Thanks!Impressive! Your performance was really good, especially the high note part.![]()

Omg, really? But I wouldn't have cared nevertheless. It's Kalafina! ^0^ Still very happy for (and envious of) the people who could come to their Mexico live! *0* So happy they took lots of photos and videos though! :3 I wonder if kuSony's going to take those down someday... (guys, you know what to do... DOWNLOADDDDD!! while they last lmao)We all make mistakes (even Kalafina- just this weekend Wakana messed up one of the lines to FotW in their Mexico concert). Hikari furu's beginning is especially a difficult one, as there's virtually no background music to signify the start (except that piano), and nothing to keep time. Even Wakana has trouble keeping a constant tempo.
Yes! Amazing! I am okay at singing but even get embarrassed at church if I mess up (So you can imagine how I was singing for the Yuki birthday project of the everlasting song cover. And playing the violin for recitals too). heh Yeah, I wish that person next to the camera would have stopped talking, but oh well. It's not your fault. My violin teacher always says before every recital that music is meant to be shared with others, and if you are good at something you should share it. (Or something like that.) And it always amazes me at when people can sing/play an instrument so well in front of others. (Why I respect Kala so much) And that is a hard song to sing. So I applaud you.(Also I like your shirt.)

Yeah, I've seen one of your videos doing some recitals and you seem to be quite shy about it too @_@ Honestly I have little to no confidence in myself when I go on stage, but when I joined a couple of choirs before, suddenly I don't feel so shy. Since there are people I sing (and harmonize... hopefully) with, I get my confidence from them on stage. It's much more comfortable singing with a group, actually. That's why I still can't believe how well this went... despite the mistakes, of course. :P I shall do more of the sharing, especially with Kalafina's song! I want people to know them more~ :3 There's another fan who keeps singing Kalafina/FJ/YK songs when she joins these anime/JPop singing contests, but sadly she wasn't around for this event. She was so happy (and impressed

Thank you so muchCongrats @sutekinanijinoiro!Just saw the video; you sound amazing!

Thanks!Very nice! It must have been so scary to go up in front of all those people, I never could have done that. pachi-pachi