I did not like misterioso until I heard it in the movie: Rebellion, then it was awesome! (I liked Madoka, so I like all tie-ins with the series, except maybe Magia Magic Mix, but I do like Magia (the live was amazing!)) Also after seeing some songs live (like Signal) I did grow to like them more. fairytale was one of those songs for me, though not live in person. I saw it on the Red Moon Live DVD and fell in love with it. (Except for Hikaru's loud "sayonara" but she has improved on that in other lives) so it's become a favorite ballad of mine. Yes, I may seem like I love every Kala song, but this song even I am not sure of yet. The chorus seems kind of choppy, and doesn't have that "Kajiura" flow or sound that we hear before it. Like I said before maybe it's the drumming or something that makes it sound "generic," but I still like believe and ring your bell. Heavenly Blue I only like the chorus and bridge. (Other songs I don't care for: in every nothing, Signal, snow falling and Magia magic mix) I actually thought of ring your bell's tv size when one light ended. The kind of weird feeling you get when something isn't right. heh I hope that the full version has something wonderful, like more Keiko, though I actually kind of don't like her one line (please don't hit me!), or more violin. I do agree about the scenes too (have not watched the episode though, as I am only on episode 5 of the first season) of the ending sequence.