Super Late 10th Anniversary Live Report!
This was my first Kala live ever, basically a dream come true and I couldn't contain my happiness and nervousness! (Special thanks to putschki1969 from Tumblr (
@putschki1969 ) for all her tutorials, this wouldn't have been possible for me without her!)
I arrived at the venue around 3 pm (3 hrs before the live, 1 hr after the goods sale has started), and my god, THAT QUEUE!! I've never seen such a queue in my entire life.. at this point I wondered if I could make it on time.. but I queued anyway, and I ended up buying for some of my friends too (oh you're welcome
@Atlas Star , just saw your post and I'm glad I could help! ps: that Hikaru coin purse tho right?!). Anyway, my turn finally came and it was 6:15 pm.. I freaked out and the fact that most of the shit I wanted was sold out already did not help at all lol, so I ended up pointing at stuff to the salesperson like a maniac and my hands were shaking when i tried to get out my money lol I was in a shit situation xD Now less than 10 mins are left!! I ran to the first floor and thankfully some staff guided me to my seat (attaching a pic of my view). The view was great and my seat was the first in the line so there were just stairs to my right, meaning I had extra space to jump around lol. The lights started dimming, music started playing, and I started shaking xD The girls came up on stage on a platform and I clapped and screamed like a maniac. Now to the actual concert:
01.ring your bell: Hikaru and Keiko started out okay, Wakana joined and was flat AF xD I was like noooo Wakana please don't continue like this, and thankfully she adjusted and became perfect. Wakana actually sounded so good I was quite surprised, and her 2nd high "beeeeeell" sounded great and perfectly pitched, much better than their other live releases. I don't like this song, but was a good warm up for them I guess..
02.未来: I was like yuck, 2 songs I hate in a row just why. Almost everyone in the venue stood up and got excited for this.. Didn't pay much attention so I can't give a proper review.
03.lirica: This was extremely unexpected for me, I remember dropping my jaw when Keiko announced it in the MC, and I also remember hearing ppl around me saying huuuh in surprise and excitement.. My god, was this a perfect performance in every way.. Wakana was pitch-perfect and sounded SO GOOD in her verses!!! Keiko harmonised perfectly too, and Wakana's high chorus was great too, and Hikaru's harmonisation was so good. Now to the Kajiurago bridge.. KEIKO KILLED IT!!! Was so deep and filled Budokan!! I really wanted to jump/scream/clap after her solo, but wouldn't be appropriate for this kind of song lol. Great great great performance.
Bonus thoughts: The strings in the verses were great, and it was so fun to look at the band picking their strings in this part! I hope they show some footage of them in the release!
04.満天: YES!! MANTEN!! was a nice follow-up to Lirica. Wakana sounded great (at this point I realised that Wakana will dominate this live) Hikaru was weak in her verses.. Keiko was good in her solo, but I really miss the way she used to sing it in 2012-2013 with some vibrato to "deshoooou", but it sounded good anyway.
05.屋根の向こうに: I have only heard this song once or twice in my life lol, was quite surprised to see it make an appearance! I didn't know it was popular at all! Keiko sounded great in her verses, Hikaru.. not so much :( Wakana killed it as usual.
06.光の旋律: I know this song is overplayed, but I really enjoy it, and was happy to see it. Hikaru was good in her verses, much like 9+one. Wakana was great, Keiko was great too (but kinda loud and screaming at times) and her solo was good also. Hikaru's high harmonies were great (a few flats here and there, so those of you who think that her high harmonies in this song are always playback can trust me on this).
Bonus thoughts: The flute was so good, I'm so happy that Akagi-san was there,
07.storia: Eh.. I don't like this song, but they were good.
08.夏の林檎: WHAT?!!! NATSU NO RINGO?!?! At this point I wondered if this was real xD Too many surprise appearances so far!! Wakana was on fire, Keiko was great.. and Hikaru.. was okay. And of course they performed it the way they did in Red Day, with Wakana and Hikaru switching parts.
09.serenato: So.. the accordion started.. and I definitely realised it was Serenato (there were minor hints in the solo). I KNEW they'd perform this! My happiness could not be contained!! THAT PERCUSSION THO!! They started with their kajiurago, THEY ALL KILLED IT!! Hikaru sang using her falsetto, and it was on point, provided a more calming atmosphere to the song than her old regular voice singing (tho way less fierce). Wakana was on fiiiiiirrrrrreeeeeeeeee!! It was obvious that she was enjoying this song!! Keiko was great in her harmonies, and Hikaru as well. I REALLY can't wait for the live release!!
