Kalafina 10th Anniversary Live at Nippon Budokan (2018-01-23) (BD/DVD Release June 13/2018)

My only disappointment is that they played Hevenry Blu instead of say, Matakaze. That's all I'd change really. I'm not a huge fan of RYB or Mirai either but it allowed the girls to warm up with songs I don't really care enough about if they aren't perfect.

And yeah the difference between the recordings and the actual lives is massive. I love their live releases but there's really nothing quite like actually attending a live, it's such a beautiful experience. Feels so much more natural.

Still, this was the best Heavenly Blue ever!!! It was so good I started jumping!
The single guy in the entire Budoukan jumping :TdT:
Still, this was the best Heavenly Blue ever!!! It was so good I started jumping!
The single guy in the entire Budoukan jumping :TdT:
I was doing Kala-hand-motions in my seat! I didn't jump ... was afraid I was gonna fall off the second floor ....

But honestly, HB is super anticlimactic after ONGAKU.... they had the crowd going for ongaku and then in HB I felt like the energy sorta died down....
I was doing Kala-hand-motions in my seat! I didn't jump ... was afraid I was gonna fall off the second floor ....

But honestly, HB is super anticlimactic after ONGAKU.... they had the crowd going for ongaku and then in HB I felt like the energy sorta died down....

A true Man would not be afraid of falling from the second floor, if being noticed by the Girls is at stake :listen:

Tho I agree there was very little space, so being light helped there a lot :XD:
The blank message pages of our book were filled with messages from local and overseas fans but I haven’t taken any photos of it.

I put the message book into the present box of Kalafina after the live, I am sure that the girls will receive it.

PS: the Japanese fans also praised our book when I showed to them.
For anyone wondering this was the stage. Photo credits to a fellow fan sitting 2 rows in front of me in section A6 who managed to sneaky snap a pic of the stage.


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I really wish Yuki would’ve been there...I was secretly hoping she’d pop out and play the piano for some of their ballads. Or even having Yuriko do back up vocals. It was definitely a Back to Basics theme which I enjoyed but apart of me wanted it to be a huge festival with all the bells and whistles. Maybe the 15th anniversary lol
Hm, didn't they say their plan was to focus on the singing more rather than theatrics this time around? Sure I heard that mentioned somewhere. Also I do wonder if they decided to go back to their old style of live performances as a throwback to where they started.

Whilst it might seem kinda basic compared to what they could've done to some of us I reckon it might've well been a huge nostalgia hit for those who've been there from the start.

Also the Hikaru operatics were at the start of Oblivious.
Hmm? I don't remember I've seen that one before.
It would be sad if they just turned back tho. I find their most recent performances pretty epic. Especially the arena lives!
I wonder then.
Still the prior promotion of the live was minimal. Also they didn't talk much about it being an anniversary in MCs, or talking about the future. Hope the movie has some news in stock.

@kala x ace oh, Yuki was there! She rushed right beside my friend...while I was in the restroom :...:
But she was in the audience tho, no performing
The blank message pages of our book were filled with messages from local and overseas fans but I haven’t taken any photos of it.

I put the message book into the present box of Kalafina after the live, I am sure that the girls will receive it.

PS: the Japanese fans also praised our book when I showed to them.

Waaaaaaaaaaa I'm really happy that the japanese fans praised our book!! I really also hope that the girls will show some reactions in their blog post soon!! *cross finger
Good thing the ranking is posted on the FC site, because I ended up staring at the PV montage more and stopped paying attention to the song titles about 1/4 through.

