Kalafina 10th Anniversary Live at Nippon Budokan (2018-01-23) (BD/DVD Release June 13/2018)

yay they performed heavenly blue! no believe though? :(
Unpopular opinion incoming:
believe has actually grown on me quite a bit. Sure, it's a run-of-the-mill kala song and Wakana sounds bored af in the studio version, but I like the melody and arrangement of it quite a bit. It has a really cool vibraphone(?) sound in the verses, and also has really rich harmonies. Also the chorus has my favorite chord progression (i-VI-VII-III) so I'm bound to like it :XD:

who knows I may be biased cause believe was the first single that released when I started listening to kala
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There's a couple songs on the setlist that I'm not the fondest of and would have preferred Mata Kaze ga and sandpiper to be somewhere in there, but otherwise I love how the voting turned out! Lirica was the number one song I wanted to be sung and now we'll (most likely) have a live video to go with it. I wanna see Keiko's Kajiurago solo. :love:

I found it interesting the lack of album-only songs being voted into the setlist. Only 4 made it (Ongaku, Natsu no Ringo, red moon, and Eden symphonia) and none of which were from consolation or fotw.
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Eden? Do you mean Symphonia?

Yeah I'd have switched Mirai for Sandpiper and HB for Matakaze in an instant. Maybe they didn't want to make it so perfect that nobody would ever come back.
Eden? Do you mean Symphonia?

Yeah I'd have switched Mirai for Sandpiper and HB for Matakaze in an instant. Maybe they didn't want to make it so perfect that nobody would ever come back.
That's what I get for making that post at 6am. :...: Yes, I meant symphonia, not Eden.
I like believe too. True, not the best song, but I like it more than HB, though HB is enjoyable live. I stand by the statement of the lives are different than in concert. Even the audio for Anime Chicago was different, but that was to be expected. They have issues, but usually quickly resolve it. Ooooh Natsu was there. I missed it. Lol So many good songs! Ugh. I am so bummed I missed it. And not being able to meet so many of you. But I am glad for those that came and can report. I hope for a release too! I am sure, since this is such an important live. I love I have a dream and Tsuioku so much, but at least we got them performed before. Tsuioku could be more though. Heh I am glad Wakana was able to do lirica well. I love that song so much too. I do agree that Magia has been there too long, and HB, but I guess it's okay. I like blaze but One Light is kind of meh and Hikaru has a hard time on it live. So I am glad for the other songs. Anyways, I hope they like our book, I am sure they will. And Yuki going past your friend Megy? OMG! I would have fainted. I met her in Boston and could barely say thank you. Haha
@Squall Leonhart from the moment they started singing in "ring your bell", I heard a difference. I was definitely naive to think that they ACTUALLY sounded like the DVD releases in their lives.

It's true, I heard a lot of flat notes, both at Budoukan and also at the acoustic live I attended last year. This surprised me a lot, not only because I'd been similarly naive, believing that they could perform perfectly or near-perfectly, but because I believed that having witnessed it. In the entire Mexico City live there was just one flat note, and I don't remember hearing a single pitch problem at Anime Central in 2013. So part of me wonders if it's getting worse... though I don't see how that's possible. It kind of hurts my soul though, since I look up to them so much as a musician.

As for the setlist, though I have my favorites, there is no Kalafina song that I dislike, and not even one I think is boring. I was very surprised to hear Lirica and Yane no Mukou ni though, since I wasn't aware that they were very popular at all. I was even more shocked, however, at the absence of Magia. I was convinced that Kalafina would never sing another live without singing Magia. But you would think, wouldn't you, that if its absence were due to everyone's being tired of it, that oblivious never would have made second place. My vote, Gloria, unfortunately didn't even make it into the top 100 (I don't think...) but that's OK, it was a wonderful concert, though to be honest, I still don't think it was quite as good as Mexico City, that one would be hard to beat.

Oh, also, I like believe as well (obviously, from what I said above). The shift from 巡り来る時の中で出会った君といた僕を信じている to 過ぎて行く時の中で出会った変わりゆく僕を信じている gets me every time.

