Kalafina 18th single "One Light" for Arslan Senki [confirmed]

The bridge is a total rip-off of the believe bridge imo, and the transition from the bridge to the chorus (the instruments stopping, then the sudden drum solo) but I've always liked clichés like that.

I like it more than believe, ring your bell and heavenly blue, but this song isn't spectacular. Looking forward to the b-sides :)
Seconding @george1234, this song is too repetitive. The only part I really liked was the last chorus. It's catchy, though, especially the first part of the chorus (the rest is a little forgettable at this point). But ugh... Kajiura-sama, please don't compose songs that would stick in our heads but aren't really that good, quality-wise :/ We have other artists to listen to for those :/

And as for the similarity with in every nothing, at least I liked the grittiness in Hikaru's voice there. I don't like how forced her voice sounds here >_<

Shall look forward to the B-sides, I guess. With much hesitation.
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I'm not trying to give WAKANA too much, but I think her voice was not fit for this song. It's just way too tragic and melancholic for me..

For example, in the verses, when she comes in after HIKARU, I just don't think she has enough power. In the chorus, towards the end, she just sounds like she's whining, in contrast to HIKARU who is singing with so much vigour and power.

HIKARU was amazing in this single. Her vibrates at the end of her lines in each chorus was very nicely done. Jus what I love about HIKARU- her powerful vibrato that just seems like can pierce through the thickest diamond.

KEIKO's quick cameos in the verses are reminiscent of the "toki wo koete" et cetera part in Magia, at the same time, not a mimick of the styles of Magia. It surely has a much brighter and livelier feeling compared to the dark, metallic Magia.

Overall, I like the song because HIKARU and KEIKO delivered a very energetic feeling. WAKANA was really pulling this single down for me... Kajiura needs to just stick to songs like "Hikarifuru" and "ring your bell" for her. I am not saying she is bad - im just saying this song does not suit her. She sounded heavenly in "ring your bell" to me, especially at "koufuku to ... Ahhh.. Utaitai" (that "ahhhhh" :D). And don't even get me started on her bridge "kimi e to" echo of KEIKO's line... OOMPH.
Overall, I like the song because HIKARU and KEIKO delivered a very energetic feeling. WAKANA was really pulling this single down for me... Kajiura needs to just stick to songs like "Hikarifuru" and "ring your bell" for her. I am not saying she is bad - im just saying this song does not suit her. She sounded heavenly in "ring your bell" to me, especially at "koufuku to ... Ahhh.. Utaitai" (that "ahhhhh" :D). And don't even get me started on her bridge "kimi e to" echo of KEIKO's line... OOMPH.

I agree. To me, whenever Wakana sings, she's not really trying to project anything, she's just singing. Like she never decides to go somewhat gritty in her voice whenever a dark song is on, and I understand that some people can't, but she could at least try. The best thing about Keiko and Hikaru's singing to me is how they each put their own twist on it and accord their voices to the feel of each song, but Wakana just... keeps the same the entire time.

And let's face it Keiko could have sung some of Hikaru's lines and Hikaru (maybe) could have sung some of Wakana's lives, instead of jamming Wakana in at any opportunity just because she has the highest range and can reach the notes easily.
I like wakana but of the three she definitely has the least amount of versatility. Her voice is really suited for those kinds of sad songs that Kalafina used to be known for-I think Kajiura even commented on this once.
^ more info on same event, from Facebook:

Kalafina will hold two mini lives (in Tōkyō and Hyōgo) to commemorate the release of their new single 『One Light』.

The first mini live will be held on August 15 in Odaiba Venus Fort 2F Church Square, Tōkyō.

The live will start at 2pm. There will be a sale on the spot for Kalafina's new single starting at 11am of the same day (Tower Records Shibuya). People who have bought the CD will receive a ticket to take part in the event. After the mini live, attendees will receive a signed 『One Light』 poster by Kalafina staff members.

For further information, check here:http://blog.oricon.co.jp/kalafina/archive/1192/0

The second mini live will be held on August 16 in Nishinomiya Gardens 4F Sky Garden Konoha Stage, Hyōgo.

The live will start at 2pm. In addition to a sale on the spot, you can receive a ticket if you buy the CD in one of seven participating HMV stores. The event itself will have the same procedure as the one in Tōkyō.

