I have reached Yuki nirvana
Yes, she makes everything better. Her laugh is pure delight. 
I am feeling good today. Also, I got refunded to almost $100 from CDJapan. I checked my PayPal yesterday to find that nice surprise. heh I wish I could find money like that every day. Also getting my hair done today, it really needs it.
EDIT: You guys!!!! Aimer started to follow me on Twitter after I followed her! I mean, it doesn't come close to if Yuki or company would follow me, but it's still pretty cool. I love Twitter. :) Edit again: It wasn't Aimer, but a fan of her. Grr. I feel so stupid. *sigh*

I am feeling good today. Also, I got refunded to almost $100 from CDJapan. I checked my PayPal yesterday to find that nice surprise. heh I wish I could find money like that every day. Also getting my hair done today, it really needs it.
EDIT: You guys!!!! Aimer started to follow me on Twitter after I followed her! I mean, it doesn't come close to if Yuki or company would follow me, but it's still pretty cool. I love Twitter. :) Edit again: It wasn't Aimer, but a fan of her. Grr. I feel so stupid. *sigh*
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