Oh! And forgive me for not reading the entire thread, if this has already been resolved, but the concert was definitely recorded. In the pamphlet there's a list of credits for live staff, and there are three people credited with recording the event.
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What's really weird to me is that Kalafina is almost pitch perfect singing OTHER PEOPLE's songs, but not their own unless it's acapella.

Maybe they should switch from doing their own songs to being a cover group if it means they sound better live lol
I really wish Yuki would’ve been there...I was secretly hoping she’d pop out and play the piano for some of their ballads. Or even having Yuriko do back up vocals. It was definitely a Back to Basics theme which I enjoyed but apart of me wanted it to be a huge festival with all the bells and whistles. Maybe the 15th anniversary lol

but she was there? at the second floor
only part of the audience tho. welp (:

Kalafinaが武道館に響き渡らせた「未来福音」『Kalafina 10th Anniversary LIVE 2018』レポート


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2018.1.23(Tue)『Kalafina 10th Anniversary LIVE 2018』 日本武道館





万雷の拍手の中登場した三人が最初に奏でた音楽は「ring your bell」。最初から壮大な世界観を魅せつけたあとは、ライブ後半で披露されることの多い「未来」へ。立ち上がり手拍子を刻む観客もどこか「普段と違う」という感覚を覚えたかもしれない。


Keiko 撮影:キセキミチコ






今回のライブはギター是永巧一をバンマスに置いたバンドスタイルで編成されている。そこにフルートやアコーディオンが加わっていたのだが、なんだか久しぶりにバンドスタイルのKalafinaを見るような気がしてしまった。実際は7月の『9+ONE』ツアー最終日以来なので、半年も経っていないのだが、先日まで『Kalafina Acoustic Tour 2017〜“+ONE” with Strings〜』を行っていたKalafinaは2017年本当に歌い続けていた。




Wakana 撮影:キセキミチコ



その後も「傷跡」「君が光に変えて行く」と『空の境界』からの楽曲が続き、「カンタンカタン」「symphonia」と続けて歌い続けるKalafina。3人の額に珠のような汗が浮かんでいく。「2ndアルバムは一曲一曲の世界観が強いんです、この曲も気持ちを込めて歌うので、お楽しみください」Hikaruが言うと「red moon」が奏でられる。MCが少ないのに加えて、本当に最低限のことしか語らない。余計なものを削ぎ落としているかのように音楽を届け続けるその空間は、祝福の柔らかいムードから、Kalafinaが作り上げた、伝えたい物にあふれる空間へと変貌していく。

ここからのパートは圧巻だった、久々の披露となる「adore」から「to the beginning」、「progressive」と激しく展開した後にやってきたのは、ライブでは定番かつ、Kalafina最強のハード・チューン「音楽」だ。ここまでも会場の縦横無尽に走り回り、観客に手を振り、目を見つめてきた3人はここぞとばかり激しく歌い、手を振り、指を天に突き出す。


Hikaru 撮影:キセキミチコ



胸にこみ上げる熱いものを感じながら「heavenly blue」で会場の熱気は最高潮へ。行き着いた地平線のように顔を紅潮させて優しく、大きく歌われた「into the world」を終えると3人はステージ袖へ。アンコールが始まるかと思うとそのままバンドメンバーによる「君の銀の庭 Accordion solo ver. ~ nightmare ballet」へ。インストでもKalafinaの世界観をしっかりと伝えていくメンバーの演奏力の高さは言わずもがなではあるが、改めてオフボーカルで聴くとその凄さを実感する。そして光の中再登場したKalafinaは衣装を変えていた。白のドレスはまるでウェディングドレスのように見える。その輝きを振りまくように「ひかりふる」へ。












文・レポート:加東岳史 撮影:キセキミチコ

2018.1.23(Tue)『Kalafina 10th Anniversary LIVE 2018』 日本武道館

01.ring your bell
17.red moon
19.to the beginning
22.heavenly blue
23.into the world
24.君の銀の庭 Accordion solo ver. ~ nightmare ballet (inst)
In hindsight, I was very upset when heavenly blue played after Ongaku. The energy from Ongaku completely faded out for me. I would've much preferred blaze ~_~ am I the only one here that likes blaze LMAO