Kalafina 3rd Album「After Eden」

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I just realized... I haven't listened to this album since its release and have no desire to go back to any track. :(
^ I won't deliberately seek any of them out, but I won't skip them if they come on shuffle, either, and I'll sing along to them happily.

Then again, that goes for all the songs on my iPod, pretty much.
Is it just me or does Wakana seem to sound VERY American? :omg:

Almost Californian too, I think... :uh..:
^ In general or just on a specific song? :confu: I'm curious to as to what you mean.

I haven't listened to most of the album much, since my copy is at home, while I am sadly still at school. I do listen to Destination Unknown and Magnolia online, though. That's pretty much it.
There was a Kalafina After Eden twitter event at 7th of the month and we somehow missed it. I wanted to ask about destination unknown if it was supposed to be FJY song :cry:

もうすぐイベント始まります。始まったら梶浦は @FJukatsuの方から発言し、そちらしか追いかけませんので、リプライ等もそちらにお願い致します。bit.ly/e99zEY #kalaAE
8 Oct Favorite Retweet Reply
梶浦由記 Yuki Kajiura
Fion0806 梶浦由記 Yuki Kajiura

8 Oct
梶浦由記 Yuki Kajiura
Fion0806 梶浦由記 Yuki Kajiura
インタビューズのご質問閉め切らせて頂きます。ありがとうございまいしたm(_ _)m。今日中に全てお答えは出来ないと思いますので、数日間気長にお待ち下さいませ。 #kalaAE
8 Oct
梶浦由記 Yuki Kajiura
Fion0806 梶浦由記 Yuki Kajiura
また、こちらの都合でどうしてもお答え出来かねるご質問もございます。そういったものも、公開せずに削除させて頂く場合もございます。申し訳ありませんがご了承下さいますと幸いです。 #kalaAE
8 Oct
梶浦由記 Yuki Kajiura
Fion0806 梶浦由記 Yuki Kajiura
尚、インタビューズへのご質問の受付は本日16時までとなっております。それ以降に頂いたご質問は、申し訳ありませんがこちらで削除させて頂きます。予めご了承下さいませ。 #kalaAE
8 Oct
梶浦由記 Yuki Kajiura
Fion0806 梶浦由記 Yuki Kajiura
リマインダ:本日19時よりKalafinaのAfter Eden他みんなで聞こうon twitterイベント第二夜!ヽ(*^^*)ノ宜しければご都合の良い時間帯でご参加下さいませ〜。詳細→bit.ly/e99zEY



and OMG they event was at 7th of the Month ? >_>

@george: that's the event posted on twitter discussion thread

Special_K said:
Is it just me or does Wakana seem to sound VERY American? :omg:

Almost Californian too, I think... :uh..:

lol why?
^Amy Lee? Hmm... maybe a little. I think she has a more gravely voice than Wakana. (I do like evanescence a lot hehe) Maybe Wakana and them can pair up for a song. that would be interesting. hehe
^ I've never listened to that chick, so I wouldn't know. :ohoho: Although, I don't think I'd object if they teamed up like you said.

Spirica Rose said:
^ In general or just on a specific song? :confu: I'm curious to as to what you mean.

I haven't listened to most of the album much, since my copy is at home, while I am sadly still at school. I do listen to Destination Unknown and Magnolia online, though. That's pretty much it.

Yuki88 said:

Her English bits. :psst:

It has a very distinct American flavour to it. A bit weird to me, though. :XD:

Pontianak said:
Waifu says she sounds like that girl from Evanescance.

Liana_Ilia said:
^Amy Lee? Hmm... maybe a little. I think she has a more gravely voice than Wakana. (I do like evanescence a lot hehe) Maybe Wakana and them can pair up for a song. that would be interesting. hehe


/me listens to Evanescence

I think it's a far cry, though. They sing at different registers for a start. Also, one is distinctly West Coast, the other is British Colombia (even though Amy Lee is from Arkansas, I know...).
^Yeah, I agree with you. I was saying that she sounds different than Wakana. (But if Yuki composed for Evanescence and had Wakana as a guest vocalist that would be awesome. hehe) anyways, sorry if it's being offtopic. I do like Wakana's voice a lot though. :dote: And in some songs I hear similarities in Hikaru and Wakana's voices.
Re: Re:

Special_K said:
Spirica Rose said:
^ In general or just on a specific song? :confu: I'm curious to as to what you mean.

I haven't listened to most of the album much, since my copy is at home, while I am sadly still at school. I do listen to Destination Unknown and Magnolia online, though. That's pretty much it.

Yuki88 said:

Her English bits. :psst:

It has a very distinct American flavour to it. A bit weird to me, though. :XD:

Hmm, yeah, I can see what you're saying. :ayashii: I'm only thinking of Mune no Yukue right now, but it does sound American to some degree. I now want to go back and listen to her other English parts just to get a better understanding.
^ Eh, I think I'll wait. I haven't updated IE in months...I'd probably end up with lots of problems, knowing me. :ohoho: