Kalafina 5th album "far on the water"

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@Liana_Ilia : Both far on the water and ring your bell were announced during the budokan days, so they were both complitely new and that was the very first time they ever performed them live. The only difference is that ring your bell got a single while for far on the water they waited till the album.

TKv6tT64_bigger.jpe梶浦由記 Yuki KajiuraΕπαληθευμένος λογαριασμός‏@Fion0806
9/25(金)21:30〜「Kalafina "far on the water"発売記念プチイベon twitter」を行ないます(メンバーの参加はありません)。ご参加頂ける方は、お手数ですがこちらをご一読下さいませ。 http://t.co/wXLFD7Yeuh

TKv6tT64_bigger.jpe梶浦由記 Yuki KajiuraΕπαληθευμένος λογαριασμός‏@Fion0806


Kalafina 5th.アルバム「far on the water」 発売記念プチイベントのお知らせ
Date: September 25, 2015
Time : 21:30 Japan Time we press "play button"
Two rounds, for those that start from middle
hashtag: #5FOTW
Kalafina 5th.アルバム「far on the water」 発売記念プチイベントのお知らせ
「far on the water」 みんなでいっせいのせで聞いて
好き勝手呟いちゃおう on twitter


※ 日時・参加方法
  • ● 2015/09/25(金) 21時30分 start (playボタンをぽちっ)~アルバム終わりまで。



※ ハッシュタグその他
  • 一応当日のためのハッシュタグを儲けます。ご発言の後に スペース(半角)を空けて、
  • また、不参加のフォロワーさんへのご迷惑を避ける為、
    梶浦由記本人は当日 @FJukatsu のアカウントにて発言します。








According to yuki.n the text at the bottom (quote) says that its the first time Kajiura made this disc while thinking what to put on the next one, in the sense that she had ideas for more songs and probably set some aside for the 6th album.
Hm, looks like my copy is in customs. There goes any chance of me getting it this week, or possibly next week either. Considering I actually ordered a different copy so I could get it near release date this pisses me off, practically a pure waste of money.
That concept kind of reminds me of Metallica's Load and Reload and Guns n Roses' Use Your Illusion I and II. Both had a ton of songs and as such were split between two albums, and in both cases had a bunch of fantastic songs mixed in with a bunch of mediocre ones. In both instances taking just the good tracks from each part and putting them together would've made a fantastic album.
Kalafina is fourth today. The number of sales is less than 4,432 copies.
I just hope they release an album each year, having so many singles out complicates original albums because it means some A-sides must be left out and if they include everything there's very little room for new material.
Every year and a half or so worked for the first four, so that would be fine.
Sigh, I think my copy's currently flying somewhere over the Pacific. I was hoping that it would have come on time since I pre-ordered it from Amazon Japan, but I'm guessing they only initiated shipping upon the release date rather than shipping to arrive on time.

Eagerly awaiting my copy though. I liked ring your bell and One Light so it'll be interesting to see what direction Yuki Kajiura and the girls take this album.
Yes, we don't want them to be overworked. (Which may be why Hikaru was suffering a bit. I did notice (when I watched One Light in the studio (haven't finished it yet because it stopped on my in ring your bell) she was much better. She used her awesome voice, which is to say her Magia voice, like some people call it. I think anyways. She is very fierce. But then she smiles during one part, and I love it when they do that, as I already said. heh I think enjoying themselves while singing is much better than making a song that's too hard to sing live. (Which One Light is kind of that way. It's very breathtaking. Like Heavenly Blue. Which is kind of one of the reasons I don't like it very much. I listen to it yes. And I like it more than HB. But I don't want them to get out of breath, like Wakana seemed to be in ring your bell after she sang OL. They had no time to rest. It went right on to the next song.) And as popularity goes, I think they are popular because of their anime songs. Like Madoka and Black Butler, the more popular animes. So it's a given that they'll keep performing those live at anime conventions. Which I hope that they will come to Anime Milwaukee next year. It is so close to me that I could take the train there and stay overnight or something. Like I did for Chicago. Budokan was amazing, even though it was huge, they did connect with their fans I think. Remember during Sprinter? Keiko was practically pushing Wakana to the edge of the stage so that they could wave and Hikaru ran to the other side. So I think they used that stage perfectly. Maybe it was hard for them since they never used such a big stage before? That middle thing was only used once before I think in their lives. But they started Magia in the crowd and then moved to that. The crowd was surprised that they were in the crowd at the beginning I think. Hatou please confirm. Anyways... sorry I went off on a tangent. I need to watch the other studio live thing. I am going to do that now.