10.ARIA: Oh shit.. The moment of truth.. My heart started pounding so hard.. Please.. I don't want to see Hikaru screw this up!! This is one of my absolute fav songs and I have a strong emotional connection with it! Those were the thoughts in my head xD The song started in a lower key, as expected (one key lower). Hikaru started singing.. HER VERSES WERE SO GOOD!! The lower key really suits the song and makes it sound way more tragic, sad and lonely. She sang in a very very very sad and broken way, and you can actually see all those feelings in her face :( Wakana and Keiko were also great with their harmonies. The kajiurago kinda uplifted the sad mood of the song. Wakana sang her chorus lines beautifully. Solid performance overall, although Hikaru still struggled with the chorus.. even with the lower key. My favorite ARIA ever.
Bonus thoughts: I really love this new ARIA, and prefer Hikaru's way of singing here and this key over the old one, it suits the lyrics way more, It brought tears to my eyes and made me cry like a baby. The cello was more apparent, and really added to the song atmosphere. Percussion was very very very good, it's good to finally see this song with percussion!! (PS: I tried singing this version of ARIA in karaoke with this lower key and took a vid of me singing it, let me know if anyone wants to have a look to know what to expect from the new ARIA. God I'm not even kidding I cried :'( I really prefer this key on ARIA.)
11.sprinter: wait what Sprinter NOW this early in the setlist why xD?!?! Hikaru did good, although was a bit flat in some points. Keiko was on point, a bit loud at times tho. Wakana was great.
12.oblivious: Of course, wouldn't be an anniversary live without it. Hikaru started in falsetto (like 9+one), started her first line a bit flat but then adjusted, she was so good. Wakana and Keiko were great, and their "itsuka kimi to.." part was very emotional. Solid performance.
13.傷跡: Another surprise appearance!! Was a great performance by all three, Hikaru was great with her high harmonies, Wakana and Keiko also great with their solos and harmonies. This live can't get any better; I thought to myself.
14.君が光に変えて行く: NOOOOOOO YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING ME!!! MY FAV SONG UGH SOMEONE HELP I CAN'T!! But then.. Keiko sings with her cutesy voice kjsadfh76$%2c4td UGH why Keiko just whhhhhhhy!! Someone needs to tell Keiko to stop using that voice forever, please. Wakana DELIVERED!! Aaaaah Wakana was so good!! :((( Nothing much to say about Hikaru here, her harmonies were on point. Great performance EXCEPT WHEN KEIKO WAS USING THAT CUTESY VOICE. Sorry I'm still mad about it and can't get over it.
15.カンタンカタン: This is too much, at this point I got overwhelmed by the amount of good songs in this live lol. Wakana sounded MUCH BETTER than the studio version!! God what was happening in the studio, I wonder! Hikaru's solo was eh okay I guess. Keiko AGAIN used her fake cutesy voice for her solo :((( to me, that's basically the highlight of the song, so I was very disappointed, even though she hit her notes perfectly. I know in the studio version there are hints of cutesy in her solo, but it didn't matter much. Anyway, solid performance overall and Wakana sounded kinda more sad.
16.symphonia: Not a fan of this song, didn't pay much attention. moon: YeeeeY finally a song I voted for! I was so excited and scared at the same time, cuz their last performance of this song (arena) was so dead. Hikaru and Keiko's kajiurago start was perfect, Wakana started singing and.. was kinda lacking energy.. Keiko's harmonising was SO GOOD throughout the whole song. Hikaru.. well.. It makes me sad to say this but I think Hikaru can't sing Red Moon anymore. Her chorus lines were so weak and you can see/hear the struggle. Keiko's final solo was great and gave me goosebumps. Wakana's delivery lacked energy overall, but she hit all her highs and lows perfectly.
18.adore: What? Is this AE Live xD? Was a nice performance overall. the beginning: I like this song, I know it's overplayed but it was my introduction to Kalafina, so it has a special place in my heart. Was a solid performance by Wakana and Keiko for such a hard song, Hikaru sounded a bit strained. I also knew this would be performed, the stage got lit in rainbow colors, was so cool. A solid performance by all three! Surprisingly, Hikaru was able to perform this song and did so well! Not a favorite of mine, but I enjoyed this performance.
21.音楽: Of course, wouldn't be a Kalafina Live without Ongaku xD Was a nice performance with a MAJOR WaKei moment <3333 Keiko ran to Wakana right before her solo and jumped on her and hugged her so hard xD was super cute!! All 3 were great, and my god this is my fav Wakana-Ongaku ever!! Her solo WAS SO GOOD! The band introductions this time were nice, not as boring as they were before. Bonus thoughts: Wakana was REALLY having fun, dancing so hard and jumping around.. I've never seen her this excited before.
22.heavenly blue: Bleh, I sat down.
