Kalafina Best album

How the hell can you get all those songs? :XD:And yes, it was the intro of Japan Expo showcase!
wait, according to the info grunty posted some days ago, heavenly blue is 5:20 long, so this misses 13 secs XD

keiko started talking before the song could finish so i have to remove her voice. But i forgot to remove some at the beginning of Prelude:XD:
PRELUDE! It makes so much sense now. At the Japan Expo concert, Prelude was played as the TV screen introduced Wakana, Hikaru and Keiko. Then the girls came onto the stage to perform misterioso. The Prelude was new for me so I thought" maybe they'll sing heavenly blue?" It all clicks now XD
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Thanks Hime! I kind of like prelude, just wish it was longer. Heavenly Blue is okay, still for me. Hikaru's second verse is a bit different from the first I think. I like Wakana's singing though, and the strings. What's that weird sound just after the tv size part ends though? That is new for Yuki I think. I will try not to listen to these songs too much before I get my copies next week. (Just got to the Kajiuran part. I love it! Is it just Hanae as main vocal, or is Yuriko in there too?) The guitar is cool as well.
Prelude is really nice, and yes it was played as an introduction before Misterioso at the Japan Expo showcase, didn't think I recognized it. That explains why. Not enough to get me to buy the compilation though.
As Seasonreaper already said, Prelude was played before misterioso at Kalafinas live concert in Paris. I immediatly realized that.:XD: It follows the "misterioso" harmony and I also think it's nice, but I can't help being really disappointed. I really was hoping for a full song, but oh well... we have to content ourselves with what we get.:rain:
― 『THE BEST “Red”』『THE BEST “Blue”』が2枚同時発売されるそうですが、ベスト盤のリリースが決まった時は、どう感じましたか?




― 『Red』と『Blue』、それぞれの曲のセレクトにこだわりはあったのですか?


― この二枚の聴きどころは?




― 一度聴いたらハマる魅力を、Kalafinaは持っていますよね。


― Kalafinaの世界観を伝えるために、気を遣っていることは多いと思います。美容面で気をつけていることはありますか?


Keiko:私は、お風呂にいる時間がすごく長いんです。1時間浸かったら、外に出て用事を済ませて、また戻るほど好きで。お風呂の中では映画を見たり、ゲームしたり、本を読んだり。海外ドラマが特に好きで、お風呂の中で『The OC』『ゴシップガール』のDVDをよく見ています。美しさのヒントも詰まっているので、女性にはお勧めですよ。


― そしてぜひ、ネットショッピングの経歴もお伺いしたいのですが。

Wakana:私はよく洋服を買います。先日、すごい奇跡があったんですよ! 電車に乗っていた時、目の前に座っている女性が履いていたサンダルがすごく可愛くて、「どこで買ったんですか?」と声をかけようか迷ったくらいなんです。でもさすがに勇気がなくて、「あの靴には二度と出会えないかも…」と諦めつつネットで探したら、すぐ見つけることができて。『Spick and Span』のサンダルだと判明しました。迷わず、即買いです。「ネット、ありがとう!」と思いました(笑)。




― 最後にメッセージをお願いします!

I love it when they are smiling normally and not all serious (although I like that too sometimes). Wish they would do this more for covers of albums. Can someone translate?
somebody posted summary / translation of that interview on tumblr

  • wakana uses an app that combines the sound of both fire and water to help her sleep. beauty sleep is her mantra!
  • keiko likes to take hour-long baths and does things in them huehuehue
  • keiko watches The O.C. and Gossip Girl?!?!?!?! (while bathing, btw.) i didn’t expect that at all omg
  • in terms of online shopping, wakana buys clothes (she goes on a rant about how the net helped her find a certain pair of sandals she saw on a woman the other day on the train. “net, thank you!!”), keiko buys…. water, and hikaru buys gifts for other people
  • keiko laughs here after hikaru elaborates on buying coffee as a present the other day, because her friend wanted it after hikaru asked. “even though it’s a present, it’s not very surprising!”
  • their fave products are recommended here! wakana’s been using a certain foot massager for over 10 years now.
  • keiko uses a face massager. (it looks a bit odd; definitely not for me lol)
  • hikaru says lip balm is the way to go, since she has sensitive skin/lips
YES KEIKO WATCHES GOSSIP GIRL! And she watches the O.C., no wonder she tried to style her hair after Mischa Barton (according to an interview I forgot when). - sorry for the OOT, btw.
Aww, Hikaru buying for other people, I like doing that too when I have money, which now I do not. And I also use a lot of lip balm since my lips are always dry. We are so alike! Umm... Keiko doing things in the bath? Don't even know how to respond to that. lol