Gah the thing keeps freezing on me in various places. First it was a little after RYB started and now it's after the song. Grrr. I want to watch it all darn it! *throws computer* No, I don't want to do that! heh
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Double posting sorry. But I finally finished watching the Nico event thing. It was good. My thoughts:

One Light: Wow. Like I said before, Hikaru rocked it. She is much better now, if she even had any issues. It seemed that her voice changed in the album and at Budokan a bit, but now she seems a lot better and it shows when she smiles during the song, instead of wincing. Which Wakana was doing a little bit. I wonder why now it switched where Wakana did so well at Budokan and Hikaru is now doing well and she is a little shaky. I guess because these are new songs and also this is an upbeat one and hard to sing (at least I have trouble singing along with it.)

ring your bell: Wakana did seem out of breath in the beginning. but then bounced back and was amazing throughout. There were some rocky parts, sure, but we actually hear them a little better because the instrumental is a little softer maybe? Still, it was a good performance. Not as good as Budokan, but okay.

Gogatsu: Wow. Wakana seemed on point and you could tell she was more relaxed with this song. She did have a lot of high notes, but she nailed them. And you can tell that Keiko is in the song since she is singing in the background. Hikaru is good too. I do really like this song, not as much as others, but I will listen to it a lot in the future I think. A good performance as well.

fotw: Very very good. Did Keiko seem a little low in the beginning? And Wakana did seem off key a bit. But other than that (those are small nitpicks) it was great. I think I loved the Budokan version a lot better, but this is still good. I can't wait to see them sing it in their actual tour, if they release a dvd/blu-ray of it. I really really hope they do. I love this song. It seems they do as well. It will be a good closing song for the concerts.

Overall it was okay. I had trouble hearing a lot of it, since there was some background noise from the recording box I think. I heard papers rustling and banging and stuff. And I had to turn my speakers way up in order to hear it. But I did like it. Especially Gogatsu and fotw. Great job girls! It will be good practice for the tour.
My mom's getting FOW for my birthday, and she said that it arrived at her house today. I'm not sure whether she's going to ship it down to me (she was talking about that) or wait until she comes in town for my birthday (October 2, which is 2 weeks).

The wait is killing me :comeback:

Kalafina ニコ生でNEWアルバム記念特番! | ドワンゴジェイピーnews http://news.dwango.jp/2015/09/16/54515/j-pop/… #kalafina @Kalafina_Staff


Kalafina ニコ生でNEWアルバム記念特番!


今年7月には初の単独武道館2daysを収録したLive DVD・Blu-ray『Kalafina LIVE THE BEST 2015“Red Day”&“Blue Day”at 日本武道館 』をリリース、更に8月12日(水)にはMBS/TBS系TVアニメ「アルスラーン戦記」エンディングテーマとして絶賛O.A中のニューシングル『One Light』をリリースと、まさに話題の絶えないKalafinaが本日9月16日、約2年ぶりのオリジナル・ニューアルバム『far on the water』をリリースした。


今回も通常盤(CDのみ)他、初回生産限定盤A(DVD付き)、初回生産限定盤B(Blu-ray付き)、更に前2作のシングルから発売が始まったアナログ盤も完全生産限定盤で2枚組でリリース (アナログ盤のみ9月30日(水)リリース)。