23.into the world: I can't get myself to like this song. Solid performance by all three tho.
24.君の銀の庭 Accordion solo ver. ~ nightmare ballet (inst): I'm sorry but I took this chance to run to the restroom xD.
25.ひかりふる: Started with a piano solo, and the girls came in with wedding dresses.. I was like WTF why the wedding dresses xD they were nice anyway and fit the song. The song started with just Wakana and the piano.. was absolutely wonderful and breathtaking :(((( they all sounded more emotional! The drums and the whole band kicked in together right before Hikaru's "hakanasugite.."!! WAS SO GOOD!! Major goosebumps! Keiko's "mabushii asaaaaaaaa.." was great, but I think she held it longer in the Arena Live. Beautiful beautiful performance.
26.百火撩乱: So Akagi-san came, and started playing a flute solo, very Japanese-sounding, so I knew what the next song would be. The girls started taking off some parts of their wedding dresses to reveal their "real dresses" under lol. I still laugh at how Hikaru was throwing away her wedding dress like a piece of trash xD Anyway, the instrumental part started, and the stage was illuminated in red. Keiko started her lines (Wakana didn't harmonise "yume wo miteeeeee"), Keiko was nice.. but I prefer how she sang in the studio version :/ I don't know how to explain it, but in the studio version, she sang like "nait
aaa, omott
aaa, kitt
ooo, yoru n
ooo", but here in this live she ended them very abruptly and suddenly, like "nai
Ta, omo
TTa, ki
TTo, yoru
No". In other words, the last syllables of those words were 3 three times shorter than the studio version, and that annoyed me so much, made the verses sound less powerful. (I hope someone actually understood what I meant xD). Hikaru sounded weaker, even in her bridge where she's supposed to sound powerful. Wakana on the other hand, sang wonderfully, and took less breaths in the chorus, which sounded better for the song. Keiko's "yaibaaaaa" was much better and longer than the studio version. (Forgive my super picky and detailed review of this performance, but HR one of my favs and I spent a long time to cover this song so I know pretty much everything about this song in detail.)
Bonus thoughts: The flute was super good.
27.アレルヤ: A perfect ending song to the concert. Was a very emotional performance, and all three delivered beautifully, and the WaHi harmonies were great this time. I also like Hikaru in this song. Keiko really did sing well here too. My fav Alleliua performance ever.
So the concert ended, and the girls looked super duper emotional and moved, Wakana cried in her speech, Keiko took a few deep breaths before her speech and spoke with a super shaky voice then turned her face away and cried, Hikaru did not look that moved to me xD.
Overall, a very solid concert, I am so happy I got to experience such a concert, solid setlist, solid performance, and more songs than usual.
Highlights: ARIA, Serenato, Lirica, KantanKatan, Kimi ga, Natsu no Ringo.
General Notes:
- For such an event, I expected way more in terms of stage production and crowd involvement, but oh well they made up for that with the extra squeezed in songs.
- Wakana was on fire pretty much the whole concert, she literally dominated, and was having a good time and dancing around and having fun. I really couldn't take my eyes off her. I hope they show more of her in the live release.
- Keiko was great too, she harmonised perfectly and delivered her solo lines greatly (except for when she used her FAKE CUTESY voice). Was sometimes screaming and singing loudly tho.
- Hikaru was Hikaru, struggling at highs, sounding good at times tho. I am really worried about Hikaru, sometimes her voice just goes away while singing, it was painful for me to watch (especially that Red Moon performance). At this point, I don't know anymore if it's a matter of permanent damage or what exactly.
- The first dresses were nice, though Wakana's dress was my personal favorite, it looked much much much much much better in real life than in pics, it was sparkly and elegant, it fir her perfectly. Keiko's dress was okay, nothing special in my opinion but the colors were super nice, reminded me of their 2014 tour dresses. Hikaru's dress was very very nice, but I hated that baggy sleeve.. I mean why make it baggy, would've looked much better if it was fitted.
-I don't know what to think of the wedding dresses, a part of me likes them and the other part thinks they're over the top and unnecessary. They made more sense when they took them off, Wakana looked so weird though with her long skirt lol, the other two were very nice.
-I was sure they'd play Marchen in its REAL version with the flute this time, but nope I was wrong. I'm too disappointed, I really wanted to see it live and it's a recent song and has only been performed in one tour while INTO THE WORLD has been performed way more. Also no Magia or Destination Unknown made me sad, I really wanted to see Hikaru hold dem notes live :(
-Budokan is such a beautiful venue inside-out! I imagined it to be MUCH MUCH bigger inside but it turned out to be way smaller than I imagined xD.
- The percussion added A LOT of depths to some songs! Percussion should really be a staple in their tours.