The top 24 songs were part of the set.
1 位 アレルヤ 590 票
2 位 sprinter 535 票
3 位 oblivious 444 票
4 位 光の旋律 368 票
5 位 adore 333 票
6 位 満天 332 票
7 位 ARIA 323 票
8 位 into the world 314 票
9 位 heavenly blue 284 票
10 位 屋根の向こうに 272 票
11 位 君が光に変えて行く 270 票
12 位 傷跡 270 票
13 位 progressive 270 票
14 位 red moon 263 票
15 位 lirica 254 票
16 位 ring your bell 247 票
17 位 夏の林檎 245 票
18 位 storia 240 票
19 位 serenato 234 票
20 位 to the beginning 218 票
21 位 ひかりふる 209 票
22 位 symphonia 192 票
23 位 未来 185 票
24 位 音楽 182 票
25 位 I have a dream 181 票
26 位 五月雨が過ぎた頃に 179 票
27 位 また風が強くなった 171 票
28 位 夢の大地 171 票
29 位 Eden 170 票
30 位 sandpiper 168 票
31 位 seventh heaven 165 票
32 位 far on the water 164 票
33 位 むすんでひらく 152 票
34 位 neverending 150 票
35 位 胸の行方 147 票
36 位 アレルヤ ~piano ver.~ 143 票
37 位 fantasia 140 票
38 位 Gloria 130 票
39 位 君の銀の庭 128 票
40 位 destination unknown 127 票
41 位 believe 127 票
42 位 One Light 127 票
43 位 星の謡 121 票
44 位 Door 121 票
45 位 五月の魔法 119 票
46 位 Magia 109 票
47 位 追憶 109 票
48 位 sprinter ~with strings ver.~ 107 票
49 位 oblivious ~俯瞰風景mix 104 票
50 位 sapphire 102 票
51 位 Kyrie 99 票
52 位 blaze 99 票
53 位 monochrome 97 票
54 位 obbligato 93 票
55 位 輝く空の静寂には 92 票
56 位 love come down 91 票
57 位 misterioso 89 票
58 位 やさしいうた 88 票
59 位 moonfesta~ムーンフェスタ~ 86 票
60 位 Lacrimosa 85 票
61 位 君が光に変えて行く ~acoustic ver. 84 票
62 位 consolation 79 票
63 位 こいびとの昔語りの夕暮れの 73 票
64 位 Magia[quattro] 71 票
65 位 傷跡 ~Piano2 mix 69 票
66 位 fairytale 68 票
67 位 ring your bell (in the silence) 67 票
68 位 明日の景色 64 票
69 位 テトテトメトメ 62 票
70 位 ring your bell ~with strings ver.~ 62 票
71 位 identify 60 票
72 位 真昼 57 票
73 位 interlude 01 56 票
74 位 in your eyes 52 票
75 位 花束 50 票
76 位 メルヒェン 50 票
77 位 signal 44 票
78 位 春を待つ 44 票
79 位 春は黄金の夢の中 43 票
80 位 夏の朝 42 票
81 位 闇の唄 38 票
82 位 magnolia 35 票
83 位 in every nothing 35 票
84 位 空色の椅子 35 票
85 位 九月 33 票
86 位 snow falling 32 票
87 位 lapis 31 票
88 位 うつくしさ 30 票
89 位 君の銀の庭 ~with strings ver.~ 30 票
90 位 木苺の茂みに 28 票
91 位 into the water 24 票
92 位 interlude 02 22 票
93 位 灯影 20 票
94 位 fairytale ~with strings ver.~ 19 票
95 位 うすむらさき 17 票
96 位 al fine 12 票
97 位 dolce ~with strings ver.~ 11 票
98 位 ことのは 9 票
99 位 intermezzo 7 票
100 位 finale 6 票
101 位 dolce 5 票
  トータル 13301 票
@Squall Leonhart no no no when I say raw I mean "unedited". There DEFINITELY is studio editing in their audio/video releases. I know that for a solid fact now. The flat notes, sharp notes, overpowering vocals of one singer over the other, reverb level, echo level... from the moment they started singing in "ring your bell", I heard a difference. I was definitely naive to think that they ACTUALLY sounded like the DVD releases in their lives.

BUT I MUCH PREFER RAW LIVE AUDIO OVER EDITED STUDIO MAGIC AUDIO. It's so much more real and less of a facade...

Interesting. I would love for the live blu rays and studio albums to be mastered as raw as possible. The audiophile in me wishes they would rerelease the albums remastered.

I noticed my Kalafina Red Day Blu Ray has a lot of reverb and echo. Others are not as effected for some reason.

Studio magic gets brought up a lot on this forum but I don't know what it is. Is it software studio editors use?
For the simple reason that DVDs/BDs are mass market products and if the songs don't match the expectation of the consumers then it can hurt their reputation.

So we might be fine with some of the idiosyncrasies and 'live magic' of the lives, but they won't be suitable for most listeners who only know the CDs.
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So we might be fine with some of the idiosyncrasies and 'live magic' of the lives, but they won't be suitable for most listeners who only know the CDs.
Good point.

No its not a specific software like photoshop is lol we just call that all the things they do to make the girls sound better on CDs or Live BDs

Thanks for clearing that up. Every time I read studio magic I kept thinking it sounded like a software product haha :D
I have a dream was literally a single vote away from being performed (and beaten by the inevitable 音楽 too) :comeback:

Anyway, This is some really good data for the girls to consider, it shows them what the fans enjoy and if they enjoy it too, then they can perform it and it's a win-win all around :goodjob:

I am surprised Magia is all the way down at 46, and Kimi no Gin no Niwa at 39, considering they're some of Kala's best selling singles. Maybe in Magia's case fans have just gotten tired of it :XD:
It's not a really a vote of popularity, or which songs they like most, it was just which ones they wanted performed at 10th anni.

Magia and KnGnN has been overperformed, no doubt about it. Most Kalafina fans have seen at almost every anime live or concert, so it's understandable that it's way at the bottom. I'm just surprised heavenly blue is way up there, because it's overperformed AND shit.
Magia and KnGnN has been overperformed, no doubt about it. Most Kalafina fans have seen at almost every anime live or concert, so it's understandable that it's way at the bottom.
I often wonder what goes through their minds nowadays when they perform these songs, especially something as dramatic as Magia. There has to be at least a few times where Hikaru (or Wakana/Keiko but they don't have as much lead) just wasn't connecting with the song, considering how much they perform it