old movies where ther was a telephone in the bath :XD:
(perhaps she has someone inside and washes his back ? :psst: )
From Hitoshi Konno:



^Cool pic! I should do that with mine.

Mine is in shipping process, and should ship by the end of the day. I will do scans when I get them.
Every time I look at the covers and Keiko is in that weird pose, I wonder why they decided to make them get up on that pedestal. It's just really weird, I think.
Does anybody watch/record the nicovideo event? I totally forgot.
I watched it. Will grab the time shift later.

They played the songs in the red album in order, skipping over prelude and short changing oblivious with the short mv version (the one that pans all over that photo of wakana and keiko). For most songs, they used the mv where possible. Those without mv, they used live footage. You know what that means. The Lisani alleluia live footage was used. Our first look at it.

Oh. And there was a hilarious recorded comment video from the girls, where they tried to anticipate the comments. "A show of hands, how many of you have been to our lives?" *pause* "What? All of you?" *pretends to be touched by the support* Commenters reacted accordingly.
I finally bought both albums, with a bit of disatisfaction, but as someone said to me last week while buying the EU version of Consolation (I perfectly remind who did it but I'll won't harass him/her :cheer:) "it's for fandom":XD:
I finally bought both albums, with a bit of disatisfaction, but as someone said to me last week while buying the EU version of Consolation (I perfectly remind who did it but I'll won't harass him/her :cheer:) "it's for fandom":XD:

Heh. I still haven't caved. The cover arts are beautiful and all, but I don't think it's really worth it considering I already own everything aside from Prelude and Heavenly Blue. Prelude is lovely but so short, whilst Heavenly Blue is weak. The lives aren't particularly long either and Red especially... ehh. We've seen all that before. The track lists aren't exactly that interesting either, what with being almost all single releases and some of the ones that aren't I don't care for anyway, like Mune no Yukue and Eden. For the price of both I could buy a copy of History 5th or Red Moon Live, which I've been planning on anyway and would, in my opinion, be a far better purchase.
Already down. SME has been really aggressive with the takedowns recently. Especially with heavenly blue. It's more fun to watch it with comments though.

Oh wow that was fast. I watched it less than an hour ago so it's recent.
I did another quick check of the track listings, and I can't see my fave B-sides on either of them so yeah, it'll be buying two albums just for two new songs. *shrugs* TBH, I think my money will be better spent on a copy of their live album instead, then wait to see what's on their next full-length studio release.

I'll watch a few more episodes of Aldnoah.Zero to help make my mind up on Heavenly Blue though!
For me the interest of buying it − after heavily criticizing it − is above all pratical. Yet it allows me to say "Yes, I support them!" (although I think that I mainly support SMEJ... :kungfu:), but it's also convienient in my way to enjoy their music. My work sometimes allows me to listen to some personal music on a CD player so when I want to listen to Kalafina, I bring my European Selection and my Consolation LE, or my Live Selection (RE...). But sometimes, I don't have time enough to listen to all the four disks, and the Live Selection although being wonderful doesn't have the newest songs... So with the Best albums, I'll have a condensate of their works.
So apparently on some sources , the seventh heaven overture is the first song on the RED album. Is this true? I thought Prelude was the first new song on the RED album??
At a guess I'd say they're not the same - the intro track to their live show sounded different from the 'overture' of SH, so I assumed that 'prelude' was what we heard then. I wouldn't have thought they'd rename a song, but I could be wrong!

I'm listening to the 5th anniversary live compilation now, and it's pretty much made my mind up about whether I should hunt down my own copy (I foolishly passed on it when I saw it in Tower Records, but that was back last May when details for Red & Blue hadn't been made public yet).