For further important information (including details on the partaking HMV stores), check here: http://blog.oricon.co.jp/kalafina/archive/1193/0
Wakana has a beautiful voice, but it fits to sad, melancholic songs (kagayaku, kichiigo), bright, hopefull songs (eden, hikaru furu, ryb). For me her verses before refrain don't fit to one light (in refrain she is ok).
Late to the party, but anyway I do like the song just not the first 10 seconds or so hahah. Hikaru/Keiko parts sound great and like many people always say, more Keiko pls. Personally I think Wakana is capable of singing this kind of song, but she alas sounds weak. Maybe she will sound different singing the song live since I preferred her live RYB singing over the studio recording. I wonder what the b-sides will sound like… still waiting for another song with an epic Keiko kajiurago like in lirica or red moon.
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Sooo, I just caught up with the Heroic Age of Arslan on Hulu and so One Light will be used in ep 14 or 15? I only got to 13. I mean, I've already seen it with the ending sequence but after that many episodes of a show don't they usually change the theme? Or is it only after 13?
@Liana_Ilia Usually after 12 episodes an anime changes its ending and opening themes, and Arslan Senki changed its theme on episode 13.5, a recap episode, which I believe some animes do (Attack on Titan, I think? I haven't seen enough anime to recall many) :)

「One Light~TV size~」is now available for purchase..:plz:

本日7/15(水)よりニューシングル「One Light~TV size~」先行配信スタート!

MBS/TBS系TVアニメ「アルスラーン戦記」エンディングテーマとしてOA中のKalafinaニューシングル「One Light~TV size~」を8/12(水)のリリースに先駆け、本日を7/15(水)より配信スタート!


※TV size 配信URL

Looks like the touken have been announced! The order is Animate, Gamers, Softmap, Tora no Ana, and Supporting shops (for those who just wanna glance through the pictures):

8月12日発売Kalafina ニューシングル『One Light』 購入特典が決定!!

8月12日発売Kalafina ニューシングル『One Light』(SECL-1741~1742/ SECL-1743~1744/ SECL-1745/ SECL-1746~1747/ SEJL-28)を下記店舗・ECショップにてお買い上げの方に購入特典として先着でお渡しする「Kalafina One Lightオリジナル・ポストカード」&「アルスラーン戦記」絵柄ポストカード2枚組セットとなります!!「Kalafina One Lightオリジナル・ポストカード 」は、チェーンや店舗別に異なる5種類の絵柄となり、「アルスラーン戦記」絵柄は、全店共通絵柄となります。お早めにご予約ください!!

■Kalafinaオリジナル・ポストカード 2枚組セット(アニメイトVer.)


■Kalafinaオリジナル・ポストカード2枚組セット(ソフマップ Ver.)




HMV 札幌ステラプレイス

M'sレコード アルテ店
M's EXPO 盛岡店

HMV イオンモール太田

タワーレコード 浦和店
HMV ららぽーと富士見

HMV ららぽーと柏の葉

ヨドバシカメラ マルチメディア Akiba
ヨドバシカメラ 新宿西口本店
タワーレコード 新宿店
タワーレコード 渋谷店
タワーレコード 池袋店
タワーレコード 秋葉原店
タワーレコード 吉祥寺店
タワーレコード 町田店
HMV エソラ池袋
サウンドショップ ニッポー

新星堂 海老名店 
ヨドバシカメラ マルチメディア横浜
ヨドバシカメラ マルチメディア 川崎ルフロン
タワーレコード 横浜ビブレ店

HMV イオンモール高岡
BOOKSなかだ ファボーレ店

BOOKSなかだ イオンかほく店

ライオン堂 高宮店


タワーレコード 名古屋近鉄パッセ店
タワーレコード 名古屋パルコ店
HMV イオンモール扶桑


ヨドバシカメラ マルチメディア京都

ヨドバシカメラ マルチメディア梅田
ディスクピア 日本橋店
タワーレコード 難波店
タワーレコード 梅田NU茶屋町店
タワーレコード 梅田大阪マルビル店
HMV グランフロント大阪
エーツー日本橋 オタロード店2Fアニメフロア

タワーレコード 神戸店
HMV イオンモール伊丹

TSUTAYA WAY ガーデンパーク和歌山店

今井書店グループセンター店STUDIO WONDER

タワーレコード 倉敷店

フタバ図書 サウンドGIGA広島駅前店

Sony Music Shop
@Kugayama And I didn't know, before viewing it in the supporting stores list, that Yodobashi sold not only home appliances but also music and books – I wonder if tax-free shopping applies to these too –, and after a glance on their website, it seems that their stocks at Umeda store are huge (they even have Mizuki's 2007-released Great Activity still availiable). That may change my plans and I might go there instead of Animate Dendentown. :p
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Oh Gawd, postcards from Animate, Gamers and sofmap looks so hot!! :nosebleed:
for a very good viewing:








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