初回生産限定盤A、Bには初収録となる『heavenly blue』MV、『far on the water』MV、『ring your bell』(2015年2月28日(土)日本武道館にて収録)『far on the water』(2015年3月1日(日)日本武道館にて収録)を収録するなど、ファンのみならず全てのリスナーに非常に楽しみな特典となっている。


「約2年ぶりのオリジナル・ニューアルバムという事で、武道館ライブを経て、3人だからこそ生まれる声の響きをもっと追求していきたいと思い、言葉を大切に 制作しました。アルバムのタイトルになっている『far on the water』の歌詞にもあるように、“どこまでもどこまでも続いている”、そんな風に私達の音楽も皆さんの元へ届いて繋がっていけたら幸せです。5枚目という事で、私達が今までの活動の中で歌ってきた様々な音楽の要素を少しずつ入れさせていただきました!!このアルバムからKalafinaを知ってくださる方にも、これまでのKalafinaを知ってくださっている方にも楽しんでいただける1枚になりましたので、是非たくさんの方に聴いていただけたら嬉しいです。」とメンバー自身の強い想いも詰まった作品になっている様子だ。

今週末にはラゾーナ川崎プラザ ルーファ広場グランドステージ(19日)、西宮ガーデンズ(20日)で恒例のリリース発売イベント、都内近郊ではKalafina「far on the water」トラックが、秋葉原ラジオ会館壁面には巨大ボードが出現する等、街中も今回のオリジナル・ニューアルバムのリリースに大いに盛り上がっている様子だ。


そしてリリース当日の本日、Kalafinaメンバーの様子がニコ生特番にて見る事が出来る。本日9月16日(水)「Kalafina オリジナル・ニューアルバム『far on the water』発売記念特番“Kalafinaニコニコ倶楽部 with リスアニ!”」と題して21時から生放送。ミニライブや本邦初公開映像等、見逃せない特番になるだろう。

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:ayashii: is it just me or Gogatsu's melody is similar to that unreleased SAO REMI song? I think @george1234 has a rip of it somewhere. I like Gogatsu no Mahou and Sora Iro.

into the water sounded like a Hokuto no Ken BGM to me. Not on the new album, but I also like that 2nd track from One Light single. It has a potential for an erhu solo but no, none.

My favorite anisons are heavenly blue and one light in this album. Heavenly Blue because of the REMI chorus; but due to that, this song is also my least favorite LIVE song because of the lack of REMI. One Light because I like the switching of the singers in the chorus; its kajiurago, not so much... it's so dry.
Thoughts: Girls looked so beautiful. Surprised at the lack of chairs/lamps/tables. Any sign of a plot still nowhere to be seen hahaha :ohoho:

- Keiko stands so close to the cliff! :ghost:
- love the parts where they walk together on the beach :shy:
- heart can't handle when Wakana looks directly into the camera and smiles :omg: :imdead:
- loving the little plaits in Hikaru's hair :dote:
- heart can't handle when Hikaru looks directly into the camera and smiles :omg: :imdead:
- the green screen city overlay effect is really cool and different (at least for a Kala PV) :stars:
- ultra closeup of Wakana's neck lol *is dead* :nosebleed:
- they're so high up on a skyscraper! Poor Hikaru must have been terrified of the height when they were filming! :ghost:
- heart can't handle when Keiko looks directly into the camera and smiles :omg: :imdead:
- i love the arm/shoulder-baring sleeves on Wakana's white dress. :shy: Actually that white dress and the plaited bun hairstyle reminds me a little of Princess Leia from Stars Wars lol :ohoho:
- i like the contrasts in this PV, the ocean vs the city, the black vs the white dresses , the monochrome shots vs the colour shots. Very nice! :goodjob:

So like also I basically live for when Wakana smiles at Keiko like this



*is kicked*

I'm so sorry for making y'all put up with me :ohoho: