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8 Oct Favorite Retweet Reply
梶浦由記 Yuki Kajiura
Fion0806 梶浦由記 Yuki Kajiura
8 Oct
梶浦由記 Yuki Kajiura
Fion0806 梶浦由記 Yuki Kajiura
インタビューズのご質問閉め切らせて頂きます。ありがとうございまいしたm(_ _)m。今日中に全てお答えは出来ないと思いますので、数日間気長にお待ち下さいませ。 #kalaAE
8 Oct
梶浦由記 Yuki Kajiura
Fion0806 梶浦由記 Yuki Kajiura
また、こちらの都合でどうしてもお答え出来かねるご質問もございます。そういったものも、公開せずに削除させて頂く場合もございます。申し訳ありませんがご了承下さいますと幸いです。 #kalaAE
8 Oct
梶浦由記 Yuki Kajiura
Fion0806 梶浦由記 Yuki Kajiura
尚、インタビューズへのご質問の受付は本日16時までとなっております。それ以降に頂いたご質問は、申し訳ありませんがこちらで削除させて頂きます。予めご了承下さいませ。 #kalaAE
8 Oct
梶浦由記 Yuki Kajiura
Fion0806 梶浦由記 Yuki Kajiura
リマインダ:本日19時よりKalafinaのAfter Eden他みんなで聞こうon twitterイベント第二夜!ヽ(*^^*)ノ宜しければご都合の良い時間帯でご参加下さいませ〜。詳細→bit.ly/e99zEY
Special_K said:Is it just me or does Wakana seem to sound VERY American?
Almost Californian too, I think...![]()
Is it just me or does Wakana seem to sound VERY American?![]()
Spirica Rose said:^ In general or just on a specific song?I'm curious to as to what you mean.
I haven't listened to most of the album much, since my copy is at home, while I am sadly still at school. I do listen to Destination Unknown and Magnolia online, though. That's pretty much it.
Yuki88 said:lol why?
Pontianak said:Waifu says she sounds like that girl from Evanescance.
Liana_Ilia said:^Amy Lee? Hmm... maybe a little. I think she has a more gravely voice than Wakana. (I do like evanescence a lot hehe) Maybe Wakana and them can pair up for a song. that would be interesting. hehe
Special_K said:Spirica Rose said:^ In general or just on a specific song?I'm curious to as to what you mean.
I haven't listened to most of the album much, since my copy is at home, while I am sadly still at school. I do listen to Destination Unknown and Magnolia online, though. That's pretty much it.
Yuki88 said:lol why?